I 9 W ake studei ministrations to divest their holdings in firms doing business in South Africa. Petitions from the students and a resolution from Wake's faculty urging divestment have been sent to the school's trustees for their consideration. The trustees will not meet until December. In addition to that, said student Addie Harris, students must take other positive action. "We should be prompted to send support without being prompted by Michael Jackson or Bruce Springsteen," Harris said. Not only are students ignorant of the South African situation, most Americans are, the Rev. Carlton A C. P -1- - , ..w. b'vi aivy IU1U Uic students. "The issue is simple," said Eversley, pastor of Dellabrook Presbyterian Church. "The quesWho '11 be mi lllllllltllllllllllMIMIIItllllUlllllllllttUltllillllttlMtttltl With 17 percent of the electorate voting, Frye unofficially totaled 611 votes to Mrs. Wilson's 494 in the South Ward's Democratic primary runoff. Mrs. Wilson beat Frye by only 37 votes in September's primary. Frye will face Republican Gregory B. Fountaine in November. Meanwhile, the mayor says he'll have to wait and see what will happen then before he considers Mrs. Wilson's successor as mayor pro tern. "The election ain't over vet." - - ? - ? / ? said Corpening. "I haven't had a chance to talk to people to see what they want to do." There are no hard and fast rules as to how the mayor pro tern or committee chairmanships are determined. Corpening simply makes a recommendation to the aldermen and they have the option of accepting or rejecting his recommendations. Cofrgening- said the * normal procedure he follows when selecting the mayor pro tern or the board's four committee chairmen < is to talk to each alderman and see what he or see wants to do. "Then you have to balance the committees," said Corpening. We sell firsi quality and discontinued t distribution. "Was" prices quoted an were formerly offered by catalog or ir QUANTITIES AND ASSORTMEf* ta4 onli NOW 50% U Girls' Pullover Swe Were * /I . $8.99 A Knit of machine-washable acrylic. Rich sizes S, M or L. Reduced from 1984 Ft Christmas Lights CI 1MUW l/l r35-light reflector s doll ornaments ... SEARS ^Pi J J | | .TTT^^l shop ,1 ill M * Wlntti f ?1?tl ? mi 4 ItHtlHIUHMKHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIItllllHllllllHillllllHIItUIIIIIII its petition tion is, 4Does it make sense to invest in slavery?' If you answer no, then the next question is, 'What will 1 do to change the racist policies of Wake Forest University in helping South Africa?' " The answer, said Wake Forest religion professor Dr. Macleod Bryan, will require a little sacrifice from everybody. ''Eighty percent of all diamonds come from South Africa," said Bryan. "Most peo pie aon't know tnat wnen tney go to buy diamond rings. "The issue is not a tender issue or a polite issue. The issue is, where does America stand? "One day you will have to fight for America, and America will be on the side of the white South African regime. Then the xyorpro tem? "Then politics comes into play. Anything you do has some politics in it." Corpening said one thing he considers is tenure on the board. Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Burke and Robert H. Northington all became aldermen in December 1977. Newell is chairman of the city's Finance Committee and Burke is chairman of the Public Safety Committee. Northington, the only Republican on the eightmember board, serves as vice chairman nf fhp Pinan/'a C1 ?- - VI IIIV 1IIHIIVV mittee. Mrs. Burke said she isn't willing to give up her chairmanship to be mayor pro tern. "Mayor pro tern in this city is no big deal,*' she said. 'The mayor can call on any of us to represent him. The only time being mayor pro tern might be a big deal is if something happens to him (Corpening)." A chairmanship, said Mrs. Burke, has more power. "Nobody is willing to give up a chairmanship," she said. Mrs. Newell could not be reached for comment but Mrs. Burke said she doubts that Mrs. Newell would trade her chairmanship to become mayor pro mmtmrrmmmm U K| msmm Merchandise from Sears retail and catalog * the "reenlar" nriret at ahich ii?mi i many retail stores around the country. ITS ARE LIMITED. SO HURRY IN! *rDAY ONLY! THURSDAY, OCT. 17th 30-lb. box of Sears Concentrated Laundry Detergent M That's W W L7 V I fl less than our I m W Fall Bit: W Book pruc luty biodegradable, low-sudsing laundry '/: cup per load ... 130 washes per Kk up at our low price!!! ONE PER CUSTOMER ^ f) aters 50 * 41ft i colors. Girls' ill Big Book. I iristirias Ornaments! I PRICE! ets ... richly dressed and more! uy a . ^ - _ *slaI u^*\ Jsa your Soars crodit card STORE HOURS at t9va MON thru FRI MIKVIEW 10 00 to 9 00 PING CCNTKIt SATURDAY N.C. .10 00 to 6 00 > ? *,v* Sunday OPEN! til 6 tne blacks in South Africa." From Page A1 tem. i i j:.: ? ? j * * ?