STON-SALEM journal WEATHER FAIR EIGHT PAGES TODAY VOL. XVII., NO. 52 THX ASSOCIATED PREtl DISPATCHES WINSTON-SALEM, N. C THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1915 JOURNAL ADVttTKKMCim URTNO RR8ULTS PRICE HVE CENTS WIN I Only Important Change Has to do With Sheriff's Work INSURANCE BILL PASSES THE HOUSE MEASURE EMPOWERS STATE DE PARTMENT OF INSURANCE j TO FIX FIRE INSURANCE RATES UNIFORM CERTIFICATION! OF TEACHERS IS TABLED IN THE HOUSE Raleigh, Ki'l. 17. The joint litiuiue committee jrobubly will iiitrwlitee the new machinery act hill Saturday The most important change made today was the determination to repeal nil spcchil acts giving special times by which tlie sheriff' of vurioua counties can set tle fur. estate's taxes and make , a uniform time the State over un the third Monday in .lime, and if the State ta.cs are not settled within idxty (lays thereafter the State Treasurer shall Mie for collection. The lomt ciHiiniittee iin -H1i!':!rin- timis this aftcnioou decided to report favorable the "Weaver bill uipropi titing !r.'(l,lMK for the purchase of the forest legend ion on top of Mount Mitchell. The cojisinitteo also reports favorably a hill for a legislative reference library.' Insurance Bill Passes The House passed, without further debate, todav the Scawell bill giving the State Uupnrtnicnt of Inuraiice ipow- cr to raise or lower lire insurance r ites, the bill coining over from yesterday as unfinished business. It was an aye and no vote and it passed 'by a lurp.c nn- joiity The House debated at great Icngm the Senate bill providing tor the uni form examination and certification of school teachers. It was finally ta'bled 70 to 40 on motion of illr. Vamt of Virion county. Great mmiixi's of new local bills were introduced and .nutny others passed. The Senate passed the bill to make it a misdemeanor punishable by line and HiiprMoiurcnt to use obscene liu guage ov -r the telephone, instead of the present law that allows maximum punishment of only ifcil) fine. Senator llobuood introduced a lull to amend the coiiupt practices act by pro hibiting any J ayiueiilo' lor services in primaries except sudh as involve eli-ri- eaf work. Another bill by Jlobgood would in corporate the education board of the Jluptist Stale Convention. Among i.olls pasted was one to au thorize ' bjnd ejections in aid of the const ructijii of hc (ireeiisboro, AtlaniJ; and Northern Railroad. The Vnd bill to iprovide for emn- pulsorv references in voluntary cases was tubl.'l after it hud passed on a tie vote, 17 17, with the ihair vot ing aye'" and Senator Mire had tiuked on an amendment t- mliit flier evidence at the discretion of. the judge. The .notion to table was liv tin author of the bill. Seiiator Chatham - gave notice-- th- flu men ie I ll from the. Utilise will be taken up Friday IN THE SENATE The Senate was convened at 10::l o' clock bv President Diuuhtridgc. . .. New Bills --'. New- .bills (were introduced as fol lows: Ward Amend the law regulating the salaries of clerks in tiiie office 01 the "overiior. ' Hobgood Amend the (Juilford conn ty road law. McMichaeK'oiifor civil jurisdiction on the recorder's court in Reidsvillc. Stephens Relative to the packing of fruits and vegetables. Hohgnod Amend the corrupt practic- (Continued on Paea Two)' State-Wide Measure May be Reported in Senate Today Haleigh. Feb. 17 T!;e iu-eo;nmit- fiv of the joint committee on elections has about completed substitute for the Ilobgood-Weavcr and other State wide primary bills pending in the Leg Nature and it is probable that it will Is' reported in the Senate tomorrow. Tli' revised bill provides that there shall be effective on anil after ratifica tion a State-wide primary nyHtem that shall iiK'ludc the Legislative and the county-tickets together with township mners, if the countjf board decides o include th? townslilp officers. How 'ver, if after the ratification of the act a certain percentage of the voters in any