New book of Hughes' poems a treasure For those of us who cherish Langston Hughes' works, Select ed Poems is a treasure to be kept PTE] lite and freedom and spirit. One sec tion is entitled "Madam To You." Madam Alberta K. Walker is the by one's bedside for consistent perusal. In this work are many of those poems which distinguish African-American literature, cul ture and history. Hughes, whose writing spanned 1926 to 1967, wrote about blues and night life and love Fall sky shows As the summer passes and the fall season begins, more stars seem to be overhead than were there for the summer months. The number of stars is the same, but there are a greater number of brighter stars to be seen for people in the Northern Hemisphere the fall and winter months. Another reason the sky appears to have more stars in the winter than in the summer * is that there is a greater amount of wind, rain, and other precipitation in the fall and winter which clears the air and makes the atmosphere more transparent. Overhead in the month of September is the well known North em Cross. The seven bright stars that have an outline of a cross are part of the summer constellation Cygnus, "The Swan." This is one Of the most abundant star fields in the sky, and well worth going out about 9:()0 p.m. and taking a look. At the top of the cross is the star named Dencb; it is the brightest of the seven and also the greatest of the supergiant stars known. With a computed luminosity 60,000 times of ihc Sun and a mass 25 times the Sun Dcneb has a diameter of 48 million miles. It is one of the most remote of all the bright stars at 1,600 light years distance. The sun also marksthe Swan's taiL" in the mythological outline of voice in the poems which together tell the story. In "Madam's Past History," he wrote: "I said, Don't worry 'bout me! Just like the song, You WPA folks take care of yourself and I'll get along. I do cooking, Day's work too!" Alberta K. Johnson ? Cygnus, brilliant 'Cygnus. The name of the star is from A1 Dhanab al Dajajah, which in Medieval Arabic signifies "The Hen's Madam to You. Hughes had a fantastic sense of humor. hi "As Befits a Man/1 he wrote about dying: "When they let me down, down into the clay, I* want the women to holler: Please don't take him away! Ow-ooo-oo-o! Don't take daddy away!" This book contains a selection of poems chosen by Langston Hughes from earlier volumes and from the privately printed limited edition Dear Lovely Death. If you are not familiar with Hughes' writing, this is an opportunity to do so, another chance to learn more about our culture, ourselves. Northern Cross Between the star that marks the intersection of the two arms of the Northern Cross and Albireo lies the STARWATCH % By EDWARD A. ALLEN I* \ Tail.'* The second brightest of the seven is located at the foot of the cross and is named Albireo. The orig inal Arabian name was A1 Minhar al Dajajah, or "The Hen's Beak." Albireo is one of the most beautiful double stars in the sky, con sidered by many observers to be the finest in the heavens for the small telescope. Even a pair of good binoc ulars, if steadily held, will split the pair. Albireo is noted for its superb color contrast, the brighter star is golden yellow and the companion is sapphire. For the average amateur telescope there is probably no pair so attractive. No more than 30 power is required on a good 6-inch telescope to show this superb pair as two contrast ing jewels suspended against a back fffotffld-of wonderfully thick glittering ? star-dust unequalled in splendor in the entire heavens. great Cygnus Star Cloud, a superb^ region for study with a small tele scope or binoculars. Its low-power fields are overpowering. Sweep the area with a low-power wide-angle eyepiece and notice the huge numbers of stars, groups, and clusters, and the occasional dark gaps caused by clouds of non- luminous material. It is in Cygnus that the belt of ~ dark dust clouds known as the "Great Rift" begins. It runs from Cygnus to Centaurus and apparently divides the Milky Way into two parallel streams. The obscuring clouds of the Great Rift lie at an average distance of 4 or 5 thousand light years, and in the Sagittarius region, they prevent any direct observation of the nuclear regions of our Galaxy. The star clouds of Cygnus, however, evidently mark out a portion of one of the spiral arms- - of our Galaxy, lying some 7, (XX) light years away. Prices Good SEPTEMBER 19. 20, 21 & 22 Service, Selection & Savings -- From "The Prescription People" Rubbermaid 32-Gallon Trash Can #2894 Excedrin 100's $R99 EMln EXTRA STRENGTH ?? 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