-? in auuiuun, saia rvirs. Burke, the Democrats on the board are not likely to support Northington for mayor pro tern. It is possible, said Corpening, for a person to hold a chairmanship and be mayor pro tern, as Mrs. Wilson did before 1981. But the black aldermen have fought against that. "That's the same thing we opposed," said Mrs. Burke. "Now to go back on that is inconsistent." With North Ward Alderman Larry D. Little's decision not to seek re-election, the chairmanship of the Public Works Committee will also be open. Southeast Ward Alderman Larry Womble, who faces no Republican opposition in November, is vice chairman of that committee. If tradition is followed, Womble said, and he becomes chairman of the Public Works Committee, he also is not interested in becoming mayor pro tern. "Mayor pro tern is less of an active role," said Womble. INVEN1 " ? * Rib Hi-Miler Blackball Tir? Load Six* Typo Ronpo 670X15 Tubetype C 700X15 Tubetype C 650X16 Tubetype C 750X16 Tubetype C - 750X16 Tubeiess 0 70OX14 Tubeiess C 700X15 Tubeiess C 750X16 Tubeiess E Sato Ends Nov. 2 Goodyear Bios Ply |mM[j $0160 #f 078X14 ? 78X14 ~ A78-13 Wh.tewall F7fX1.4 With okJ fir? C^SXM Lube. Oil Chanc And Filter fl|| Includes up to fi I quarts oil Special diesel o filter type may r< extra charges * MomWy cfwge ?h?n pwcHMMI MWI Tin dua le wIm tax and any ittting balawea on QUICK CRE ASK US AB Vou may also use t ?Ul?y*LJ Diners Club Masl PRICES. LIMfTEO WARRANTIES AND < SERVICE CENTERS SEE ANY OP TH COMPETITIVE PRICES. WARRANTIES STARRED LOCATIONS NORTHSIDI 3SOO N. Patterson Ava. ? PI Opttt 7 30 til 6 00 Mon -Frl ? Opsn 8 IIIHMIIIIIIHIUNMIMNitUIHMMitilllltiMUMUtMUIIUMMII From Page A1 question will be, 'Will 1 be a loyal American and fight for the system?' " The one question most students wanted to ask was, "If businesses disinvest in South Africa, will that make life harder on the blacks?" Less than 1 percent of the black South African work force is employed by American businesses, said Eversley. "The issue is not full employment," he said. "We had full employment during slavery. The question is justice. It's profitable to do business because we make a heck of a lot of money in South Africa. "I've never seen any concern for black people in America from Ford or IBM like I see now for I MMMWWMWtWIMIMMMIMMIIIHMIIIIIIHIMIMIIIIIHIIHIIl Wake professor Herman Eure asked the students to commit themselves to the South African question and not to consider the issue simply because it's the "fashionable" thing to do. "Make sure you are here for the right reasons," said Eure. "This, young people, is your Vietnam. Make the right choices. Take a stand." Bryan said he remembers the last time a group of Wake Forest' students got together to fight for a cause. They opposed the fact that Wake Forest had no black students -- sd they decided that they would raise the money to pay the tuition for a black student to attend Wake. After they raised the money, the administration still refused for a year to let the student enter. However, the student eventually was admitted, illlUUHUtttUMItMIMIIMMtMMMMMillMIUIIMMMMMMMI llllllimmWHIIIIHIIIIHIMHIIIIHIillllllllllMMIIHtMt "Most of the duties are ceremonial, like ribbon cuttings or proclamations. It's prestigious but it doesn't carrv a whole lot of actual authority. "When you arc a chairman, you are in control. You arc the head. You are speaking as the chair." Provided they win November's election, aldermen Lynne Harpe, who chairs the city's General Committee, and Martha S. Wood will be two-term incumbents. Either could possibly be named mayor pro tern. Since the winners of the South and North Ward aldermanic races will be newcomers, neither will probably be given a chairmanship or appointed mayor pro tern. I [ORYCL Steel R Low As ^ A0^A 15 f V ?r Monih Flexible stdewal Set Of 4 T.res ? . S|ee, be(ted ra<3 ^ ^ 1S4 tread wear, and J act Sat ot 4 43 15 S1S.00 \lZ A ^15 S20 0Q Power Streak II 32 to lis ao M78X14 MS to moo 30.20 81000 E78X15 >30.78 >18.00 1505?mw T75XT5 UT15?ffOT 37.20 "TTOT C 78X15 "544 20 "ITEST 3010 lijy H 78X15 MO. 80 >18.00 W 0? $1>.001 I 17Bm5 I Win l?1f? je Transm Moiniri maiiiio VI V^>) jujw v? / ??? %? then, instead of listening to Jerry Falwell when you have questions about South Africa, you can go to this student." mm!i EEEHfii Instant Credit? For qualifiec / Iiet/MWAMI t.J/\ k MUM . * I uuaivmco, *vc nave il! Super-Low Heating Bills? C us! We have a full range of Carrier furnaces with efficier (A.F.U.E.) ratings as high as 97.3%! Great Values? Best Selectior Top Quality? We have em. 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