PT > * % \ Jr -*w ?T ^ ** i ?' ? 1 \ ? ^5 rn&. mil lilKl lH I lliaif I fll?l Hlllllllin 50 Pages This Week Thursday, October 12,1980 ... . . Aj. p Al 50 cants f^rirtcipal cleared on assault charges Parents angry over judge's ruling, threaten to boycott, picket school By TONYA V. SMITH state failed to prove that an assault Chronicle Staff Writer took place.? _ _ . . However* two parents filed Parents of the children who ncw charges against Mr. Honeycutt. were allegedly shoved, kicked, Qne of them. Angelita Cherry, said patched and slapped by William she was disapp0inted with the E. Honeycutt are disappointed and judge-s ^jing outraged with Judge Margaret L. "My daughter was just a wit Sharpe s decision to dismiss charges ^ ^ ^ bul ^ ^ what aginst the elementary school pnn- was goint; on yesterday I went to cipat. ?? take out a warrant myself," Mr. Honeycutt had been Cherry said. charged with seven counts of Her 10-year-old daughter assault on children less than 12 Angel said her arm was twisted years old. The charges were filed when Mr. Honeycutt allegedly after the Mineral Springs Elemen- shoved her into a seat on bus #553. tary School principal allegedly boarded a school bus on Sept. 11 looking for a student, became angry and began shov ing ancT kicking stu "Honeycutt has been doing this for years, this is nothing new, " she said. "I had children at Nort h Elementary when he was there and I know what he'll do. That man's been mistreating childre n since he's been in the system.