T7 ' ' SIX 1 ILatlest Sp'oHImgj News IMMIGRATION OF THEMAJOHS WILL S More Than 700 Players be Scattered Over the South in Three Weeks LOCATION OF TRAINING CAMPS New York, Feb. 17.-Within the next three wtvks more than 7(H) 1iase ball )tiu,vir will be scattered through the South and aouthwiwt training for the annual pennant races of the National, American and Federal leagues. With the gathering of vet erans and recruits the baseball fili ation will pa ha through another stage I of the , progress which mark tli' "annual season" of the national -sport, Magnate, league executives and le gal authorities will give way tc the player no far a popular interest is jixmrerned and Ihe coMchor's ear's i silence the wrangling of rival combi nations. .While, a majority of the 4 Clubs composing these three leaguea have selected their spring training camps And nt the dates for the reportmir of players there is still a possibility that two or three mav alter their at the last, moment. As the lists stand at present, however, the South Atlantic States will be the scene of the . gt'r.ttlesl jictjyity, J5oonria will quarter six clubs within her boni er while Florida will entertain five, Texas has been named by four clubs flin MOtu il' Untin t rt umim i,u t..mi the 1013 campaign. (Mississippi, Ar kansas and Virginia claim two each while California, Culm, Kentucky and North Carolina will have at least one squad training within their boun daries during the month of March. . The list, arranged by leagues show ing the city or town where the train ing camp will be located and the probable date for reporting, is as follows: : National League Boston. Ma'?on,.!a., Morch 1. New York, Marlin Springs, Texan March 1. St. Louis, Hot Wells, Texas, March, 1. Chicago, Tampa, Fla., March 1. Brooklyn, Davtoua, Fla., March .1. Philadelphia, St. .Petersburg, Flu., March I. Pittsburg, Dawson Springs, Kv., March ; ot Springs, .'.rk., March 17 Cincinnati. Alexandria, 1 Va.. March I American League Bolon, Hot s prings, Ark., Jacksonville, lUtarrh Fin.. Philadelphia, M.irdi 1. Washinglon, March 1. Detroit, Ci;lf Charlotlesville, 'a., rt, Fla Febi St. Louis, Houston, Texas, Febru arv in. Chicago, Paso Robles, Col., IV'bru- a rv 10. lw voik. Savannah, 1. C H " March (leveliind, San Antoliia, Texas. Feb ninrr 2(1. Federal League Indianapolis, Araldosta, (la.. Mar.'h Chicago, yihreveport. Miss., March Your Socks and our stocks should have a vital relationship with such brands as "Monito" The kind that have a outside for appearance silk and .25c lisle inside for. wear at or "Phoenix" pure thread silk, the best 50c socks -you-can -huyuxr the famous "Holeproof" socks at 25c, 50c or 75es the kind with' the six months guarantee. With This "Triple Alliance" there's no such thing as "de feet" coming through too soon, . . .. Upon ray side, these sox are great. IT PAYS TO FOLLOW THE ARROW BEGIN Ml NOW KITES Of THE Dliii This will be a busy week in the In- 4........: I 1 L II :.... Al.. n.nr. j IUI IIHIlOIIUf IJHSCOltll liR PD. JXIIK llly- ! nates arc gathering in New York this 'afternoon and President Alvin Smith uud Jack Dunn are there from i!ich- mond. The "release by purchase" of Mar kle from Norfolk' to Waco is officially announced. i Secretary Farrell's latest official bulletin stales that the franchise and players of the Kichinond club have been trnnst'circd to Hoeky .Mount, The same official bulletin shows the release bv purchase of Shortstop N'ew- tun by llichnioud to Fort Worth. N'ewlon has already signed with Fort Worth. . ' j Hay City has sold Harvey Bussey to the Seattle club. -The Del roil club, which lias a work ing agreement with the San Francisco b'.