Employment Legal Notic Homes Apartments Pen NORTH CAROLINA ) IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE ) DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FORSYTH COUNTY ) 85 CVD BUTCHER EUGENE CROTTS, ) ) Plaintiff. ) NOTICE OF SERVICE OF ) PROCEM BV PIIBI irtriftn ? . ???vnnwn VS ) > SMii*T?iM?aMwma?caBBap 1 ) Defendant ) TO SALLY ANN PENDRIX CROTTS: A pleading seeking relief agamst you was filed in the aboveentitled action on September 11, 1985. and notice of service of process by publication began on the 19th day of September, 1965. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An action for an absolute divorce based upon more than one year's separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 29th day of October. 1985. and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought This 19th day of September. 1985 JOHN T. NEWMAN Attorney at Law One North Marshall Street Winston-Salem NC 27101 (919) 72/7023 Winston-Salem Chronicle September 19, 26 and October 3, 1965. NORTH CAROLINA j ,N THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE ) DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FORSYTH COUNTY ) 65 CVD 4271 WANDA D ROBINSON THORN, ) ) Plaintiff ) ! ) NOTICE OF SERVICE OF vs ? ) PROCESS BY PUBLICATION ROBERT LEE THORN JR.. ) ) Defendant ) TO: ROBERT LEE THORN JR.: TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been (lied in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The Plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce from the Defendant on the grounds of one year's separation and seeks the custody of the minor child, ROBERT THORN III. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 30th day of October, 1965, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 19th day of September, 1985. BILLY D. FRIENDS JR. Attorney lor Plaintiff 546 North Main Street ' Poet Office Drawer 995 J Winston-Salem, NC 27102 (919) 723-4140; 723-5572 Winston-Salem Chronicle: September 19, 26 and October 3, 1965. NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO CREDITORS Having qualified as CoExecutors of the Estate of ESSIE Having qualified as Executor FLOYD WILSON, also known as o( th? estat# of william r. ESSIE F WILSON, ESSIE WOODS, also known as william WILSON and ESSIE MAE ralPH woods and william WILSON, deceased, of Forsyth WOODS, deceased, of Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to County, North Carolina this Is to notify dll dll persons, firms find nntifu All all llrmt inH corporations having claims corporations having claims against the estate of said against tha estate of said deceased to present said claims deceased to present said claims and/or bills to me, the under- ?nd/or bills to me, the undersigned. at the address below, on signed, at the address below, on or before March 13. 1986, or this or p^fore March 1, 1906, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery recovery. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE. PLEASE MAKE SA)D ESTATE. PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. This the 12th day of xhi8 the 29th day of August. September. 