fhorsday Morning, February 18, 1913 TOE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL ; five AT THE THEATERS 1IEST- UIBiE -SEE! - IH Ein III MAMT MOUTHS The classiest dancing seen at thj Au litorium in many months is that being ntnil this seek bv DcWolfe and lUDm V ;ody. This couple easily tale the pm or hearty encores at each perfornume ,nd their "work is wonacriuu clever ant ell executed. ' Tr- relc. the "done ftend' in" the pening bill of the week and a comedian ; fh hmlipitt tvne. lis a trreat local nvorite, having appenred here. In othc: iluvs during the year. ITis work would Easily pass on a Broadway fctnge; Indeed, some of it is almost; too high kot -the local audiences to properly eom iprehcnd, - j The stage settings this week are erginnl, the wit is fat and furious pnd in every way the DeWolfc com pany come up to the management's r.nd public's expectations. There will be a matinee, today and two shows tonight as usual. Owing in "11 Trovatore" tomorrow matinee and night, there will 1 no tabloid enter tainment but en Saturday the company will give a grand farewell with an en tire change, , . " ' "tlie MHdcap Queen of nredHholTen" a a two-reel romantic, costume -drama C.r life, in a Balkan kingdom, and lirnce ;:nard as 'he Madcap Queen present a fregat figure, indeed, fhe designed a marvelous court gown fit wmte Jjri.iai utln trimmed with large pearlR. With Hliis she wears a .magnificent black vel- et full-length ctpc with a high eol- - ..!il. I.., .1 ur. I ne cape is eneu mui ,i unnu genuine ermine, completing a cos- umc which is unquestionably tlie most ,'eous worn by this famous film pmy Mins Cunard takes a great deal bf pride in creating all of her costume, Kith for modern and diameter roles. the -was ignite determined -to presentr real queen, to tier aninirersT ami inane special trip to San Francisco, where tlio borrowed from a ' leading jeweler tiarn of diamonds and a rope of pearM torth many, (dollars- Of - course, titts as of inestimable valrc in costuming lis iiitc.eiilv figure. l)o von know that Grace Cunard is line of the best markswonicn in the Inories, if not thelhest She has another Opportunity to difiplay this acromplUV (ncnt in "The Midcap Queen of fired- ihoffen", "which " will be shown it the rilot theater tedav 'in a' Vitigrapli omedv and an entertaining one ncl prams. m pictii it The Paramount theater will show on p'riday. February 19, "The Better Man," with William Courtleigh, in four reels jDf motion ipicturep. Mark Stebbing and Lionel Jliirmore tic two young clergymen in a metrop lis, both friends, both earnest work- rs for the cause in which they have nlisled, but of distinctly opposite ype. Both love the same woman, .the icautiful Martraret Wharton, the dnugli for of a proud and wealthy old capi- aust, and a strong wipporter of the iisliionable church of St. Hilda's. The TUsuop of the Diocese has two vacancies r .which he must recommend rectors: me" of the churches is that of the rich rt.. Hilda's, tihe other that of .St. Os- iiiitid's, the broken and deserted church f the slums. Stebbing, the un- outh and Mdf-nmde man, chow the overty-stricken church of the poor and tinftil as (he place that needs him most, hvhile the polished and brilliant Bar Bnore is gbt(l to see the beautiful church f St. Hilda's fall to his Jot. Bar- Today-3:15-7:30-9 JOlllES- THE BEST ONE YET! Guaranteed to Cure the Blues AUDITORIUM Tomorrow Matinee and Niirhf Th Society Event of the Theatrical Season; : Be .ton English Opera Company In . M.