-li, has supplied the latter with n tirst baseman in the person of Harry Meilinan. Charles Dooin'g contract with the Cincinnati Iteds is for two years at u salary said to be $(1,000 a a year. Now let's hear no more from IJooin exoi-pt on the playing field. WtmLcotncs from 1.0 Angeles that Artie Minfner has departed, for the Fast nnd ' there is a strong suspicion among his friends that he is about to change his mind and enter ba4all again. Ttranch Bickcy has allocked ,9 St. Ixiuis baseball writers by coming out wit h a statement that his JSrowns positively have no chance to win the pennant. However, he does think they will finish in the first division. The sale of Infielder Wally Smith by Washington to the Indianapolis cliiib of the American Association vir tually rids Manager Griffith of all the surplus material of his team be fore the training season starts. Those Feds overlooked presenting the case of PAister llrowri in tlrir praycr'to Judge Landis, Brown, while a member of the Phils several years ago. went a full season without pitch ing an inning, and yet be received full salary. ' Tln( Cleveland Indians have signed Floyd Wright, an iiiiflclder who has made a record with the University of Kentucky, and are angling for .lames. Park, a pitcher from the same school who is said to be of major league class. Joe Jack son lias gone nnd done us be Ihnnlened.i It is announced from Atlanta that he will appear at a tl aler there for a week, K'vlng h, ' ' inoiiologue on baseball how he swings his bar. and showing Joe Ren was the first player of the Chicago White Sox team to report foi spring training. He is nlntdv on bis way to the Pacific Coast, his oh. jcet being to get an enrly start and recover from (lie effects of t lie attack of typhoid he had last fall. Vim can gel n good idea of bow long Plank and Matlv have been at it by ;-aid ing an eye over ctifclir'rs they have had. Jack Warner, Frank Bowerinan. Roger llresnnlmn, Chief Meyer ami Lnrry WicLean are among those who have handled the delivery of Mntbew on. while Plank has lieeit bandied 'bv Power, linpp, Shrivkr Thomas and Sehang among other backstops - 'Rob Head, president of the OhiiuState League, says that an overabundance of i i vangelislie revivals throughout Chio cities hadxi't a crimp ni certain clubs of his, lengm- last season. Head es pecially nientioned t If work of Hilly j Sunday, former inenilier of Anson's I White So, as takillg rfie minds of peo j pic off 'bnsebnll and milking them i "buggy" ir.hout something else. Haiti more. Southern Pines, X. C Marh fi. Buffalo, Athns, C,a., March 1( Ilrm.klyn, Brown's Wells, Miss.. March :). KauMis Citv, Brunswiclv, Ca., IMwrch 6- Pitt-slmig, Augusta, (.a., March fl. St. Louis, Havana, Cuba, Fethruary H. . AFTER MAN1 YEARS J. L. Soul hers, Fan Clair.-, Wis., writes: "Years ago I wrote you in regard to gmit results I obtained from Folcy-Kiditey.-Pill, -Aftor H these yenrs I ha never had a return to those terrible backaches or nleeple. nights; I am jiermmiently cured. " Men and women, young and old, find this reliable remedy relieves rbeurnatiwi, backache, stilt joints and ill caused by weak oir diseti.sed kdneys or bladder. E. W. 01 f anion. niece prices are soarins ! ON WALNUT COVE MARKET i Walnut Cove, Vcb. 17. The local ohawo market experiwiccd the best i sfileiTyestefday simi' early in January. Damp weather brought a quality of , the weed to mailict and the prices again j soared Jo the. averages of last fall, the obi wiueboiie selling 23,.VW pounds for j which tlicy paid the farmers a total ef i.WW.l, an average of $I1.(M per 'hundred. Xo better sabs have been made this year and every farmer who; i unioaOed his tobacco here today went I home wearing a antile of antifaetio;k FEDERAL LEAGUE ANGEL SEES AJBIEHT FUTURE Philadelphia, Feb. 17. Harry F, Sin clair of Tulsa, Okltt., associate of John I). Rockefeller and the Rothchilds in oil and financial interests, explained why he turned from tlie threshold of organi.ed baseball and enlisted with the Federal League as partner of Pat rick T. Powers in the venture that will give the independent league baseball representation in Newark. Mr. Sin clair is under forty year of age and has been a continuous patron of base ball. "1 was considering the purchase of a club in organized baseball when op portunity came for n:- o study all the phases of the present baseball war," laid Mr. Sinclair. "rom carry boy hood J huvo been a fun and as so,l uiaiiy of the intricacies, of the politi cal side of the sport were covered up because of my intense interest in the gan.e itself. The turning point came after a Hose study of men and me thods. "The W ards of Brooklyn, and Messrs Hull of St. Louis, and Weeghinan and Walker of Chicago, were also known by me aniLiji ten mhuitea.Jamea A. Uit. nion was able to make me believe the federal League would succeed. The Federal League appeared to me as the league ot t ho future. Rieht ,...