ON THE AVANT GARDE BY TANG NIVRI Black FoIRs, Just Litt^lVhite Folks! Who is Responsible for Ice Cube? It may very well be that thesngst and frustration running ram* pant throughout liie UlaUi community tfl tftl* lyumry i& tne graoual realization that the struggle I I * ovcr: that black folks an indeed pretty much just like white folks. Sometimes we are good; sometimes we are bad. ; B That other than running faster and being able to jump a little | higher, blacks are really no better than whites, that sadly, they are I just is likely to lte, cheat^steal, kttl.orhave tod breath in the morn ing as wojild Anybody < h - : IRiat just as Thomas Je "All men ore indeed certain inalienable rights fused about the truth as is ?es, that ^ven the same station in life; inner workings of the old table with the rich and much reach the same blacks will still and combread after sels sprouts. Till now, the fight has were both created equally cally, have done Jheir best their equality as human beings, rightful place on this earth. indicate this truth: But now that we are: possible to explam ltf illustrated f>y rapper "Ice Cube." ils under every rock, we find "black thang" makes its portraying them as nothing than self as having a big "jimmy? drugs, gambling, a 3j| double, yet, unlike the in Hollywood in a huge Yes, this "black tiMI true American dre*mCy| there any reason for him folks? Isn't he getting^w The fact that he and notwithstanding, isn't about? Freedom to do be? The equation still Black people should folks do. Black folks who Help companies know best. Why Mi***#*."' ^fusion in our We are havin| to ber of us who have made ei\joy the American dream ? j*. like white folks do when ther brewery any less black? No. ~ called Jin honest living? W white folks who sell bM racists for doing the same? Is it ing? Do not these black works for a is sure to be lyhy are they ' ' ^ & to send to school, .? Do they not vote on every elec But when whites target the reach a Native market, ~ seeing what wehave become, now that some of us have made it in America, and we don't like Rather than emulation, blacks should be helping the rest of America to change its' values! We should be trying to help white America change its course of direction. We should be trying to help -our country establish new models of success, to turn away from vio lence, to look for new models for how families c$n survive, instead of emulating the values' of AnMsricawhicK inevitably give rise to cretins the likes of "Ice Cube" and others who live off the misery of others. Is this not the very thing thir blacks routinely criticize white folks most for exploitation Of the masses of black folks? Realty, we are quitethe same. Sure they may not be as good as we are on the basketball court or on the football field, and we are yet to decide to master the standardized test, but Jet's just call it even. Wc can do anything they can, which moans that white folks are good at drug abuse and so artT we; they are good at spousal abuse and so are ~ we: good at choosing violence as a meatus to solving problems and so do we. They prefer to kill each other and so do we. V Finally, whitfc folks are not stupid and We certainly aren't. Asians, Hispanics and others have long since grown tired of our, ten dency to whine about the state of Black America when many of them see that we, like others, that our values anrf questionable, that we're just as likely to kill ourselves' as is imyofte else^ are just as likely to exploit others as were representatives from the nation who were sell* ing fake cures for AIDS to poor, helpless black folks, as were the black car dealers in Chicago who would sell the car to the black woman at a price higher than did the white dealers, that we are just as likely to be our own worst enemy as they are. Such is true for humanity, the* world over. V " ? As somebody already said, "We have seen the enemy and he is us." What in the world are we $>ingto do about \fr ~ r The Choice The Chronicle 722-8624 ? w.v.,, VI 1 1 VI i iv 41 ? Carver Fight is Symptom of County-wide Tensions . o> MARK K VOSb Ch'OHh :t Siar* W HtC An interracial ficht at Carver the School and that a March 5 flag waNing incident likel\ triggered the tight. That was the day >e\eral white students skipped?school. he. High School last week is a symptom of the racial tensions that permeate life in Forsyth County, several East Winston community leaders said. What we re seeing is just a cul mination of some of the tensions in the community.' said Earline V, . P.irmnn a Forsyth ConnTy commis sioner. It's just being passed from the adults to the students. Three black students wer<; arrested at the school around noon last Thursday after they allegedly beat up a white classmate near the school's cafeteria. Horace Cutter. 