1985 1985 DESSIE H. WILSON QEORGE ANNA WOODS, and ROBER S. SMOAF Executor of the Estate of Co-Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM R. WOODS ESSIE FLOYD WILSON HI North Or.ham Avenue 800 Qlencoe Street WlnstorvSalem. NC 27101 and 624 West 24 V? Street Winston-Salem. NC 27107 and 27105 BILLY D. FRIENDE JR. Attorney at Law BILLY D. FRIENDE JR. 54? North Main Street Attorney at Law Poet Office Drawer MS 546 North Main Street WtnstorvSatom, NC 27102 Post Office Drawer 90S (910) 722-4134; 722-4140 Wlnaton-Selem, NC 27102 (919) 722-4134; 722-4140 Winston-Salem Chronicle Wington-S?l?m Chronicle: Seot 12. 19. 26 and Oct 3. 1985 AuQust 29. S?pt. 5. 12 & 19. 1985. ATTENTION MBE & WBE CONTRACTORS McOavitt & Straat Company it in tfi? procass of preparing bids for a major offlco building tnd parking gangs in tha Triad aru. McOavitt A Straat Company it intarastad in racalving quotas on tha following itams. 1) Concrate 6) Masonry Finishing 7) Roofing 2) Caramic Tila 8) Tollat Partitions 3) Drywali and Accassortas 4) Painting A Vinyl 9) MiscaHanaous Wallcovering Matals 5) Acoustical 10) Landscaping Callings All inquirias should ba diractad to Mr. Jofin Boatwright, McOavitt * Straat Company, 704/S2S-8110. All bids duo Saptambar 30, 1985. Classifie ?es FREE classlfiei sonals 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of TISHIE L | NESBITT, also known as TISHIE % LUTZ NESBITT and TISHIE NESBITT. deceased, of Forsyth County. North Carolina, this is to notify all all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said Mlf* ? andfev bote?to. rn*>, th* unriw,. ; ft EUTAI.. AtTS or before March 1, 1986, or this j ?m? jt j f m St *100 Notice will be pleaded in bar of 4 ** ?# ' v *m their recovery J?m?W7t|thSt HIS tneir recovery 4?m? till A Itfh W ?1M ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO 4|m?9?mhA?t4 1190 SAID ESTATE. PLEASE MAKE * *m? IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. 4 ?m?HS W?R S? This the 29th day of August, 1965 NOMISFORRtNT COTHER L. NESBITT, J ftms IM Csmers* Ave ?*7 Executor ol the Estate o! TtSHIE \ JJJ "2 SB' \ IS L. NESBITT 4RmtOO?Crl?Or \ ?1|J < 1622 Kentucky Avenue w. *r >Mm ?> otharKom^ Winston-Selem, NC 27101 BILLY D. FRIENDE JR. Attorney st Lew w.F. BALDWIN 4 SON 544 North Meln Street R??Iters Poet Office Drswer MS 21] W. 4th Winston-Selem, NC 27102 7ZMU4 (010) 722-4134; 722-4140 Winston-Selem Chronicle: POBBBBT-AFABTkABiiTS August?. s?pt s. 12 41?. 1985 } I Bins. Mt B. Mff) S* tm S Km*. VM1 Llwssle Ave W Tina dl VIM lei I LA IRnkMiaerlAve tw IlifiMUiliMMHl I Bins, tm BerfteM M. MS ) Bum. m West Bw4B*v4 in* I ems. St Kstmesk Or tMt FOB BBMT-MOMBS - ? 4 BMW. MMB.IMN. .Jl? 4 Bum. til B. tm ft IZB > Bms. 4M TeaBsn tt -...Itii 4 Bute. Mil B. Ml ft lift T. . JOHNSON A JONS BBH RRALTORS 1 wwBSTMon tiwuj FOR SALE FQR RENT I SLIGHT PAINT DAMAGE. m?? falS'lA,' '.'. MM ! Fleshing arrow sign, $269 Seve 1101 E. 18th (C) $224 j $254! Lighted, no arrow. $247. 1107 E. 18th (C) $224 I Unilghted, $199 Unbelleveble !K?I !!?? ' quality I Local. Factory: 1 (000) itisf^h . /.'.V:/. $140 j 423-0163, anytime. 