Back pain re By CLAY WILLIAMS N.C. Academy of Family Physicians ? It seems as if the complaint is heard from just about everybody at one time or another -- "I've got a 'catch' in my back." Many times the "catch" back sufferers are referring to is in the lumbar region of the spine ~ the lower, slightly curved-in part of the back that catches the brunt of the flexion, extension and rotation that part of our anatomy is routinely subject to. Aside from headache, low back pain is the ailment physicians see most. Dr. Russell Salton, a Charlotte family physician, explained that the spine - the backbone ~ is situated between two muscles called the para-vertebral muscles. He said constant or recurrent back pain can lead to deterioration of these spine-supporting muscles - deterioration that 4 often^an be traced to a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, poor posture ? all resulting in a loss of muscle tone and a weakening of the lower hark. The family physician added that low back pain can also be caused by other things, such as degenerative arthritis and disk disease. He pointed out that injury to the lower back is frequently causWatch bills Don't let l By JOANNE FALLS Home Economics Extension Agent Too frequently, holiday cheer is transferred into January despair when the bills come in. This does not have to happen if action is taken in time. Finances ^can be^wotecte^Lduring-the-heiiday season by using a Christmas budget. f Families should bear in mind ^ ^ ^ ? Budgeting is a means for controlling shopping expenditures. A Christmas budget is 2 special mini-budget that provide* only for Christmas B|| purchases. I The Christmas uudget is a good way to become p familiar with a means for controlling gpr the use of |p money. I I i The Christmas Falls budget should be developed before th Christmas shopping begins. B sure that everyone old enough t< voice an opinion is involved because pariticipation promote cooperation and commitment which is necessary for success. To develop the Christma budget: Decide how much money ca be used for holiday purchase from November and Decembc income and from specia PJiriclma c tavinoQ _ - -List ah sifts and other-feolida purchases that are desired. Loo over the list. Label those that ai a must as number one and lab all other really important ones i number two. If the money limited, eliminate everything eh on the list. These other things are not in portant enough to mortgage yoi 1985 income. Also, you may nee to eliminate some of the iten you numbered as twos. Check the list of gifts and pu chases again and star all tho: things that the family can mal or give in services as a gift. F< example, you might offer to bal the family's turkey for Christm; as a gift or to babysit for t\* nights as a Christmas gift. Now, divide the mom available among the list of pu chases which are "musts" or ve "important." Be sure to follow the budg and control spending. This i volves: Spending no more for ai item than planned and shoppii suits from ma - >? m . >-WWA^,?MT3JS**T*-v-V +*" ed by engaging in physical activities by people Who are not in shape and don't take time to warm up. He emphasized that those who arc not geared to fullblown participation in sports should be careful not to overdo it. He cautioned that one day's play a week or month is not sufficient to condition, muscles to vigorous physical activity. He also listed "position" back strain among people who sit in one position for long periods of time as another cause'of low back trouble. Studies have shown that less than 15 percent of cases of low back pain are caused by structural defects such as arthritis, ruptured disks or tumors. Dr. Salton said the spinal column is made up of 24 separate and nine fused vertebrae, held together by bands of ligaments. At the side of each vertebra, there are little openings through which * pass nerve roots. A wrench of the back or lack of muscle strength may cause a "pinching" of a nerve. The sciatic nerve, which extends from the lumbar region into the buttocks, legs and toes, is particularly