0 u a. vs. fAlB n kf TATCinnTiT isl A " irn is !r7' 1S0 THX ASSOCIATED , FRZSI tYlI- DISPATCHIII 'ill." fJLtgl WINSTON-SALEM, C THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1915 JOOtKAl. ADVtwntUXJITt Borwii itriin Tift iVeic Secretary of State .:. r.ict BacK from ffb H Over Pres. 's Popularity WOULD WIN ELECTION NOW 'jfljH OVERMAN SAYS IF Ef.EC- .fEKE HELD HEXT Bunin (fO0lD BE ALL, wu-,, jjj ihe democratic par-' OVERMAN IS IN WASH- fflGTON ON BUSINESS . ..,. h Manning) . fj trip to Hawuil with the Pj&wU popuhujtv of Pre. iffla. and d.wTed;Iiere today. . cn: ' , win tyjnext moniu t a overwhelming majority. i IMitat Wilson, strength ha U. wonderfully the sinking StaiUnta," M Overman. -0n L, to Hawaii, when we reached . i icqi chosen 1)T the Cott le irsK'iw.v " Linnl party to make an adding ;mm. Reference to President. Wil- " i 1. 1.1 f4l til. II IflV spetHIl uruuKv .uiiu w. aal applause. tteii we returned to Ran Francisco, ite the Lusitania had been sunk. I ...i. .nntlior fmeeoh there and when Iwntioned the President' name the n&iice almost raised the root, ii lit Presidential election were held rtt month it would be all Wilson and Democratic party." . Suitor Overman came up from Balis hrr todir to attend to a number of imrtmentlll matters! ilC iCOllferlrett to swal hours with Attorney Gen ml Sreporr, for wham he investigated i umber of matters in connection with t) Hawaiian judicinl system, on his Iris He will lie here several ..' days m. - Charles England, secretary for Con- prnmn . Stedmen andKitchin,,, is attending to a number of depart- Mill maHors fnv ttjam TT stated Hat apon Congressman Stedman'a re- mnenitation, (leorge lirimsley tay kf of (!repnboro will be appointed Jilr I ns biological assistant in the 14 hateliery at Beaufort. if Kate E. Dunlap today was ipoiM postmaster at Gideon, Stokes SananlwwaMwaaaawwaajnnnawn.nnnna If i ni 1 L.-:M m il 1 I I BRITISH Mil IOGEIIIIITIS Laborers Will Be Eorolled to Work For King and Country r TIUCS FITS CZITIj RECEIVED BLOW FROM WHICH IT CAU T jRExMiwmcAmmwim?M iy mm ROBERT, l-AJblSallCi. PRESIDENT VILSON APPOUm k0F STATETO SUCCEED BRYAN HE CI IHlLTIiRE Cwnshoro. June 23. A great aurprise w ipmng upon the many frienda of Swiff D. B. Stafford of thia county, to J when a telegram announcing his nrriace to Miss Bessie Benbow was wwed from Baltimore. SherirT Stafford left Greensboro last ilk) 11. qa fnha Mnrvland oty without letting anyone know of ki. :( i : . r : .. - nr:D Ron. to ii a daughf et of Mr. and Mrs. J . & Bentinw of Oak (Ridge, a taienrea i thrmingyounga"woman. She taught ihojt dicing -the -winber at "M'iilenee, R. T. and "It waa on her iy home' that Sheriff ; Stafford met a and the ceremony was performed. ft bride and (troom. will return to Cteeaiboro tonight. '- - AVashington, June SI.-TUe appo, rtK.irf.of Kobert Landing ret' ' Stiite a minouneed at the Ilk Hme early tonight. The statement issued said: .-'.'. 'Before leaving this evening for a brief rest in New Itanipshira, the Preai J,nt announced tliat the bad offered the Jwt of Secreiary of .Mate to Robcr UMinif,. the pIW..nt counsellor of th. Ikl.artjmiit oi 'flat ind that .Mr. Lansing bad accepted the sppointuinnt. 