1HE 16 11?>807 1 NORTH CAROLINA ROOM FORSYTH CTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 660 W 5TH ST WINSTON SALEM NC 27101-2755 5-DIGIT 27101 w Vol. XXXIII No. 19 Tournament title goes to Reynolds JV squad See Page Bl Marriage group promotes happiness ?See Page A9 * MusCtim hosts popular holiday event ?See Page B14 A Brother's Pride v. ( 4 Local attorney proiid of siblings history-making Congressional swearing-in BY TODD LUCK THE CHRONICLE Minnesota Rep Keith Ellison made history last Thursday when he placed lus hand on a Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson and became the first Muslim to be sworn into the United States Congress Watching him make history were proud members of his fam ily including lus brother, Enc Ellison, who is a lawyer in Winston-Salem Keith and Eric come from a family of five brothers, all born and raised in Detroit, Mich Eric Ellison said about 30 members of his family attended the inauguration as well as the day's, other events like the eon gressional church service, the Congressional Black Caucus swearing yi ceremony, and the reception held in the congress man's new office after the inau guration. Eric Hlison Said the family got to rub elbows with the likes of Mel Watt and Nancy Pelosi and that Barack Obama even congratulated his parents Keith Ellison, a state repre sentative from Minnesota, became the first African American U.S. congressman from that state when he won in last year's midterm elections Hlison s religion and request to be sworn in using a Quran have received nationwide attention Eric Hlison described his brother as a man with a long his tory of service who is approach ing his new position with humil ity. He said his brother knows he's in Congress to secve "He seixflus as an opixirtu Rioto courtesy of Ertc Elli ion U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (left) with U.S. Rep. Mel Watt and local attorney Eric Ellison in the U.S. Capitol. ruty for us as Americans to learn from one another and to break down (barriers) and to build bridges." said Eric Ellison. Eric Ellison said he comes from a close knit family, all of whom went to Minnesota at var ious points to help with his brother's election The weekend he went there he said he ended up mainly just following his "big brother" around and providing moral support He said, of the five Ellison brothers, four of them, including See Ellison on All Photoi by Lay la Farmer Phyllis Bailey, an amateur his torian and genealogist, poses with one of her many quilts. A Quilting Story Exhibit examines belief that slaves spoke throu^fabric BY LAYLA FARMER THE CHRONICLE - o - A message in a quilt about a patii4o freedom for American slaves - woven in the fabnc of what, at first glance, appeared to be an ordinary house hold object - is an intriguing tale ot resource! illness ana inge nuity There is some debate about whether the story of slaves using quilts to communicate information about the Underground Railroad is an unsubstantiated romanticized tale, of a truth buried~long ago with the ancestors of modern day African-Americans, surviving only in the retelling of their oral history It is doubtful that the truth will ever be known for sure, but the story is nevertheless embedded in American lore The Delta Arts Center in Winston-Salem opened "Samplers Si Symmetry." the center's first^juilting exhibition Jan " A youth quilting workshop preceded the opening Jan 6 and a lec ture. "How Secret Codes In Ouilts Provided Maps to Freedom Caesar for Slaves On the ( Jnderground Railroad." was given by Phyllis Bailey, who is an ama teur historian and genealogist of blacks in Iredell County Quilting patterns such as the shoofly w hich is said to identify a friendly guide who is nearby and can help, the drunkard's path, which urged escaped slaves to create a Sec Quilts on A13 The -New Year HOMETOWN COLUM^ By Maya V Angeloj^ We spend a large portion of our time on earth greeting and saying farewell The first days of romantic relationships are delightful and full of promises Flowers seem to bloom everywhere Birds sing joyful little songs and the patlis we select are smooth and down hill all the way Then life happens Alas, the golden days turn pale and gray The beloved's voice which once sounded like angels whis penng turns harsh and raspy . The conversations, which at one time lightened our hearts and made us laugh cheerfully, offers only sour u ords/ mean phrases and sarcasm And we start to wonder what we saw in our cho sen one in the first place We begin to plan our farewell. We may not. in reality, act upon our plan, but secretly we plot and imagine how won derful life will be once we have said goodbye I realize the truth in those statements when 1 remember how glad I was to see the year 2005 depart I had had enough of it I had lost friends and fam ily to "times' dateless night Meaningful relationships had been compromised 1 had found *i great lie in the mouth of a beloved And my body had aged beyond my will I did make a few valuable new friends But 1 was glad to let go of 2005 and welcomed 2006 with open arms and a hopeful heart As it turned out, I found that 2006 had been no kinder than the year winch preceded it I did make some new friends and I did find some old friends, loyal to a fault, but I was quite tired of 2006 and it was okay for it to leave And. now here is 200", look ing just fine It feels full of good promise I am counting on it to be really great So. welcome 200" and Happy New Year to us all "? ? t World renowned poet and author Dr. Maya Angelou. the city's most famous resident, is the Reynolds professor of American studies at Wake Forest ' Un/versity. Hispanics getting home buying help from company 0Y TODD LUCK |HE CHRONICLE * GREENSBORO Buying a house can be a {omplicated process Mortgages, credit scores and utilities are just a few of the things a new home owner may have to deal with before moving in fJow imagine dealing with all that, but in a foreign language * That's the problem NC tu Casa is try ing to fix The new business, which will open soon in {ireensboro. plans to offer real estate services to members of the Hispanic community in their native tongue * NC tu Casa will house Spanish speaking Hide gendent contractors who will cover all aspects of purchasing a home Some of the services provided will include real estate and mortgage services, credit counseling, legal services insurance and assistance with utilities set up All of it will be housed inside of a '5,800 square foot building at 2627 Grimsley St which used to house the regional offices of McDonald's restaurants many years ago Several investors have put there money and resources into the venture including Roger McManus. who has- owned the building, for 18 years that will house NC tu Casa "Serving the community is very simple for us. You come in, you can speak your native tongue See NC tu Casa on A13 Rio to by Todd Luck Salvador Santana, left, and Roger* M c M a it us stand in front of NC tu Casa in q Greensboro. N In Grateful Memory of Our Founders, Florrie S. Russell and Carl H. Russell , Sr., "Growing and Still Dedicated to Serve You Better" ffiuggell fflnnmtl ffinme Wishes to Thank Everyone For Their Support 822 Carl Kunwell A.v\e. (at Martin I Outlier King Or.) Winston-Salem , NC " 27 1 0 1 (336) 722-3459 A Fax (336) 631-8268 nnfhomc? bellsouth. net