It Communlfr Recipes r |1 f% 1 r rv x , ^!P %y|b ^^ KTw Jf^r - ?fffl KZite *"?'^^?HIP 1 B Bk BL ^^w<*3 1 |||H ^1 Bu ^L. <^h p * PP BBk pI BBfefc** Pi tfijy 'jj^ln ^ IpL jt * ^ i^hL^ _^BP%aP gg. UPj| >,:>X ...> j Cheesy Clem Pizza, with a flavorful sauce made with is a nutritious low budget dish with high taste appe ring if they are tau Whatever sewing machine you select, the intended users should know how to operate it and how to take proper care of it. I Some companies sell good used machines that will cut ' the cost, but still serve your sewing purposes. Before teaching your child to sew, ask yourself these questions: Is my child ready to sew? Does my child possess the motor skills and hand-eye coordination to thread a needle, knot a thread, pin a pattern, cut fabric, or sew a reasonably straight seem on a sewing machine? I Barbara Schach, a University of Nevada graduate with teaching credentials, has been teaching children how to sew for more than 20 years. Margery Capps, a California teacher and graduate of USC, teaches children's sewing classes every week. Schach and Capps agree that if a child Coping Selling yourself: I By DR. CHARLES FAULKNER Syndicated Columnist I have shown you a variety of important methods (somethimes known as psychological "tricks of the trarlp'M that vrwi mav nc#? tr% c#?ll olmnct anu nrrtHn^f ?| MMV / VIIMV ^ v/ v? IIIM^ uav IV/ JVI1 UIIIIUJ1 Ui IJ piuuuvi W almost anyone. Suppose you have selected a profession that requires selling yourself rather than any other product. Don't be dismayed, because every technique that you have learned can be used to sell yourself. You can make anyone like yon by following the rules of basic psychofogyjhat f provide. - T&ink course! . B?fora^ye^-seek-to im~> poress anyone with anything, you must impress them with yourself. So think of yourself as the most important product available to you. Many people pay thousands of dollars to learn the very things that you are learning about easily mastering the art of salesmanship. Anyone.can sell a product to a person who has already decided to buy the product. (Although some people using the wrong methods can ruin even an easy sale), To make a lot of money in the profession of selling, you must also be able to sell to two other large and important classes of people: Those who have not heard of your product and those who have made a definite decision not to buy your product. When you develop the ability to sell to these classes of DeoDle. vou will be a erand master of sellinc (also known in the large New York advertising firms as a master of psychological manipulation). Think about it. Everything that you own, everything ; that you wish to own, everything that you desire to be, i everything that makes you happy and sad were determined, to the larger degree, by professional experts of > behavior manipulation. This is the stark, scientific reality 1 of the world in which we live. Thus, while you are learning how to sell yourself to others, you are also learning / how to protect yourself from being psychologically r manipulated by others. 1 Living is acting. We are all actors and actresses who hide a part of ourselves and reveal only that part of , ourselves which we feel will impress others enough to t make them like us or do what we want them to do. Make no mistake about it - we are already practioners of ) Thursday, April 12, 1984/Section C drn^ ?; v<.. IBB# ^jp ^ ?*?W y' >>r JL | aij^I - ^ -?... n ? - Jt|^r SPp^: . ^^Qj jjf^H ^am chopped clams and condensed cream of celery soup, al. ght properly is ready and given the proper setting, equipment, fabric, pattern choices and instructions they can acquire skills for sewing. These teachers think that children will enjoy creating something by hand. They suggest that children can learn to sew from ages seven to 11. A children's sewing class of five to six students is ideal. Each child should have adequate space to lay out, cut out and sew on their project. Schach and Capps suggest that you gather the following eauipment to start vour child on a good sewing project: 1) Box to hold supplies 2) One pair of sharp scissors 3) Sewing needles with large heads for easy threading 4) Pina 5) A thimble to fit the middle finger Mastering the art behavior manipulation. We may not be masters of it but we use it everyday of our lives. Following are some basic techniques that you can begin today to perfect. Practice them until they become a part of you. Practice them until you learn them by heart. 1) Join the Team. This is your commitment. Repeat it over and over and over. "I will adopt an attitude of friendship and teamwork with my client." At all costs, avoid competing with the other person. Most people view salespeople^asiadvetsarifs with^whom they muu become engaged in bailie. The client can.easii>L-win_lhe-hatile by to. ptt*cha$e-your pttxktct. Thu&i yGU must fir.d-a??point of common ground. This can be attained by your finding out as much as you can about your client. Then, at your first meeting, exhuberantly say, "I was excited to find that we belong to the same club." Some salespeople stretch the truth. The choice is yours. 2) Elicit Agreement. "When the client agrees with even a small thing that I say, even if it is about the weather, it will become easier and easier for him to agree with me about other things." Tell the person something (not about your product, initially) that is non-controversial and to which he will readily agree. Start off the interaction on a positive note. This constitutes a breakthrough and the client will find it exceedingly easier to agree with you when you begin to discuss your product. Occassionally, prospects are so impressed with the salesperson that they will ask about the product and initiate the sales pitch themselves. Don't despair. Stick to the script. 3) The lead. "The decision to purchase my product will be made by me for the client." Most people do not want to be presented with the stressful problem of determining whether or not to purchase a product. Your help with the decision will be appreciated. You might say: "When you receive the merchandise, you will be overwhelmed with its usefulness." Or, "I can arrange to deliver the product any time that you wish." Or, "Your friends will certainly compliment you for owning this marvelous item." Speak as if the item belongs to the client, as if the decision has already been made. Make the client associate himself with the item. Let the client know how the purchase of your product will make friends for him.