3.anSing has been- acting Secrets rj of State since W. .1. Mryan rexm He is a son-in-law ot lormer . t,,.!. ti. wl T.ntr. He beeatufi counsellor of the department on th.; re tirement of r John " , n . has been openly regarded as the ident's mainstay on questions of in tcrnationnl law in nil the difl.cult V 1on,atic negotiations huh have been Ihrust on the United Slates by the tu- roFran war. - 'r:: -Va - V(irt. mis noma ii . I . k m vears old. He for the Vnited .States in lWBj Behrinir Sea arbitration, uiwr .... B ii.. i.,i,. Rnundarv Til- Minal. In 1009 he became counsel in the North Atlantic coast fisheries at The Hague. He " recognized a authority on international iw, associate editor of the American Jour nnl of International Law. LABOR LEADERS GIVEN SEVEN DAYS THIS TIME LIMIT IS SET m THEM TO MAKE GOOD ? THEIR PROMISES TO SUPPLY LAB01 F3R THE MUKIITjM FAC TnDiKS - BRITISH COAL KINO TO AMERICA London, June 23-Dav.d . Lloyl Wae, minister of munitions, has given MrilisU hibor .-ven days in wln.h i to nake good lt Waders', promise, that the imm will rally to the faitone in i". ; ......hum in nroui ev 'UJlHU'UI lluiv"r... I mum aupply of munition of war. . . i .i Hvikiti(7 statu- meet in the iiiW' aF'h, tlse of Common, today Tber n ane limit to 4b men enro l ed. They wor't wear uniform., hut will have to ve their full time to the work. They will revive a ctrtllUate that they are c,ling lor. tWr 4U.fr d The munitiona Din - . 4. ill..... 1 .TM-ltV.I lea for coin- KH'K(IF" llirgm. i , ,! -ory ; arbitration, limits employers nof.ts, and creates . vo.u.i.r , of workmen pledged to go bmw iYJ 'rfu will be or- ireai jjnimi --- w.ired into ten munition areas. New ta.tories have teen equipped and aoon will be turning out prodigious o,'iaitl I of war material lie said that Ur nrnv for yaari hw been piling vp enormou. war .tores. IIMptalned the . . t tl.o impriisn an.. Iieat imponaT .. k Canadian market, .nd a ated J- Thomas, the British "coa. . been sent to the United -State, and Caimda to repreaent the munitions d.- PMrm Lteyd George admitted that the ..u;nn nra aerioua in anorwge oi . ihu view of the innusiu v "r T:Ue duration of the war; the toll of lifes end tto wnoojit oi ntanM ereated fey the war ultimately Tirtory or defeat,, depend, upon the .upp r ot th mln ser declared. "That is cardinal Where, the AUiee are mak. ing progrea. on ny part of the Una it i due to their .upenonty in nitiona. The AlHc. have eupertenty in men, both in number, and quaUty. "I have been told that the wntxal SAY THLY BELIEVE THRWISK Of IE rmt Picture of Man Who Started World War Thaw, Himself, Is Among Thoss Testify.? on First Day of Trial rilAW DESCRIBES THRILLING ESCAPE Now York, June i3.-Thiit.wn wit n,,es. iwcliidiug Thaw himself, testi fied today tht they believed Harry K. n . .. ........ Tlii.v aiinenret ii the PIHt iwdiugs liefore the jury to test Thaw i n,..nat it. on th outcome ol .. .. . L .L l.nfnr.l iniite'a slayer shall go free or return ... . .... iivlmn from which he . ' The witnesse. imduded four or the jurtra at Thaw' former trials, two . haplains, a phyalcian, the keeper of he tomtw pion. T1w ,..,lu times, two newspaber iiiw-w . ' . - , . i. kau. kiM auiH-iikted with ni'a nil., vears hlstor-v of the tl.. tsti.,.l...i. the lawyer who Wet Thaw In New Hampshire and a juror m of Thaw', former attorney againrt Tl.i.w's mother. 