^ tMIIHIIItMIIHMtMIIIMMIMItUtMIIIIMMHMMIIIIimUMMMMMtMIMMMMMMttllMUMMIIMMm Happy Birthday, Mi HWHimnM?Minmm?iimininimnninw?HtwMHn?tHtmmiinmwiwintinmiiHiMi make the time to drive your BMW "across our black town?" Lord, what will your white friends ed this w think?!? his hand Well, who cares what they think?!? We that hav< as a people must come to the realization bank. Nc that NO ONE can save us from us, or for , he had 1( us, but us! Supporting Mechanics and approxirc Farmers is supporting the economic viabili- congrega ty of our community. So, come on y'all, the sense get with it!! considera Perhaps most disheartening, though, is Farmers. ^The^piliful, pathetic record of support by I don't Naomi's View MNMlMik. NAOMI BUI McLEAN ^ Someone has said: "People who have patience are contented people. They will never become nervous wrecks or develop an illness over small matters. They do not hurry through their daily lives trying toget everything done and then accomplishing nothing. They do not consider waiting a * necessary evil." How-different people pass their time while they are waiting is interesting to note; their actions depend mainly on what they are waiting for and, of course, how long they have been waiting. It seems that some people become nervous when they have to wait for any length of time. They begin to pace the floor or to drum their fingers or even mutter to tnemselves. But this is not true of all people. There are those who are quite calm and relaxed while they await the arrival of their dinner partner or their waiter to serve them at a restaurant. They do not become annoyed when a friend is late for an appointment. If they cannot be waited upon immediately in a store, they will simply smile at the sales clerk and of course, allow her to finish with another customer. But...what about the man who has his automobile double-parked in front of a department store where his wife is shopping? He is impatient. Lighting a cigarette, he will glance nervously at his watch and keep a sharp eye out for a policeman who might give him a ticket. He might drum fingers impatiently on the steering wheel or try 10 get interested in a newspaper article. Really, the poor man doesn't know whether to circle the block or to take a chance on staying where he is. If he drives around the block, he might get caught in traffic. Too, his wife may come out of the store and have to hold heavy packages as she waits for him, getting more annoyed a* the time goes by. . ^ y,. # Yet, if he stays where he is, he will probably tie up traffic and be the object of disdainful looks from other drivers. Also, the risk of getting a ticket is involved. Next, we have the restless patients who are waiting to see the doctor. The woman sitting near the door tries to quiet her little boy who is passing the time by tearing up magazines. The coughing of an elderly man bothers another woman, and she attempts to drown out the sound by rattling the pages of the paper she is reading. Thciratiem^are annoyed at having4<^waiHind complain to one another. Soon, the nurse ^sks for the next patient. Usually the woman who has been most impatient will be the one who is very disturbed if the doctor appears to be rushing through her visit. So, we spend a good deal of our lives waiting. We wait for summer vacations or some special occasion or a mppt 1 n O with nncciKK; on aM frinnrl mknm " ? >>V?>II1Q " im pviljiuij Ul A V/IW 1 I IW1IU VTIIUIII wc nave IIUI seen in years. Children, of course, are always looking forward to something. They anxiously await birthday parties, the annual trip to the circus, and especially the holidays when they receive gifts. In a summary, most of the time we are waiting for something. IIIIIIIHimillHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIUIIIMIMIIIIHim m MarM I CHE "TTTHE From Page 4 IIINItllllHttttlllfllllllllllllllHtllHItmilllll so explore each one until you are satisfied you can get f the full benefit of martial | ; |M>u{d f|fce f arts training. win*on-Sale Expense may be a pro- my mubacriptl blem, but usually YMCAs are not too