mmm mmsm to attract on# of tha tatfmMrtyln rtc turad Ox) Uony -The games people play . Continued from page A1 ana ineir suocuiture tolerates self destructive behavior and encourages taking risks." The report concludes that even the most heartfelt warning front a competent and well-loved spokesman such as Magic Johnson is likely to be dismissed as being irrele vant. "Even appeals to their African American sensibilities are also likely to be ineffective ? perceived as being an imposed burden." Perhaps the most telling obser vation of the entire report is the con clusion that "African-American inner city teenagers are far more certain of who they are not than who they are, and their efforts at self definition, even those they know to be antisocial and self destructive, are defended on the grounds that they are at least authentic. In other words, they would rather die than be the hypocrites Moral mutes What the report didn't say was that as adults, we former young peo ple are in many ways just like the youth. We are still playing games with ourselves, still subject to peer pressure as they are. Indeed, the irony of all ironies, our very own inauthenticity is the very thing that is feeding their rejec tion of any of our so-called main stream values. They see us as phonies and I guess they are right It is easy to see why they would think such a thing. One need only look at just how difficult it is for many of us to stand up for what we know to be right Just think of how we as black folks have fallen away from the high moral ground that we once occupied so proudly. Many of us are living in virtual house arrest Some of us are so silent on the questions of what is right and wrong that we are moral mutes. We don't see no evil, hear no evil. We are so blind that we either refuse to, or we can't see how we as black folks are being destroyed from within, by our very own kind. Like America, we have fallen into the trap of fearing the Commu nist meanwhile the real danger is coming from within. The report suggests that "many of our children fall victim to a spiral of silence which inhibits the free discussion of controversial issues to the point that even a majority of opinions can become suppressed because the subjects are too danger ous to broach. Many would rather risk death than subject themselves to the hazard of ostracism by raising the issue such as safe sex or drug abuse." In other words, they seem to be looking for the right thing to do but want to do it without losing the approval of group. Do we have the will power? It Just may be that the number one problem facing black folks in this country is not white racism, drug abuse, welfare dependency, lack of education, or a lack of resources. It may be that our number one problem is a lack of will power. For Your Father's Day Gifts Open Wednesday - July 1" Closed Saturday - July 4* Your Accounts Welcomed No Servtes Charge Locally Owned and Operated I52Q N I IBPBTY ?CURTA,NS -ready-to. .bedspreads ptU M. LIDCn I I .DRAPERIES wear .supcovers 722-7474 Open 9:1 S a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. ? Monday-Saturday ? Closed Wednesdays Give Hine-Bagby Gifts For Father's Day Sunday, June 21 30% off EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE Today Through Saturday, June .20 < ?? - . ?'V ? % - . - ? M-* ; , I >v - We as a nation, including us blackfolks, apparently iack the will to move beyond the present morays in which we find ourselves. Indeed, while the nation is facing a budget deficit, we are facing a deficit of willpower. We are falling victim to the American lure of amorality and valuelessness. We too have fallen under the spell of Einstein's relativi ty ? where everything is relative and everything is irrelevant We have been lulled into the complete state of refusing to accept personal responsibility. Just as our children, we have been lured into a silent war with the truth. We are afraid of it There is no consequence for our behavior. We have adopted the same kind of silent conspiracy about our own personal behavior as those who are in our group. We know what is right and what is wrong, but now we lack the will to stand up and say so. We have plenty who are willing to stand up and say what is wrong with the white man, what is wrong with George Bush, what the government ain't doing, and what the preachers ain't doing. But the question is: when are we ? you, and I ? going to be willing to say what we as a people are not doing? When are we going to get to the place where we criticize each other within our own group, regardless of whether white folks listen in or not? Our children need us to be able to stand up and say what is wrong and what is right ? to take our lumps for it; to not excuse everything they say and everything they do. We criticraow children for not withstanding the rigors of peer pres sure, but yet, we then turn right around and do the exact same thing that they have done. We too, are afraid of the power of peer group pressure ? of being ostracized. It is a deadly standoff. Our chil dren are busy killing themselves, begging us to help them deal with peer pressure and we are too scared to give them the hand that they real ly need for fear of peer pressure. I guess it's understandable, afterall, no one wishes to be called an Uncle Ibm. 'Fnut SuUiri. \Xi ns( mi Sa fern's Itest Ansiceri Ser ried presents grammy award winners WINANS FRIDAY ? JUNE 19 ? 8 pm 24 Hour, 7 Days A Week Service ? Courteous, professional service ? Prompt notification of calls ? Wakeup/reminder services ? 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