1 ; - ... . i tk.t Tttaor showed no .I. K.rrii - -. v j ......,...- nf ituliiaii.il. could talk in tilligently on many eiibjects and never . . . ' ..:..1...i t thnlr knowledge. naa wen .. Thaw descriMd hi eeape ann he left because ine yiiyui..; he waa sane and because he hlnwelf K- iieved he wa. ane. ' ' HB.aaMaiaMaMMnaeaMaVa TftBERKIlCLt BRPT15T CHURCH is traraio ii -vy . " I r - - - It h Expected KM Ccr man Troops Will Acw Be Rushed to West 3WST RESCUE ARMY FIGIITIXG FRENCH Germans Are Hard Prts ed on Western Front Russians Retreat In Good Order iTISI TORPEDQtD SEI LUST S (Continued from page five) Khk-dgh, June M.-A .barter m i ;ed to.lay for The Tafrernaole Bap V.t Church (tne.) of Wilwn, charter ed without cplUl t , for gjnerdl X.rch purpos, by WtlUaiu Wilion, r. r. cavim u .... ... There wa. an amendment filed wtm the secretary of State fot The People. r . ...j f..f.i a.r.M Co.. Greensboro, X. ; me"to The And Coal Ci" W E. Andcrwn i. aecretary of the company. WOOO OANKOSITKCH viri.ii. .niMKML Viuffs. war. and oreaidetit. have been publishing vari- . a I. a.lKn akhA at i Ft .Wl .u ..... rtitHnir In Eurottt. thtt lit- tl man, about whom little ha. been . .i nt i knnwn. naa msnsiiru to keop oit of the limeUght, yet he really preeiplUted the giant etruggle. Wogo Tankoaitwh It hia nam, nnd lie i the man wno n I 1. suiting tn the awsaasmaiion Crown Prince of Austria and bU wife, which 9 directly W to tw wnr. Austria named Tankoaiteeh n her ul tiwatum to Serbia nd jpremptlly ii.n,n.Drf Ma wtraau.on lo wan n ' . . : on the charge of murder n w ui ulllmatBm that Serbia ateeedwl t In tit it. clauiwHi, except the trial of Ser bian officer., mong whom, Tankoait.cn wa. the most prominent, in Austria, rolnt of national sovereignty that Bar la asked to have settled at the Hague, Austria refused and later declared war. TankoaJtach i now Major and it in command ,of a oomitage oawauon w the Serbian army. ,- m tus'T .uwi .T.dnn. June 23.-The Admiralty statement tonight said: RnxburRh was struck by a torpedo in the North bca Sunday. The damage was not serious. The cruiser was able to proceed under x. ....m. Ther. were ne IH I UH U ' ' " ' " casualties. Hartford, Conn., June 3.-Jame. T. f;iolinan. a cousin, and for yeart a business partner of the hute J-l- at Wnrmin. died liera early toaay. He waa nearly 80 years old and re tired from business yeaVi ago- . . . During his -connection with--toe Morgan interests Mr. (ioodman made a fortune. .' " '; '' icARumimi" TDV A T WITH l.fr.Nr.KAL VILLH TROOPS ARE STILL Wnsboto, June 23. Alt effort, of lb. ritv n,l nlVinlaU tn Wftte Woy Clendening, the negro who Mon-' jr evening escaped from the Guil wri county jail and who i. charged ith the robbery of several .tores aw. have proven vain. A thorough "Th. ha. been made in and about " f'ty, the train. , watched and 'of r in other town, and citie. notl but so far no sign of the man hat "n found. GUARD SLA1 HIE BID' fiE-JPPIPTS J. I U II m WEB Raleigh, June S3 Dr. $. T. ' Joyner, "tit titnArintonJi.Til rt nnlilw inatnic H secretary 0' the State bo d Nation, dictated thia morning the S'tfifi..- a- - . .v tt-.i .-u..n th jir d. U larT,;oi 'n(rt that the tata Board ha. e iMjiiiiiT.ul k: ii. . xt . ir..M,ji. " nun on me new -iuhuici "Wit? BcKaI n. MitMim lit W bitraa. Ar..i 1X. K - nn;nv a... aig.i iiu&b uk irccii R""6 ? nee the recent session of the Legls. 