Page C6*The Chronicle, Thursday, Febn & Dates To I TO BECOME SC I must develop n shars my gifts w Euble Blake shai his Joy of life lnt< 5~~jl6 Honey "Hank" Aaron k^iqiV^ b. 1934 b< 1945 Rav. J.P. Campball A.M.E St Agatha born 1015 12 13 i RirtM.w Abaalom Jones Leader of Lincoln a Birthday America's first Negro Church NAACP foundad 1909 b. 1746 ~~ 19] 20 Washington's Birthday Obaarvad Amarican Black Catholic Frederick Douglass Trlbuna Newspaper (oundad spokesman, wnter. freedom Cincinnati 1886 fighter d. 1805 726 27 15th Ammendintnt passed giving Sleeks the right te vote -1869 Charlotte Ray first Black Joshua Johnson portrait Woman Lawyer graduated painter b. in Baltimore 1770 Howard U. Law School 1872 What did I invei 1.) Garrett A. Morgan HINT: (Firefighters use them in a smoke filled room 2.) John Albert Bun I HINT: (1 made improvements for easier yard care.) 3.) Sarah Boone HINT: (Women use it often.) 1,113,675. W , Xi-~ s % w _ in >W "9':: ?l V 'i?_i =- - No \f ' ^ I 1 jary 23, 1984 lemember During FEBRUARN (Black History Month) >MEBODY A iy talents, then ith Others. 1865 - Jokn tek, Rrtt Black admtttad to ncttci ww*v yiiifttvsi iv pv aviiw red his gift of music, b^r. u s $?(??. _ o his 100th year. "TSi00 Moghos auttKh I r~ 7j 8| Pott Pau Joseph C. Price established Mod 19C Eubie Bisks Baltimore pianist Livingstons Collegs in North b 1863 Carofia 1862 St. Cyril r 14" 15"? Frsdsrtck Douglas b. 1817 . Robffta b. 1940 St Valentine's Day Frederic Bishop Richard Allen A M E Nat "KING" Cole singer and Prssider founder b 1760 jazz pianist d. 1965 Bank an F 21 22"~ Nina Simone Washington's Birthday WE.B C St Pater Damian Chair of St Peter Apostle Natoriar r_ 28 29 Martyrs of Alexandria BLACK HISTORY OL 4.) Jo fin Standard ^ HINT: (I improved the ice chamber, cold air ducts an< food compartments.) 5.) Joseph H. Dickinson HINT: (I improved the perforated sheet music.) 6.) William D. Davis .) HINT: (Cowboys enjoy a more comfortable ride.) 7.) Albert B. Blackburn HINT: (Engineers on trains can transmit signals.) 8.) Charles B. Brooks HINT: (It helps keep our streets clean.) I G. A. MORGAN. BKEATH1H0 DEVICE. FUCAT10X TIVID AUO 19, 1917 Patented Oct. 13, 1914. 9 ?niTt-?mrr v W-? I Y>rr?5 \ \ ^ S^~, ' -^T LtojVH-** \ ^> ^?^-?r *t) !" *.' ' Xc?? C5^ 7 ^ ; - i v i / ,/s^ ' y W ^ . V t 4 Black History [ 1984 r 2 3 4 ChrM Rights worksr Ross n i __ rirki b. 1913 .tion ot Our Lord St BUm Fr## u.S Blocks santa in ?og Day Blasting of throats LtOarta 1822 O I Ar\ I -4 ^-1 44bM 1 I I Lawrence Dunbar First Black library founded In ? 16 Philadelphia -1833 Leontyne Price Opera singer of Alexandria b. Misa. 1927 Our Lady of Lourdes 16" 17^ 18 Flack MorehouM College Founded 1867 k Oouglaaa elected Beaaie Smith made first it of Froadmen's recording for Columbia Quakers filed first formal d Trust Co. 1874 Records 1923 protest against slavery 1688 23" 24 - 25 Rev Daniel A. Payne first Xibots author and Black to become a colleoe Hiram Revels elected first 15, 1868 Prea. 1811 ~ Negro in U.S. Senate 1870 '' " C ) (IZ = __ 9.) Granville T. Wooda i fresh (3 words) HINT: (It is used on a trolley car.) 10.) Robert F. Flemminga Jr. HINT: (A musical instrument.) ANSWERS IN NEXT WEEK'S EDITION ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S WORD SCRAMBLE l. Gwendolyn Brooks 6 Rosa Parks 2 Patricia Harris "V Althca Gibson 3. Sojourner Truth 8. Wilma Rudolph 4. Harriet Tubman 9 Coretta Scott King 5 Sarah Boone 10 Phyllis Wheatlcy 1 Month Phillis Wheatley (17537-1784) At five or six years of age. the black girl whose name we know now as Phillis Wheatley was kidnapped from her home in Africa and brought to America as a slave. She was an intelligent girl. With the unusual encouragement of the Boston family who owned her, within 16 months of her arrival she had learned to speak and write English. By the time she was thirteen she had begun to write poetry, and in I 770 her first poem was published. ABy 1773 the Wheatley family had freed Phillis and Wht^her to London in hopes of improving her health, which had been failing for some time. It was in Londornn I / IS that her only book was published. POEMS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. RELIGIOUS AND MORAL. It was not only the first volume of poems written and published by an American slave (or ex-slave by then), but was very . popular long after her death. She married a free black man named John Peters in 1778. Living in poverty, the couple had three children, none of whom survived. She died at 32 years of age in I 784. Imamu Amiri Baraka (1934- ) Not since Richard Wright has a black author impressed his ideas, his style and technique upon a generation of fellow writers with the force of Imamu Amiri Baraka. Through his artistic, aesthetic, cultural, political, and spiritual example, he helped determine forever the direction taken by black literature in America. His impressive body of writings encompasses poetry, short stories, a novel, numerous plays, and sociological studies of black music. Born in Newark, New Jersey, as Everett LeRoi Jones in : 1934, he made the pilgrimage from avant-garde Beat poet, editor, and jazz critic in the '50's to the discovery : of his spiritual identity as a minister of the Kawaida faith. Much of the tone, idiom, rage, and pride of the black poetry of the 1960 s was shaped by Baraka's intensely individualistic manner. Always searching for his authentic voice as an artist, he moved restlessly from one peak to anotherrbften leaving his followers and imitators to continue the styles and points of view which he had used and sometimes abandoned. Many of the more talented writers did follow him as he showed the way to successfully discard, as far as possible, a culture he saw as racist, alien, and decadent and to replace it with the black aesthetics and values which must be used to express authentic black identities. A partial listing of his many published works would include PREFACE TO A TWENTY VOLUME SUICIDE NOTE (1961). THE DEAD LECTURER (1964). and BLACK MAGIC (1969) - poetry. z=z=zr Garrett A. Morgan GAS MASK When firemen enter a building filled with smoke they wear a gas mask to breathe freely The gas mask helps the .firemen perform his duties of H saving life without danger to i ^ \ W i -- K