- 41... I.-...I. I r . .. me rmniu league is m a more advantageous nnd desirable position mail either of the older circuits. No one In this league flipped in a few white onips expecting to pull out a for tune." Since the connection of Mr. Sinclair with tin Federal League was establish ed as a fact it has Ceveroped that the financial powey in the baseball Mar has been a lilicrnl contributor to clubs in the West that havr round the minor h-ngue going too great a financial bur den, When (liiestion 0 on this point Mr. Sinclair said that as a fan he had wneti mm. "helped oiil..a littlo to k.ep the sport in cood health." Mr. Sinclair announced that all the Moils, of the new club's control would be in the hands of Patrick T. Powers, who, it was 'xplained. had invested more money in the Federals than any other resident of New Jersey ever had in a similar enterprise. S Will SPURN THE BID FOR MILLER Vew Vork, Feb -1". Roger Bresna ban's batik loll of $,'J0.OWJ is not large enough to pry Jack I.Mdler. the Caidin als' lirst baseman,, from the St. Louis club, according to Manager Millut Ifuggins, who is hern ro aMend the anniml schedule meeting of the Na tional l.eag, c mugnntes. 1'iior to the arrival of Manager Rrosun hnn of the Cubs, it was liii- ,ntt. ..! il... l-..t II 1 iiwiiii, vu mtn. uiv ijukc would ne ' Iwk.1,10 ..;il 11 ..f Oil iuu, ivh.,i nun tun vi jii,iahi men villi which 'he honed to coax -the Kear ney, N. J., bonifaec from the Cardinal. When lliiggin whs askeil if he would con. ider a cash proposition for Miller ho replied that there wasn't a chance in the world of Miller depurting from thr- Cardinal ranks. lluggins added that the jumpln-r of Lee Mngee to the Feds would prevent my ileal for Miller, ns "Dots" is ncd- eil on the inlield. While he refused to admit it, it is probabk' that " Iliijiglns will determine the future postorlice address of Catcher Ivey Wingo, who Is Mill k Cardinal, but who will probably play in some other town than St. Louis. Tin Cincinnati and New York elubs want, Wingo. As lluggins is out to stiii'gthen Ihe Cardinals whenever H'Sfible. lie will liku'ly permit the red headed catcher to go to whatever tlnb offers the best inducement a in return for the services of the backstop. A hnrd liitting outfield will probably have to lie offered to lluggins 'before ne will const-iit -to Wingo-sdepartwe. It- is mssilile that Hug will retain Wingo, if the other clubs decline to give value re ceived in the deal. Tbere is the usual group of trad rumors, some of which mav and some of which may not materialize. Several managers have announced that they are In the market, to buy or trade, but whether the deals arc completed re mains to be seen. Nell "Did IMt. Closefist ever show ynw a good time?" Belle "Hump! His idea of showing a girl a good time is to take her into a jcwvlry store and let ber look at the watches." KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, and Some - Winston-Salem People Know How -To Save It Many Winslon-Salum people take their lives in their hands byniglectiug the kidneys when they know these or gans need help. Weak kidneys nre re sponsible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health--(the slightest delay is dangerous. Cue LVsin's Kidney Pills a remedy that has helped tiiiousands of kidncv sufferer. ' Hie Ts a "Win- ston-Sabim citizen's recommendation. E. S, Porter, praip, of plumbing shop, 440 S. Main St., Winston-Saiem, says: "I found it very difficulty to straighten ui fter I bad liein stooping over for a little while. Mv back whs ho weak that I couldn't lift without having a slwrp yuin in my kidneys. Down's Kidney Pills were revoiumeudcd to me so highly, that I got a box from Shiiff-ner-l.andipiist Co.' Drug Store. A few doses relieved me of tin' pain in my Wk. After I Imd taken one box', I iVIt In'tter in every way.'' Price Stic,, at all dealers. Don't sim. I'ly ai-k for a kidney remedy- net Ooan'8 Kidney Pills the same t hut Vi- Porter had. Fostcr-Milhurn Co.. Prom.. " t i . v v . ' . 