vulnerable tc pressure. Dr. Salton noted that when th< para-vertebral muscles are strain ed or injured, they may go intc spasms. He said this condition ii hnlidav iov ti ?J ? J " wisely and investing less whei possible. Buying nothing unless plannei for. 1 Keeping records of expenses frequently checking progress an eliminating careless? habits-tha ? waste money. ?? Make no btHs?foi?holida ; spending that must be paid froi I ? Winter nights mha nnrt flni as G?? ?wwy wowwn iwfc ? tatod polyester fleeced robs OUlMi nanrww lunnyuwn. at* OOrotwe 14J9 $1 - y Cotton Itefifwi ry et S*tl*f*ction guorontood n- or your monoy bock OS?o, Rombuck ond Co., 19*4 ny V ig iny factors like a "Charlie horse" in the leg. When spasm occurs, the paravertebral muscles contract, become rigid and straighten the . normally curved lower backbone. This, he asserted, is very painful. Dr. Salton stressed that many times people complain of low b^ck pain that eventually turns out to be caused by psychological stress. But whether the pain is caused by carrying a sack of potatoes or stress, it is just as real and debilitating. The family physician said that stress-caused back pain is kind of like a tension headache ? in which case, the solution often lies in getting to the root of the stress problem Dr. Salton said.dhe best back support comes from the back mnc^Uc CoitUfnl narfrtrmori/.a rtf baa ujvavj m oiiiuui pvi iui iiianvv u i back exercises strengthens muscles in the back and stomach and gives them flexibility. Your physician can explain the different back exercises to you. In , many instances, a long-term i weight-reduction plan may also i be advised. While 90 percent of i all back pains go away within a ; few weeks, precautions should be > taken to prevent their recurrence. * (This column is presented as ' public service by the Chronicle ) and the /V.C. Academy of Family 5 Physicians.) urn to despair n 1985 income, unless you definitely see your way clear to pay these d bills. Always plan for emergency expenses. The Christmas budget is the d key to controlled holiday spenit ding and entering the New year feeling financially blessed, iny?stead of blue and burdened with" Ti holiday debts. ins i c < '.W M s S+' ' ~ ^ Jr ,-^B ^1 K^x call for a cozy flee nnel gowns tfe warm, prettily be- Robes and a soft, feminine I/O DI J, check those prices: V mL rl 5 gowns UQ Qownsand m* 30% shop yi NC: Burlington, Cnoriotta, Concord. Hickory. Htoh Point JocksSnfffi tC: Cotumbi*. Fkjrcnoo, Myrtle Im VA: DwwWli Uyncfhburg, Poonoko WV Bortwuravitto. Bockloy, Biuoftok The C For con?Up?tk>n roUif tomorrowI reach for EX-LAX tonight " -j reatam yr*m vy menu's uma natural rhythm overnight Gently Dependably Try it tonight You'll nice the icltet in the rmwuuig. ^ Chocolated or pills, Ex Lax is "The Overnight Wonder" label and < Jircvtion\ * i-? 1h, i ik . ! *>? ( I - Comes ti 12 I Your Money Goes , I W. J. HUFF FURNf ^505 North 9re.Holiday t ' ' ? \ * |m ' r A K' t:: ^ ^ I ced Misses, Jt's?bi and warm up 1 Coals, partwe, Jackals and mc 5IPP filled, sweater looks, etc. Marry and styles galore! Choose one n I PJ S Sly?? ahoam are rapreaaveafltoe of Seen OFF OUM NKAMST SEARS KIT AIL STORE Durham, Fayattsvilla, Gastonia, GokJaboro. Graansboro. Qraanvltla e. Aalaigh. Rocky Mount. Wilmington, Wlnoton-SaJam ch| Rock HIM KY: Ashland I, Chadaaton V Chronicle, Thursday, November 22, 1984-Page B11 fhe so-called inert gases were discovered by Scottish :hemist Sir William Ramsay. \ whr!stmas^~~\ f the Cou|itry. . . | * Your Choice | ^Furniture only SyyQ951 for either group I Add excitement to your decor wrth this -Country,ook homemakers with limited living I space and much imagination will find versatility for many decorating arrangements. Deep foam comfort jHWyT' covered in an exquisite 100% Nylon Antron? Velvet with complementing Vy scatter pillows. An inviting group that ? brings luxury you can afford. a Long Way at Huff 's 171irn^11^|irT1B fc finance our own accounts. I rURE COMPANY, INC. I hi i. i ffin.i J SS7cS?L.NA 27101 1 ^726^M^ jStMMm ' HF * **jHu^HMbhML - ***&&*.:?&&& '