-t . .. . - aaier rroaucuon ot ine World's Favorite Opera VEKDI'S BEATITIFTTT. "IL TKOVAT O RE" the Most Remarkable" Cast of M'r Ev Hfard in EngUsh Opera lacludinj JOSEPH F. SHEEHAM America's fi ltr!?p! .0p PBirro " upnemeii , orchestra. Ni;h.LMtiae!' 3oe-75C-$i.oo. Jjwrrt- nw gemot at box "ice. , , BROADWAY TODAv, GRACE CUNARD And Francis Ford PILOF THEATER 2-Reel Gold Seal De Luxe i of Grcdshof f en" Also Vitagraph Comedy And A Big "IT Drama piON MARGUERITE COURTOT AND TOM MOORE 2-Reel Kalem Comedy "Adventures of Briarcliff ADMISSION 5c You'll Find Out I mere and Stebbing confess their love to Margaret on the snune day, and she, in doubt a to which is the bet ter mian, answers them both evasively. Barmore takes his leave, gallant Uy de siring -he may hope for a. definite an ewer in the future; but Margaret's lit tle coquetry is mistaken by tlie straight foiward ritebbing for a disguised "yes," dud he seizes her in his anus and fer vently kisses heir. Margaret is shock ed and -escntful, aid in aner sends for Harmorc and accepts him in Stch bing's .presence. Stebbing, feeling IM he hiis been ungi ntlmnniily, id wIF-re-vulsion leaves her presence, and goes to the shams. Tlie uld liiahop dies, and IJaimore and Stebbing are both named us candidates! for the Bishopric. The. men naturally cease to be friends din ing the struggle for tllie two prizes, but Stubhiug himselfi tells the penile that Hartnorc is better fitted for the txaltcd position. Wharton's workmen go on strike, and Stebbing learns of n Uytm -mite plot against the works, and stops it. just in time to save Wharton' en tire property from" min7 though nimh Is destroyed." He pleads with Wharton to yield to his employes' demand , but without success. On the day of elec tion of Bishop, Stubbing leaves the church to rush to the yards where he ha '.heard strikers are rioting. He finds that .the toughs ajmong the in furiated strikers have placed Murgcret in a shed where deadly explosives are stored, whiifti are alxnit to 1 set on fire. He saves Margaret, and pre vents the militia, from tiring upon the strikers, being himself nearly killed in the struggle. The Bishopric is given to Barmore, but through tlnwe circum stances the strength of Ktehbing's char acter is revealed to Margaret, and, she gives him her promise as "the better man.'- . STOP THAT COUGH NOW Wien you catch Cold, or begin to rtigrr,"'tlie first thing to do is to tnke UrBcllV Piiie-Tar.lfoney, It pene tratci tlio linings of the Throat and Lungs and fights the Genus of the Din. ease, giving quick telief and natural heal Dg. "Our whole family depend on Pi in .Tar Honey for Coughs rii Colds," writes M'r. ,E, Williams, Hamilton, Ohio. It always helps. 25c at your Druggist. ITALY WILL MOBILIZE AKMY London, Feb. 17.The prophecy that Italy would mobilize her army withm a fortnight wp.s made here today by Ricvxitti Garibaldi, the Italian patriot. Hisaidtiat unless thejtaliau govern mint decided to participate in-the war there would be a revolution. How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRII.tNH it the trsde-nark name (Ives to ta ImpruTed Quiniue. It Is TsttrlrM Synip, plea nt to take end doe not disturb the atomach. Children take It and never know it i Quinine. Also especially adapted to adult who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Don not nauaeate nor cauaeaerroumeMaorrfoginfin