Chronology of Dr. King's Life 1929 January 15 1*35-1944 1947 1948 February June September 1953 1954 May October 1955 June O Dfiremher 1956 January <7 February June October November ? December : 1957 February May September - 1958 ?; June September .j ? vm February 1960 January February April Marun Luther King Jr. is born to the Rev. and Mrs. Mar tin Luiher King Sr. at 501 Auburn Ave. in Atlanta. King attends David T. Howard Elementary School, Atlanta University Laboratory School, Booker T. Wash ington High School and enters Morehouse at age 15. 18-year-old King is licensed to preach and becomes assistant to his. father, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. King is ordained to the Baptist ministry. King graduates from Morehouse College with a B.A. degree in sociology. King enters Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. Here he begins a serious study of the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King marries Coretta Scott in Marion, Alabama. The U.S. Supreme Court rules unanimously in Brown vs. Board of Education that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional. Rev. King is installed as the*20th pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King cams a Ph. D. degreeech. King makes "Beyond Vietnam" speech at Rivcrsiil* Church in New York City. 9 Riots in Newark, New Jersey and Detroit, Michigan, hi King and other prominent black leaders call tor an end the nots. October Supreme Court upholds the contefhpt of court coiivk tions of Dr. King and other black leaders who led ih< 1963 marches in Birmingham, Alabama. November King announces the formation of a Poor People's Cam .paign by SCLC to address the problems 'of the po<>i black and white. 1968 March April i, King leads 6,000 protesters on march through down town Memphis in suppon of striking sanitation workers. King delivers his- last speech "I've Been to the Mountain .Top" at the Memphis Masonic Temple. On the 4th. Or King is assassinated. He dies in St. Joseph's Hospital. a True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." PAINBOW New & Cafe "FOOD FOFk BODY XND MIND" 712 Brookstown Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 919-723-0858 j Open Daily ' The dreams men dreapi live after them. We salute the dream Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., left as his legacy to us all. First Union National Bank & of North Carolina LENDER ?1W First Union Corporation Branch ( Mtiu-s Statewide >r