EIGHT 1 niS WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL Tuesday Morning, December 2, 1913 Ei:fiMY HILL-ST0CKT01 CO. "UNERAL DIRECTORS-WIT LADT AS SISTANT. AUTO AMBULANCE WITH MODEM CONVENIENCES ALWAYS READY. CALL THE PEOPLE WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE. HUtiUIIUHHIli THIS AD CHANGES DALLY ; Pleases the most particular peo ple. Melrose Flour. Every sack guaranteed. , Caught on the Wing WEATHER FORECAST Wal ruins 'Tuesday; Wednesday fair. COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD MEETS At tlic regular immtlily meeting ot tin- County School ltoaril ilield yester day 110 luiiti(1ss was taken up except the matter uf oriU-riii several bills , )iaiil. Tin- appropriations will be made next month. OFFICERS SELECTED - At a meeting of the Centenary Tla. ruca clans lielil Sunday morning, the following officers -were elected for the tunning six montliH: Mayor 0. B. Eat on., Teacher; Mr. .1. II. Niciliols, Assist 11 lit Teacher; Mr. William Ilaues, Presi dent; Mr. H. K. Ilnnes, Vice-President; Mr. ('. l.em Clodfelter, -Secretary; Mr. W.,0. Norman, Assistant Secretary; Mr. .f. W. Fletcher. Treasurer; Air. P. A.. Burton. Class Reporter. G-ISL IS BORN. The many friends of Miss Dorothy Doe.iw'lio will be remembered a a teacher at Salem College, 'and who mar lied A: lliyini and moved to Florida, will be delighted to learn that a ittl girl :) gladdened their home and has been named Dorothy Dob Kyan. DR. VALK APPOINTED. Dr. DeTnlma Valk has been appoint ed assistant surgeon of the Winston-Sa-' leiu S-mthbouud Ilailwiiy, bv lr., Bahn- " son. chief surgiw th in;; effect yesterday. NEW SCHOOL IS COMPLETED The new school-house in the spe' rchool tax district in Helen's Creek township has been completed wild open yesterday. The new school building at Guthrie is now under splendid way. Loose leaf ledger sheets, bills and oth er devices. Special pintlng, and bind ing. STEWARTS' PRINTING IIOUSK, 215 W. 4th St.. rhono 108. U-30-.lt Many a "rich man flias everything l.'is own way until his will is probated. WIIHard & Ader FURNITURE Big assortment of Rugs and Druggets just received. Rugs 50c and up. Druggets $3.00 and up. Phone 490. In Municipal Court The following cases were disposed of in the Municipal Court yesterday morn- Percy llarpe, charged with nuisance, pioseciiting witness taxed with cost. ieoige Ahrali.im, charged with selling goods on Sunday, prosecuting witness taxel with cost Rachel .Stewart, larceny of a coat su sentpiicced to four months in jail Will Martin, colored, gambling, fin ed $5 and costs, I'ichnn.t l.on. colored, gambling, tin ed .(." iiinl costs, Cluudie Stamps, colored, nuisance', fined $5 and costs. John Givins. colored, simple assa'ilt, lined $5 and costs. Will Tatinn, culorel, nuisance lined $5 and costs. Will Tulpi 'assauTf,' tined $10 aiid cbit'-i. Walter Cobb, colored, charged with trespass, sleeping in car belonging " to Southern Railway, judgment suspc..deTtT) - OUlon. V. J. Paschal Jr., W. G upon payment of costs Thed McXecly, colored, trespassing on property of Carolina Hotel... sleeping in basement, lined fo and costs. Ed Rob'nson, colored, shout 12 years old, charge.) with Stealing tlirefc bottles of pop and 'some peanuts from the RX Theatre- warrant vwas 'amended to clude house breaking and defendant wan bound over to Superior Court. . , A iran often wis'nrs lie could chnc his link as easily ns a woman taa ;haHe I ei mind. J; rmiMM 144 Dinshaw Company Phono 1331 TURKEYS Hinshaw Company Phonejmi People Who Travel Mr. E. F. Robinson, of .; High Point, wns a buKiness visitor to the city yes terday. Mr. A. B. Ilaines, of Pilot Mountain, was in tim city yesterday. Mr. II. B. Chamberlain, of Charlotte, was in the city mi busines yesterday. Mr. Fred II. White, of Charlotte, was a visitor to the eity. yesterday. Mr. 1). C. Dunn, of Charlotte, was in business visitor to the eity yesterday. Mr. R. L. Woiuack, of Chmrlotte, was one of thu city's business visitors yes' terday. IMr. Henry Bryant, of Tarboro, was in the city on business yesterday. Mr. 11. L, Byrd, of Uharlotte, was in the city ou