Black History Month isourtime to remember. I ?S ' ' ' ?;???? i;5 ? inston-Salem Chronicle 50 cents "The Twin City's Award-Winning Weekly" VOL. XVII, No. 25 N*A?T*l*0*N*A?L NEWS mm \> ? I a? m i ?> ? ? Rcn^i !K^ >?-? v.- * $ .?'? r'' By RUDY ANDERSON Chronicle Managing Editor Winston-Salem's personnel director says the new duties of the city's former recreation and parks superin tendent are under review to determine what his job clas sification and therefore his salary are supposed to be. Alan Hine, the city's former superintendent of recreation and parks, was stripped ot his duties as a supervisor last^week in the wake of allegations raised i _______ : by members of the Board of Aldermen of discrimina tion against African-American employees and misuse of city property in the recreation and parks department. Hine was reassigned by recreation and parks direc tor Nick Jamison as an engineer in the department But Jamison insisted that his reassignment had nothing to do with the allegations raised or the investigation of his department. He called the move an attempt to "have a good management team." He said it was in the best interest of the maintenance department to reassign Hine. Hine, who has been employed with the city since 1971 , said of the allegations, "They are nothing but alle gations, that's all they are. I hope everything will come out shortly. I know the truth will be known." On his reassignment Hine declined comment. But on the matter of his pending evaluation, Hine said,"l would imagine that one is coming. Anytime there is a Please see page A10 History is Fun! *ydi rutftn, Children at the Kingston Green City Recreation Center are fascinated by the pictures and information about black history covering the walls of the center. A lot of the information on important figures concern not only key national figures but local people of note who have contributed to the development and enhancement of the African-American community. Board hunt ? underway Interim committee begins its work By RUDY ANDERSON * Chronjde Managing Editor A seven member transi tion committee named last week to undertake the task of reconstituting the Win ston-Salem Urban League Board of Directors began its work Tuesday. The committee along with Rov. Johnson the director of fiscal management and operations for affiliates of the National Urban League, met for several hours at the Urban League office on 5th street. The committee elected the Rev. Wendell Johnson, pastor of First Baptist Church on High land Ave, as chair. In addition to Johnson, other members of the Please see page A 13 WFU gift used for minority grants Chronicle Wire Report Two million dollars of a multi-mil lion dollar gift to Wake Forest Univer sity from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foun dation will be used to boost the institu tion's minority scholarship program. The announcement of the three part gift and how it would used was made during, the Founder's Day Convo cation last week. In addition to funds for the scholarships, the gift adds $500,000 dollars to the university's existing merit scholarship program and $250,000 a year to strengthen under graduate faculty teaching and research. "This three-part grant not only reflects the historically-strong relation ship between the foundation and Wake Forest, but also is a testimony to the particular interest the foundation has in the university," said foundation board member, Hubert Humphrey Jr., who made the gift presentation. The foundation has supported minority scholarships since 1985. Until now, $900,000 was provided by the foundation. Wake Forest officials say the gift will now boost the value of those one-year renewable scholarships to full instead of partial tuition. Cur rently 28 of the more than 230 African American undergraduates at Wake For est are recipients of these scholarships. A total of 36 scholarships has been awarded since the mid-1980s. The scholarships are merit-based and geared to attract qualified students. Wake officials credit this scholar ship program, along with several oth ers, with helping the university increase its minority enrollment the last few Please see page A 13