liit %Z ..<-?ji?g00^ m P* ^^^KtjtS^^SKitKtKIKKKKKKK/Kti Catvec Coach Jim Bovender shows off b which will seat 5,000 when completed (p Prep F ootball clean up from there. "I don't know what I'd do if I was 1 coaching against our defense. It doesn't I have any weaknesses. Maybe the best approach would be to not worry about Carver < and prepare for the next guy." 1 Bovender is quietly confident. Many ' believe he has a playoff-bound team. But with seven games left on the schedule, it's a 1 little soon to be making plans for the 1 playoffs. Yet the six-team Metro 4-A Con- t ference receives two playoff berths and. < with the exception of defending state co* i champion Greensboro Page, no other team t in the league can match Carver's talent. "I don't foresee any teams being any c more talented than we are," said l Bovender, a former standout at North who has been at Carver for 16 years. "Our 1 chances are as good as anybody else's." s If, however, there's one area where the ( team needs to improve, Bovender said, it's f on offense. p "Some series we march right down the field," he said. "The next series we forget t all our assignments. I'd like to be able to f get the ball at the 20-yard line, take our time and drive straight down the field." Against Mount Tabor, the Yellow 1 Jackets never got untracked. They totaled 1 165 yards while committing six turnovers. < liiti X' Prep Honor Roll Parkland's Mat Kennard Martin rushed for 230 yards on 22 carries and scored ^ two touchdowns to lead Parkland A past North Forsyth 14-10. Martin's superb effort - the m best running effort by a Forsyth I ' County player this season ~ came on a night when he was suffering M a cold .... Tl North's Charles Baldwin S8 countered with 128 yards, including an 80-yard touchdown Ray Agnew and Fernando , Horn helped Carver hold Mount ? I Tabor to 80 yards in total offense in the Yellow Jackets' 8-0 vie- B||B^ tory. The Spartans, recipients of six turnovers, failed to score inside the Yellow Jacket 20-yard line on three occasions. Agnew had four unassisted bable for tackles and three sacks, while Mount Horn had four solo hits and three quarterb sacks. Horn now has 23 ready fo unassisted hits on the season .... game witl Teammate Rodney McKoy rac- dislocatec ed 40 yards with an interception practice, off Andra "Boo Boo" Baker for back Bo the only touchdown of the game their con ingham D.C. Gaither intercepted his fourth pass of the season for Mount Tabor. Gaither's intercep non came on nis own goal line just before the half. Teammate I Brian Broolcshire led a defense I that limited Carver to 165 yards I and caused six Yellow Jacket turnovers .... Maurice Robinson scored three touchdowns and Denorris Hayes raced 50 yards for another score to lead East's 28-0 blanking of Reynolds.... I mfgfm Bobby Paige returned a punt I 66 yards for a touchdown and I that was all the scoring unbeaten I West _needLe&_ta shut out I previously unbeaten Glenn 14-0 I 3244 R* Grid Notes I (tit??*! Mail.-**, fc West tailback Herman McKinnie sprained his ankle but is pro ...?,<* s?w art,jfr. .j#:-: ' -\< ;V ^MaiMMMIM wtttk i^npiiiHp^^ M ^ PPP1?*^^ rand-new Yellow Jacket Stadium noto Dy James Parker). IMiftAAlAAAiaAMAAAAiliaiMMAAiMiAAMAAIIIUIIIIIAiliAiiflflllllllAllllllftillMUM lllllllllfllllllllWlllllllllIIIIllllWllllIIMIllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllIli From Page B1 But the defense did the job, stopping Mount Tabor inside the Carver 20-yard line :hree times. "The turnovers put pressure on us the rntire game," said defensive tackle Agnew, Maying in his first game of the season. 4But they also made us play harder." McKoy appeared the goat as he lost three umbles. But he became the hero with a 10-yard pass interception return for a ouchdown with 6:30 left in the game. Juarterback Anthony Joyner found Horn n the right corner of the end zone for the wo-point conversion. "We came through and that's what :ounts "said Horn. But ~we haven't >layed to our potential yet." With 6-4, 230-pound Brian Brookshire eading the way, the Spartan defense made ome vicious hits. Unfortunately for Carver, one blow resulted in a broken wrist or Richard Daniels, who plays flanker and >lacekicker. "This is a big blow," Bovender said. "It akes away a whole dimension nf nnr r?f. V Ml Vi ense because of his speed." Daniels has run the 40-yard dash in 4.4. Bovender plans to bring up Stephon Debnam from the jayvees to replace Daniels. Debnam, Derrick's brother, is a S-foot, 182-pound kicker. > . 9 tin has 230-yart a before the seas< ? Dig the kinc might have h athletes who al its 9-10 days w Brian Howard star from Nort pretty good sal Bovender .... If you're \ Robinson gets 1 that his father whom Winst< m Wk Coach BUI Ha; v ^ Jtfi* ^st p^ay< Salem grid hist< From the Reynolds has fullback in Dn Ray Agnew freshman bulle and two touc the Carver game .... Demons beat E Tabor expects to have mate Kelly Ft ack Brad Schreiber yards and a TI r next Friday night's takes on North fi Kannapolis. Schreiber night at 7 at Gr i a knee in preseason The Spartans also get If you would li ysle Cunningham for player for the ference opener. Cunn- Roll, contact suffered cut fingers noon on Tuesdi SALE CONTINUES THROUGH NOV. 2 imartn'i WALLCOVERING ynoMaftoad S7t MuHmwi MM Road MM* -U?? ? ^ Sm uiuisli ui a? Booe. The J for as the ast 28-14. Team- I idger I Thursday iffith Park .... ke to nominate a Chronicle Honor David Bulla by ly at 723-8448. UPM Wegromid Av*. I fcoro, NC 27409 rMMpttatuu I f The Chronicle, Thursday, September 19, 1985-Page B5 Bennle McBrlde What con Bennle do? I 1. 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