17. and Greg Cutter. 18. both of SOS Effird St.. and Rodney Hill. 16. of 4880 Circle Drive, were charged with assault following last week s incident. They were accused of beating Walter Gray Smith Jr., 18. of 4852 Monte V ista St. Robert F. Clemmer. the school's principal, said Hill and the Cutters had been suspended for 10 days. Clemmer said racial problems had been "festering for a while" at said, and drose by the school wa\ ing Confederate flags while a Black History program was being held. Walter Marshall, one of two black Winston-Salem Forsyth* County school board members, said there is always the potential for the ktrtd-oft rouble Cane r expeiienced. "You grow accustomed to hear ing about these little things that can lead to what happened at the school.' he said. He said there had been other incidents throughout the school year but none as serious as last week's. He said racial problems won t be resolved until teachers come to terms with the' "diversity" that makes up the school system. He blamed the troubles at Carver, in particular, on the. students who come from Belews Creek, a predominantly white and conserva tive tow nship northeast of the city . They're the ones who initiate a lot of the problems, he said. Their parents have a "Klan and Nazi men tality" and students bring that type oi attitude to school. Gene\ a Brown. the other black school hoard member, said a lot of roblems steir. from a lack of com munication between students and teachers Browr said that when she was an elemental*) school principal, she frequently gathered with stu dents to discuss racial issues. She agreed with Marshall that children are going to bring into the classroom the racia! biases the) learn at home. There are parents trom both sides of the coin who are going to teach racism, she said. Some peo ple are going to h4t\<.' those hatreds, it's sad to >a\ . But dam if we can t keep students from doing things to each other. Vivian Burke, an alderman from the Northeast Ward and whose district encompasses the school, was critical ot Clemmer for not recog nizing signs of racial tension. . What has he done to let stu dents know that their behavior tow ards each other is not proper?' she said. How many parent/teachers meetings has he had.' What kind of long-range things is he doing to pre sent further outbreaks?" Burke satd principals are so buss tmng to move themselves up the ladder, they overlook their responsibilities to the students We don t need a Mr Personal ity out there, we need a strong prin cipal. she said. Clemmer. who was recently named Forsyth County's Wachovia principal of the year for the second time in three years, said that before the incident at Carvei, the school system had developed a program to address these concerns in its long range planning. And as a result of last week s fight, the school has called in an outside consultant ? a group comprised of college students skilled in. cultural sensitivity train ing. Clemmer said he has also asked for help from the Winston-Salem Urban League. Burke said senior citizens who live along Carver School Road and w ho are at home during the day do not need to feel intimidated by w hife students parading down the street waving Confederate flags. The people in that neighbor hood don't bother anybody." she said. Students Say They Saw It Coming from page A 1 said. "It's not a normal day here." The school also had three deputies from the Forsyth County Sheriff s Department on duty, instead of the usual one. As a stu dent climbed one of the school's stairwells and turned to walk down a third-floor hallway, a deputy stopped him and asked to see his hall pass. And students who normally would have been sitting in English class were instead sitting in an auditorium participating in a "Teen Forum on how to improve race relations. Three black students ? Horace Cutter. 