By being part ofa clinical trial t participants may find out about new treatments before they are widely available. | Wake Forest? Baptist Health Sticht Center on Aging All Types of Participants Are Needed People of different ancestry may also have different risk factors for disease and may respond differently to treatment. The prevalence of certain conditions and diseases also differ by ancestry. For example, older African Americans are more likely to have high blood pressure and limitations in mobility than their white counterparts. However, minorities are often underrepresented in clinical research. This is in part due to past mistreatment of African Americans in research studies. Researchers are required to follow strict rules to make sure that participants are safe. These rules are enforced by the Federal Government. Each clinical trial also follows a careful study plan or protocol that describes what the researchers will do. The principal investigator, or head researcher, is responsible for making sure that the protocol is followed. A local Institutional Review Board (IRB) made up of doctors, researchers, and people from the community reviews every clinical trial to make sure that study participants are not exposed to unnecessary risks. Sticht Center on Aging At the Sticht Center on Aging, we limit the scope of our research to older adults (geriatric research). Geriatric research is important because people are living longer today than ever before. A hundred years ago, people lived an average of 53 years. Today, the average 65-year-old can expect to live on into their mid-80s or beyond, and one in ten will live past 95. This longer life expectancy means that the number of older adults in our nation has dramatically increased so that those over age 65 are now the fastest growing segment of the US population. Thus, the need to prevent age-related decline in physical and cognitive function is now a major public health concern. This is why geriatric research has never been more important than it is today. Researchers know that it may be hard for some older people to join a clinical trial. For those who are frail or have a disability, or no longer drive, the Sticht Center provides transportation for volunteers to make it easier to take part in a trial. Please consider partnering with us to accomplish the important work of geriatric research. By volunteering for one of our studies, you serve not only the current generation, but future generations as well. Current Studies Focus On: ? Vitamin D ? Falls Prevention ? Heart Disease ? Blood Pressure ? Strength and Balance ? Physical Activity ? Weight Loss ? Nutrition ? Memory Loss For information on current clinical trials and how to volunteer, go to or you can call 336-713-8539.