'r and brought about the .trenu and in some respect, sensational "'wig bt'fore the board yesterday. SESSi OF DENTAL SOCIETY Washington, June 23.-G enenjl Ven. uafiano Carranw ha. W" United Statea that he won't treat with Villa under any eircum.Uncee nd wtu .continue his military campaign to erusn hit adversaries. " ' "" " President Wilson today bad a report a .. h uAti in in on Ctwranaa view., : z, . . . ..tinn v th the Amert- miorrru.. "-"-- r,, Ha can con.ular onicer n . , . .. f,d the accora- touna m n ""r." tli - tt,- modation of tlie aincreuw. Mexican faction. , , , r.itj.rat.d that hit oppOB " . MWarfirniaS'il.S:' Whrt WeT. de.irou only of wti.fying their per aonal ambitions, He aaid Villa and hi. associate, either must leave the eoun tryor be tried bv the military court, .v ..ihiiitT. It la reeogmwd in official quarter, here, that Oarraiua EARTHQUAKES 00 v mm HI CALIFORNIA . in official quarter, here, w vnM- Annilll EsSaV IS Read By doe. not nnderetand the earnest new of Annual amy - . . , demanding an early .... . t th food altua turn even in Vera tttt.waa.a w Imnerjal Va CV IS the SCCDe in.iiotd br one case . - . Red Cro.. h-jad.iuarter. nnd aunouneea QJ SgyCral DlSaStfOUS today. One taientca wgn, v Chnrirc three years, publie school teacher. w SHOCKS found begging w vi i ' A ei.ter, well educated, wa. P1lUn' i a iTJTl A T . f .AW IS soan. Other acnooi veacoer. ' ....- ..,.- ST .imiur plight. DECLARED IN TOWNS - vi r..t.n Cafl. Jum 23. Kan n .1 .lorn thHia f kt nlltht. ...wa. -..- r , i which cauaeO the oeain oi a . perrone and a million dollar, propctl ,i m,. ffA.r. tn . mr la i iiuft v " ...1 -.. m Ut tha heal uay. . nvi v a ..).". gate, of the greaf irrigation system . aHuMtr natiiintr i it an Hiirv win r.tb -, "--" . . . Jte report inaicaie m iu-i- t,K,i .i..a. ts Rusiiue bare - lust Utnberit. They Orvnpled the OaH c.ta capital ealy in September 4 beld it until vaatarda,. ben tba eomblBW Mtroierman force. funill4 tht to retreat from the elty, whkh U only (Hi .Id mltea from the nearest point on the Russian frontier, Whtther the etty't fall meant tha the Xus.tsa army operating in touth east Oallcia It effectively eut oT frwew the army to the north stretching aifos. , IVtt Mt to the BaltWi eannot yrt be wid. Vienna and Berlin n.w.papn say thia it the ease and .that tha Rua tiae arm. have received a blow fro vltcb they cannot recow. : ' If the .troke it crushing lh . Teuton, perdlet, the tffeot, military eh. Mrvere Here aay, aoon miuuiu i. k. t.r.r nf th vast Oerm.in force to the wet, where thy are htrd ; a J W ' ' i -' V. nreeeM y ine frenen. - , ... lvrreHimlit. of the Austrian newt patera with the vlotorloue army f , the Russian, retreated lnf good orhvi Ptilln and Vienna are reported to U , loyful over the victory. A View. telegram eeye tbat Emperor. WlHn , and ilVancit Joseph propose to meet l Umberg for "nitting errwBi te m a . .It- J..aamlaa....a nrtt the ewa or nussi. " ; in OaHcla."1-' ' -' ;.' "f On the river Dniester, toutb of I.n: . berp, the battle ttlU ragea. The Italian general etff annoumt tt arrival of Important WoteenuinU for the Austrian, aumg iu -north of the gull TrUat, but declare, tiny ware repnlae r !" tr"0l' In a Uttl in