1 ii BASEBALL WORK BEGUN mill Coach on the Ground and is Well Pleased Line on the Infield Given West Raleigh, Feb. 17. Or. Frank Anderson, baseball -coach, lias arrived on the campus for the purpose of train ing the-1!I15 baseball team for the year n work. The coach has been out ' with the fellows for a number, of afternoons, nnd says that be is well pleased with what he has en nit. Although he he not yet begun to silt out the material and select the men for the sif-nad; tl.' couch says Unit lw i& uitr sonm mildif v frond men are present. " C,rce$,boro, Feb. 17.Tcuiu rep- Iraetiee has begun in earnest. The resenting the Chnmficr of Commerce to wnrni spring days have made it possible 1 day began the annual canvass for new for the team to go out already a half nwnibers and renewals of member', dozen times. Seventy-five recruits re- They reported a spierdid day's progress, ported ye-fl rdny for tile batting and Move than two hundred people anil lirm running practice. The track men also are, to be canvassed. During tiie last were out and were led In several two year subscriptions to the work ot rounds by Captain Potter jlhe Chamber have been liberal and as h A line on the infield is already avail- result the organization has done much able. as three of last year's ,mn ' effective work. Mr. Charles W. Cold, f are back and ready to report. , The ; the Jefferson Standard Life .Insurance position of first base will be vacant, j Company, is president of the Chamber L. R, Hooka, a Fremont boy, who liaxj this year, while. M,r. .1. C. Forester In nlayed high school and amateur ball, ! been re-elcc'.cd .-ccietary. Mr. Forester is hooked for this sack. Hodgin of, 1ms come to be regarded i 0:ic or the Pleasant Harden, Suilford "county, villi most progressive secretaries ' 'til tile more than likely resume his old post j South. at second, whilr' Wheeler is slated fori Secretary Garland Daniel, of the ten- Ins old post ai snori. i ne oktiici i po ilions will all be open to new men. There aiJ a large number ; if candidates for these places. Whom 1 will lie selected is a matter of much aiicculatioii. Several meij witlj good! : ... ..j. -t r.:i; s..K';;;a i.lsrpsi-a ibii-t strong bids for thein. The battery is the main stiyngth or - )tis ymHswWi-yiieiii-iid-aViiu: -Ion, who last year established records m the North Carolina college diamond, v i 11 be the mainstays. Ttussell will not play this year,- as be failed to register. It'wis, a Greensboro lad, looks good ns assistant catcher to Captain' Winston, nnd is very likely to land the nsistant s place. As assis tants to .laynes, none lias yet been iientioucd. Kvnns, a Burlington youth d high school fame, is slated for that nosition, however, and maybe there will lr- others to help do the twirling. Raleigh and A. nnd M. fans will have ihe chance 6f seeing some good games this year, as nearly all that are .sche duled will be played on Raleigh soil, One trip will be tiiken through Vir ginia and one to Durham. The fol lowing is tlv completed schedule as just nnnoiMiccd: .March 1.V--Atlantic Christian College at Raleigh. March 22 Klon at Raleigh. March i!." West Virginia Wesleyan it Rnlcigh. Jin re h 2!t Amherst nt Killeign. April 1 Penn Slate at Ra leigh. April ham. April leigh. April April April Midi. il Trinity College nt Dnr- , A'aUc I'or at Ra 7 Cnilford at Raleigh. 12 Trinity at Ti'nlcigh. 1 1 Sunt h Carolina 17 Guilford at Raleigh !--( o'orgia at Raleigh. nt L A m il Ar.ril Anril '21) Washington and Le 2(i Washington and nl lvington April 27-V. P. L at lihickhur: April 28 Navy at Annapolis. If a better cough syrup than Foley's Honey and Tar Coanpoimd Could be found, we would carry it. Wo know this reliable- end dependable, .medicine has given satisfaction for mure than forty years; therefore we never offer a substitute ff the genuine. Recom mended for oorgh cohls( croup, w hoop ing cough, l.ioiiclnal . aral IM'tippe , couglii. No p.iitttes. "E. W'. O-" f llanlon. NEGROES EI GEORGIA 16 Monticello, ''! ''eb. 17. An mvesti gution into the. recent lynching hen ot two regro men and two negro womci was