business yesterday. fr. T. L. Caldwell, of Salisbury, was a visitor to the eity yesterday. OFFICERS ELFCTEO BY LOCAL EAGLES At tfic meeting of Winston-Salem Aerie, No. 7.1.1, Fraternal Order ot Eagles, held last night, the following officers Were .fleeted : , Worthy President Mr. J. F. Tesh. ' Worthy Vice-PresidentMa-. ,0. I.. Foltj, Woi'tliy Chaplain Mr. L. P. Roger,, Secretary Mr. A. V." (Jrcen. Treasure' Mr. H. W. Marten. Inner Guard Mr. J.. M. King. Outer Guard Mr. J. D. Fulp. Trustee -for Three Years Mr. W. C. Huband. C'onductorj-lMr. II. A. Womtnack, Jn Georgetown, Texas. vl. A. Kimbro, says; "For several years past Foley' Honey and Tar Compound lias been my household remedy for all coughs, colds, and lung troubles. It has given perma nent relief in a number of cases of ob stinate coughs mud colds.'1 Contains no opiates. .Refuse substitutes. E. W. O'Hanlon. 419 Trade St. JURORS DRAWN FOR HEXT : TERM OF FOSSITR HOT The . following jurors were driwn, .nt the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners yesterday for the Jan uary term of Superior Court Hist Week-C. II. Whicker, W. K. Pfalf, W; O. Rnmlleman. A. K. Uovd, . C. R. IMson. Will F. Fulp, J, P. Rob ll' erson, C. T. Joyce, Albert A. T.ong, M. B. olhngton. (ieo. . Stonestreci , Sepncur Kbert. B. 1!. Reich, S. I.. Crews. M. A. Walker. J. W. Bowles, C. X. Lewis, V. H. Fulp, R. A. I.oggins, K. E. Crotts, If. S. Burkhard J M. J.ick son, ,1. R. Watson, J. M'Speas, C. H. F. llis. A. II. Carniicheal, ill. L. Kigjrins. F. . H. Chatham, Arthur J. I.ong, Fin est Mickey, R. C. Watts, J. K. Culler. J. It. Hendiix. (ieo. O. Johnson, R. .'. render. C, C, Hester. . . second Week C. S. llufl'mnn, I). (.'. Cirilfin, Jas. iR. Maslen, Jno. V. lloiien- hamer, R. . Flake, F. A. Coleman, I Whicker, W. II. M. Thomas, R. K. Cli. nard, A. B, Clingman, W. II. Ball, has-A.-Jones,- A.- Wr Prentonr Janjc; Q. Day, J. D. Russell. R. H. Lawrence. The Man Who Neglcts Himself When his condition points to kidney trouble takes an unwise risk. Backwche, "win and soreness over the kidneys, nervous or dizzy spells, poor sLcp, are . sviiintoms that will disappear with the regular use of Foley Kidney Pills. I hey put til:- kidneys and bladder in a clean, strong and healthy condition. E. W. (VHanlon. ' Getting Down To Business is it wise to trust the repairing of a costly car to any but those qualified for the work ! Both in skill and equip ment we are amply competent to repair your auto as it should be, We are auto repairing specialists without the specialist's high charges. - - P.N, MONTAGUE S GARAGE IF, E T Reports Made By County Officers at Meeting of Board Tlie. following reports were submit ti l to tht Boaid of County Omuiis skmcrs at its meeting yesterday. Dr. Strickland's Report The following report was submitted by County Health Officer E. F. Strick laud: County Home ' There ire t present 57 inmate of whom thirty ere. .females. There were admitted during . the- month ten and three discharged. One tfiild admitted to the home the first of the month de veloped typhoid fever a few- days af ter, but is now pructically well. Reformatory Inmates 27 of which three are females Tliero have beer admitted during the month 12 and discharged 7. No sick ness during month. County Jail There are at presejit 65 prisoners eonliiied in the county jail, of whom twenty are females. Sickness has not been iinimual for such an institution. Convict Camps The total number if prisoners at the three, convict camps is 02, of whom 17 are white. There hss been but little aidless of such Severity as to incapa citate the rndividirals for service. General County Health The health condition of the county is about RS usual for the fall season A' ease of smallpox was reported on Sonthside Novemlier l.", which was quar antined and all exposed persons,' eight in number, vaccinated. No other cases developed so far as h known. Scarlet fever was reported at Clem minis, in the school building occupied by Prof. Brower, on November 22. On visiting the side 1 found three eases and quarantined the building on , the same day. There Jiave been mo further developments. i Report of Clerk lerk of the Court R. K. Transou submitted the following report of fees and commissions received for year end ing November 30, 1(111: Receipts Dee., 1012 . . . .,-..