county petition for an elec tion on the ratillcatimi of the hit as -toHbeir, county officers the "election shall !),. i-alled and wr.e State-wide pri mary law shall not apply to the nomi nations of eounty offices if the people of the county tote gainst such appli cation at the polls. There wen? strong advocates of pre ferential system of primaries on the committee but it was considered that it would bp impossible to Bet aueh A fejmlation. However the re.vinsl bill' .provide that accoud Tirimarics shalf "liigTItsi mart niskes aonlientinn for NEW MAGHINER flCTftLWIOSTBEADY FOR LEGISLATURE 1 PRIMARY BILL IS ABOUT READY Russians Attend German Wounded Under Fire 6 iJcapite the tale of atrocities bandicil buck and forth, il teems evident that j the soldiers, the actual, righting troops, J ENGLAND'S FINAL REPIY TO THE AMERICAN PROTEST IS PUBLISHED British Government Lays Says England Will Endeavor to Prevent Injury and Loss to Neutral Ships Shows That Few American Ships Have Been Detained Washington, I'eb. 17. Crent IlritHin'j second mill complete, reply to the Ameri can note of protest, which Decemlier 2S, last, ask'cd for early improvement in the Kreii fluent of American com merce- by the uniisii iieet, was mane public tonigtl.t by mill mil agree ment .between the , 'State Doirnrtment and the Hritish office. The noic, which, was addressed to Ambassador Page by Sir Kdward (irey under date of February 10, denies that the depression of Aim-mean industries is due to the activity of the British fle.-t. It suggests among other can es, the shortage oft shipping facilities and the consequent diminution of lie cotton trade and the destruction by siilanaiiiie mines "laid by the enemy indiscriminately" of many neutral vt scls. The coiumunii alien contains iu iU coneludln ; paragraph tihe annource ment tint f.reat liriUin inti-nd-. to take retaliitory measures ngiint the (leiliimn siiibniuriiie aiupaign aiinst enemy ships, ibut does not rev.'ii t'c texture of the miasure. RECALCITRANT DEMOCRATS CANNOT BE SATISFIED WITH A SHIP PURCHASE MEASURE Washington," Feb." 17. The ---amended government ship purchase bill passed by the House early today failed to make any progress when it reache.l the Senate" and ' the administration leaders tonight are uncertain as to its fate. The measure failed to atistyemi"i the recalcitrant Democrats or the. pro gressive Hepiiblicais. The insurgent Democrats held that the measure was too permanent in its character, while the Republicans', who have favored the Senate bill, Relieve it is too temporary. The Democratic leaders realized tin! the bill would not be passed unless it eonld be changed "in. conference. Fflort to send it to conference -failed iuothur attempt will be made tomorrow. Despite the uncertainty of the situa tion the Senate and House, leaders are confident there will tie no extra session of Congress and that the shipping bill, if not sent to conference, will Ic .lis placed in the Senate by the appropila Hon bills, At the special Senate committee's in quiry into the charges of outside ii fluence. on the ship bill, Bernard.' X. Ikiker, a stenmhip manager;' told of conference with Secretary McAiloo, in which lie declared that eighty mt cent, of the foreign ships tied up in United State ports because of the war are not available -to purchase, because the are unstated for commercial purposes, The plan to move to concur wi'.s the House amendments was wre ke.l by the discovery fha the Inters eonld Mt muster enough votes. .Vf ministration leadcfs made no attenipt firconccurthciF embarras-ment, and planned to send the bill to conference with the. hope of putting on soms amendment to command support. The bolting Democrats were sail to be favorable to an ame:.dmeut to miekc the enterprise a temjiorary one t end with the European war, After a series of motion to send the hill to a conference, motions to (aide appeals and other maneuvers, in which the apvfn - Democrat Insurcent voted itiint.i - narliii-mentjiTT no-ation whero at war. The photograph shows n l!ns shin licld siilgeon uNcssing the injiiiTc Blame on Germany for Conding (bat foodstuff intended forf.Jhfe( civilian puUi,ioi! of a conr tyy ;vve not iontmo)udU the . nriti': govediiment-'jfijlN' out that, "In any country in wl ich cists such tromen dims oignniziifion for war as now ob tains in (iei'many, there is no clear division between those whom tJje gov ernment is rcsKinsible for feeding aim those whom it is not.