begun today by the county grand jury. SuH'rior Judge Pnrk, in his cliaig. s held the perpetrations to V guilty of murder. Negroes were alleged to haw; shot and ... wounded an- officer while be was attempting to arrest them uu minor charges. COLDS ARE OFTEN MOST SERIOUS ST0P POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS The disregard of a Cold hns often brought many a, regret. The fact of Sneering, Coughing, or a .Sever should be warning enough Jhat your system needs immediate attention., Otminly Loss of Mre,p is most serious, it is a wanting given by Nature, It is man's duty to himself'lo assist by doing his part. Dr. King's New Discovery is based on a scientific analysis of Colds. 50c at your Druggist. Buy a bottle today. " " '- COMMITTEE FOR ELFGTING BOARDS BY POPULAR VOTE . . ', ' . . ' ! Raleigh, Jeb, 1,,-The lIouse cora. nuttee of education voted tins evening , to report favorable the' bill to provide; uir inu vu.i-ittiii ui in uvnniw oi couch- tion by the people in U-e, .loorc. Ilen iImsoii, Bichmoud, Brunsvu k, Beaufort, and Anson counties. The joint nuance committee has alsnit completed the machinery bill. It ap propriated $10.iWi to a State Tax Cora- mission for the enforcement of thelff0 machinery act and cut out $i.(0l agreed, on yesterday tor ail auditor for i ne , ; ssnie purpose. - Baby's Happiness Depends on Health Cross, fretful iabies usually need laxative to make them comfort.' able, and comfort begets happiness. Constipation is the canoe o much discomfort. Mothers should watch closely the condition of their chil dren's bowels and see that they arc regular. A mild, pleasant; tasting laxative uch as Dr. '.Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, is ideal for children because of its natural composition and geutie -aetkmr and -because it eontains . r.c opiate, narcotic or other harmful habit-forming drug. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold by druggists everywhere. A teaspoonful at bed time will bring easy, certain relief. A free! trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4."2 Washington tit., Munticello, lli.. tral, Carolina Pair Association, wiy that he i prepared tn oiler special in ducements to football teams that will play a game on the large field in the center of the race track during the an imal fair here this fall. lie has in vited two "elevens "'find wants at o;:e eamc. Probiiblv iinmiicmcnts le.l-! oil Id b'.1 made for at leant one more game f dnrmff-thc-f our- davsr -tiM he fniv flos plan is ill kfcptng with a movement by liicensboro lieople to-'bring interw! legia'e games tu the city. The I'oinoiiii grajle l "school ha ar ranged to iwinhase an entire block of property on Spring Garden street an 1 Cameron nvciiue to be used as a play ground. The properly was purchased al u good figure, and yet the advocate.. of the inoiio-ition feel that it is n moderate price considering the. location nnd the advantages that will come to the school from it. The block is about 3(10 feet square, and is a very! n I trac tive piece of properly. The school now has an enrollment of 4(10, which will be doubled within the next few year-. It is one of the most progressive Hiiools in the count v. Why Early Peace is Unlikely Springfield Republican. In bis statement, to Parliament ns to the, U'litiiueliness of discussing eace, -Mr, Asniilli did not intention the ob vious fact that the German -army is still in control of practi ally the whole of Belgium, and that on tlx' one side llritain could not consider pence terms l"' h di l nut reinstate. . the Bel gians in (heir own country, while on Ihe other Germany could not at pres ul be expected to withdraw from Bet 'iiini without K'ceiving very great com pensation elsewhere. If territorially the ,'ains were more equally shared 'then would pel Imps be on but Ii sides a great er readinos to negotiate. The Russians, to be sure, still Ih.1i n con siderable part- of Gitlicin, but that is n-trins affair, and Germany is th doiiiinaiit partner. Having once more, alter six months of fighting, cleared her oven soil of enemies while holding fast enough to IMgiuni and France to .make a iiiagnilicaut .