2764 Clems-Lewis... $130.50 ______________ 4370 Siles Creek (A).... $140 4379 Slles Creek (B).... $140 FOR SALE A Buy I building wholesale 1-600474-4312 ^MWWllSl^B |MiSk for Mr. Qriner. . .. ^ n ^WEREjMEEEBEMWP 1NJOY LIFE WHILE % m SAVING LIVES Ml X IN TKE U.S. COAST IM ^ GUARD. Call Col- >||l fA leet: 919-275-4951. II TT GATEWAY TO THE McVofuMsf\f\ WEST 4f"YY\ McDonald's franchisee seeking store manager for one-million-plus unit in revitalized area. Must have McDonald's experience, be organized, aggressive, capable of developing people with a stable work background. Starting salary negotiable. Group medical life insurance and paid vacation. Send resume to: O.K. McOowan e/e McDoookft 41ftO North Orond St. Louie, MO 61107 SEE THE LATEST NEW HOMES IN WESTMINSTER COMMUNITIES BEFORE YOU BUY. j i J " 565,000 FHA A VA FINANCING &???...> ? BELOW MARKET full BA. brick with at- HAlto W5.35^ra9e 110 CLOtlNa COSTS _ Twin Garden - Patio PLUS A 10-YEAR homes $49,000. HOMEOWNER'S Temera Laket - WARRANTY on all new Stanleyville - $77,550. WESTMINSTER CO HOMES f 111/ JL Exclusive agents for KJ** /\ WESTMINSTER JI COMPANY "* A Weyerhaeuser Co MILLER-SHAW, INC. 722-7196 d Adverti J ads for personal items under $500. for sale GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Also delinquent tax property Call 1805-687-6000. Ext I 'J ^ GM-6306. tor mtormation VmmmM i Fe?e!U~l I 27aa RfcVNOi ?>S PARK I , RcaHyCfv I ROAD - 2BR town house #/ I I I s *"Nea'wssu TRShotss. 6326 RIDQE ROAD. Tobac 721-3000 coville ? Convenient to new RJR^p'.n, 38R r.nche, ,7? WOTWOOO WUV? ? Great price reduction to caij cadi ftc auc $38,900 on this 3BR brick ^.mbfeJatesL^nre hom? a ?"? ? rooms and more Brand new neighborhood w/ o.l heat. with dbl car garage S87.500 basement, ig lot w/ garden space & new carpet. L B 1329 BELEWS ST. - near Bauguess. 788 3355 WSSU 3BR cottaae S28 500 Assume VA Ba. $19,103 "V!?0* ? Well-built brick home on 814 BRUCE ST. - 2-storey '? s?ady 101 ?'??red?4 home near WSSU One of the Plumbed expandable attic nicest homes in the area w/stairs. Lg den w/pocket 32 cqq doors & lots more. In the ' high $40s. Hurry! Call L B. 310 E. 26th ST. - 2BR brick. Bauguess. 788-3355. just off Patterson Ave Sun ???.?-.? ?. ? ? ?i room, new carpet; always a T ? Ar?. ? .*? pleasure to show S42.500 downtown VV-S from this lovely 3 or 4BR home 2101 JACKSON AVE. - 2BR Spacious LR & DR w/ eat-in Ready to be occupied Nice f',C\l!ni c?ftv#n'#n,|y starter home or rental proper- 'oca,?d,,n ty. Assumable loan S19.500. ^avS^naa,h,69|^; Building lots Hubert St.. 7B5-B7B3. Tracy St.. Jackson Ave NUD A HOMB IN TMB in immaculate condition. 2BR fenced yard, gas heat, garage, alum, siding. I jm I then check on this one at L 1505 Harding St. Call L B I 788 3355, II professional realty. inc. I fM-UUOV f^T "T NEW LISTING I - 3bedroom condo in Rlverbend off Country Club Road Pool, tennis. clubhouse Owner will help H M with closing costs at $57,500 Call Charles Washington NEW LISTINOI - Cheltenham Drive, Salem Meadows. 3-bedroom home with many extras, solar heat, for $61,900. Charles Washington will be there.. V EAUTIFUL 1-ACRE LOT l,mm, with fencing, fruit trees and a convenient location ? 5087 ^m jmm Shattalon Drive ? for $45,000. Call Del Perry for appointment. ADJOINING PARKVIEW I SHOPPING CENTER - A well-Kept older home in excedent condition for $35,000 Adjoining lot also available mm Call today! 725-0069 I 1^1 ^sri nn NIIOHtORHOOD HOU$INO CINTIR Greenway area, 5 mln. I from downtown. One l block In any direction I ^ to public transportation , Wb Large, spacious homes M -A. available for sele. W Required: down pay- 1 ment, sweat, equity ^ a desire to live better. Rehab aseietance ^ available. Contact W.S. * ' N.H.S. for detells: I M m I 777-1051 m 1 2946 Bon Air Ay. ^ M Wlnttae-Salem. NC 27105 nF=ri cr> ( W PQ Jz) Let the community " _ know about meetings, new J y babies, family reunions, and general _ interest announcements nere. 722-8624. DEADLiNE I mm f?r I HI 1T T CLASSIFIED I ADVERTISING I ^ M TUESDAY I p|T ? 