-' "It. will -be our endeavor" nays the note, "to avoid injury. and loss to neu trals, but the announcement of the tier man government of their Intention to slit K niorelhant vessels and their car goes without verification of! their na tionality c(r character and w ithout mak ing any fiovisions for the safety of non-combatant crew or giving them a chance of saving their lives, has made it necessary for bis majesty's govern ment) ,t consider what meunurc it should adipt to protect their interests. It Is impossible for one belligerent to depart from the rules and precedents ami for th - other to remain Ifiund by Tike note, which .contains alHiut ten MEXICO GUI IS Zapatista Troops Capture Mexican Capital Silli- man Leaves F.l I'aso Texas, Feb. 17. ;viieil OKregom the t'arranza rntiiniailderT has evacuated Mexico City, according to ad vices received at .luarey. tonight, from the south. It was said that the troops of (ieneral Zapata had oi en pied the capital, Silliman to Vera Crui ' Washington, Feb. 17. Secretary lit y -an announced tonight that John 1'.. Sil liman, who is representing the State Department in-Mexico City, wijM go to era Cnw, w here (ieneral Cjirrana has established the cat of his govern ment. Carranza recently annouieel that all diplomatic business of his ad- miuistratioii must tie transacted throng. i hiri persimsly. It was pointed out that Sillmuin transfer . involved no ques tion of recognition of the contending .leieau factions. NEW JERSEY WILL VOTE ON SUFFRAGE Treitfon, N. J., Fob. 17. The Sen ate today passed the woman suffrage amendment to the State constitution, 17 to 4. The House passed the reso lution twn weeks ago, and the quest'on now a ill W subruittrsj to the voters next September. . rW,,iFc. 17.-A' Sofia dispatch to the Balkan. agency says an epidemic of typhus fever is ravaging the region, alsiut Sofia, Pevna and Philipmpolir. "fls; siTitty' ' BTsir H TV't'TaTetif, Typhi's first lrt?;e out amo'j ?er- irr still "merT'cVen thoiijili thev ! -BY-AGREEMENT LOST BY GARRANZA j. -e- e-i. '.1 ,4 1 I I 'IS .'J 1 if ' font ofj a Ccriliiin sohlici who has lacn left wounded, by his eomntdes. Tlic wounded man and his resellers me hi. der lire, in this pii-t inc. Present Situation, But thousand words, imiiides not only sta tistical argument, but, fintlr di'u-mn'oV'iMTlifipui- mwdved . Si, Kdwaf(J""polTif. 9uf; ttmt 'hidy eight out of 773 ship sailing from the I'nit cd fittit for neutral Kuroeiin poiiii tries have been placed in prize courts and that only 4."i have been ''teni"ir arily detained (,( enable particular con sign.nieiits of the cargo to bv discharg ed for the nirposu of piine court pro. eeediligs.'' ' Statistics of exports from the I'nited States are. analyzed with the olwerva tion, "tf'iiit, if cotton lie excluded, the cffii't of the war has been, not to de crease, but practically to arrest the de cline of American exports, which was in progress curlier in the year," The note adds that Crcrt llritain never de clared cotton contraband or interfered with its shipment . '.'; Realizing that in no war have neutral individuals "not occaiiiuiilly suffered iVcun unjust ilii.lle belligerent action," (treat Hrifain suggests that tpiort uni ties for adequate cnmpcnttion are of fdrcd in the Hritish prize cmitts. S Mikado Would Make Chi- nese Surrender Many Rights Tciting, Feb. 17. If information from presumably well informed sourc es, doth foreign and Chinese, is correct the