Page A4-The Chronicle, Thursday, October 4, 1984 ^Winston-Salem Chronicle Founded 1974 iRNIST H. PITT, NOUBISIIOIMONYI ALLIN JOHNSON ( <bhn,nd*r ?i?tmli*t Editor LAINI I. PITT ROBIN ADAMS MICHAIl Pin Of fur Klidiugrr Assistant Editor CtrrulmtHtm S4an*tt' See the man run Dear white voters: We're not sure whether you realize it, but some candidates who share your racial heritage insist on insulting your intelligence. ^ They oversimplify the issues ? if they address them at all ~ use folksy, I'm-one-of-y'all approaches to win your confidence, and if neither of those tactics works, resort to something as ugly, if not ineffective, as race-baiting. Hate and fear, after all, are remarkably persuasive. Jesse Helms is one of those politicians. Besides wreaking havoc on facts by telling only, one side ? his side ? of political stories, Sen. Helms realizes the popularity (is this the Twilight Zone or what?) of President Reagan and unabashedly attempts to ride the president's coattails to anoiner lerm. He's a "Reagan conservative," Helms proclaims, while his opponent, Gov. Jim Hunt, is a "Mondale liberal." You see,.it's easy to call names. The labels are simple, black-and-white, cut-and-dried -- tailor-made for elementary-school mentalities. They don't allow for any shades of gray, which, any intelligent adult recognizes* exist almost everywhere. Speaking of colors, Helms not only has a penchant for considering you morons who will accept a Dick-and-Jane approach to the issues ("See the good conservative fight for your rights against the pinko liberal"). He also believes you fear and despise anything that will benefit the poor, even though many of *North Carolina's, and indeed, most of the poor in the nation, are white. He believes you are simple-minded enough to accept that the term poor is synonymous with black people who drive Cadillacs to the bank to cash their welfare checks. And. instead of runninc on his rernrH tnntc hie V?r*m , ? ? - ? ------- ^ ?' * WW a wv y aav ?1IXU A1V1 A A about scffiool prayer and continues his battle to discredit the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.. hoping you will be gullibleenough not to recognize the ploy for what it is : a political smokescreen. Men like Helms and the president say they want to return America to the g65U Old^da^T^nd its "past greatness" (even the out-and*^^^ci9j^|i2y^ay^ou know how unattractive that sounds to black people). Aren't some of you, like us, more concerned about the future? And aren't you just the least bit annoyed that someone who purports to represent you thinks so very little of you? Crosswlnds v A show of strength From the National Newspaper Publishers Association. The national Coors boycott in the black community has ended in victory, as announced Sept. 18 by Christopher Bennett, president of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, the black press of America. NAACP, Operation PUSH, the NNPA, PARC (People Against Racism in Coors) and Calpac met many times to put the final economic package together and on occasion were forced to walk out of negotiating sessions, feeling that Coors was failing to negotiate in good faith. For the past three months, the NNPA negotiated through three of its officers: William Garth, chairman of the advertising committee; Pat Thomas, secretary of the NNPA; and President Bennett, who did yeoman's work and spent a great deal of money participating in the coalition. ?agreement should provide for a substantial amount of Coors' advertisintT in 10 m c*r\ io Unnn aii r?U im / wie ma utv uihvi\ tuvuia, luv/ 11U115 iuu^ii 111 111^11 u^iuauud that at least 10 percent of the budget agreed upon should be allotted to advertising in black-owned media. They succeeded in obtaining a concession of $8.8 million annually, which amounts to approximately $50 million for black-owned media for the entire five-year package ? a reasonable contribution by Coors for black support of its product in the marketplace. The agreement anticipates that over $325 million will be contributed to the entire black community through this contract, including the following significant items: employment development, appointment of black senior officers, as well as board members, for Coors; the granting of at least 20 Coors distributorships to blacks, increased Coors deposits in black banks and utilization of black insurance and investment firms, and substantial contributions to other black organizations for scholarships for black youngsters. We are pleased to note that a similar agreement is being worked out for the Hispanic population. This marks the first time that a coalition of national black businessmen included members of the black press, and as stated by President Bennett,4'This is the first time in Please see page A12 * / i msm 3\mv CARTER IS PfcES\DmCr OVEB. THE HUNHUKTIOW // ^ CP NAE8\CA.Y v jf, ?1 ^2 *- r=-4 1 ZS Michael IV 4 "" By TONY BROWN v Syndicated Columnist Ignorance is the primary opposition to the higher education of the nation's black youth and the primary reason that Rlark PftlUo# nau ?ioe a#n*?n WVUV0V L/UJ " UO held the last Monday of this September and every September. , ^ Never let anyone tell you that the problem with black people is white people. The problem with, black people is ignorance -- believe me. How do I know? Michael Myers. Yes, Michael Myers has proved my theory correct. Who is Michael Myers? He is a racial apologist, a colored ?Negro whose racial theories passionately^ advocate^ the" superiority of white people and the inferiority of black people ? or anything they-touch. He spends his adult life denigrating everything that black people stand for. He is also a colored man who finds great favor among the editorial elite of the white establishment media. Just a few months ago, he was invited on the editorial pages of the nation's largest newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, to attack and misrepresent the leadership Selling tk By MANNING MARABLE Special to the Chronicle Under normal conditions, Ronald Reagan easily should be defeated this November. Official unemployment is 7.5 percent, but when the marginally employed and "discouraged" workers are counted, the figure exceeds 14 percent. Since Reagan assumed office, more than 35 million Americans have been_ unemployed at some time. food stamps, child nutrition programs have been cut 28 nprr^nt cinr* 1QS1 IoKat wi?? Vjlitvv I XV A y ItiVVl unions, blacks, women, Latinos and others have all suffered. The Republican Party is still only a minority party, comprising barely one-fifth of the support of the national electorate and on most issues from Central American policies to domestic affairs ? the Reagariites do not have majoritarian support. Walter Mondale Is an inept, ~ lackluster challenger and the Democrats in Congress paved \TS SUAflE- WE TOKGr VfUlUB ? www ms RME of Gwrm mcmse w spew***.. THE A J tev-m can voo ' J 'JP #.,111 [yers:A mal Brown goals of the NAACP. The Journal announced that he was director of the Roy -AVilkins Foundation .?He was not then nor has he ever held such a nncition Rut tV?