expensive, and Name there's always the option of ! Address getting a book from the I p.. library to familiarize | ^ yourself with the art itself. * Having a black belt in ! Enclomed pU karate or a black or red sash I for amoa in Kung Fu is the ultimate I ?Hrr-< goal, but in terms of the? a ?1 Kail i mama] aris as a stress management tool, neither is a must. The most important I goal in stress management I ^ would be to reduce the I ^ amount of physiological and psychological stress on I wmt*% the self. I E? Remember, restoring the body-mind flow is the goal I w W Tm * in all stress-reduction pro- I WWllJStOH ^ grams. To flow with the Yin and Yang p IMMIIMIMIIHIUUUIMINIHIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIHHHIMi echanics Ai MMItHMtMtMHMMMMtllMIIMMIMItMMMIIIIMMIIMII ; churches. Brother White inforr riter that to date, he can count < s the number of black church ; opened main accounts with tl >w, the last time I saw Mel Whit ) fingers, which means that out lately 150 predominantly bla< tions, less than 8 percent have h< of responsibility to deposit the ble resources with Mechanics ar mean "no harm." but 1 am ce Dr. Charles Fa Body L: Guide 1 Did you know that your behavior can indicate what you~are thinking? Often,? your body may be a better, more accurate guide to your ~~ feelings and emotions than anything you say. A person can look at you and often know exactly what your mood is. This way of communicating?with?your? behavior Is sometimes called "body language." Body language is not a science and the same behavior of two people does not always mean the same thing. However, you can use behavior as a general guide to a person's personality. The face is the most obvious indicator of feelings. Wide-open eyes usually indicate fear or hostility. When the teeth are tightly clenched and the eyebrows wrinkle, you can be certain that the subject is angry. Did you ever notice that a person who wants to ignore you, and wants you to know it, often turns his or her head away from you and stares down- at the ground? A wrinkled forehead and a slight frown usually provide very convincing evidence that your presence is not desired. The "Dictionary of Body Language" is broad and interesting. Some of the vocabulary follows. (Some of this information is taken from the book "How To D ?? A A n * ' * rvvau n I~CISUI1 L1KC /V Book" ? by Gerald Nicrcnberg and Henry Calero): Antagonism, hostility, anger and rebellion are inCKOU1 NEWS.. ........J o receive the m Chronicle. Please enter on for one year. _ State I tame find my check/mone\ cut of $IS.52. 3F-TOWN SUBSCRIBERS - PLEASE ADO 1 to: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Wlnmton-Salem Chronicle P.O. Box 3154 Wlnmton-Salem. NC 27102 a 11 the whol \-Salem Ch ih? (4*1 V\intlcvi ( iimmumi, S,n< * 11/4 id Farmer Ti- tain that God will I :>n Mechanics and Farrru es not more ? than h< he NCNB, First Unioi e. Clearly, our preachei of missionaries and U ck better. ad When all God's ch ii/i - ? ' ' ii . wnai a aay oj rejc id For when we put c Mechanics and Fat r- It will hasten the d ulkner anguage: A o Your Ei dicated by a tight jaw.? Guilt and discornfort are indicaied by a failure to~ look into a person's eyes when being spoken to7 Defensiveness, aggressiveness or hostility are indicated by severe and continued eye contact. Defensiveness and insecurity are indicated by crossed legs, rigid bodys? crossed arms, clenched fist, the inability to look one in the eye when talking or the leg over a chair with the back partially turned to the other person. Relaxation, security and - rapport are indicated by uncrossed legs, attentive facial look, uncrossed arms and exposure of the palms of the hand. Extreme insecurity is indicated bv a squeezing of the fist, or grasping of the armc ?