J / ^ J ? t^t. Send your poems to Poetry 1 Corner, P.O. Box 3154, Winston-Salem, N.C. We are not responsible for returning submissions, and because of the volume of mail received, there may be some delay in the publication of your poems. j "Fantasies" I often dream of silly dreams, Of fantasies of love. . ; 1 I often dream of birds flying :* Gracefully above. \ They all tell a story of happiness And gaiety. So when I think of them in the morning, ; They help me start my day. Arleatha Patterson \ "Mama" Z She hangs her apron, but not her love - That's mama . ?* "1 0 ? She settles arguments without a glove > :? That's mama I She blesses the food, though nothing's there ? That's mama ! She blows the hurt when in despair 0 That's mama . *. She's full of grace and endowed with power That's mama ' ... ; Her presence lingers as that of a flower 1 That's mama . <>: No love surpasses what she gives of herself 1 That's mama ' I dare give her love to anyone else Jayne Penne' . :* "To the Cocaine Users Everywhere" * Cocaine is no good^ > ? It has killed so many people, Most likely one of your friends * Has died from it, _ * -j You say cocaine helps you get through the day, It takes your mind off the troubles ; You are having, It makes you feel good! : That's the biggest lie I ever heard. You are strong enough to take cocaine, And it's killing you, ; And you don't-even know it, Or do you? * It may have you thinking I You are on top of the world, , 1 But all the time ; You have one foot in Hell. ' Get started, seek help. \ I know it's not easy, \ But if you make the first step J. ' And mean it, A I _ 1 _ J - ? I /\na pray ana asK uoa to neip you, He will! God has not turned his back on anyone, ' , And I know he won't turn his back on you. ; James Galloway f: "Poetry Introduction" Poetry is music, but in a different sense. ~~Z Slowly unfotdtng^rhe mystery : To keep you in suspense. ; Arleatha Patterson "Mama Don't" Oh Mama, I can hardly wait to get out of here, These tubes choke me sometimes, and there is so * Much fluid in here. I can hardly wait td see the outside world; : There will be the love from you, and my new -?Family members, friend^-to-play with ia my ? Toy room, and then the excitement of going ^ I T /% f 1 SJ 3VIIUUI . Oh boy! I feel those strange hands on me again. Z It can't be time for me to come out yet, I have ; So much farther to go, what is going on in here? * Why is this so painful? These aren't my friends, - I haven't met my family, they are tearing me apart ... Joyce A. Harrington Laurinhurg 0 , 4 T _______^___ _ < 1 \ W * GRUBBY ?QflP?(l?~o\ rruese are mashso/ J \to\JEQ PCTAXt/tj!^/?? crv roO sFM Rural Delivery Grandpa's Boy HAVE you BeeM \ / I V/AS A G A GOOQ Bos' ? ) ( ALU PAY sciryp-> ?? v? ^T/cv V, s-Sr-T^r- ~ NAPOLEON VOU MIGHT AS W&LL GO BIGHT BACK OUT TO i Fl VOUC POO HOUSE/NOU'RE^JOT GETTING INI j ^ THIS 3E.0 ANC? THAT'S PINAL / TWITCH M ''T ? ^ fesn1 ^ i.M i ,: mo' ?z , :?- ^ w IT JUST SO HAPPENED ^ by Kern 7^^o^(^^flo^if* #/* UC>LYCR6fiTUR? /? 7V? f AC ? Of A M0SQU/7& MOGN/f/?D// J\:A too, 000 T/M6S.' // \ ^ \f^Sr>^ famous ^AM?MM 0 CLBReYMMHQDMOPP // rat ri^c^/ySmj \^' ** raw* u&<>sy /? FOPC? Of 40016$. 