IjCV m-'?v H > w %M>.' v.V a hi\ Ut .> uumrckl uitvr. vl m ore years u^o% a ^nyi Anic>m; can. in its rrumicntmis Jecrt'c aunt us a ;vr,/: a. 1994 orn slid fhitti tu\Vnc_?^Jrcjii ains ^ w y/ma/ prosperity. One 7i unci red' utir. exile in Ins iand.,Si>. \rr /V.pY . piled lo cash a check .When the arena. Independence . ihey were signlmi a /><"?? ?}:, \ v< ?'W~ black men as well as waitc men ppmess. It is ohyiaus today t'ml AmcrJcc stead of honoring this sacred obligate irked "insufficient funds." But u t : r tion.ySo we've come to cash this ch \ n e. llv have also.i ohie to this ha! ton. i vary of cooling off or to take the in nv is the time to rise front the dark r nation from the quicksands .of rc. ' TffXToTTTTluTdTefi. ft wouhi he * . 'gro's legitimate discontent will tan end. hut a begiimi'ng. Tho. akrnilU > J ?Mw-nfj tp > n rp Hrrm.^ anted his citizenship rights: Tin justice emerges. -But there. is lace of justice. In the process r thirst for freedom hy'drink'o me of dignity and discipline.. VI must rise to the maiesiic heigh '-N-egm -eommnni ty-m i isrorotdt 'sence here today, have cornea edom is ine.xtricabh hound to o cays march ahead. W e l unni >t tu ' can never he satisfied as long c hhd as ToiTg as oui ? TnTdieT. heavy '.cities. We cannot he satisfied a 'isfJed as long as our children -a>\ ? cannot he satisfied as Ion a as \ch to vole. So. run we are .not -sail si ni>'htx- stream. J am noi taimiridpd. tna K ? * : ; ~ 'ne fresh from nanunvyfail p hack 'tit /.< nehow this. situation ca'n and ad i he .chae. ? u ? i ( ! r ; y ^ " ? ? ? -? ? f ?' v f-* ft ) i ' t < : > ' : '( ' I I ! i ' ' ? f t > r >rJ >/uv; ?M ~# r */? ?i , nvtm^ (i; > Y/v ' *?. ' - * V i ' ' . * " Sooner or later, all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace." Dr. Martin Luther King jr. F Li t * I ( ? 1 1 l4 . /. ? t J .V;?; w hei: . r T( yC--. hen at '???>? G: ?.' V rhii,:rcK. r:.i id fV ??-J.- :!u ? r ! ? K ' 1 J i . : .4 u ' ( / 1 1 fare '? ? . \ ..un * ' ? ; - ? - ? ~G( ' 1 iS \\'j i f v* f ' i k * v c " I V * ? rVf utge^icr. 'ic free m >UV?7f lev . noetic ? vffrc 'jhctties 1 loncs r:>, '?W d ; ? i * I