- prize of war, iTcriniiny discuss a cannot ... bv expected to pcao wlueli would bring no reward lor the sacrifice of life . and property. With some reason, German feel that they bav- had the best of jt thus far. and Mr. Asnuitb is i.n.lublv eorrect in' his leadii.L' of this t,.i,.r While they can guard the Vistula it is not easy to see bow a basis for peace negotiations enn be found unless the llios are ubk- to exjiel them from Belgium and France. It is this as pect of the case which gives such im mense importance to the arrival of the new British armies. By June we may sec some test, not of the ability of the Germans to hold out, but of their ability to hold on. htp)bi After Mr. Bryan ColWbia Record. Tli" ( ireenshoro News . has returned to the pnstime of criticising Mr. Wm. lennings Itryan. We confess that Dcniociatic preeiMlent and declamation linvi always been for '.simplicity, nnl in,- oi-reiHIV Ol ar f.:in-lsi,n Willi . . v , his i.hii uozen aiuoinoDiics and an eipiivaienf nuiinla-r of ...wiuipages. is P'? 'g-w.yi frifflt , tlMi d;iy of Thomas .Icffcfson and tlu saddle J1'1- fi t if Hryan wishes to put III hl.l Vacation doiliu some nlimi.tulL-. mi dates, nt a eertnin stieiid pT date, why should there no any great ado over it ? ilr. Bryan's accepting this kind of engagements calls attention to the mat ter of the poor salary that the United Stnted pays. The Secretary 'of State niiisf have a liiinie Tn the best (piarters of the city and is required by etiquette to entertain ambassadors, ' ministers nnd varion visiting, foreign dignitaries. The salary, $12.IMm. is much to., ,m,ll The British ambassador a t Washington Tr,.eives lmMt lour timet that rnnou.it. After exorbitant house rent is met and servant hire is paid, Mr Bryan has less nnon who1 1 ii-m, 1,; tl(lll-u.uiU than a dozen iintiretentiiMis ii'in nf this community. Is it not the proof in its last analy sis of the democrat i:- Nation in which we live that the Secretary pf Mate, the hiehest cabinet i(Ti.s.i- ran out and pacn pot laiiling, enouch to.s..onl..mmt Ln. eriy tue, income vuarj tue governmenf j fails tovjisy liiin 1 G00DREA5QNSWHY LITTLE HDIIH in Ninety Per Cent of the People Are in Favor of Annexation WOULD BENEFIT ALL CONCERNED To the Kditor of The Journal: Good reason why Little Yadkin township should bv annexed to Forsyth the county are: Because Winston-Salem is their market. The citizens are daily customers in the Twin-City. They could transact, their county affair with lit tle or no extra iucoiiveniaiice. Because they are cat off from Vadkinville by the river. Because it is the choice of more than 1)0 per cent, of the voters and tax payers of the township to be annexed and thereby benefited without dnmage to Yadkin or Forsyth. Ther" is scarcely enough not favoring an imation,' in the. township, to hold the offices of same. It is our . duty to Help mem, wnen neip can lie given without hurt to any one. Any dis interested person who knows condi tion as I do, would favor annexation. The State, Forsyth, and Little Yadkin are all Democratic, and at our hands, they nre asking for bread. Shall we giv tin in a wtnne? Mr. J. J. Kiger's land is nssessed .it $21 fi-r acre in Little Yadkin, while Mr. K M. Trivilte's, ii: Forsyth, oil' the nnnic plantation appraised by goo I met!" at 'the same, price per acre." is us seriscd at fHJHI per acre.. Mr. 'Triiitie uets the benefit of good road-, good bridges and good school. What have the citizens of Little Yadkin got for all these high taxes in little Yadkin town ship? Comparatively speaking they get but little. Vet they are perfectly help less. They are not knocking at our door as paupers, Ami as good, pcacable" law abiding tax paying citizens who could be a help to us, themselves imJ Yiulki.i- t-rmmtyT-Theie nreonly two miles nH public roads m- the township. They have good reasons for annexation.-Who has any good reason why they should be denied? 1 have yet to hear any rea son nt all to the contrary. Protesting is not sflicient without a good reason. How could it. hurt Yad kin? How could Forsyth he hurt? And too, the new Yadkin-Forsyth bridge which is now under construction be ing clear out of their reach why i'C"i:plc them to be exposed to the in convenience, danger, and ejipeiis.