3 _ I ' rMAOICMADt :AiV: i I I VINO tT()IN 9p/VoO ; | %/ Itf '"",hh"H i ? 0) * "Pv handa art /s^s " .? quickly swung C^"?~~ 10 |?alm? down on O the table // /^4 \. ., / BIKN ?om? r^> ^ /"^ aiH?t?r be i n e a t h n ? ^ :_. rs? Srr ?** CW ?? !* ?? rhrt*M n ?< ?i*? /* a? l>>f hitid* //ft 1 K^\ I jknT? /#)-? Mk If l? ?!? I|IIM k / I } t W\ 1?t. iw -* > ?i : i ' - r v , j ? 1 MAGIC MADE CAIY 1 SALT AND PF.PPF.R ^yv^" one tHilif y pepper 'fM,T> ?" 1 yr^ other T He mp? /!\ ^ ire rerr? /M ?hr.u m'? prp J il per reapern?el> rc~/ *{ A' 'he ?-it?rd? f Cil J ' romTund. Ml' ^ryX [ come* trr-wn rKe pep per ?t>alier an e S e r t 11 F m h cover h?? i ca'dboaM dtk 10 frlT ,r Onf triKft Knld? pfpp^f rhf U'iC r\ ?Kf iS(k * I; I ? '* . - t / i i- I ' . * V The Chrc By Warren Sattlcr , _ N (O Jpd ^ Al Smith I [ <-'s2,iiai?al fOP Bcry ) ~] I... EXCEPT FOR THBEE ) y<^wM - Jl,, ' ^ostcr Moore NEXT MORNING- jljli '. ' . By How Rands , f I VVAO K?PNAPP?P AND J PRAGGED OFF 7D THIS / r1?' \ SCHOOL FOR / 3& ? - Unmix the letters in Ihc boxes to form a uirwif 1 word. Then cirdc A, B or C (or the cor- 1 reel meaning (or definition). Scorc yourself as follows: ft ?l l I 4 Correct-Excellent 2 Correct-Fair \y/ 1 /; vx) 3Correct-Good 10Correct-Poor II ^ 1. |K| A|B |E ? I 1 - 2 4 LIP O Bill C. QitiLt. 2 CfiuA- ' JrujJJL Tfa+\, -Acm** 4. [T| RlEi AlNlSlEl % I-Sivple. o sly c. 4/^cefff f CJLul. & A* t tf.f7 ' 4 _A > i ?> - . t~i "iii if f;&'iiiifi*iWii!t iifrn:?ir#T^ti>Wtilif^ -ifrti rn I'll) ? -1 HIv m J0mM IfWr ^?' ;, :<* *": ^ k - . "' I^o WB&s*n* ^ WK^':* v f tV^Bl '^HfclA :"'''' K?,m i '...3 ^ f 'y m Ix* 7\i2k * HBb.- ^ >T|By '- ., i^^Bm^HBBK-^tj ^L ^JB ^B' B H B; i^M ?> 2110 Blue Ridge Boulevard. Raleigh. NC 27607 >nicle, Thursday, January 15, 1987-Page B5 STARSCOPE WEEK OF: JANUARY 15. 1987 AQUARIUS -1 January 21 February 19 It's important that you remain accessible un influential individual may l>c trying to roach you In general. concentrate both on details and the broad picture. balance is essential PISCES - February 20 March 20 Adventurous Pisces may be entoying some local travel this week Uninvited guests can Ik a way ol life on the weekend Cultural events are hkjhliglttcc}'through this period ARILS - March 21 April 20 Relationships flourish more on an intellectual level thato on an emotional plane. Intuition is surprisingly sharp, your perception of the motives ol others may be right on target TAURUS - April 21 May 22 Expect to be in the limelight (or much ol the week Romancewise. this is a quiet time. Opportunities arise for joining a prestigious organization Communications improve GEMINI ? May 23 June 21 Praise from a very important person comes your way. Week is stimulating from an intellectual point of view Partner surprises you < with a combination of generosity and gentleness CANCER - June 22 July 22 Career advancement is lively but avoid taking unnecessary risks. Partnership ventures arc highlighted, especially if you and your part nvi en*.