the head. Try It the aext time you heed Quinia tor any ane. poae. Ak for 2-ounce original packaee. The Mwnee'KBRKTftr! t btewd la bntile. !s 'fii. A.C.csD.C. HAROLD GE1SS Li4fV DE SELLEM, FAMOUS CONTRALTO 1N"1LTR0VA TORE There are few people in the country tclay mote qualified from a standpoint of experience to advise ambitious vocal student, particularly girls with nper n ic aspiration, than Klaine lk Selleiu, the leading contralto of The Jlostnn English Opera Ctimpany which comes to the Auditorium in tiiia city tomorrow afternoon and night, in a . magnificent production, of Verdi's famous opera "II ! Trovatore." Mis 1'e Scllcm says: "The pity of it. 1 have been requested to' ex- I lihiiu why with so many engaged .uj vocal study so few attain anything' like . success. ., Studio, are . lilicd ..with I aspirantx, who spend time and money , to say nothing of nervous energy, in i striving for the artistic goal, and t lie j iin Btjim arises why ho few HUeceed. , I'll tell you in one sentence- -not ti n ! per cent, of students have any ju-t reu- i soiif(iriiHpiiing Jo vocal eiuiuenew. and j ten per cent, is a liberal estimate and here is another reason. H may secin ; brutal but it is a deplorable fact in'. 1 2- iht cent, of tho.e who give um-hI in.-itruction arc imlitie.l to teach the art correctly. There is more chican ery and liunibi!;; in voice .teaching Mian in all the other departments of the profession combined; it is for t lii ren on that there ought to lie las prohibit ing the incompetent from ruining voi.e.i and blasting hope. Xot a week pacs, but what I hear a tmnrfier of gii'ls si'ig, who are s'lid.ing fur the-. operatic stage, most of them could not become arti-ls if they studied a life time. Von can make, a biiigef-lxTuu'e almost anything if you ftVtcr and caj.itoT Students, to flatter their vanity, sr given Mtnfr and operatic excerp's, when they cannot idng five tones of thi scalu tvitli even pro ilnet i'lii iiyJjiiiifuriiJJtL)uJ color. They are put up on rc j'al programs to interpret mi sic that they can neither voealine-nw iilti'MiretVn ir.st ruineiit:iliAt ris-ognie his terlmicil limitations! . what he can't exi'iit he realize he 'ear-not pl:ty. .hut a vocalist there is no limitation to his or hi r assurance. They will tackle.. anything the higher it goes the Jjet.'er, ail wl o ; fault is it that these pixir de-'tudisl-' aspirants are led through im pK.ab!e t'itlis aiid interminable wind ing1" to find ultiirvitely.tliat tbeirJiiW ASK FOR NO OTHER! "TAKE-NO OTHER! Go wans KING OF EXTERNALS The Only Preparation '" Cold. (oip nod IieuiiHinia that is enttirely alortL Ethical I'hyHinana Prearrihe .' it, All Drugj-its -wdl it. ., j l,d, tl.Oit 1 1 HERE TOMORROW IN 1 . V It- ft has been in vain and tbejr hope bhist od, to say nothiig of the money :is" Icssly spent. The fii'ilt lies with the incompetent and linden pulons teu'ehu. 1 presume win it I have a'd will emine excitc.nient in the vocal habitat, but is the .truth nevertheless. Jf yut don t he!ieie it, IMen at some of the voil THE BETTER MAN" Starting 1 5 1 f rJ CnTT?" 1 ; TT" " ' hours 1 - J I ' :- i. ,i lj , I First .show I I ; fy -'"i I HJ f- W t ' J u 2nd 12:15: I :A.mlhli m 3rd... 1:30 .3 r'Z&- - , i r j 1 Featuring that sterling actor of heroic reclrf WILLIAMCOURTLEIGH "THE BETTER MAN" the story of the herculean struggle between two clergymen for the world's two greatest prizes. A talc of unique rivalary