OPINION/ FORUM - *' Chronicle* ErMST H. Pitt Publisher (i>h>urKlcr Kl *INK PlTT Bumdoi Manager Ml( HAfcl. A. Pitt Marketing I. Kims W4I.KKK Maiu^ir^ Uilur Sanonw Nxxpaow Pmt A ? MX tMKx1 Puoaanar* AMOcMOon - "A'utr H'hjsc fholn h\ IV te S'hj/j /'resident Harack Obumu prepares to meet with members of I his stuJJ in the Oval Office on Sept. 9. Tea Party Out to Cripple Obama In just a few weeks, we will lace a critical turning point for our nation On Tuesday, November 2, your family's future, the strength of your community and the direction of our country will be on the ballot I he choice is simple , and the stakes have never been higher Should we keep pushing forward towards the brighter days that are |ust ahead Or will we allow the forces of intol William Clav (>ues( ( olumnisl erance, ignorance ana uivi Mon to lake America back to a much darker time? So, to all of my Republican colleagues and their new Tea Party friends, I have a message for you: We're not taking one step back. Hard-working families across this country, especially African Americans, know all too well the pain that this recession has caused. New Census figures show that one in seven Americans is living below the poverty line That shocking figure includes 25 percent of African Americans So while we're fighting to create jobs, preserve families, and lilt up our communities, what is the Republican plan .' ? rhey want you to stay home on H lection Day so that they can elect their lea Party extremists to Congress. ? I he\ want to put insurance companies back in charge of your health care ? rhey want to give Wall Street speculators a tree pass to engage in new reckless financial schemes ? They want to give millionaires a tax cut by adding $700 billion to the deficit. ? I'hey want to privatize arid cut Social Security. And that's not the worst of it The Republican Tea Party's real objective is to use fear, ignorance and intolerance to cripple President Obama Hut we won't let that happen. Not this time Not tins year We're not taking one step back. We're not going to allow them to take this country back into the darkness With your vote, we're going to keep America moving forward into the light With your vote, we're going to give President Obama the tools he needs to create jobs, fight poverty, close disparities in health care and education, extend unemployment benefits, defend Social Security and- fight for all of us. Your vote is vital on Tuesday, November 2. Htp William I mi v < lu\. u Demiu rat. represents the First ( Hill/" utnnl l)i stru t nf Missouri Submit letters and columns to: ( hronicle Mailbox, !'() fir ix 1636, Winston Salem VC 27102 f 'tease prtrti ' tear! y / y/W letters atu! < nlnrrm % are preferred tf y/v >/ hftmn !e / am UEY, WW M?. NO} DCHN&P ckm~v*>V..c? rr\ I Support Jerry Herron John Polite Guest Columnist In 2008. we had a historic event when the nation elected a black president. Barack Obama. who electrified the people of Forsyth County and the nation. I'm writing about another situation that is just as impor tant as electing Barack Obama as the first black president that's electing Jerry Herron as Sheriff of lorsyth County. Bear w ith me. The United States of America received its independence in 17X9. The County of Forsyth was established in 1849 It's now 2010 and Forsyth County has never elected a minority to the Office of Sheriff. We must not allow our voting participation that was dis played in 2008 to dissipate. Forsyth County is facing a challenge in trying to elect Jerry Herron Why? Because we don't understand the importance of the Office of the Sheriff. Local politics play a major role in our lives, even more so than national politics. The Sheriff is responsible for a budget of more than $40 million of your tax dollars. The Sheriff employs over 600 personnel and is the top law enforce Fik Photo Jerry Herron is looking to make local history. menl officer in the county. I ran for Sheriff in 2002, and I appreciate all of your prayers and support in that endeavor. Hopefully, you remember what happened during my campaign. I won the Primary and two of the Democrats that 1 defeated jumped ship and endorsed my Republican opponent in the General Election to keep it as the "good ol' boys" club going in the Office of the Sheriff. The message was that a minority or female dare not attempt to pursue that throne. Regardless of your political affiliation, gender, race or sexual orientation, you deserve to be represented by someone that has compas sion for you and for the job; that person is Jerry Herron. Forsyth County, you have a man that you need to get excited about in Jerry Herron. For those of you who know me, you know that i don't give out undeserving acknowledgments. Jerry Herron has 26 years of law enforcement experience and recently retired from the Office of the Sheriff as a major. During my years of working with him, I found him to be fair, consistent and knowledgeable of the laws, statutes and ordinances of the State of North Carolina and Forsyth County. He is com mitted to putting community first You need a sheriff that you see more frequently than every four years, and a sher iff who will be more efficient in using the personnel that is already in place to provide services to the citizens of Forsyth County. We don't need a sheriff who asks for more money and provides fewer services. 1 support Jerry Herron for Sheriff We need to get excited! We need to call 10 of our friends and tell them to go and vote for Jerry Herron We need to tell each one of those 10 to call 10 of their friends and so on. We need to vote early, begin ning today (Oct. 14); Don't put it off! John Polite, a retired longtime member of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, ran for Sheriff in 2002. Cyber-Bullying and Our Children Al Sharpton Guest Columnist Adolescence is a chal lenging time for virtually everyone. Discovering your self. building your own iden tity, and finding your place in this sometimes confusing world is no easy feat. And along the road to self-aware ness, antagonists better known as bullies - may pres ent themselves in various forms and throw roadblocks in the way of our progress. This can range from abusive words to malicious behavior and even physical harm But in this day and age of social networking and interconnec tivity, the harassment and cruelty can linger forever with no relief in sight for the young victim As the tragic suicide of Rutgers University's Tyler Clementi clearly exemplifies, the results can be devastating for all parties involved and for our collective consciousness a* well. When those of my gener ation and I were coming of age. things were simply, well, much more simple Although the phenomena of bullying is nothing new and many of us were forced to deal with the matter our selves as youth, we never faced the daunting reality of a 24/7 world of torture, finding safety with our par ents. friends or at home, we knew that_for the most part, the bullying ended when we were in the comfort and secu rity of those that protected us from negativity. But with the advent of text messaging, social media, and other end less forms of communica tion. the torment of a bully can and does linger forever. More often than not, parents and teachers are unaware of the torture children are suf fering with, and when it is reported, it sometimes isn't taken as seriously. Unfortunately, that may be exactly what occurred when young Tyler first requested a room change at Rutgers University. A few months back, i SAI Li, a non-profit dedicated to educating and empowering youth to safely utilize Information and Communications Technology (ICT). released a startling study on cyber-bullying. Pulling data from approxi mately ?J().0