* , Winston-Salem Chr Nfitntn i' ??. ,.:^|iH ^^sSSSk ^^ pv. satile ' K ' ?*?: , -r' '^^ cvv,'.-^?)((r-'..*. - j> i variety of ways. Zucchini Sausage Medley blends lunky minestrone soup for a light, but rich-tasting in Cause Deaths '/? the heat until some of the walls become too hot to touch. The National Leader printed the following comments from various officials in different locations concerning the heat wave: Chattanooga, Tennessee Human Services Director Evelyne Barnett said, "The poor and the elderly people in low income housing projects are afraid to open their windows because of the crime rate, so they are sitting in there and baking". Fans were being handed out and emergency relief centers were in operation in Tennessee and St. Louis. Volunteers organized to help with the problem. "My biggest worry is people do not believe they, too, can become another heat-wave digit in the death total, said William Hope, City Health Commissioner of St. Louis. Dr. Stanley Schuman of the" University of South Carolina said: "In a heat wave such as this, if you are driving home and get caught in a traffic jam and someone bumps your fender, you ought to think take down your license number." As the mercury shot past 100 degrees in South Carolina, and the flaring heat wave went into its 11th day, doctors warned people to keep their tempers. Some homemakers try to crowd a lot of extra work in to house and yard chores regardless of what the outside temperature happens to be. They feel that they have to carry out a planned schedule. During summer heat waves, all homemakers would be wise to cut down on extra work activities and keep closc check on all elderly and sick relatives and friends. nsion Contributer completely run out of the energy needed to cope. Hi feels exhausted both physically and emotionally. When one becomes unhappy as the result of his man; problems and his inability to resolve them, he become frustrated. This frustration is in the form of disgust witl himself. He actually dislikes himself because of his in ability to solve his problems. Continuous frustratio leads to depression, which is a sense of helplessness an hopelessness. ! ' < " ***" 1'- - - -wsw