? t t 1 ~ +9Q9 B V Disciples set v * % * Cleveland Avenue Christian Jjphurch (Disciples of Christ) 945 , 4M. Cleveland Ave., will begin $heir Fall Revival on Oct. 22. It Avill run through Oct. 26. v The speaker for the week will ijbe Dr. Emmett J. Dickson of Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. Dickson has Served as professor of religion aind philosophy at the Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, gexas. In addition, he has served HI. _ 1 I I ?ne cnrisuan cnurcn in several Capacities, such as; executive Secretary of the National Christian Missionary Convention, National Director of Church Relations and Director of Field Program for Evangelism in the division of Homeland Ministries, avhere he served until his retirement. He presently serves as Interim pastor, of the Mount PleaCant Christian Church in Greensboro. I Dr. Dickson is a native of fcrockett, Texas, a graduate of pmmanuel B | The 70th anniversary of EmSmanuel Baptist Church will be Jfcelebrated on Sunday with three special services. 1. The Rev. John Mendez will be Sthe 11 a.m. speaker. The Rev. Ij.R. Samuels and the St. ^Stephens Baptist Church will be Jguests at 4 p.m. Bishop S.D. {Johnson and the congregation of ^Macedonia TVP Holiness JChurch will worship with the Emfmanuel Baptist congregation at 7 Jp.m. In 1914, a small group of believers on Excelsior Street felt the need for a church in the Columbia Heights Community. They held Sunday School and worship services twice a month, inviting local ministers to speak to them. The Rev. J.R. Summers became Emmanuel's first pastor for two years, then resigned. In the spring of 1918, the church Mustangs f * * imillllllllllllllNlllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllinilHMHHI yards on 25 rushes. The Mustangs were able to open up the game in the second half when backup quarterback Tony Covington replaced Jeff Pace and Parkland shifted into a veer offense to score its final points. "They (Dudley) were boxing outside and that left a natural hole." said Thomnson. MfY?v * -r lAA?fHCfftPiJiyfi 5l/BSCf?i &PAY < ONLY " Pill All# A Mtttl 1*1 II* vut w 1'iaii Willi CIRCULATION WINSTON-SAL P.O. BOX 3154 WINSTON-SAL I* 722-8624 Enter one-year subsc, Chronicle. Enclosed is mj amount of $13.52. (A delivery.) j Name j Address J City S ay, October 18, 1984 revival 1 rS^k i w fl |r Dr. Emmitt Dickson 3 Southern Christian Institute. He < has done further study at Butler 1 University in Indiana. ] Dr. Dickson is married to Mrs. < Thelma Dickson, a retired I teacher. 'aptist to celebi called Rev. Eli W. Walker from South Carolina. He accepted. Soon after, the church had to move to make way for the Southern Railway station. A house on the corner of Bruce and Hill Street became the church's new home and the church continued to grow. As the congregation became larger, the church decided it needed a building. A little white church was built on the hill on Smith Street. Rev. Walker resigned after serving -Emmanuel for four years. During the next five years, several ministers served Emmanuel. The next full-time pastor was the Rev. J.D. Monroe, who came in 1931. During his 14 years of leadership, Emmanuel grew to a membership ofvmore than 400 persons, in 1946, the call was extended to the Rev. L.C. McClure of Charlotte, who pastored for four years. rom Page B5 C ington is a true option quarterback. He made the right decision in handing to the right back." With the win, the Mustangs moved into a first-place deadlock with Greensboro Grimsley and High Point Andrews in the Cen- | tral State conference. The Mustangs play at Andrews Friday night and host Grimsley the following week. jvmm !BE NOW j 51352 i payment to: DEPARTMENT EM CHRONICLE i EM. NC 27102 ription to the Winston-Salem 1 check/money order for the dd $1.00 for out-of-town itate Zip / Correction i A recent story in the Chronicle nistakenly referred to the Rev. Celly O.P. Goodwin as pastor imeritus of First Baptist Church n East Winston. Rev. Goodwin s, in fact, pastor emeritus of Mt. i ?ion Baptist Church. I # i -n Mendez Fro ity in Raleigh, a conference on nissions and ministries at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary dealing with "MarxistChristian Dialogue," and addressed the state convention of ! he NAACP. He also has lectured for several ! lAAVr r #U A VT A* ( >nkL..< ki JTy ""-jg^B X. jSj* ? X; > Paid for bv the Jim Hunt Committee er, too." rs like they're my bo well, it's like going every day." kid operator k 'jj31 %9Bflfl B^Z^.- ' ?tw^^J^^^BiB;t,^'A3bW^^ ^ ?? % \ . ' 1 1 11 1 1 ". "?? "You Cafi # %#% v*ui OURDownto ^ ??- ' :p ffl Bennic McBridc pa New and used Cars < We know what the Downt< Price, Selection, Service, an< find you the risht vehicle foi Come in and let us make O' YOUR Downtown Deal. Ask you'll be slad you did. ^ - ...... ^ V' -jL. v * J Jim Stan P for f* Pros a S _ SENATE Like all WSTA's SUPER] tunities, Trans-Aid provi able transportation. 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