Finish High School, For Your Own Sake. ? Nobody said high school was going to be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. But that high school diploma is very worthwhile. Now and later on. Sure, you might think it would be easier to walk away from the daily classroom routine. But don't do it. The grind of a daily job is just as tough, and even tougher without that piece of paper that says you finish what you start. Your high school diploma. In the Army, we know what employers are looking for. In a survey, more that 850 employers said that responsibility, motivation and the ability to work with others are qualities they desire most in their employees. These are the things you can learn more about in the Army -- after you graduate Most of the best opportunities in the Army require a diploma. Donft quit, stick with it andflnish. You really can be alt you can be. " For information about Army opportunities for high school grads contact: ___ 1-800-USA-ARMY or Look In Yellow Pages Under Recruiting ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. I ./.lit i i , 'VI