memorandum recently givnn by the Japanese legation to American, Hritish, French anil Hussian diplomatic repre sentatives respecting Jamn's demands on China omifs certain of the require, merits originally presented to I'ektng. These ' negotiations, which began late in January, bad for their object di-tcr- initiation of the future status" of Japan'- ivlat Hin-w it b China - and a- de cision respecting certain questions re garding Ihe future development of the Chinese republic Their course has been guarded -with grt secrecy. The IVking government did not con ceal its concern oer the situation, and on F'ebruarv (i San I'ao-dii, tliincm foreign secretary at a conferem with the Japanese ministry at Peking, re jected Japan's propositi pn the ground that they wire incompatible with China's sovereignty and eonllict with I'xisttng treaties lietween China and other foreign smecs. The Japanese minister then asked for an acceptance in principle, stating that the detailed negotiations, could Ih conducted later. China returned the same answer as to the principles in volved. N The original demands, according to information from Peking soiim-s, were twenty-one in number and ' were far reaching both" in t lie jr political and commercial aspects. . It is not known, however, whether the? original demand were made orally or in a formal written couimuii cation. The IIM-mo andum a handed to the legations of the Coifed States, (irea't Knlain, France ami 'Ifussia is understood to contain but eleven de- I mHm, ,,h.tantially as follows:,,,, to Shantung, tliina is to t muster to Japan all rights and con-it-sions pri'Xioiisly , ciiioyed by fieri many, and must cofisuit .lapan on all matters -nreviottsl 'KT--e. imon be- and must consult AiZi ARE T JAPAN DEMAND GERMANY BEGINS CAMPAIGN AROUND BRITISH ISLES BY SINKING A FRENCH STEAMER THE KAISER WILL APOLOGIZE TO AMBASSADOR Ambassador Gerard was Vic tim of Hostile Demon stration in a Berlin Thea terSpectator Protested Because I le Spoke English Jhistd. Switzerland, 1-Vb. 17. Ktnp'r. or William w ill aNilogize s'ronally to Aniintiiiii Amlxissadot' tieraid for the hostile demonstration which m-eurred in a 1 !'! in tbcater nil the night of Feb ruary !), according to a liciliu tele gram iis-i'ived here today. . tjerui'd i said to have aeeeW tlw t-iimpena s iiivitstion to visit him at the 'KhsI l'l'Ussia fortress of Koenigs burg, W hile the aimbassador and party from the American unlia'ssy were attending the llicaler, ii iimn in the" audience pin- tested because t hey- were spen kill grT'TljT lih. When informed that bis renmrks weie directed at the American ambassa dor he tagan a tirade against the I'nifed States for is'linitlinu the expor tation of anus. The uttcndaiifs linul ly suppressed him . IDEE wm llu.lei)ih, Feb, 1 7; There .' char" tT issued today for the North State Iteach Development Co., of Wrightsvillc Iteaeh, 'Wilmington, the office to be at "The Hreakers" Station So. I, Wrights villc licit rh, The capital U llH,(l"SI y I. I'), Clayton,' William Catder and W. C, C'.:ftis. Other charter are for The Siiitv and Carroll Co. Telephone Co., of Mnniit Airy, capital $UMH), by .J. A. Teh and others for maiiituiniug tele phone lines In Surry county, N. C and dirroll comity, ' 'a. The Iltim-phreys-Kaw (Inc.) of Winston -Salem, capital (K.VXW by ('. (i, lluinphreys, C. It. Fa and I1. K. Faw, for a general cotitrniting and ctiginecring business. SIH IIIJIII Bl EXPLOSION Wilkcsirri', I'a., rel 17.-- Fight miners were killed, and ul were seri ously injured by a j:s eplos;on at l'ros-ct colliery of the U'higli Valley Coal Comny here today. Two of the injured will prohaihly die. LAND SLIDE IN ITALY ; Home, Feb. 17. A land side at 'ar cosabiua caused by the heavy ra'us has buried a house occupied y eight (ar sons. None of them ha been rescued. ANTI-JUG BILL FAVORABLE REPORT FROM LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE T Three Men Seen Running from Scene After Fatal Shots Are Fired .' l eshuig, Ca.I Fell. 17. A. ft, Oliver, president . ft. the . 