? Page A2-The Chronicle, Thursday, August 16, 1 'IhI^H 1 f ? , V\'l J F \ ^Vifl w ^Hv JH jH I w AW;. , , . . .t", | I?NEWS DIGEST? ; I National, state and loc \ Dallas tense after 16 ? l. aj PA1 I AS ? A committee Lnv#?ct in at inn r sr " " ww V shootings of 16 persons this year by Dallas police officers was told by the city's deputy mayor that the "best way to deter criminals is to hang someone ; from the courthouse steps." Five blacks, four Hispanics and two whites have ; been killed at the hands of Dallas police since I January, while two blacks and three Hispanics were wounded. Last year, 29 persons were shot or killed by the police. Some members of the city's black community, which has strained relations with the police department, think white Deputy Mayor Jim Hart's remarks were racially motivated. When asked to retract the statement, Hart told the investigating committee that convicted thieves should have their ; fingers cut off. ' . r . : The police also have been criticized by the local press. Reporter Denise Sharpton of KKDA radio Mondale would replac ASHEV1LLE - Walter Mondale repeated his pledge to fire President Reagan's appointees to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights during a campaign trip here last week, promising to "restructure" the commission and restore its independence. There was speculation earlier in the week that the Democratic presidential nominee was backing down from a campaign promise to reappoint commission members who had been fired by President Reagan last year. Mondale aides had said that because Congress had enacted legislation giving it authority to appoint some of the commUdnn mpmK<>rc ;? ,.,^..1^ (i IIIVIIIUVI J | It nfUlU be all but impossible for Mondale to make the dismissals. Georgia settles employ ATLANTA -- Georgia has settled a 10-year-old federal complaint over employment practices, agreeing to hire more blacks and women and pay employment claims of up to $1.9 million. The U.S. Justice Department filed suit against 'the state in 1974 after the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a complaint m charging the state w itb systematic discrimination iit ~ . . . j. . I i n i mi\ imni iniawuinwmrrtri ina- ' nrr-'iwfcr. -r im Open Line Why aren't the h Q: When my family and I lived in New York City, our children could always count on a fire hydrant being opened and a section of the street closed off to cool them off and add to their summertime fun. Can they look forward to that here in WinstonSalem? A.K. >? A: Sorry, but it's just not standard procedure in the South to open up fire hydrants, says Tommy Peddycord, utilities supervisor with the city utilities department. He says Southern systems are basically set up for water and fire use only. In the north, or the larger metropolitan areas, the water supplies usually have a reserve or dual storage system that are housed underground. In the South, and here in Winston-Salem, the water supply is not half as large as New York's, says Peddycord, and the cost of treating water is so tApcnaivc in * * 984 _ -/^SlUS D^ribe^ Youneif^ in om wrd: ^ - - _ ? - r.1 M VWM" I mandments" Persons admires most: Bishop F.D. Patterson and wife, Gwen Hilt, I : Margaret Poston. David: A^f Chris Leak Career Goal: "To attend medical 1 school and pursue a specialization in psychiatry. My utmost endeavor is to I \ continue to serve mankind through I Christian teachings and principals." I "I ' -'-I"- . '.wi * a I news briefs compiled by Greg Brown ire shot reeemf^ held a press conference with twcrmembers of the Dallas city council, describing an incident during which she witnessed police beating a nonresisting man for no apparent reason. Sharpton said she asked questions at the scene and attempted to telephone the city manager from a pay phone, then returned to her car and began writing notes. She said four or five police officers then accosted her and that a senior officer wrote her a ticket for 4'pedestrian in roadway." Two days later Sharpton filed a complaint with the police department and passed a polygraph test. The city manager said that, while he didn't question her honesty, the reporter didn't understand what she was witnessing. A list of 25 recommendation^ to e^tse tension bets ween blacks and the police department has been forwarded to the city council, which is expected to act on them within the pext six months. :e commission But Mondale himself said that he would seek to change the law governing those appointments if he were elected. "I want to restructure the commission so that it speaks independently again," he said. "It has been converted from what it was for over 30 years, a commission that literally spoke with respect because it was seen as bipartisan and beyond the reach of presidents, and thus could speak independent of the political compulsions of the White House, into an institution that's basically a front for the White House. "I'm going to change that so it can criticize me," he said. orient suit ? hiring and promoting blacks and women. Gov. Joe Frank Harris said the state took action to correct discriminatory hiring practices several years ago, but that "a settlement just never had been reached." He said that the settlement with the Justice Department gave the state "a clean hill of health from this day forward" and that previous employment practices which may have been had becn otimwsgiL -^ nmHP tM out-of -town delivery. , s-portu PUBLICATION USPS NO. | . 4-po.11 067910. ,1 ment J 5 Headllc | quai Our Nm i Carry at Laaat I J !lA^ |[ J riAil I Mfe Sarvtca AN j Jlocriaia Sergeants j commbu SENTRY'S (919)722! Flea&T.ckCollar | *fI,; r#r N?ur?i mI ! IT* I OVER 200 NEW < I ON DISPL Fill inn inn i mini linn i inn L 1984 __ I CAMARO I SPORT COUPE *9895 Plus Tax & License Stack No SOM Includes Automatic Transn and Much, N I * J RHUS VILLI \I V d at gunpoint ^tr%r&biranLr in a vr? vrr v VMHiri^ 3100 block, North Cherry Street A business garage was burglarized and two peisons drove a new car through a closed garage door. Then a second car was driven through the same hole in the door. The burglars stole a 1982 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, blue and white, license number AXX-861. 700 block, North Trade Street The owner observed two black men entering his business. As the two men were leaving with a color television, the owner detained them until the police arrived. The men were arrested. Housebreaking 1300 block. Derrv Street After she returned home from a brief trip, a worn ait discovered that'' her Tioi^lvadrBee ITbr o? e oL iut(K The thieves took two- Several witnesses observed the thieves entering the victim's home. Warrants were taken out for some suspects and they were later arrested. This column is furnished weekly as a public service by the Chronicle and the Winston-Salem Police Department. ?""1 I I this ad in for $2.00 off any full :e or $5.00 off any new cleaner. I ver Top Fill ??????? j >5 SiltMea_ I 1?? agitator ! Ion handle ion carpet adjust- ^sil 1 disposable bag ^Hv Models. 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