f Page A2 Wmston-Salcm Chronicle ?C - 9 All banks talk different. We , u^r" offering a mo our three ne^ 'I 'I Customize The reason v / because they ordinary chec customized t you. Organi to manage yc Performan< value and sp< Banking, if privileges yoi productivity. Satisfactioi Our commitr. jincomplicate ?1987Eirst Union Nat * *This guarantee does i 1, v Thursday, August 6, 1987 ? i jjaira I )r?)urM< : service, but First Union is guarantee it. That's why we're mey-back service guarantee with n customized banking programs. :d Programs^ ve call them programs is r offer much more than any :rang account, delivering >anking services designed for ized Banking gives you ways >ur money more easily. :e Banking gives you added icial recognition. And Benefit you're 55 or over, gives you the ii've earned through a lifetime of i Guaranteed. nent is to make banking d. Convenient. Fast. And lonal Bank of North Carolina >iot cover fees or other charges incurred for overdrafts, reject t YU J / V. actia nteec 3neyBa personal. And we're backir commitment with a writtei are not completely satisfie< customized banking progn six months, just close youi will refund any service, cha an offer like that, just imag TITAt-!/ f A OAtnm tr/\n YV WAXY LW 3G1 VC )UU dl J7 II SI new banking power for yoi more coming. New Banking Power Fc ?* ? FlfstUnionNi of North Caroi Member FD1C i ed items and other account related services. 9 V f ^ ^ ck. igthat i guarantee. If you d with our ims during the first : account, and we : rges.* Nowr with J jne how hard well Union. This is i. And there's I *< trYou.5" I t ttlonal Bank Hnm c *