'ariuer Bank -ami lan Company here, was shot and killed tonight in front of his bank. Three men were rejairted to have ln-n seen running from the ncrtie immediately after the report of three shot were heard. Tlx.' motive for the killing is unknown. ' ' . Oliver was released several month ago from the ''Mississippi State peniten tiary, Hffer having served four years I'm the charge of bigamy. KMdenee was prewnted to the State officials that he was not the man for whom the war rant had Wo ismied. The Isxtiker was unmarried and aged forty-five. INDIANA HUSBANDS MOST SUPPOBT THEIR WIVES Indianapolis. Ind., Feb. 17 In diana husbands who do not support their wives and children would lie liable to ( maximum Ann Tif -' or a sixty-day jail sentence under a bill liassed msiiimoualy by the State Sen .atr. Wages earned by guilty hus'ianJ o'l public work during their imprison ment wnud tw given to their pegbitH v ives and children. Vas1ungton, U, '., Feb. 17 .--The fortification roa-iatiiai bill. c.r ryng apjiroxun ttelv tTi.cii.issi vir tually, rdy to b' retMirtcd to the 11...,,. ' ' Tl ... ... -.i.- ,1 last IhiIi nno nf lee fifteen annual frtlD- iW hill""t. .mm b- ftae - tU . IUaim BANK PRESIDEN KII 1 Ffl fllM RTRFFT IIIUI.UU Ull U I IILUI PERSON ALL Y She Will Christen the . rimnrl I III),.. iiiiiunuiiuiii trim. fi rmantown, I'a., Feb, 111. Miss Klixabrth Kolb of this city ha been selected by Josephmt Ihtnieli., Swretaty of the Navy, to christen the dreadnought I'einisylvania, which will le laimch'd at X e w punt , Xe w Jin , l a re h 1 B , NO DANGER OF A FI E There is an Abundance of Wheat and Other Food, stuffs in America Washington, Feb. 17. Assurance (list the Initcd State is in no daag-r of a food shortage, dete tha jiMirmo'N c.Hirts to Klirope, was give by the l)i pHituieiit of Justice tonight iu a tstc meii-t la the .ubla-. The aurjilii. of wheat, above th. domestic newts, on hand February 1, th statement said, auiild permit the exrtatiun of nearly one million husheU daily until lh new crop is available. m million has been shout the recent average daily porls. Moreover, there was laiger npp!ie ol corn and other grains, meat, an- imnls, dairy products, potatoes' and fruit at thn IwKiiimng ) IH5 tlian f. years.. Incidentally it was pointed out that the average pme of iiicat aiiimaU was mviii "per cent, lowet m lanuary than a year ago. RECEIVES Haleigh, Feb. I7.--Ihe joint com mittee in executive session tonight made a. favorable report oil (lie Thomas' aiifi jilg -t'lll to "prohibit The shipltirnt of intoxicating liquor from any point without the Stale of North Carulna ; to any jaunt- ittiui wild St.ite, and to 1 nrevptit delivery slid reeeiiil of any in toxicating liqiiori Ko shipped within mid Mate.'' The committee amended by linking out seelion !J."nd 4,' that 'provided f' the ct not to apply 'to nhipinents lf wines for oaeranu-ntal purKis's, "wlmo - received l.y y miiii-tr or other duly -lauthoi Uid- pir-uu of iu U oivurvU.'' I An amendment also wa made, to strike iiirt "or otherwise." in section 1, so a to imiktt the ectiuit read, "that ' it shall be nnlaalul lor any person Itrm or ciiirtiiMi, ir a"y agent, onn-r, or employee tbcriwf, to ship trampor -. or carry or ddner in any maimv.' ur bv any means whstsoever, for hire i'"or otlicrwise"- striiken out here) any spiiituous, ytnous fermented or . miit liquor r jiitoxiiHting bitters, roi.l a Hunt without this State to any person ttrm or corporation, or any agent, o' (leer or employe thereof, in this Stale." SARAH BERNHARDT AWAITING OPERATION Hordsoix, (via Paris), .Teh. I". Sarah Hertiliatdt, in a hospitnl here Is-isuse of an injury to th knee, con. titiue to maintain her strength and cheerful' courage. Iu anawe.r to one oi hundred of iuqiiites she telcgrapu ed -that her leg would tm amputated next Monday ami after that aha wj). bl ls quit happy.' WEDS BRITISHER