THURSDAY JANUARY 31, 1991 NEWS HOTLINE 723-8448 28 PAGES THIS WEEK - ? MWM M Starting Anew United Cornerstone welcomes new pastor, Rev. J. Ray Butler. PAGE B8 , ? _ ? >: t . f i . t 50 cents VOL. XVII, No. 23 N*A*T*r*0*N*A*L N FWS 1 ^ Inn W W Black preferred term ?'"' .:-r : V': /-- ? " WASHINGTON, D C. (AP) _ Despite increasing use of the term African-American, most black Americans still prefer to be called black, according to a newly released survey. Hie Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a black-oriented study group, said it conducted thc survcv among a sample of ?39 black people. It found 72 percent said they preferred black, 15 percent African- American, 3 percent Afro-American and 2 percent Negro, with die rest giving no opinion or other responses. Preparing for attack _ DHARHRAN, SAUDI ARA BIA (AP)_ A Saudi Arabian child in army fatigues and his brother carr; filters their father picked up at an Aram co distribution point. The Government owned company Aramco is freely distributing about 80,000 gas masks to emplyees in Dharhan in an effort to step up security. (AP LaserPhoto) Nation's poor sacrificed ATLANTA (AP) _ The nation's poor will be among the biggest casualties of the war with Iraq as it drains resources from domestic social programs, the head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference said Friday. SCLC president Joseph E! Lowery, who last week led 3,000 marchers in Atlanta in a cele bration of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, called for a cease fire in the Persian Gulf so ; that economic sanctions and negotiations . cc&ild be given another chance. . ; People- cfossr >4. ? ?; ? TALLADEGA, Afa.(AP) ^Opposing sides in a disagreement over selection of a new school superintendent remained divided large ly along racial lines, but they expressed unity on one issue _ supporting the American men [ and women in the Persian Gulf. r A crowd of about 300 was divided Thursday night, with a' group of blacks on hand to protest the city school system's failure to includ^acting Superintendent T.Y. Lawrence, who is black, among the finalists for the per manent post ; - Going to Church 1 ; $:C The first thing James Brown says hell do if he gets out on Hfp&te is take his wife to church and finish a new album he says will "shake the worl? ? Dr. Sylvia Flack By RUDY ANDERSON rm Chronicle Managing Editor The Board of Trustees at Winston-Salem Slate l niversit\ has given the school's nursing program a vote of confidence b\ recommending that the program be maintained as a tour \ear pro gram. Changes in the program were proposed b\ thcT nivcrsitv ot North Carolina General Administration to scale down ihe current genenc (four- year) program to a twa=yeai program to piovide degrees for those students who were already registered nurses. * The proposed changes were among several recommenda tions made of nursing programs throughout 'the I'^C swem. Once the proposed changes were made, alumni of the nursing program, the school's national alumni association, tauilis mem bers and people in the commumn began a campaign to let the university's trustee board know they wanted the gcvnc program ? >cpt. V ?. . Hoaid chair kolvrt Km ken wrote m .1 v.i' ?vv't release*! 'ate last week that the I N(.' s> stem * s- ? ?? ?