bv the distinguished clergyman REV. CYRUS T0VVNSEND BRADY. A picture that wherever shown has received the ihumb-, print of public approval. You will like it, your wife will like it, your neighbors will like if. Everyone will like it. COME, SEE. ENJOY. Your choice of anv unoccupied seat ....... J OaT VERDI'S OPERA, "IL 1 v slrdln ilAor and hear some vof the wailing that is Mlppoed to eVcul.iile ill oial MlpreiMllf V, Dillt Which U err. - tain to evci.itste in lifeniiiit (inilTOriil ! i , f I.. I l . . . i tlisasier. I enn nr.iy hi: l m ne u n . t tiii.sgit yvuicrttul.s will ici-i- jii of the jMM-t ity 'tite'tis true.'", iii,rl.! 'l begli ptmg tit Hi "i at HundreiU of health rtii len appear in ' tiavel m , newspaper and iii.igiines, and in In all Un practically every one of them the lm : port mice of keeping the bowels regular is empli:iicd A const ijmtcd condi tion invite disease. A depeiulible ltivie that ads without Inconvenience . or griping i found in Foley Cathartic . Tablets. K...M'. O'llanlnn. Paramount The -HOUSE OF .QUALITY" . Friday, February 19th THE 1'A RAMOUNT-R ELEASE - TROVATORE" i y ' CWCA03 AMERICANS 'LEAVE ; FOR SfRlSG 1 BAINtVG : ' tliii ajiri, Feb. 17. - TMrtx ttrmg - . , ... . . . t . riio Kil'iles, ( 1. 1. i nc. iiiver ivii spec l:il tram . "I i party ill llUUliii I' li.l. Muggins-" never rcalicd until to day hnw many uh-oluti'!y i,si les things llieie rtre in the world." Hoggin- Uliere have yen Wn Muggins-"" I "ller-n to n HiM.lii.t.', fli.d Wked at all .'t lw present Maim 'tiMrwxsroiM&a'stxiBix yasaaThTi wrtjca Starting hour :15 ,6:30 , . 7?r 1-a.st show starts 9:00 n II as t r I. ii NEW IK FACES BANKRUPTCY Only Emergency Methods Will Save Gotham from I Disgrace i New orV, Keb. 17.-Facing I ns ill H alnuMt tu Bullknta. tt di !i:tr gn..i.r (ban tb.it of the Unite.l Stjti, tli i.4;!e nf this elty wero t.sljy pis) ly. ti 1,1 by their . Ilnanvi.il I l;S(d JHk only enieip-nry uirunrri ! n -.'lil ve (l.iibam from the greatest j Iwukruptry in tbe hitiry of thtt world. 1 With I he ((riiwlh of tM feul estulx i shr'tiktiin uudi r th heavy lef l!wt i nil!-! take i.VI,iHXV'i'l from it ech ; vear to mrrt n imiil etty (nelgel ti..w swolhii to 1),)ho7s7, ttw ftne.4l j fmuluti(in of thv' muniiHvIitv tro no iiihnittrii to be cracking, with little b'ii. of retrenchment or nupport In siuhl. I'iiIpm some m.tgie method of cutting expenses is fomul at owe by the ei'y fat hen, it is predicted that New Vork-i-l s ntiist Isive nmny iuilltor.e , of pre!l taxation hung about their herk to ctimpeiiMte for the evtrsvsgsn of past KiluiinistrHtion, Wheat Whirl With twenty millions of bushel of wheat blocked tip about this port on Its ay ahrosd ami ctnlgnnicnts for local Hisiimptinii sunk to the lowe4 tiulk ia history, a llm r o,ttei' that may rival any In the Nation's history is e peeled by .h expert n fiKKltii:f here. for the flrt time on record, brpad ha Just been raised tit W cents a Jftaf by the baker who are frantical ly btiving at advanred ' pnees wh.it i-n f going flixut, which the fdiippinx and mili-oad inn are tigh'iig to keep mov. ing out of the country for foreign liore, If the poor r pinched much further for their star! of life, it U not i nlikely that they may oment .bre.! I iot to pillage the liftipl'g wheat cMigm's of ships,' storehouses and freight ars. Contractor Cling - That the ring f Tammany contrac tors there Imj nut lo t hold of ft" their Wft? went iiilt of bower .tt Al- ibiiiiy, is being pointed out by it agent, j who arc now chtiekllu? over a little linker which they Wievf to be .jnietl rinsfrtcd t:5-1hl 5tiMtld bill To rt . i orgttMiw the eontervation commiaMim . j n-'cfuding to (love-tnor AVhitmau' idea. I Though the cew eonoervation plait pro 'hiliita thi eominiMtoit front earryi'ig ; out It- old SUiiv water power wle'ine, jcullinsf for IH)IO,OI10 In eontran, tm leim tlie ettoriey gitier"! and K1t engineer riiiieiir, ijie power to initlilte, nm.ider 11 ixl evjdoit v. i h a i haiKp l.ir pc.lHi.al contractu i left large! )rt tlie bandit of the name illvlx oii ngiiier whn'lm fr year twen luoxt actite in i ioiiHitiiig thi plan to provide fat pi i" lie viorli for the "Tammany tin trxiliuif tnit ther etl, With' tin ioffhiiil kept on deck by civil aervien protection, it i believed that the arie o'd m hemej for hydnvdeetrie (imbrue . thm. nmmm'ine to more than wa laf- i bed . f-i.ie ron.S or barge t.an.ti, miv tie kept kIhb even mider a ton- rrrnMell femilll tii-lMrr ho a aeo I Hrn'ii'ti llicm. Chinntown Crinftet hvrr tlie graves of the two ''iine ueitmni in fi!tie j'it paid the dexfl , m 1 r' Tif 'iii:f j'itig the mot ItitteJ ft 'iil lieMsem the Hip ,H!nir and On jn"H 1-.11.41 t t eu-r hiKik. (Iiinafnwn Iccu di. lured, tie tomv HiIi of tue i niter Inhere, While the rlvn forces of Vlie il.envivrit ittnl here ring t'rg patter silently hmt' the alley aliens the filneial wa held, alert Uiid t.f . i...i..H. r .it. .....(I..,, k.. -C!,t.,, CJ JU.UtW klK'U- tint'i j wuipm ready to poune upon the I1rt aveng'T 'ho draw j go, 1. Aivordiiitf t ( himw tmii two linn of the rival toiig mui.t k 1 1 Uil tn atone for the death of the " a(!nins at the hulidt of the Mute, unit o one believe -thit, tin IdiMHly fiill Inking ran ! vertwl. Whirling Wheel riiiivertnig every asphalt trivt into a roller knting rink, the crwe for tin uport nn hce hn run riot tlH '. fi.llowifg the flrt akatiug nmrathui ever rolled off within city limits. When the" polj, e (;se a permit for he II ot certain utreet for Ihi novel roller ihi-i, every iirwll bor Ift town betrail orjrni.ing ceh prting event in hit own neighborhood. t'lileo the nilhii tie revoke their license, it seem lei n in that traffic will become tangled .ill nice tow,, in .1 he whirl of the new font of wheel filer. FIVE CENTS PROVES IT A i.Vneron tlff.-r. Cut out thi J, ctih.e wilb ,.1 cent to Foley and 0)., f.liimiro, ,'ll , and ther will .you our trin piukagc of Foley' ll.-u-. ev ami Tar Compound for coitgln, e-ilde, cioupf-iironehial and htptppt Miigh; iukv. Kicliwy I'ilU iut Foley Cat, tn- Tablet. For tt!u in your town hy K. W. O-Ilanh.n. 1 ITALY ASKS GERMANY ' 0r TO INVADE RUMANIA -- .MiliriVin.1'rW; IV4i. "f7-- Italy ha axkixi Otrnuny ' and Auitri.t to gie a.uraiii:e that h Teutonic al lien ill hot invade liuuutnia, accord ing to Itie t'uriicre IXdlu Sent. Tha pNT ny the reuut- rvmlted from report th;il Austria ma lUreit,'nmc ftio Riliiiani.m fio; tier. Jourral Wnt Ad Brinj ReiulU it Vaporize9 Croup or Cold'Troubles Tape r treatment for cold trouble art) better than inturnal uedieui', a tba T per carry tbe medication direci tu th !uiig aui air iuaje withput disUubmg the atoiaarb. V'Lett VukoVap-aRub" Ral b'tp pli i over th thr and cht, lheo v j. rt, rdwwd by ilia bt of tna body, ar tntinleij Willi eaAh breath. 25c. to fl.OO. IfS tntUINt HAS THIS TRADE MARK.

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