New York. Feb. 17 Mrs. Julw fiertrude Lyb', widow. of John I..v''e. who lift her an estate valued at flti, (Xss'l.tKs'l was married yesterday to Al exander Wenyon Samuel, an' F.mjlidi lietora her marriage- Mr, l.y.e fin .KHO, ifrs. Samuel was Mis .'liu- I". ' - " ' ODD SHORTAG Time Limit Expired Last Night at Midnight and Waters Around Eng land and Ireland Are Now Within War Zone GERMAN REPLY IS NOW ON THE WAY GermanGovernmentAn swers American Note Regarding the Rights of United States Ships in War Zone London. FVb, 17. Thw time limit net' by Oernutny for neutral ahinntnir to take measures yif mhir expired at midnight tonight and to-rmsny i now expected to put into operation her da- clsrcil intention of employing subma rine and mine in the water around the Hritish Isle, which she ha pro- claims! a war tone, with the- nbiect of rutting off food supplies from (he Hritish people In the meantime. (Germany, tn deveU oping her submarine warfare, has added the small rreucli steamer llh fsj I. ilk' to her list of merchantmen sunk. Tlie vemwl w sunk off Cherbotir(r, af ter the crew was given time to taka small boats. Number of the subma rine's crew hoardcil the steamer and placed bombs in her interior, which lat er were exploded, llcgnrding the orwrations on land, th French offa-tal anmamcment tonight indicate that titer ha been htvy liehting both in Ibdgtum and France. The Frenih claim not only to hava mriinfained the ground recently gained, hut have cartured the (iemiatl tnmeh es and repelled many counter attack by the Cerman. ' The announcement from the Cermsn war offre t'slsy said that in tlie reitsit defet of the Kussian in the Mnturlan laka region, east Irnswi more than fifty thousand prisoner were taken. The KiMstnii at the other end of the eastern front art also said to ts in danger, according to eornwpond- ent of Iterlm newper at the front, Germany's reply to the American note concerning the right of the United States' vcssels'Tu tl' war tone around thn Hritish Isles was delivered to Am bassador (lerard toilay, say a Berlin dispatch. He will forward It to Wash ington. Another British Veanet haa Wn sunk' by a flennan submarine. It Vtecanas knowti today that .list willier Dulwh h, . which went down yesterday in the English channel, was torpeihwd. Au Athens dispatch says a formid able army ha been assembled fir a new campaign gint Serbia. This army is described a amounting to "si.. fi men, partly tlermans. The army which Serbia now ba in the field 1 estimated at about onehalf this sia. Heavier fighting now is underway in France and Belgium. The Orftnan war office say attacks undertaken bf the Hritish and French at many place were repulsed; and that an advanea was made iff the- Argorrne. A ewh -atiuoimceiisiit however, say thn !er mnn onslnmrht ill the latter region wa driven Ijack. The remrt that a British price ere (Coatraned oa Pa Tm) s T IN HESOLUTIQNS U. S. Senate Now Knows How North Carolina Stands on Ship Bill (By Geo. H. Manning.) .Washington. Feb. l7.Senator Sim mon ted to the Senate today, (the resolution adopted by the lienerai AssinilJy of North Carolina urging the passage, of the ship purchase bill. ice l'rc-idcijt Marshall express I to Senator immon and Congrmai St cd ma ii regre at his inability to ac-t-ppt an invitation extended by them to he him make am addrea at the com-Blelll-elne lit at Klon College this spring. Frcsiilfnt Wilson sent to the JSenat'' toiiny tho nominatioil of SamnelA-Ji'y to be )"cx master at Nashville, and I-acy F. Clark 11 Kaefor.L Tlve tor met' was rcismm.fiided last week by C'oiigressnmu Poll, il the latter hy tlodwin. PORTS PROHIBITED London. i'"n. 17.-The KundesraMi authotiaatioik to the tlertnaa chi'iiiellnr to prohibit importation of the pristm-t uf hivstile soil and industry i publish- tiolaa th Iti ii liMii)ei Amsterdam dispatch to neuter's. The (Mneelhier U authorUeJ; to take anv IMiflS URNS

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