If - in?'T / / I|II|I?I ' ~l 1 >' - TC3KK1*?* | CLASSIFY LEGALS north carolina ) ih he general court of justice ) district court division forsyth county ) before the clerk 84 sp 369 phillip rainer hale. ) notice of service of ntfctin i process by publication f? tl? mtpttwi 01 ) april 0are hale. ) fit fun craifi mail aft 1 Respondent -- ) TO: Qiann Craig Wallace ) A pleading seeking rede! against you was (Had in the above-entitled actian on April P M, ttM, ami nnttr* of snnrtrg.ot-prrcm,by?pM6ftaM>MyhawHad0e4aa64MpdA? I ^ ApyLUQA-. . .mm? .1 aii ~ Tha nature at nw being sought is as taMaws. An actian tar tha adoptian ot a minor chM, ta wN: April Oara Mala, by tha petitioner This action also soaks to have Qiann Craig thai at s dadarad to hava wttttutty abandonad tha said child. Yon art required to maka datansa to such piaadlng not latar than Saptambar 11, 1904. and upon tokuro ta da so tha party saaklng sarvlca against you wMI apply to tha Court lor tha roMat sought A haaring wW bo hold In tha otttco al tha Clark ol Superior Court. Forsyth County. North Carolina, on tho 13th day ol Saptambar. 1M4 at 10:30 a m lor tha purposo ot dotormining wtMtui abandamant by tha said Qiann Craig WaHaca This tho 2nd day at August. 1M4 LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 216 W. Fourth Struct Wlneton Salem. N.C. 27101 (919) 725-9166 J. GRIFFIN MORGAN Attorney for Petitioner * W-S Chronkb August 2. 9 4 16, 19*4 m NORTH CAROLINA > IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OISTRICT COURT DIVISION FORSYTH COUNTY ) CVO SS47 PAMELA S. McCOLLUM. ) PWNtffi ) NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY ) PUBLICAITON vs ) ROY H. McCOLLUM. ) Defendant ) TO: Rey H. McCoMum A pleading seeking relief sgslnst you was filed In the above-entitled action on August 7,19B4 and Netfca ol Service of Process by Publication began on August 16. 1964 The Notice ef Relief being sought Is as follows An action for divorce from bod and You ara raqulrod to mako dafanto to tuch plaadlng not latar than Saptambar 25. 1994, and upon taHura to d?a tho parly soaking sorvica against you will appty to tho Court far tho roilof sought. This tho 7th day of August. 1994 l. T*y. Cecil C. Summers 224 North Trade Street WlnetonSalem. N.C. 27101 (919) 724-7054 ** _ NORTH CAROLINA ) IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE ) OISTRICT COURT DIVISION FORSYTH COUNTY ) 84 CVD WANDA JOHNSON ) N0T(CE QF SERV|CE 0F > PROCESS BY PUBLICATION ) vi ) CALVIN JOHNSON ) Oafandant ) TO: Calvin Johnson A pleading soaking relief against you was filed in tha ibova-entttlad action on August 7, 1964 and Notice of Sarvfca of Proctst by Publication bagan on August 16. 1964. TbaNstlce of RaMof balng sought Is as follows An Action tor an Annulment of tha marriage. You ara raqulrad to make dafansa to such plaadlng not lator than Saplombar 25. 1964. and upon failure to do so tha party soaking sarvica against you wW apply to tha Court for tha relief sought This tha 7th day of August. 1964 Gary D. Henderson 224 North Trade Street Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101 (919) 724-7054 ttf-5 CHrontdt August 16. 23 30 MOUTH CAROLINA ) THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE ) DISTRICT COURT DIVISION DAVIDSON COUNTY ) 64 J 94 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF MARSHALL HUGHES 6 ) FROCESS 6Y PUBLICATION ANNIE HUGHES. ) PETITIONERS FOR THE AOOPTION OF ) ) SANDY YVONNE HUSHES ) ) W > LANKY KINLEY. ) BENWWDg.