2:30 |bU P.M. I QT T Advertise I l^J | in the I _ ' Winston I T Salem I II i Chronicle The Chronicle, Thursday, September 19, 1985-Page B15 sing 25 Words 1 Week - $5.12 Call 722-8624 ? Mon.-Fri. 8:30 to 5:30 MUNDY REALTY HI 724-2404 RICHARDSON PROPERTIES mo. - ODCU CIIUnAV mm Knoiimood Si (Castleshire) Spacious 3BA, 4BR vrEN aUNUAT T?Tw!r brick rancher w/full basement. 2 m . ? n? fireplaces. 2-Cir garage and many ? P*!!'* 6.000 Offices Throughout mora r.n North America 1117 000 t0T 4*? CMWO* AVINUK - Sunday Office Hour* 1-5 " ' 3BR. 2BA split foyer, playroom w.' fireplace. heat PumP- central air "I-. . . Li -lOD ' CII1BP1- ? Gwvat energy Qthcient. deck. NC Hous. 6M-1AVFRTON. I N. - 3BK property. S rooms. mg Funds available plus builde' 2&X spnrie?8>- m~lomo?? - 3B*: 10*. living room w/ w,u se? 0r VA $61 S7T (New Lakes Est Assume low 9%- fireplace. 2 kitchens and full waikertown Rd North to leM on FHA and enioy Ig (Jen w/ basement. Call Phillip Ructor Cameron Ave) fireplace, deck 4 Ig. 122.900. workshop w/ Storage room _ 4173 MORNINOSIDI OR. ? New paint inside and out. 4IM WWMA1QW ^*p (**?< 3br 1V2BA rancher CA. gas Can Rickey Cole for details. " ;(B"f-2?A J"; heat. FHA assumption poss Con ......? one* rancher, formal area*. 1st vement to schools & shopping floor den w/ fireplace, full base S38 500 ment w/ playroom and large un1616 JORDAN DR. finished room, 2-car garage. 1A1S BAST 28TN IT ? 2BR REDUCED!!' Like privacy? fireplace, central air. storms, cottage recently remodeled Lg 3BR home on 6-plus deck, Quiet neighborhood. Call Solid structure enclosed back wooded acres. Priced for Carol Hardy for detail* $69,900 porch, low rate commun y quick sale. $72,000 Call C development loan for owner oc Krai for details. ?TQ tWI I NiWOIW (Tam?ra cupant or investor $25 900 996-4024 LafcMl - Delightful 7 room ranch ml fireplace, large kitchen. 4671 winnabow ? 3BR 2 BA 6696 HWY 311 N. ? Large heat pump, central air. covered & br,ck rancher with huge base brick home. 2 wells. 2 acre* screened deck, two-car oarage. ?f'a?* 2 of farm land, excellent for VA assumption possible jireptace^VA Assumption poss. horses and small farm Nice $68,500 dining room, full basement ##1f iltLW#OD _ 3BR, APARTMKNT6 - 3 bnch w/ den Additional acres 1 v*BA 7-room brick rancher w/ buildings, East Side location available Call Bill Burkhart fireplace, oarage, heat pump, Some owner financing possible 761-1541 central air. FHA assumption $62,000 per building possible 245 FAYETTEVILLE ST. - , ^ \ , REDUCED TO SELL! Good #1# OLSMMOOK - 5-room 7q 900 CalMo" for commercial, industrial or cottage. Great etarter home or inresidential use Owner finan- vestment. Mld-20*. cmg i* available w/ down pay- MtJfflHw ment Call Stokes Gatewood ^ or Bill Burkhart RMlty Co. 766-7909 8HCmill m 761-1541 Silii ?nd M?mg?m?nt Put Number 1 to work for you!" 4- intt'l ?UM<< .'iar>.l?uoi NaftMS i *? i**Emi*?mt m Mtp *> > wwii BSCRIBEI BSCRIBE ESCRIBE t r irnl >. "<&> td , K * o VX S BSCRIBE BSCRIBE RQr,PTT5T'I BSCRIBE BSCRIBE 9