$383.41 Jan., 1013 355.73 Feb., 1013 .. .... 634.75 March, 1013 .... .... 537.01) April, 1013 ...... ............ 307.38 May, 1013 .. ..... 388.75 June, 1013. . 677.1H July, 1013 258.25 -Aiigostrisia'rrrTrrrr.":,"."";.-. . 53.1.59 September, 1013 ..- ih.wj October, 1913 .. .. .. 5.13.31 November, 1013 r. .. .. .. .. 475.05 Total ....... $5,406.1 Less allowances as follows: . Premium an bond ... .. 9 40.00 Allowance 3 months at $250.00 750.00 Allowance 9 months, at $333,- 33 1-3 . 3000.011 Total .. .. $3,79010 By check in settlement to county treasurer, 1,616.13. Register of Deeds Register of Deeds J. it Lenta sub mitted a fine report for the year re porting fees aggregating $7,015.73. This is an increase over the preceding year in spite of the fact that a reduction was made in. fees by the laBt legisla utre. VESTRYMEN FOR ST. PHIL'S EPISCOPAL CHURGH ELECTED At the annual meeting of the congre gation of St. Paul's Kpiscopiil o'nirch held last night, vestrymen were elect ed as follows: Messrs. J. C. Buxton, R, V.. I.nsater, J. W. Rchoulor. J. K. Buxton, I., P. Tyree, R. S. (iallowav, R. T. Stedinan. J. Kent Nhcppanl; A; . Well", Burton Craige, Ijiwrence Mcl'ae, ami R. l-ak. Reports' were heiird from the varimus "hnrch societies and it is said they were Mic liest that have ever been submit ted in the history of the rhurch. An enjoyable social hour was enjoy ed at the rectory following the busi ness session.- Light refreshments were served. CRARLES CLANCY WILL PILOT TWINS IN 1914 Charles Clancy will again pilot the Twins during the season of 1914, he having been re-elected at the nniwal meeting of Mw stockholders of the Win- ton-!sn!l.em BasebaH Association held last nigiht. This will make Clancys tourtn sea son as manager of the local baseball club and he has fully demonstrated his ability as a leader - having won, two pennants and finished the other year very hereditably. The assocration also re-elected Mr. P. A. (iorrell as President and 3Ir. W. R. James was elected Secretary and Treasurer. The same Board of Directors was re elected." " " ." RE-ENACTS TRAGEDY AT BAR : Scrankm, Pa., Deo. .1 Pet t Mar tunosky, who lust nigM, murdens Mioh ael Durkin, bartender of the Coyne House, when -refused a drink, today re enacted the tra'"' t tb hotel to show Chief of Police Lona iB. Day how the crime was committed. County Detective M. A. Rafter stood behind the bar, wihile Martunosky, with an unloaded gun, stood at the front, ot the bar and after asking for some pack ages die had left there, pulled the gun and pressed the trigger four times. No Place for Poets "Didn't Oliver Goldsmith once live here?" asked the tourist, "I don't remember the. name," said the janitor. "Who was the gent?" "He wii i poet." "Then it's hardly likely that he ever lived here, sir. . We always demand the rent in advance." Atlanta Jour nal. The fellow who gets there witii hoth feet unierslly flatters himself (hat he is ' i human centipede. ... COUNT mm We do not believe that Vose tone and Vose quality can be beat at any price R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salem , , , ' DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS FEEBLE-MINDED TO MEET Raleigh, Pec. 1. State Superintend ent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner announces that the board of directors of the State School for F'ceble-Minded at Kinston, will meet in annual session Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, with many important matters to be con sidered. The recent special session of the Legislature appropriated $68,000 for completing and owning the institution. Steps to this end will be taken and there will be the election of a super intendent. Dr. Ira Haxdy of Washing ton has served as superintendent the past year. The institution is to be opened as soon as possibte with a capaJ eity of 130 children. There will be four new members of the board at this meet ing. These