-/... * ) A piaadlng soaking rabnf against you was fliad in tho abova-antltlod action on August 9. 19S4 and Hotica of Sondes at Procass by PubNcaton Pagan on August 16. 1114. Tha Notics ot NoNot boing sought is as Mows: This Is an action tor tho adoption of minor chid to-wit Sandy Yvonna Wai. by pattionars This action also soaks to km your partntai rights In said minor tarminatad You ara ragoirad to mki dafansa at such ptaading not 1st or thaiSaptombsr n 1114. and upan Mora to da so tho party saaking sarvica against you wiN apply to tho court far ttM rsiiat sought "** Gary D. Henddraon 224 North Trade Struct Wln.ton S.lrm N C 27101 (919) 724-70S4 W-S CAronfela August 18. 23. 30 PSSS^TPUBUC HEARING I THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING HELD SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1984 it NOON IN ROOM 210 (2nd floor), AT THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF THE EXPERIMENT IN SELF-RELIANCE, INC. THE ADDRESS IS, 1821 EAST THIRD STREET IN THE WEST WING AT THE OLD CITY HOSPITAL BUILDING THE PURPOSE OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING IS TO PROVIDE THE PUBLIC OF FORSYTH COUNTY AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW ANO COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED ANTI-POVERTY PLAN BEING SUBMITTED BY THE EXPERIMENT IN SELF-RELIANCE. INC TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAI RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR FUNDING UNOER THE COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985 THE PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND AND MAKE COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ABOUT THE ANTIPOVERTY PLAN. i ED AE INVITATION FOR BIOS Tba Housing Aatbarty al tba Cty at WMtMhldM WR imIm aaalal Mt ar a tract* Malar, ralavar aarapar, id Mala. uiitN 3:00 P.M. EDIT. aa Taaaday, Saptambar 4, 1104, al 001 Clavalaal Avaaaa. Wlastaa-Salaai, North CaraNaa, 27101. at wMci tbaa aal piaca al Mi an ba apaaad pabbdy aaO raal atawl. Tadaicai Spacfflcattaaa aay ba aWatnaP al tba alHca al tba Naatlai Aatbarty Al bMt ara ta ba labaMtaP airtaaNa at al tarn. Tba Haaatog Aatbarty la astari Iim t?? M r ??*? Tax ilul be iMd m a Mparate Km. The Heasing Authertty ( the Cty tt Wtastea-Satoai riunti Km right ts rato tha hhHftog.toa AM theS to whhdrtwn tor a pariah af ataty-ieys wttheut tha mwN at tha Heaalag Authertty at tha City at totottaa tatoi HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM a/ David L. Thompklae Secretary EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ) ) FORSYTH COUNTY > r Having qualified at Executor of tk Estata of Martha 0. Johnson also know as Martha DuMa Johnson, deceased, la of Forsyth County, North CaroNna, th Is to notify all porsons having eiain against tho ostato of said docoosod to o> Mbit thorn to tho undorsignod at Suit 710, First Union Building, WinstonSalom, North Carolina, on or boforo February 4, IMS, or this notteo wdl bo pleaded In bar of their recovery Al portsns Indebted to said ostata ?HH pleats make Immediate payment This 2nd day of August, 19S4. Hansel C. Trevtlllon. Executor of the Estate of Martha D. Johnson Kennedy. Kennedy. Kennedy and Kennedy. Attorneys 710 First Union Building Winston-Salem. North Carolina 27101 W-S Chronic* August 2, 9, 18, 23 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LOWER MUDDY CREEK PLANT OUTFALL CITY OF WINTON-SALEM Pursuant to N C Q 8. 