State at forefront of fight to gain nurses BY COURTNEY GAILLARD THE CHRONICLE longer than persons of minority race The average life expectancy at birth is 73.8 years for white males. 79.6 years for white females, 68.0 years for minority males, antl 75.8 years for minority females." Several measures of ill health are used to estimate years of "healthy" life remaining. The average years of healthy life remaining at birth - based on health status as perceived by the individual is 63.0. This means that 12.6 of the 75.6 years of life expectancy will be spent in a con dition where health status is per ceived to be fair or poor. Females and minorities spend a higher number of their remaining years of life w ith health problems- or some activity limitation. The average number of years from birth w ith health status perceived as fair or poor is 10.6 for white males. 13.0 for white females, 14.7 for minority males and 16.5 for minority females. To produce these estimates, the author, of tlie study combined death certificate data with data from a random telephone survey of N.C. adults asking questions about perceived health, physical health, mental health and activity limitation. 0 Thursday,January 17, 6-8 p.m. New Hope United Methodist Church 5125 Shattalon Drive, Winston-Salem. ? Hear a presentation of the current Thoroughfare Plan for Winston-Salem and Forsyth County ? Get information about the draft Thbroughfare Plan update ? Learn about the comprehensive Transportation & Land Use Study for the Town of Bethania ? Comment sheets will be available ^ for written comments about the draft Thoroughfare Plan ^ Questions? Call Greg Venable at 727-2707 E-mail: p Sponsored by the [J I ill Winston-Salem M| Uil Department of X? Winston Sainu Transportation '?"j ^trent'ion Homeowners ^ * With A Loan From The Associates Roy Cooper As your North Carolina Attorney General, I'm proud that our state has the toughest laws in the country to keep had lenders from getting homeowners into bad deals. Recently, we won refunds for thousands of customers who purchased credit insurance on their mortgages with The Associates between August 1, 1995 and July 1, 2000. If you are eligible, you'll he receiving a letter from me that details how you can get jj the jefund you deserve. Please read it carefully and return the forms quickly if you qualify. ' We're on the lookout for lenders who charge illegal fees that rob homeowners^? the equity they've built up in their homes. - ? This practice is known as predatory lending, and it's wrong. No one should be ** ] charged unnecessary add-ons to their mortgage. \'3k 'I Remember, your home loan is your biggest investment. Make sure it's not your biggest mistake! ? J ! I For more information about predatory lending or The Associates settlement, please call the Consumer Protection Division of my office at (919) 716 6000. j^^^_ Attorney General North Carolina Make'sure lenders M give you a Not Paid for at Taxpayer Expense * |