m From our dedica*ed management, staff, family * and extended family. And thank you for helping us to grow in 1997, for without you it would have never taken place. It is truly gratifying to know that there are families who make proper choices at one of the difficult times in life. From the Russell Funeral Home family and staff we would like to extend to one and all a very... Merry Christmas, m Happy Kwanzaa and a Happy and Prosperous 1998 /r> Russell Funeral Home 822 Carl Russell Avenue (at Martin Luther King Drive) Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (33?, 722-3459 Fax (330 631-8268 Fili^ ? ? ? r- - t : : In Grateful Memory of Our Founders, Carl H. Russell, Sr. and Florrie S. Russell "Growing and Still Dedicated to Serve You Better" " ?> ' #> Russell Funeral Home Wishes to Thank Everyone For Their Support ? ? i 1 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF VOUB CHOICE ON SUNDflV and EUERV SUNDRY IN 1998 |