are J. I), Boushall, Raleigh; A. B. Justice, Cliarlotte; Charles Dewey, (ioldsboro, and Rev. D. K. Cavenness, 'Varrejuton. . PRESIDENT OF BIG COMPANIES RECEIVED MIGHTY POOR PIT "New York,' Dec. 1. M. L. Justin, for mer president of three subsidiary com panies of the Radio Telephone Com pany, having a combined capitalization of six million dollars, got a salary ot twenty-live dollars a week and his prin cipal job was signing stock certificates amd knew nothing of the business. Tihis was brought but at the triial of pro moters charged with, the misuse of u tails in connection with the stock sales. AMERICAN WW GETS I E London, Dec. 1. A divorce was grant ed today to Mrs. lira M. F'rench, daugh ter of Robert J. Wynne of Washington, D. C., former United States consul gen eral' in London and former Postmaster General, on the grounds of infidelity and cruelty on the part of her ihu band, Capt, Hugh Ronald Frvnch, now of t!he Fourth Battalion (Territorial) of the Yorkillr ftrgimenii. arid i formerly of the iScventjj jltfagport Ouards. Mrs. French was gfaen tbjs,, eustody of the child of th, marriage ndnr an agree ment to produce it m court whenever desired.1 . On the witness stand Mrs. 'Fienoli terftifled that her husband had beaten her 'on several occasions and iu-1 liraigged her about the room because !he refused to ge,t up at 4 or 5 o'clocK in the morning to tntertain his boon companions. He had also kicked her while she was lying on a rug in front of the fire. The petitioner's sister, Mrs. Frwk Austin Smith, and other witnesses corroborated the evidence. Testimony as to the infidelity of the Mptain was tuna given and tho name of Marie CelcsM Beach a Canadinn chorus girl, was mentioned. No de fense w us offered and Captain Frencn neither appeared nor was represented by counsel. Mrs. Robert J. Wynne accompanied her daughter. Richard . Westacott, Unite! States vice consul in London, and a number of other Americans, were in court. The marriage took place m London on June 17, 1909. Washington, Dee, 1. White House ofl'ieinls today dflared the United States government neither directly nor ndireetly had influenced the withdraw al of the Pearson negotiations for con cessions in Columbia, ATTENTION MASONS Regular communication 8alcin Lodge No. 280 A. F. & A., M. tonight at 7:43. W. H. March, W. M. Frank L. Reid, Secy. BEST LAXATIVE FOR They Clean Liver, sweeten Stomach', end Sick Headache, Bad Breath, In digestion, Constipation.r?" Get a 10-oent box. Aro. you keeping 'ydur bowels,' river, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Casearcts, or merely forcing a passage way every few days with Salts. Cathar tic Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Wat ers? ,: Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and regu late the stomach, remove trtiip sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the ercess bile from the liver and car ry out of the system all the consti pated waste matter and poison in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause any inconvenience, and eost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Mil lions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then land never have Head I ache. Biliousness, Coated Tongue, Indi I yest ion, Sour PtomsVh or Constipated Bowels. Casearcts.. belong in every httirsehold. Children just love to take ' them. (Continued from Ttge One) ! two appropriation bills that had r'Jn ' over from the regular session, the New- lands law for mediation and concil- i iation in labor disputes which averte:) the threatened strike of trainmen on eastern wilroads last summer, abolish-j ment of the United States Commerce Court, and exemption of labor union from jproseetion under the anti-tru-;t ! laws. President Wilson will read his first annual message to Congress on Tues day, at the joint meeting of the Sen ate and House in the House chamber. In this address he is expected to gen-, erally outline the legislative program of both (Houses for the next term. Tlii.i program is generally expected to con-1 sist of supplemental anti-trust legisla tion as its principal item, in accordance with recommendations that will be com muuicated to Congress later on by Pres ident Wilson. Bills will also be passe. I breaking up the present system of in terlocking directorates, divorcing indus trial corporations from, transportation lines, and laying down regulations foi governmental supervision of the is suance of the seeurrties of mtcrstitc corporations. Numerous attempts will doubtless !u made to reduce the cost of living Scores of bills on the subject have been preparedf and wl" be introduced in both houses during the first week of th new Bcssion. 