Poetry Corner By Jane Penn a "We Won't Ever See That Day" The "big men dream of possessing untold power. These same big men, have they ever admired a flower? They all sit back in their soft cushioned chairs and sniff up the office Smoke from the eioar-filUH air ?- WQ*** vv? Mil But we, the little people, will never, ever know when the day will finally Come, when this world will be no more. If by chance they push a button, the human race will then be nothing. For mankind I dearly pray, we won't ever see that day. Just a threat of a nuclear war makes me tremble even more. World War Three is a tragedy for all of us who long for peace. Generations we'll never, ever see. Unborn children will never, ever be. Songs the birds won't ever sing again. Neighbors will never walk hand in hand. It is so hard to lay down arms. It is so easy to drop the bomb. Why can't they see before it's too late. For mankind I pray, we won't ever see that day. To wake each day in appreciation, this land so free, -! a proud nation, Where we can go where we choose to go, and we can speak if we choose to know. Tell me, big men, can we be friends? Must all these things be gone, our home sweet home? Why must we plead for humanity, when we should strive tor harmony, So this catastrophe won't take us away. For mankind I pray, WE WON'T SEE THAT DAY. Collins Graham "A Magic Love Potion" I took a magic love potion, Threw it into the Atlantic Ocean And swiftly took you for a ride. You s .. ,..Jf diwwiwd'a'l wiwiwiwMk.. Then, I love you, I love you, you cried. Jayne Penne' "Renew This Spirit Within Me9' Today, I got really angry, Lord. To imitate your Son is very hard. Oh, if I could be as good as He, How happy I would always be. To turn a frown into a smile, To be able to go that extra mile. But we as humans are imperfect, I know. That's why it hurts and tears me so. To know I am not what 1 should be: Caring, loving and forgiving as He. I know that he died for my sins, But yet there remains something within That brings out all the guilt and shame When I think of how He came To die on Calvary because you-loved us so That we may have salvation ? that we may know. For peace on Earth, good will toward men. His blood shall wash away our sin. And then when I can say a prayer, I know that this life is not fore'er.. And I can start all o'er again Because through prayer I know I can Receive amazing grace from thee. And Thou will wipe the tears from me And change my anger into joy And wipe away all the ploy. For this I am so grateful, God, For no matter how strange or odd You're always by my side, I know, Because your Son, Jesus, told me so. Dee McCullough NEW POETRY CONTEST A $1,000.00 Grand Prize is being offered in World of Poetry's New Poetry Contest, open to all poets. There are 100 prizes in all, with a cash value of over $10,000. "You need not be a famous poet to enter," says Contest Director Joseph Mellon. "Indeed, we are keeping our eye out for beginning poets - poets who have written only one poem, or have never entered a poetry contest before. We expect our contest to produce some exciting discoveries." For official rules and entry forms, wrtte: Worttf of Poetry, tierpt. PR, 2431 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, Calif., 95817. Send your poems to Poetry Corner, P.O. Box 3154, WinstonSalem, N.C. We are not responsible for returning submissions, and because of the volume of mail received, there may be some delay in your poems appearing. ^ bs)'. fA (VMlg AN\ I? /T; RURAL DELIVERY JT Sr <J/ 1 I DID But V Li I DON'T KNOW TVuiP A ffOtN ' IT CAMe OP | ll WNItfM CiSL. T V ?V TAIL.#/-- \ '/ WANT TO TAKff / I 1 DON'TCACe ) JC TO LUN0H- \L'(^.y^ MUCH FOR / K EMMA OA KlTTV/ J^EMMA/ y/ yj| Grandpa's Boy ^<r* . " gg / x> /^i <TAAi ^ee 7V <5err/A/^ ( ? iy^y gg?Ath /groLP STARSCOPE * *<?* by C/ore Annswell ? ? WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 28. 1985 AQUARIUS ? January 21-February 19 Relationship remains sunny and warm, but prepare for a brief storm ai work Study is all important, and you begin to broaden your horuoni significantly PISCES - February 20-March 20 Experimentation can lead to bright results at the workplace It s noi too late to devise a list oi resolutions Youngsters can learn from youi example ARIES - March 21-April 20 Good week for shopping for unusual gift items It's also a lost and found~time. and you re likely to misplace objects as well aTmdke~pT?a sant discoveries TAURUS - April 21 -May 22 Vou can achieve key objective thanks to a combination of inspiratior and perspiration Relatives prove good work partners Answers arriv* in pairs GEMINI - May 23-June 21 Unexpected guests and surprise announcements punctuate the week Recycling is a