the Jfontenegra dHrtet A!enea;dUpatch tay the Italian ,, h.v captured all the poaitlont defetd ing Malborgrth and are botubardiiig the fori rest itself. five Swedish .teamert fcound for Ei Ian . with lumber were captured In the Paltle yesterday by German wenVr. ri.. inatraiLrmis armlet . DUS'ie-. eastward through Gallda, reeaptnrtd PWrirjy.l June , ana iw, , iai.se, irtrwk t Lemberg (row the stwlk an weal At no point were the . Russian, able to with.tand the terrt Art bombardment l gainst tbelr ,pot- ... .mi th. Una of defense near Grodek, 18 ml let west of Lemrsrg which It of tht greaiee. . ni.i tt-enath, proved untenable. t , . With Umberg now - ra new .-, Autrla ha. reclaimed '-irtuallr t" whole province of utucin. ne n- ing i the campaign ' hat oeen m .. uiiureal intensity, wun neavy w , ftg-iret of killed, woundtd end eapttir , eJ, an given tn Auatnan, ""' nussiaa offlelaJ tUjlemente, PM wtv the bundredt of thousand. KuMia had made plant for oarmi- BRING GOODS EROfil GERfi Extra Precautions Are Tak en to Protect Frank in State Prison ' Atlanta, June .-Governor Slatoo announced tonight that tue u tuaintainea se.veri .. .rnrtv.. Ail is quiet, toaght.- ' " Governor sald.tbat many o . the State Legislature touy r--nP,,roval of hi. action in the rriii.K '" . ' . .... r..,V Eflortt io rwiw ,..vv-- ' ..,:,:. Ana ,. rdevinerjCTt rt '"T" . larrivinS' ttmia to Brotect i. -. , i . -, Ukcn at the prison arm , Dr. J. A. McCIung of ; Winston-baiem (By W. E. Lawson) teaahore Hotel WrighUville Beacn, .lin.e 23.-For the second time within the past six years the dentists of iLth Carolina are holding their a... of thi resort. Ibe l.r nuf.i ii.ccin.j, - me mm. - . ettlement of the Mexican irouuw. . , . u..r.untatiM here will OX vrra' ! - ... leave won for Vera Crua to eonfer with Oarranza. . . Won't Lna manne. In view of the latent advice from Admiral Howard, official, were con 6d.mt today that it would not no l. to (and marine and bluejacket, to deal with the Indian. .v. v..,l Valtsv ' Mewieo. . 1U Ilia aui From Vera urmt umiui vui- . .'. . . ... j ilvoMev waa rocked from end to end by Pres. Wilson Interested in r?t Lru.. of rti,uk. a nn.i. XT.... VaI. lu ,i,.n a mm of Dersont are r. EIIOnS OI new wm Importers More ttmn a .core of person t are r ... a . rfuatil ri...iu:.- lm a.r Ilv In th T!,tV liuiiumuej ta nwii m. . bavt. been damaged, talexho eutfrnd I aTa.a w.rr.., .... ... .. , , . . Damage la ne enn'ru eAtimavted at kKive than fl.000,000. i.. r.i . Jim 23 Keuorts of three severe earthquake tliocka which .... ...... l..l... nf at resulted in me ueam ami i"w (Continued Page ToJ GETS LETTER FROLI LIEOTEIIAIITBEGIiEll Former Comptroller of ti. Y.With N.UManu- t ' facturers i . " t . dnf Va-ttt ' nTttnfI ' lit IU n I "'30 7h. narrow guag. line n uht at 8:30ocUm-K.. mere i r" . . VmnraT. and ,tUd,nce,' upward of 20O nVntiat and 411 it nPPRDVES FICHtSE if IM . "J-hinpton, June 23. The purchase T the Federsl fmviram.nl nf nnn-sffri. . cultural l.nd in the Southern Appal- a Iiiana . approved toda.y by the Xa '""al Forest Reservation Commission. 'w Urisest traet ia near Boone in rth Carolina, a bhwk nf more teres. Another ract of 'ifiOn trr is in Georgia, and two other tracts J! more than 21100 acre are in North MroUna. Wllllion u..invi.. ..... the of rumors of a possible attack on the FcXmb..s, "June -J Lea: ing n placard ""pernor the Traitor" was hanged and d d W bull:ta on Hie onuge tanoochee river here ia-' , , , i hpre was a uir."