143-129 Will proposals?aaea?sa4- LOtMEA MUOOY CREEK PLANT OUTFALL wHI bo received by tho City/County Purchasing Department In the City Han. Room 215, 101 Nerth Main Street, until 2:00 P.M. TUESDAY. scricMDin is, mss n wmcn inns thay wHl be publicly opsnod and raid I nit ruction i tor submitting bids and complata spacificatieni may bs obtainad at Ida offlca of Maicoim Plrnia Inc., 301 Hidtn Boulovard. Nawport Naws. Virginia Tho City rossrvos tha right to rafaet any or ad proposals Donald L. Farmer Purchasing Agant EMPLOYMENT GUILFORD TECHNICAL COMMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCOUNTING INSTRUCTOR, $15,400 $17,600. aicoHont bsnsflts Classroom toachino of aeesuntlns isNaeH in eluding basic. Intermediate. payrod. otc in associate degree program Masters Dagraa raquirad Apply by Augutl 24, 19B4 Far Information. contact Persennal Dopt . P.O. Baa 309. Jadiestown. NC 27212 (919) 292-1101 or 454-1120. AA/EOE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR-YWCA Woman's non-profit service and advocacy organisation cammtttad ta the oil ml nation of racism soaks Exocutlva Otroctor Position raqulras provon skids In Program Oovalap mant and Management; long-range and Financial Planning and Fan~3r9fang;. Parra?ai Ad not etaf? alien; ***** Sand rasamo ta P 0 Box 15273. Durham. NC 27704. by August ?Oth No phono cads piaasa. EMPLOYMENT Tha North Carolina Dapartmant al T rinxportatton t? racruNhig tar qmMM applicants la tha laflawlng araa: Englnftrlai Dmiqn Tachnclan (I and HI OvaMeattana BnimOaalraa Mgh school phis 4-f yaara design axpartanca ar dograas In CWI Engloaartng Tachaalagy. Machanic. Drafting. Machanlcal Drafting an Dtilgn. ar Arehitaetorai Tachnafagy/Englnaarlng ptai 0 7 yaan af Patlgn asportaaca Daalfln EnflliMar I. Quaftcattan* Grsdaatton tram caiaga ar Unfaartfty ^JAk 4ailMa la P Ljil 9 WITH Owyrw? rfi W?" cnyiiwBfiiry years axporfanpa. W? *ra an agoal opportunity awpfayw Caafact. hatrteia Jahnann f 0 lax ?S?01 RaMgh. NC 27811 (t1?) 7M-P2M I QOVc.NVCNT JOBS. $1S,55B-*5J.553/ytor. Now Hlrtng. For riroctory Coll 80B-M7M00 Ext. R-S306. >VERT1 Employ Homes marketing representative [f needed Excodoot, profcistanol coroor opportuni ly. N MsruM, ptoooo contact: OMrtoy MRmm 727-1917. HELP WANTED Lsm weight ook us how Lot* 10 to 29 pounds first month. Est norms) food. 100% money bock results 100% Mturoi. No cost por pound Solo for ouorwoigdt kids I ond up Cod Sharon or Robert at 717-7300 tor troo homo demonstration RENTALS _ MNTALAPTS j 4*nw$s**w?*?r?7 4*SU n?t> ws'sp4 Ruts 33* Ofoio Bdwy No 1 ?143 } 4 Rrm 719 Pitt >130 * It 3 Imt 81 Foyottovllio St5 3 Rrm 9M Nth St stM J Rm? 130* 17th St ?1J5 SRim I4M aarltvltw *100 HOM1SRORRINT 4Rm? 411 33rd Sf H55 IRmtSMMIIISt 1)10 4 Rm* 415 13rd St 1140 3 Rim 1415 14th St 190 Sh ws for th#Wond othor homoi & ooortmontt W.P. BALDWIN A SON RtattRf? 112 W. 4th 722-1134 FOR RRBT-APARTMBMTS IRmofMS. tSMiM^ m 3 Run IMS n. CRorry tUS IImBIS 3MR St .4 MS 3 R?t M39 R. MR M SM 4 Rm* M35 B. MR M J3XS FOR RBMT-MOMRS -? IIU I lime IB6 Luweuncu It IBS tlmNNNMiiMAM IBS 4 Rmo MB Oroonahoro Rd 1179 4Rm$MI?V. 11th It IMS 4 R me MM Ca/lyie 4MB I Rms 725 Ctemmoflsvllle Rd ..CBS T.R. JOHNSON A SONS REALTORS BiwiiT wo IT m*m FOR RENT 4 room brick apt.. 1307 Main at Northwest Blvd. 1140.00 par month Claan, wqulet, good view. Soo manager Waiter Duboao at 1323 Main At 741-1131 FOR RENT ~ MOCK PLACE Senior Citizens Wo are now taking applications tor one bedroom apt Root baaed on income For Information cad 634-2005 or write: Mock Place. P 0. , Bos 600. Mocksvttio. NC 27028 Equal touting Opportunity HOMES FOR SALE MUNDY REALTY 724-2404 