JOIN OPRAH WINFREY HERE FOR THE NATIONAL DOUBLE DUTCH TOURNEY JUNE 23 -Salem Chronicle SO cants . 34 Pages This Weak The Twin City's Award-Winning Weekly1 Thursday, June 14, 1990 \ VOL. XVI, No. 42 INRm Humtor Do* CIA tip may have aided S. African capture of ANC leader Mandela ATLANTA (AP) - A CIA tip to South African intelli gence agents led to the 1962 arrest of anti-apartheid lead er Nelson Mandela, who remained imprisoned until this year, accdfrding to a report published Sunday. The CIA had a "deep cover" agent in the Durban, South Africa, branch of Mandela's African National Congress, Cox News Service reported. Mandela, who had gone underground, was _arrested on -Aug_. 5, 1962 while trying to leave Durban arrest have been rumored for years. "That's an old, old story. I'm sure the press must have dug it up from newspaper cuttings from about five years ago," Ndlovo said. The report quoted~an ? unidentified former U.S. official as saying A4, AS Please see page A3 C Winston-Salem Chronicled Ng&SjjjjXlatG 'The right to do something does not mean that doing It is right.'* - William Saflrs SUBSCRIPTION HOTLINE . . . 722-8624 j