."--. . lB,ted several hours, in hb of people ir"m - . ,. tf.nk part, Columbus bring " the line hetween the two . The crowd was orderly WYb"r ,.mP and children the 4-r'owd that took p jn .r : Monstration against tue nor.' . v' ' ",. i "'"'.'" Jion-e. June S3.TV Mnntemjgnr.nf. . . ... c..i.n. Allmnia. I" tensive ' agninw - . . . aceordilic to teveioping wi... - , di-.pat.ih to the Cbrimt P I n.Ift, . : .:ct the eite in three em' days ago and some' will stay here fW several days aner me ...-.... -. enjoying tnc pleasures wi journs Icf.etl. - - - . ' lr. J. A. Sinclair of Asheville, preai i.-i k. wU,. culled the meeicj to order, after which he presented Kev. l)r. B. W. Spilman ot hinston, wnu i- ......1 lit. inw..-Mtion. I'resident Sin flair then introduced Iredell Moare. E;q. mnmber.of the Wilmington liar V ' i:.l. f,. fivemor on the. PrO- r..ive t cket in tlie last rwu, : ,ii;.,..,i tt aildrMs of welcome. WI..' liriltri.u .... Mr. Meares is a moiit eloquent an.i .j .rkr and he save to the . !.!, hoartv and sincere wel J , t. ..,n.nu ass made nv l'r. rf'Die. i - - . 9, B. Horton of Raleigh. ollowing tne the last m'wt- in!ia u. ...I- - --- ,. i i.. N.nclsir nenvereu n annual address, followed by the annua! say by Dr. J. A. Mjung oi The Society will continue in aes''i ik1,A Friday. Clinics msteaa w p t 4Ka nmentm this sr ear pc. .n.we ... f. . . number of prominent dentists of the country are &ei w wftuucx Hfncu n .i" - r, ' .1. t- i nut r Monirav. and nineteen persona were reporter aiueu. He also reported that the railway from . 1. ..... fHk V.J kua .lit Vera (tux to Mexico vivy preventing the leaving of two troop train a. ' , A con.ular measage trora lampicw aid George Ogden, preeumably .an Amerlmn. had been forced to aban don hi. ranch at Ouerrem More des- titute refugee, are gathering at i.m- Ail Bed tTO mno tuiw r..n;. Miior in .Mtxira nsvwm wm - IBVHIIWU Itll'i ndT the society iaened an other urgent appeat for food ttuffs and Mnn. t.tit inraiaann ueoDie arc im ported practically etarving in Guerrero. t'. .,.inr4rn .1 lift A son ha. iaken an Interest in etlorte of Xew York importer, to bring in goods . r. ... kl,.K hava been held irira irj....v - . - , un i. British oHer. la council, and ha " r j - - . i dieted fceeretary Lansing 10 vn h.mself, it wat aaW at we " am ......... um.WtA aiiuare milct were re- .vi. hut for the tact in" iw i'i' . - - .... lrvTtrn. sitVTfBAL . HUXl ID v,lVi.w Fort mith.'Ark. June 23.-Mr. ri.. rskv. a killml and four per inh.rwi iu a erclon. which struck fns. t)kla.. last, night. Commumca tiotis with the ttorm awepi are., brarinr eastem Oklahoma ' end west. m Arkansas, ia fragmentarr btit it not expeoted that the death list will grow. - Fruit ia reported beavily flm. ged In wettem Arkansai, . . . l ..my j , . 