- nui m ioia> agreement on everything. LEO ? July 23 August 22 Be more willing to shore the limelight. both with loved ones and coworkers Important goal is within grasp hut don't rush the natural process Check guarantees carefully VIRGO ? August 23 September 22 Experimentation is the key in q_weck that features a mi* of trial. error: and eventual success. Opportunities lor travel open up. f-'araway friend may be contacting you. LIBRA ? September 23 - October 22 Supervisor may approach you for confidential information; discretion is .ill important Mapping your plans (or the year ahead is a worthwhile task. especially where financial goals arc involved. SCORPIO ? October 23 November 21 Staying informed of community happenings may help you professionally Children seek you out for advice Coworkers may indulge in petty arguments, avoid stooping to their level. SAGITTARIUS '? November 22 December 22' r . You're in the limelight through much of this period and can do a good ' deal to help favorite causes Surprise gilt may arrive after weekend Partnership venture is favored. , CAPRICORN ? December 23 January 20 Change of scene may prove helpful, especially if you're experiencing difficulties getting motivated. Your artistic abilities arc highlighted and may lead to profitable venture. BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK You're determined and careful, always planning ahead for thai proverbial rainy day. Your sense of humor is a dry one You're thrifty Year ahead sees a maturing of an important relationship thanks to a willingness to think in terms of "we" rather than "l." BORN THIS WEEK January 15th. actress Margaret O'Brien; Ifrth. singer Marilyn Home. 17th. actor James Earl Jones. 18th. oclor Danny Kayc. I9lh. singer Dolly Parton. 20th. actress Patricia Ncal. 21st. actor Telly Savalas. v^jli vru \wu ACROSS 37. Ancient I I I | | I. Citrus fruit ,? ??,d oHoy ^ 6 Group JJ- V.?or ^dMNN/p>11Mdl3jS I of speakers '<> 7,u,ki,h Mvtfahfr^V LBIshl I. Amphitheater 42- Universal telSMlvfeNy I A 1. Hoppiness frjnaHBwr-hrL^S . LJ I 3. Greek letter *J- f "*'."9 fflf rrWaf H3rMH 4 Use of 44. Mexican dish SPttt VHXlSlBId N 11 one's nome jf Exclamation ggyTf|J|y^bLiJ ' 6. Moob city *l> P,onf pot rT3 . UUyJlUoLfn 7. Prefix, to ?? ^PP??'?r , , MbH I HM H B. Winged God ? * ^orTT*r U-j^-SW 'I T*l IjliWHCgj 9. Fruit.drink .. Russian ruler fojnMWlA N|Q|d I9U n|w| 0. A number 52- Tlried out 1 A\l.\3\ I lvlpfcivlNl3l>?fcn 3 - Printing DOWN Ml glNlvtdB^WNtoiwfcsWi" 4 ESS!!* ' Tibetan priest ? Sotu??n 4. Expires 2. Burst forth 9. Musicol 7 EfiLi-.>-. 3 My",f composition 7 Hypothetical 4. Unit 10. Ancient 9 P?ooL 5. Bock of neck stringed X $ Compensates instruments 2. God ef wor 7. Gaol 12. A dwarf 5 8 Conr>PO** 15. Mineral rock 5 And (Fr.) poin, ,9 MHitorv % ; r r r phimft i1 i4 i* 21- Fte?* ,*h>?v ? !? I7. Curved molding 24. Girts nome nr~ 7s ?"" i ;t" 2^- ??no , H 28 Nor* of ?">! " Trft 29. Endow U=-F^Jn--UF !?:??? BP1" "THBTn^?"" 0' p'oy* PP? WJ*?M ?. sss&tr - wrnr? ? izzzl :_jf i|Bt~ SEC 0 Bp sticky 77 n ?? ^ *^once 45 Abstract being Wt^mrr ?? ? ? ? 48 Parent 1 I I I ? II II II 5?- By % Oggning January 10 African $<* ?1 c% m |, * &> /* North Carolina Museum of Art (919) 833-1935 10-5 Tues -Sat,, 10-9 Frt.,,12-5 Sun. \