#?r? ill VII again, Myers has never let the^ facts stand in the way of his philosophy. He offered more hyperbole and rhetorical tdp. dancing in the New York. Daily News. This time, his enemy was the nation's 114 historically black colleges, from which 80 percent of the nation's black professionals have come. Ironically, the News was itself attacked in that day's New York Times by the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of e new *patri the way for the far right by hiking Ramagon-budgats-and slashing social programs under Carter. Yet, hostility toward Reagan's extremist agenda and his undisguised contempt for civil rights, women's rights and labor have created severe problems for the Republicans. The radical right employs two basic techniques to popularize Reagan and demoralize its opposition. The "The new patriotism pron ~ and - ract9tn,^w0r*nd +fe Americanism. Three decade name: McCarthy ism." first is cultural and ideological: a renaissance of "American patriotism," a . red-white-and-blue holierthan-thouism which connects unquestioned support for Reagan with motherhood, apple pie and the flag. Since the U.S. invasion of Grenada, national chauvinism has become respectable. The president can order athletes to ?"win the gold" for the U.S. at the Los Angeles Olympic games, yet the media barely oMomc WHCGG THE TWO LINES PUSHES up MEET IS h BMANCED : OF REVENUES BUDGET KT '0?^ . ijl e Vanessa? the Reagan administration. The agency sued the Daily News, charging that the country's second-largest paper had discriminated against black reporters. The government said that the News "pays black news employees less than whites and denies them merit raises, promotions and opportunities for transfer," reported the Times. Arthur Wible, president of tne Daily News, said he was "surprised and disappointed." Those were my exact words when 1 saw the utterances and half-truths of Myers on the editorial page of the News. Myers was made to sound like he had been the number _ two person at the NAACP by^ the News ? the "former assistant national director of the NAACP." To my knowledge, there is no such position at the NAACP. Benjamin Hooks iicu> a variety 01 assistants; Myers was on record as being a researcher and planner. However, it is a fact that he and the NAACP have parted ways. Another fact is that he is to the black higher education community what Vanessa Williams is to the Miss America Pageant. I also know Please see page A10 otism * dissent. Reagan "jokes" about launching a > thermonuclear assault on the Soviet Union; but after only two days, the story is promptly buried. The Nation publishes evidence which suggests that the Korean airliner shot down last year by the Soviets was actually a U.S. "spy plane," which was deliberately flown over U.S.S.R. military bases notes national chauvinism es ago, it went by another yet there is no massive public demand for the truth. Olympic medal winners were paraded through central Dallas before the Republican convention and delegates later employed the Olympic chant of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" to applaud their senile commander- in-chief. Militarism is mixed with national pride and athletic prowess in expressions of jingoism and unbridled yahooism. Please see page A5 1NOTMWGrS Wfc*6r *v Letters Thank God for Andrew Young To The Editor: Thank God for Andy Young! For a person who believes we get more done with a soft voice and quiet reason, I nonetheless realize that sometimes the only way to get a mule's attention is to hit him over the head with a 2x4. No one can swing a verbal 2x4 better than Andy Young! Though Democrats enjoy a oriArl Hrtnnukrnnlr u/ith ?>vuiijr vi wn ni?n vhvii other, we now have a real war to fight to get Ronald Reagan out of the White House and Helms out of the Senate. To do it we must be united, so it is great that the air is now clear. We can all get together ^ to build on the wonderful voter registration drive that Jesse Jackson has led and get people who care for people in, as he says, "from the White , House to the courthouse." We only have until Oct. 8 to get people registered . If you want to do more than you are doing now, may I suggest you give a block party? It d&uld be great fun and would get a lot of people informed and working at one time. it you need help in organizing it, call Jim Hunt's headquarters at 727-1136. They will be glad to help. If you are not a party organizer-type, we can use all sorts of volunteers just a few hours would help. If you are good-at remembering numbers, just one little fact may help you. There is one lawyer for every 400 people in the U.S.A. Thanks to Reagan's cuts, there one legal aid lawyer for every 9,584 people! One more, that doesn't need. a memory for figures -- Helms 4 voted against the holiday for Dr. King's birthday. Jim Hunt supported it! Only 53 percent of the American people who are eligible to vote are registered. There are still 55 million people who are eligible to vote who are not registered! Eighty-five percent of those who are registered to vote do vote. This does not mean that our work will be over Oct. 8. We still need to be sure those we register get to the voting booth Nov. There are more of us than there are of them. Thank God, in this country it is still the rule ?" tnat "one person, one vote/* If we use it ? all of us ? we can see to it that Reagan and Helms lose their jobs. Nell Scott Weaver Winston-Salem A forgotten group a H To The Editor: ? * By virtually all standards, the black people of the United States have forgotten about five percent of its population, the United States' (black) prison population. There are approximately 500,000 black people incarcerated . in prisons throughout this country. In addition, the county jails account for about 500,000 people from day to day, the drug centers around the country account for another possible 100,000 people and mental hospitals for the criminally inPlease see page A5 <

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