. .. ? ? r . . .. - - am ,iiiipi. i.i _ ? , - ' , ? Our Gang Former "Atkins High" students reunite to share memories PAQEB1 48 Pages This Week Thursday, July 12, 1990 Winston-Salem Chronicle 90 cants The Twin City's Award-Winning Weekly' VOL. XVI, NO. 46 i CM?? ? WWW8B8ga Photo by L B. Speas After a tough day in court, a teary-eyed BevrtySjadfrFeastertelto her story. Summit planned for E. Winston ByTODY ANDERSON Chronide Managing Editor The second week in August could mark a turn ing point in the economic and social conditions of Afro-Americans in Win , ston-Salem. At least that is the hope of organizers for a proposed Winston East summit scheduled August 9-11 at the Radisson Hotel in Charlotte. Organizers for the summitare those Afm_-_ ^__AmefTcans who were invited to the economic summit in Blowing Rock May 3rd, accord in g to Winston East Summit committee co-chair James Grace. Grace said the idea of ? having a summit has been on the drawing board for years but was never made into reality. He said the spark to move that process Blowing Rock summit. James Grace Matter Evans along was ignited after the "People from that summit (Blowing Rock) left with Please see page Ad r Winston-Salem Chronicle ^ Affl w*Undatn Band's refusal to rampage DALLAS - A rowdy 2 Live Craw (an ? escorted off the stage by security personnel in Dallas. Fans want on a rampaga aftar the band refused to piay whan they were not payed in advance. More stnte and national news ... Pleas# aae page A3 INSIDE i Business A6 Classified C6 C7 Community News E*1 Editorials A4. A 5 Entertainment C5 Religion BG Sports CI 'Suoeaae la simply failure turned ins Ida out" SUBSCRIPTION HOTLINE . . . 722-8624 Was Judge's Mood A Factor? Woman appealing sentence thinks so By RU0Y ANOiftSON Chronicle Managing Editor When 28 year old Beverly Slade Feaster went Into court Tuesday on three counts Sf employment security fraud, she thought die would he able to leave if she paid the $348 the Employ matt Security Commission said she owed. It was after all an honest mistake, she rea* sorted* because she like many people;; misunderstood the filing procedure. She was wrong. Judge James Htorill, who heard her ex^laals^^ of ^Mumstsmces in the case in district criminal conn, fined; Mrs. S lade-Feaster $400 plus $50 in court costs, ordered the repay the money owed BSC, and sentenced her to three days active time in jail. Mrs. Slade-Feaster said the judge also ordered the Department of Social Ser? vices to pick up her two children while she served time. She appealed* The judge then put her under a $3,000 dollar bond. Ktei: Slade-Fea^er and her hus band, Larry, both say the judge later said, Tm in abad mood today.** Attorney Stanley Mitchell* who was in the courtroom, waiting to represent a client in another case.said that " goiprised that the judj^ hlt Mi^ Stode Feaster with Such * high WWW|b