1 his subject is proving a very vexatious problem for the Demo' eratic party and much attention is be ing directed towards it by the Repub licans who claim credit for the- present high scale of wages, but decline to shoulder the increased, cost of living. nvr:-r.i:i::ir.::r.7:.t :ir" "il- v:: uiuier BULrjecis iiicu win ue un iue program are: Proposed govern men ownership of telegraph and telephonif lihes, women's suffrage, rural credits, conservation, vocational . education, government ownership of Alaskan nil roads, right of members of Congress to servo on political committees that so licit campaign contributions, the Pan ama Canal, the proposal of Knglan I that the powers shall cease naval con struction for a year, workmen s com pensation, extension of the parcels post system and good roads. 15 ADDITIONAL SUITS AGAINST New Orleans, Dec, 1. F'iftecn addi tional suits today were filed in the Federal court against the' American Su gar Refining Company under the anti trust law, asking for damages aggre gating seventeen million, and eight hum ured tnousand dollars. lliese were combined with the other suits by the planters, manufacturers, and dealers, bringing the total damri.gcs asking up to twenty -nine millions. M'ADOO ASKS FOR O'ER BILLION (Continued from page one) Virginia, $110,0 0;--inland waterway. Norfolk to JSeaufoit, -fl lO.IIIKl; liarnor of Refuge, Cape 1-ookont. N. C, $.'(00, 000; Cape Fear river,-$2(W,000. For continuing and completing tne postoll'ice at Rocky Mount, N. C, $27,' 00ft was included in the budget. STREET CARS DERAILED ON WEST FOURTH STREET. Three street cars were derailed late last night on Wet Fourth street, due, it is thought, to wet weather and the spreading of the rails. The derailment occurred at a curve in the extreme west ern part of the eity. The derailments caused no great inconvenience to traf fic in that section. AMERICAN OFFICERS AND MEN ENJOYED CRUISE, Ville Franched, Dec. I. Rear Admiral Charles J. Badger, before sailing on his return voyage to the United States, gave out a statement saying: "This ciruse of a portion of the At lantic fleet to tlie Mediterranean has been a most pleasant and buccessful one. Every where, the greatest cordial ity nd courtesy wei'e shown officers and men. The object of the cruise was to afford an opportunity to officemi and men to see foreign countries and to browdeB their- experience-. This -opportunity has been fully utilized. Officers and men carry Tirana with thorn the highest appreciation of the kindness they 'have received everywhere." . ' 'I' :?!! Twenty -Three Days to Christmas Take Time by the Forelock -. and Do Your Christmas Shopping Now HITCHCOCK-TROTTER CO. The Selling Out Campaign Today Centers 'Round 100 Dozen 50c and 74c SILK HOSE Which we Will Sell at 15c These are damaged hose which have been very carefully, in fax-t, perfect ly repaired making them just as good as new, but at one fifth the price. Women's hose of every size. On sale today at the Hosiery counter for 13c a pair. Holiday Neckwear Here Came in at the back door in all its newness and boxed neatness w ill go out at the front door at marked down prices because we are selling out. ....... RATS, MICE, ROACHES OR VER MIN OF ANY JCIND Are you troubled with tbumt Do they destroy your property and make your life miserable? We can save you lots of , worry j we, exterminate them; our method Is infallible, and charges reasonable. A;X.:for.prices and Information anT we will call on you. BEST REFERENCES. UNITED CHEMICAL AND EXTER MINATING COMPANY William Hohage, Manager Winston-Salem Brench No. 6 E. .. nth Street NOTICE TO FARMERS DESIRING ! IB PEDDLE SAUSAGE AND The board of aldermen of the city of Winston-Salem have authorized the sale of sausage and liver pudding by the farmers of this 'section direct to the consumer, pr.ovided the products have passed the inspection which can be obtained between 8 and 0 o'c'o.