4035 Havemvood-4 BR, 2Vi bath Capo Cod (9 rooms). Entrance had. 1 it floor don. tor mat dining, t crooned porch, centra* air. 2 bay windows, basement playroom, 2 Rropiocot, wooded lot, tree Hue street. Mt. Tabor school district, county tasoa. Lease-purchase and assumption possible.Mid 80's. 425 Bninham-4 Br. 2 both brick ranch. Urge kitchen dock. A-eno condition NC housing funds available 140.900 5630 Choncollorevtlla (Stonewall) 3 BR. 1*6 both, story and Vt. entrance had. living room, format dining room, don. largo laundry room, fenced rear yard, carport, possible ftied assumption NC housing funds avaiiabio 555,000 1420 Salem Lake Rd.(Near WSSU) -Like now 3 BR. 2 bath, split foyer living room w/FPL, formal dining, well equipped kitchen, spacious bod rooms, playroom w/bar, FPL 6 woodstovo, 2 car garago. boat pump, central air. dock, storms, beautiful yard $72,500 1212 1250 E 11th Street- Fivt 4-?amHy apartment buddings $62,000 per budding. 1418 E. 24th-2 III beeutv "vingoom w/lireplece, lam* ' bath, S > AV|/ jerator air und. assumption and oeme ..^nchtg possible $29,500 . 411 Mt. Vermm-3 68 brtck. formal dinete'j^jaiMF^.gaiPibu^jstsdty at closets daws, fenced yard NC housing (undo avertable $35,900 1113 RuiNlen-2 18 brick, iud basement. storms, fenced roar yard $36,500. NEW HOMES WW build new energy efficient hemes to your specifications-convenient oast wmifon racjnon, HI nwnny nnjncing available to quadflod buyers or other financing of yoot choice. MUNDY REALTY 724-2404 Spinet-Console Ptano Wanted RaapantiMa party fa taka evar law wantWy paymants an tpteaf plana Can ba taan lacaMy Write Cradtt Managar f 0 Baa 1MM Sanaca. S C mit I ^wrrri 'URanATidiCeWar BWMI IreSSi I ISING / S, ment Legal Notices Apartments Personals ^ American Red Cross + We'll Help. Will You? 0j.7frfcwim?nrr?f ,, ..~_ ttw?i a ih| Cquboi ' I *8995 upSm??-Dr *5895 1 I ^jprama 2^-Dr npala 4^Dr *5895 I I 'urMuwff S7I05 MTIVM S500C I Sta Wagon wl919 200 SX 2-Dr. 9099 3^ *7115 *5195 S&TR. *7895 &? *5495 1 'FoX""4 *7485 7,M *4995 I CT"0' *8995 W" *4995 I tAi. *iaas ?? taoos I I *v?gon WW MtlcnoaCK 1WVII *,M" <1116 *4995 SS??,. <5115 ZKSU. <4285 HOW tffliC TRUCKS Omega 4-Of 9??V 'fj KAMfitt tOAAC MCAMua tlOOS 4x4 '8885 Estate Wagon 0999 fj CJMV. $7flQC '90 CWV. tODSC S10 Loaded /093 MonzaCpe '0999 'M MM SfiQQC M8UIUM ilfiQC Pk*uP 0099 2-Door *9099 '03 DOM I SflQfiC '79 FAMMOttT IAAAC RimP>9* p-"P 0909 4-Doof 'SoVO 'ttUNOtt $BQQC <8195 S? >4995 IS !!?!!? *3995 c-"?"M <2895 &?* <8895 TT-uma *2905 *3095 ?fc**t ",A' '***'* 4?.| . PLEASE! Get off our back! This is vour fiaht too. Climb down and join ranks of NAACP men Fighting for Freedorr " Carry your own share and help speed the d of full Emancipation. REMEMBERS FREEDOM IS NOT- F You've got to pay to pave the way Don't be a free rider need the NAACP am the NAACP needs y< CUP THIS COUPON ANO JOIN TO IMtlfllllMtltWMIIIIItlllltlllllllfllllllllllllllllMMtHllllttttlllllttlll WINSTON-SALEM BRANCH NAj POST OFFICE BOX 12729 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27107 I wish to become i member end enclose $ I enclose S as e Fight for Freedom c Name Address City and State ntlHIMItltlllMIMIMIMIUIIIIIIHIItMtllfllimillltlllllllllllllttlllllltl ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS: S10-ADUL S3-YOUTH (up to 21); S5-Y0UTH (w The Chronicle, Thursday, Augu Words 1 Week $5.12 1 722-8628 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 tc mSSm I LuUUj||iiL^ WAS MM "ASSctS""* 2995 till '79 VW RAIBIT 2995 2111 '79 MAZDA MC 0