- of crossing the river at a ford or ferry, when we could :;o easily remove tie obstacle by reversing the direivion f their county scat? This ob-tacie b:isl been removed from Vcdkin county, m ! ibat they can soon "el to market '.v way iit a steel bridge. There i- no' river (between l.ittlc adkm am her market and why .should thev be calb'd ' upon to pay aihli'ional 111 cents ' bridge tax tor a way to got to market when there is no river to cross. Yadkin gets the benefit of her tax in bridge -iirviec, Forsyth is benefit ed bv the ;- tra business coining over the 'bridge to Winston-Salem and the county. Can liny one tell wnere tins one townshin can i Mi4-.Mly lie benefited a cent in'. the' world by the bridge tax? It is so -ilu it- j ed ns to he out of reach of benefit. ! The township cannot be shifted ncer ' into Yadkin, or over into Forsyth .rid j H ereby placed in position to" receive I benefits, but the line can 'be changed o ; a to solve the whole problem, and Ibis' is ail tney imc. -To whom then, shall they go for re- i wimuwwm COLDS, HEADACHES, SOUR ou men and women who get a , the stomach, remove the sour, nndii-c-1-cold ei..sily-lio have Headache, coated ied and fermenting food and foul a-; tongue, foul tn-te and foul breath, dii- take the ex-ess bile from the In, e. J ness. cant sle-p, are nervous and unset, carry ntr tl.e ..,.I,ii,.,.t.i matter bothered with a sick wissy stomac Are you keeping your bowels .de.iti with Cascarcts or merely dosing your self every few ('.Eys with 'salts, pills, nf -tor oil and other harsh irritants? Cns caiets iniiuediiilely cleanse and sweeten CANDY io cent boxes ALSOZS Oc SO Foot in llVHen You Put YoiF you want it to feellornfrtabie, to weari7to" last long. A shte that does not meet these requirements is not a shoe. You find these qualities united in th't shoes you get here. - r United Shoe Store 430 Liberty Street Last Week OF OUR Mid-Winter Clearance Sale Buy now and save money, t Special values in Men's and Boys' Clothing Henry Rose Company, Inc. Successors to N. L. Cranford & Co. lief evtf tho General Assembly jf North Carolina f There is no -other r.l tentative. Will the delegation now in Knleigh ibe denied? I am loth to be lieve their struggle for justice an. I fr.-c-dom will Ibe in vain. In conclusion, I wish to say Yadkin county is facing a crisis ju't now, in the, matter of good road bonds, and cannot well afford .: unnecessary friction at the present. Why-"not- give yonr-eonsent for Ttii-" child across the water to be adopted into the gTant family of Forsyth ivitli . 'In-iirty' Hwsiifariw'iif 'friptidlyri'lut'tll--" ship for all time to come. Annexation is the only logical thing to do, siii'v the almighty blind of nature has plac ed Forsyth county in better position" io render the necessary relief, and in turn has placed Little Yadkin in position tn cive Forsyth more business and better scrvhe than is possible under present conditions. J. T. HOl-VUFXTKR. iiewisville, N. C. Feb 16, lniS. Sillif us "I wonder w by lHy D-b away is so popular?" Cynicus ''Shc'i one of those girls a fellow feels he can propoM' to without any serious danger. The Cormnns would not have so n Ii difficult' y in moving toward Paris it the' Russians were not constantly disposed to press along in tin' same general di rection. Washington Star. Sillicus "Do yb tiellevr:' nmrriagci. are made in heaven?" Cyniciis "If they are, heaven must have a lot of misfits to work off." Judging from the evidence we have seen of Teutonic culture you "Spell it with u K' " when you. get in Dutch. -Knncsbiirgli Illuminator. i There should be no foreign resent intent of the haiiiis-oll' attitude of the ; I'nited States. A neutral Hag is ' I eeiv)iiurlr ili.ult-,i 1 ,t 1-.. 11-, in .in inner- Wncy. Washington - Star.---. "- - E YOUR BOWELS 10 CENTS anu poison trjm the bowels. A Casearet to-nicht straiLditeiis ri out by morning a 10-cent box kif.'' your head lcar stomach sweet, byr and bowels regular and you l'cel hui'y for months. Den'l forget the child:"' CATHARTIC -any drug store CENT BOXES- a Shoe

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