current theme You can take an old idea or object anc put it to new use CANCER - June 22-July 22 Travel and business mix well, but business and romance do not Bargain hunters should be pleased this week Correspondence ma) be delayed LEO - July 23-August 22 Enterprising Leo can coma up with a profit making idea Beware o salespeople who promise more than you know they can deliver Overdue funds may arrive presently VIRGO ? August 23-September 22 New hobbies can lead to a new friendship, or vice-versa Co worker I in a competitive mood Your surprise gestures bring special pleasur to a sensitive relative LIBRA - September 23-October 22 Tempers can be explosive unless you play diplomat, a role that cai leave you weary by Monday Financial news brtghtener provides thi positive note of the week SCORPIO ? October 23-November 21 Financial idea may fizzle, but old fashioned hard work brings long lasting results Keep an eye on the newspaper, you may find an Hen that proves of key value SAGITTARIUS - November 22-Oecember 22 Quality is emphasized over Quantity, at work, the key is to set th< highest possible standards Sense of humor leads to a new friendship CAPRICORN ? December 23-January 20 Timing is all-important if you're trying to repair a wounded relation shiD Innovative ideas capture the attentions of an influential ?n< anonymous admirer BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK You understand and respond to the needs of others, you treasur< sourity. rtiul y?uir fir*l imprt'svion* .ire ijcuerdlly not stmny Y*>,i ahead offer* opportunities tor travel, renewed friendship, am. stronger family ties BORN THIS WEEK February 28th. actor Stanley Baker. March 1st, singer Harr^ Belafonte. 2nd. actress Jennifer Jones. 3rd, actress Jean Hariow 4th, actress Susan Clark. Sth. singer Andy Gibb; 6th, actor Rot Reiner JOSH BRJ.INGS Ux >OSH ilLLINCS Sm I* HI* Halt *?. ,1 k*? rn V Ilk* I i*tM, art wltttac Mem 1 " * uh m'u,k' '*? '? call j rwin llfc# * "Karad" *te mtr in Ukt b* onir * tmrmi. Winston-Salem State U presents EARTHA 1 '^r^pHIH 8 P.M. Tuesday, M Kenneth (L Williams Auditoi Tickets $8 in adva $ 10 day of sho> On sale weekdays 10 a. Feb. 21-March Auditorium Box Off A Lyceum Series Cultui The Chronl JT?) V IT PHofJ Lg ? I \sa[ f ___________________ By Al S?n rwcuZTFuPy HEAD5, 1 * II V- ,T^ HEADS/ I IT AtfAIN / ) \// \ ( BUT NOW I CAN'T ?jfpLi|b> * 'i |pg ' ilEL I I r^reS^r?/6r^l NAPOLEON qo* I'D BETTER WAIT *TIL TWlS WATER COOLS OFF A BIT BEFORE GETTING IKi / |T*S STILL PRETTY WOT/ * l\fo? I M TWITCH ^ r i woNDgs ir -mis Ntw \ /r\ POTION WILL MAK? ) /2jnvS\ C. J AttRg ATfffACnV?f mA \X>^T GRUBBY ' (f GBUB-DlDVOU >NW^JUST IK) THE SUM^R OF I EVER HUNT BEAR?M BUT IT WAS SO HOT THEN ^ THfclRj e c IT JUST SO HAPPENED by Kern '^w?j^u '*** 7u/6w- &mth pr?sld?srtii vh , of we u<? ouporta iupn-^#t^ krm i pfiss/omt? 10v?m)t? je^t c^m 70 m cu'/f? ?u&?y wvl ,*m day of *&?/??/ m a*\ j baby0strkv6s gwvafoota W X fp %?WW> *j8esbb@bmm i / jft ewipf?/tacx\ V&SSbHHwmhm I / ?ill phi ft cemfi/rt/ol I / nfn \4^^l could 86e* ct] t /An ed ttumk otlfirf-j jra i u /a/6mo*7w$?\a i i i \ *d bvmf*<*coy niversity s!sl ^cj/izl&cjiE| NEW arch 5 ium _i WSSU II SUNDAYj nee n 055iSlW!I m.-2 p.m. jTTr|TH Pill ice cle, Thursday, February 28, 1986-Page B5 1i [ J 7U-11M RCYMLDA MANOR CENTER L H 1. THC BREAKFAST CLUB K SkMt 3. 9. 7. I (R> kl J 2 THC SURE THIMO fe T SIMM 3, 3. 7, ? (P813) a T 7?3SHu4ffll!n!YTO8* Imm SlMwa: Ffl s. s. IT*) mm im ihut i, 5. 7,1 c ' - 9:00 FHI: SoMk Prwtevf W* K" INTO THC NI8NT (A) L ^ 3 2 MISSING IN C; V I J EiS CZSI BAA8MM MATINEE Q , _ M )il MM 12.50. 1st 2 itmmt F rS 3 BEVERLY HILLS COP C J\ SIMM Mwi.-Frl. 7:15, ?:M (R) ) A '* gJ. Sfl * Un J. 5 15 7:J0, 9 40 Lg V J WITNESS t \ T WMl HARRISON FORD (R) <\ SIMM: Mon -W 7, 1:15 By How Rands I (veFlNrteLY.J /^T^\ ? zr.'ZJ W ^3 1& t .? ii << By Warren Sattle^ . ^ fcgUBgV>ly .' pi j rwrs d 6RiZ^2XVj ^ ^Unmix the letters In the boxes to form a a;. cmi? word. Then circle A. B or C for the cor rect meaning (or definition). M\- *M Score yourself as follows: ft U 4 Correct-Excellent 2 Correct-Fair y'Jj 3 Correct-Good 1-0 Correct-Poor ^ 1. G|U|L|S ? ! 1 1 I I I A HAftE 0 SH*IL C. 0 CStM. <X Aid -fWL urmJU. C*tGU*Uy tfmc dauru 2. | RlOlT I Hi N] * 8***QLB 8 NMDtS C VRiNCB CIul: Ufa CAuAtJ S^n?"f Te 3. | FIRI I IHI eTEI rf HOftSE B. C X>CtfA CIUL- B#VCM. J Cf*MI V- ?0*4. OML *u 4. |T|H|0|R|UlGlDl A ft 4N0W C. T>ay SPEJ.L. c?ua Co****?i? Ctt e? , , omtnsions vhlmited VVQMG Welcomes : x^::: .:^;l^fc :. H O With Special Gufsls WHODim "" FAT BOYS I MARCH 3 - 5 P.M. I TICKETS - $10.00 I Tlckots on salo at tho Coliseum box offlco and all Tlckotron outlots. All Seats Reserved! I

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