* V* Boredom is indicated by crossed legs and kicking motion. Attentiveness is indicated by a slight leaningToward the speaker and uncrossed legs. Agreement is indicated by leaning toward the edge of the seat/ For the behaviors noted above to be useful signs for interpreting behavior, you must combine certain signals with certain other signals. Otherwise, you might make a clear misinterpretation of the meaning of the gesture. The definitions of behavior are general and should be carefully evaluated in conjunction j I Z?P j y order 11.00) e story I po/yc/e I * ? From Page 4 imMimiMiiiitiitiiiiiimiiiaitiuMtiMiHttitiiiMt ?less your money at J rrs just as much ? if * does at Wachovia, S l, Southern, etc../. Mel s, trustees, deacons, Beri lypersons must do Boa - y?u ildren get together, Sale ncing that will be... beir >wr money in the 'mers, com }ay when we are ecoi accurate 1 notions < with other information about a person for it to be valid-.-For- instance, somepeople cross their legs to relax. Hnwpvpr if th* Imc are crossed, the arms cross- 1 ed and eye contact avoided, you may then interpret the behavior as indicative of i personal insecurity and defensiveness. i B mone save i makii joinin ?? Savin ofeac for a i adrei safest gain c u / Iwl MR A putvir ??ryic? ot publication WJJJJ ?n<J Th? Advertising Council The Chronicle, lllllMMMmiMtMMIMIMIMIItttlHIIMMMIIMMtllttMlllttMMttllttlltltMIM "ree... 0, in closing, 1 say Happy Birthday to 1, Betty, Sharon, Tammi, Angela, Billie, nice, Loretta, Gwen, Thomas, and the rd of Directors. Congratulations on r first year of service to Winstonrrv. Keep on keeping on; for more than ig a full-service bank, you symbolize hopes and aspirations of a people ? a imunity ? in dire need of a sound lomic base. tntUUMMMUMIIIUIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIMIMNIIUIMHIMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIII Chronicle T>ette Because of your generous contributions, the particpants were more than able to meet in an atmosphere of "fun and fellowship." Your care and concern for your community and its citizens are to be commend?d. May we continue to serve each other in The Myth From Pagi or the death penalty are represented b., court-appointed lawyers who are overworked and underpaid. As Tom Wicker states, "those wealthy and knowledgeable enough to hire good lawyers seldom suffer the death penalty." It is clear that the criminal justice system "cannot prevent in PI 4 Iime and agair . you've heard it sai y, you have to have money The truth is, you have to I noney before you can thin! ig more. That's why more and moi g the Payroll Savings Plan .gs Bonds. That way, a little ?. ? - ft paycheck automatically. In no time, you'U have enc lew car, your child's edlicat im vacation. Whatever you save for, B( , surest way to apital. lake . stock mAm v - wii iton put fxirt of your savings into L'.S Sai inf. )>mn to hnild (i brighter future for your country Thursday. September 16. 1982-Page 5 MmmmMWIIHIWHHIHWHMimHtHIUmHIIHMHMHHMIIMHimMH X/ WIMMMMMMHMHtMMHIIMMIIIMMIMMIItlMHMIIIIIIItllMIIHIIIIMIItlH May you assets always exceed your liabilities. To my wife Sylvia, and daughter Thema, I also extend birthday greetings, with the sincere hope that the investment of love which we-deposit with each other today, will bring forth bountiful returns tomorrow and always. God Bless you both.., (By the way, Thema insisted that I inform you that she already has opened up a "modest" savings account at Mechanics and Farmers; what's your excuse?) MimWHHUiinilUHIIIlllMMHIMIIimiHIHWMIININNIlHIHUHimiW rs From Page 4 ( Ill I Mill I ( Hill II a positive manner. Again, thank you! The Sunrise Towers Bingo Club and Betty Jeffries Winston-Salem Recreation Dept. ItttMMIMIMIttlMMMMMtltMIIIMIIIIMIMtMMIItllllllllllMlllllltlllllllll e 4 -? :? :?? INIMMIIIMIIIIIMIItlHIUIIIIIIIItlllllltllllllltltllUlHHtttlllllMtllllltll justices" and "arbitrary and capricious judgements." Langston Hughes once said the same thing, even more eloquently: "That Justice is a blind goddess/Is a thing to which we black are wise/Her bandage hides two festering sores/That once perhaps were eyes." ' ? H - * /' d, "To make / enow how to < about > " "e people are to buy U.S. is taken out )ugh Bonds ion, even )nds are the * * Lerica. fv Homls ifou re and for yourself

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