-is a., m. and 11 and 12 m. at the city market. A nominal fee of 10 to 25c will be charged for this inspection. Dr. W. H. KERX. Meat and Milk Inspector. 11-18 t' NEW ADS TODAY ., Williard and Ader have a big assort ment of rugs and druggets. R. ,). liouen and Bio. recommend Vose Pianos. ; Hine's advertises the V. S. Army Shoe for wea,r and ihe Dri-Koot shoe dressing for waterproofing. Iltiiad the Watkins' Book Store ad in this issue. A. Have and Company advertise Christmas specialities. McDowell and Rogers are selling out. Melrose Flour at the Ahite Star. Raincoats at Mock-Baflby-Stockton's. Christmas Jewelry at the fiift Shop. The Frank A. Stiteh Company ad vise you to buy "him" a raincoat. AH kinds of clothes, for all. kinds ot weather at the Wallace Clothing Co. Overshoes at Ban's Shoe Store. Howard's Pharmacy 'phone number is 40. Don't forget the big sale at X. L. Cranford and Co.'s store. Annual exhibition of furs at Tlie Ideal. Raincoats at Meyers-Westbronk's. Be sure to see "Victory" "which i to be presented at the Pilot Tlieater next Friday and Saturday. N. L. Fulk to W. E. Miller, tot on Glencoc street, $.i00. O. F. Brown, W. L. Ferrell land W. H. Clinard to W. S. Alexander and 3. A. Hutchins. 4.38 acres of land, $3,100t Mrs. IW. H. Clinard to Gaither John ion, lot on the west side of HoltoD street, $400. Ben Johnson to Ash Johnson. 34 acres of land, $1 and other considerations. S. IE. Duggins to J. L. Stafford. 9) acres of sand in Abbott's Creek town ship. $2,197.35. W. H. Clinard and S. A. Hutching to F. C. Hauser and B. V. McKenzic, lot on Keleiws Creek Toad, $2250. Thomas G. Tuttle to J. H. Yates. IS acres of land, $500. FRENCH GOLFERS FOR UNITED STATES CLUB New York, Dec. 1. Orrin Terry, the salaried man for the Canoe Brook Coun- jtry Club, resigned his position tod-ay, : He w ill be Mleeeeded by I)tiis Tellier, ' one of the best professional golfers In France, who made soe.li an excellent showing in the national open champion ship last fall. Tellier will be a rcsi . dei t ol t'.iis country after next March. Pair For Those Repairs or that addition o your home we air vise you by' ill neans to obtain the beet lumber you can. It's "3ore sstis factory and more dm able and m ire . e-onomicl. And as we handle the I best grades we feel justified in also advising you to obtain your lumber her. ORINOCO SUPPLY CO. Winston-Salem, N. C 0. W. HANNER Fresh Meats Phoue 29 City Market Wanted! Green Beef Hides 13c per pound. 1 Green Salt Beef Hides, good cured " are worth more Calf Skins $1.35 Each . For the convenience of tho farmcrs we will send our wagons to any ware house in the city. '' B.Swaptz 713 N. Main Street. Phone 12C3 Res. Phone 902-L. Office Phone 1183 Dr. thas. J. Alexander OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 602-3 Wachovia Bank Building J BUSY BEE PRESSING CLUB Moved to 967 Liberty street, close to White's bug gy shop. We do dyeing, cleaning and pressing. Suits made to order. ANGUES GIBSON, Prop. All work guaranteed. ' ll-30-to-12-13. JUST RECEIVED oOO boxes - of tlie famous Apollo Chocolates, in all sizes suitable for Christmas Gifts. - POLITE'S CANDY KITCHEN Phone 158. Sewing Machine Sup- sWWHHslsilllllllMsMiMsasWMHHsllllHsVHsm VkWI plies and Repairs for all Makes of Machines Old machines mado good as new. Prompt attention to all mail or 'phon orders. If you need anything in this line be sure to communicate with me. All work guaranteed five years, A. L. GROVES. Winston.Salem, N. C. riione 1173 Office 520 N. Liberty St. CALL MOORE-NCWSOIll Phone 279 For Mountain Buck wheat Flour, Maple Syrup and Country Butter. DR. R. M. ECHOLS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office Phone 908 . . Residence Phoe ,u44 Office Masonic Tempi Rooms 314-316