17. Greg Cutter, IS. and* Rodney Hill. 16 ? were arrested last Thursday and charged with 18. who is white Smith suffered a broken nose and two black eyes>. officials As the bell rang for students to change classes. Clemmer com manded them to go immediately to their next class. But before the forum ended, one emotion-filled student inter rupted Clemmer and asked a very poignant question. "1 Understand what you're saying. Mr. Clemmer. the student said. But how can you work together when somebody's smiling in your face one minute and stabbing you in your back the next?" Clemmer replied. "That s the importance of working together.' Amy Mecum. editor of the Cuncr Conner, said race relations at the school could improve it. stu ' dents understood each other. "Things like this shouldn't be happening." she said. "We should be striving for unity. I'm a big per son on respect. I've never been ashamed of Carver until now It's embarrassing to hear people sny . 1 don't want to go'to Carver."' ** * 3 Blacks Arrested, 1 White Injured from page A 1 Cutter, 17, and Greg Cutter. 18, both of 808 Effird St.. ? were each charged with assault for allegedly beating up Smith. Smith suffered a broken nose and blackened eyes. Clemmer said the ' unpro voked' fight started around noon near the school's cafeteria. Ravniuikl Banner, a student who saw the fight, said it looked like mass chaos. "At first, this white kid and some black kids were arguing.' he said. And then a crowd of people ran over and just started hitting peo ple." ? Anthony Murphy, another stu dent . also saw the fight One boy went up and hit the white guy and then it just went loose.' lie said. "I saw who was hitting him (Smith) and I went and told the assistant principal. 'Now I'm hearing some bo dy^jifteMiieM oo." Murphy said he was threatened by another student because he told school authorities who was involved in the fight. Deputies from the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department pan oiled the school throughout the das Friday. Clemmer said he has restricted students' movement within the building and will continue to do so until "1 feel that things have gotten hack to normal." The school has also scheduled a parents' forum to explain what the school is doing to resolve recent racial conflicts at the school and to get parents involved in solving the problems. Traffic Map For NCAA Tournament When thousands of fans and spectators converge on Winston Salem for the NCAA 1st and 2nd rounds, March 18 &. 20. W93. at the LJVM Coliseum, the City of Winston-Salem will he read) i $28K in Cocaine from page A1 If 1 say what I want to say. ihe police department aid all the city's officials will he down on me. Attucks said. Rut 1 will say this: a young black entrepreneur catches it from both sides - from the white and from the black. T\e been trying to set some publicity about m\ place for a long time and the first time the Chronicle comes to me is when I'm doing bad. Attucks was released from jail after posting a S25.000 bond The Cits''* Department of transportation. Police Department; nd Coliseum has produced routes to Joel Coliseum that tire sate, fast and easy for the NCAA 1st and 2nd Rands at today and Saturday. From Points North - (Mt. Airy Virginia) - US 52 South. Exit University Parkway. Lett onto Reynolds Blvd. From Points Fast ? Greensboro/Raleigh) - US 421/ Business 40 Exit I S 52 \orthF.\it Akron Drive. I eft over bridge. Left onu> R Blvd. Left onto Shoretare Drive. Right on 30th/Deacon Blvd. From Points South ? Southeast ? (Lexington'HighPoint) - US 52 North* Exit Akron Drive. Left over bridge. Left onto Reynolds Blvd. Lett ontu Shoretare Drive. Right on 30th/Deacon Blvd. From Points Southwest ( Statesville, Charlotte, Hickory, N. Wilksborol Business 40 East. Exit Wake Forest/Silas Creek*>North Bound. Right onto l'niversit\ Parkwav South Left onto Reynolds Blvd. Winston-Salem Chronicle Tht Twin City's Awerd-Wuimnt Ntwspaptr ? 61 7 N. liberty Street Winston-Salem, NC 27102 (919) 722*8624 Single Copy 75c Mail Subscription Rates (p?y?W? order) In County / . oa'S $40 95 ? 30 72 t " ?? 20 48 J ""OS '0 24 Out of County State 2 yea's $45 95 ' ' year 35 72 6 ~es 2548 3 ""OS '5 24 J Ves oe. seffi ""e t*o Chronicle Na-^e A(3<3'ess City St 2o_ Oec* c" ?J _l ' - _J Man to: Winston Sa ei n Chronicle PO Bo* 1636 Wmston-Salem. N C 27102 The Wlneton-Selern Chronicle is published every Thursday by the Winston Salem Chronicle Publish'-g Co Inc . 617 N Liberty St Mailing address: PC h ? Vv nc ; Phone: (919) 722-8624 FAX: (919)723-9173 Second class postage 051 paid at Wmston-Salem, NC 27102 The Win$tonSslem Chronicle is a member of ? 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