'w the tummer white house at Com s to;i!Kbt. . ',' ' '. ., ' 1....,. a,n... ...1 mi... arm. iiiiiiti.ii li.ic inm . . .i s..i k.n,l th tilans of the iitt ci .i -" r . Dorters, wit trwm oiner smnT. i. dcrtand the plan is 10 siimrra i. k. . m Mimii iMHiiriii. ir pm .r in ..ii n v' . trsrted for U Germany before Mar?.l i k nf th mrchanllM now I at Rotterdam. It U said, and other eon sisnments are en route irom uernronj t. the Dutch port- t . '. ' p. fore June l sura g"w . ,. . .... ii.ii Cl.tu ti : . . .rMinm in im i.niii-i. u.. s.ial permlte issued by the Brit sH g,rmmfiit, wit since mm have been issued. It it estimated that rrolably fifty million dollar, worth ,.f m.fharrti 'S invoiveo. i The Unite.! State never ha. a.l uitted the validity of the M-ealled hlwkade of Germany ih recogn'red the British order, in enuncil. and in srmrh at those utject are to be .--..i r..,tkr in a new note to r...t illritain urmn which the stai .. . .t ir.m la workintT. It wa ;j i. tha eovemment wat K'o to et snr fact, in possession of the ecived here today. Telephone ana telegrephle commiinlcatlim wa inter ruHed and Information from the ttrkk- v' ..... . . . irk. mmmImc fliiia. e distmi is miiru . va at Calexic tin tlie Mexlfan -v " . . . ... . .. i.r. botder line wiier tne mmh ui - e"d- . : .. ' ' ..i.j k.i fUrly report from mere i"w the town bad been destroyed by re bait telephone employee at El prntro who talked over a wire reported that fire were confined to three building. Many building l Calexfc were aha . j . Tk. ..Ian In the tele phone building fled after the rt hoek r . . . ... .. . m ant was which occurred a i.. v fallowed br two other at :W p. 1 4ft . fA n ten irs ; r - .,w... Two .hock, were reponw nw ! .1 II,. aam tlm BHU nl ri;... .nJ Ran Bernardino also were .i l. I, .liirht atuvks. Ilrbrr, a raursa iowb nv ---- of El Centro, waa reported aestroye.. ... it 1..1 aeral building were cracked and the f J " 'f 11 in but no injuries rwunea. ine jr.r phone operator, there nlw fled from tlieir building. . " ' " i,..r7rtr. and wa. lending tjmpetbe Ik car to their ch. . . (Contlnu4 from pgj flytj. - Cberlotte, June 23. "I . .t tuiity of the crime charged aga Inst re, and I believe that in thi. la. boiir moral aentiment will neat aerva n in getting what I Geneve to jtttice." ." : ;'-: ' .'"".'" , , " -. The above-le the aubstance r a letter written by Police Liettt-amt Charlea Becker, now, awaUIng deafli , , ui.. t kla altairad Dart in in ding iwi " - .,' h death of tHermtw Hoeentha!, tl gambhr of Ktt; York. The Mter is In poaaetsion of Herman A. M- , forrBeromptroller of Kew Tork, la Charkitte Uxlay to fill an engagement belcr the North Carolina Cotton Me uf.cturert-Aeaociation. In .ntwer to. the (uetlont i inkr sending out many letter like tt.tar Mr. eia anwi " ' g..od many people wm neiieva - Metker baa not received everything tMt be la entitled to It hie ae," Mt. fct etrode op .talre, where thle after. . 1. . . Ln, aa tha k-l . L or oe eyoaw iu. . . - -ropean aituation ealUng the war an In- Austria liraggie, sura .... -nothing ran be done now to reUeve the textile itnatlon and dye ttoffe fami, thmgh Mr. Meti broadly Intimated that I'ruk earn thouw runner nrg right, on the at a tn having the English order in eouneil modified to give Amer ica a betier opportunity to Imp-! needed product. . The annual election of offWre Uke pj.e thin afternoon. Alf.-A innmpw of Raleigh mada decided hit with ,t lo. manulaeturera ana wna fcure mill men by acknowledging V ...premacry of thi. teeth U eollon, BeauUcuiuig. Jt

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