34 Pages This Week Thursday, October 19,1989 SO cents ft *$?? The Twin City s A*vard-\b inning Weekly" ? " f--' ? -_._V.1__.J-:.. ? ? Al VOL. XVI, No. 8 Wood defeats Smith Smith vows to support Wood Nov. 7 By TONYA V. SMITH American. They also pointed to an anti-Martha Wood Chronicle Staff Writer message on Joe Grady's Dial-a-Klan hotline and a bill board along Interstate 40 which called Mrs. Wood a liar . The Democratic nominee for mayor will most ^ compared her with the Walt Disney character, Pin likely go down in history as the come back kid - the n0Chj0# lady who rallied from behind and proved that the 'peo- in the GOP corner, Mr. Skidmore said last week pie s choice is capable of upsetting the old guards Mr. saje ^a(j ^eCn telling Republican audiences choice. - that the latter said he would support Mrs. Wood over a Martha S. Wood won Tuesday's Democratic pri- Republican. Mr. Sale was allegedly getting his infor ANALYSIS Wood gains white, black votes By TONYA V. SMITH Chronicle Staff Writer ?Is,.. Increased voter turnout in the city's predominantly white wards and a continuing strong base of support in the Afro-American majority precincts propelled Martha S. Wood to a victory in the Democratic pri mary and closer to the coveted mayor's scat. I Tuesday's on again, off again rain showers may have caused voters a in tw