Officer Troy Monroe with Karon Sounder* addresses Ike problem of drinking and driving. Police Chief George Swomt (right) looks on. City Police '*, ? . \ . ' ? . ? J ? ???/ J for Catching Drunk Drivers By DAVID L. DILLARD Chronicle Staff Writer Patrol Ofificer Troy Monroe said getting drunk drivers off the road is just as important as catching ^ murderer. In fact, he says, police officers are actually . preventing a possible death each 1 time they stop a drunk driver. "Many times, the people are so drunk they can't even stand up straight when we talk to them," he said. "It's so important to catch therrv because you are sav ing the driver's life or some inno cent person's life." Moproe has been with the Winston-Salem Police Depart ? ment for- eight years- and- he patrols the Southwest part of town. He was one of five officers honored by the North Carolini- < ans Against Intoxicated Drivers (NC-AID) last Thursday at Polo Park Recreation Center for help ing to keep drunk drivers off the streets. Robbie Neal, president of ? er .1 ; ' Mm- *0U ? utirm (Hun * , NC-AID, said the group began honoring the officers about five years ago to show their apprecia tion and to encourage them to catch even more.: Neal formed the group 1 2 years ago after her son, Chip, was hit by a drunk driver. He is now confined to a wheelchair and his speech is slurred, but he graduated from St. Andrew Col lege in Laurinburg last Decem ber and currently does produc tion work and puts out the newsletter for WTOB radio. The five officers who mad$ the most arrests were Christo pher Woodall, Steven Snyder, Richard Necessary, Darren Con ra