INST0N-8ALEM' I0TJENA1 ttsathiii FAIR TOBACCO 10.30 CENTS VOL. XVII., NO. 289 THt ASSOCtATKD DISPATCHES PRESS WINSTON-SALEM, N. G, THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 25. 1913 JOURNAL ADVIWTUrjUNTS BRING BKSUtTtl PRICE FIVE CENTS W UTHERN TRAIN NO NOTE TOGREECEHAS ut insure it in ic 9 38 CRASHES INTO AN CLEARED UP THINGS FOR THE ENTENTE EXCURSION TRAM I r v xt i-, ' ..f v S TWO ARE KILLED, MANY MEMBERS ONE IS MISSING BOARD OF TRADE JO 4 INJURED WERE SECURED Mr. 0. Max Gardner, Prom inent Shelby Attorney, Among Injured IIEAD WAS BRUISED AND RIBS BROKEN MAN BY THE NAME OF TALLY AND UNIDENTIFIED MAN WERE KILL ED MISSING MAN IS NAMED' HALL AND LIVES IN CHAR LOTTE NAMES OF INJURED WERE NOT LEARNED Salisbury, Nov. 24. Two wore killed, tine is missing, ana lornr people, in- Schilling Mr. 0. Max Gardner, n prom 'incut attorney of Shelby, who will in sill likclilwod lie the Democrats -nii- inlatu for Lieut. -(lovei-rior of N'ortu ,'nrnlimi in tin' next State flection. ! riv injured nt the liaiiK sneer, cros,- ing hero tonight ulxnit 10 o'clock when thexii train No. :)8 entailed into the rear end of an excursion train cu ronio Ki.-lnnond, t a., carrying u 'r.rpe loud en route there to witness the Carolina -Virginia football game tomor row. A man by tlic name of Tally and li.iiutlifr old man, who was unide.ntilicd. tiere killed. A man by the nam" if llall. a passenger, on the train, is miss ing. Ilr is n brother of the miuinger Inf tin- lleiienil Kile Kvtinguisher Com- 1'iiiiy's plant in Charlotte, and was cm- bviil in the oll'ii'P of that company. -Mr. 'In I! v died while being taken to a ul hospital, lie is also from Char iotlt-. Mr. Gardner i-' well know throiedi- h nt the Suite, lie was .badlv 1 irllise I fcilicnit the head, ami 'it is possible Unit lie it more of !,; ribs are broken, ti p- aol Ihollirhl. however.' that his In. I'Tiiv. lire scrim:. The nnnies of t'u; 'nr pin-tics wuu were injured vksv nt ascertained. When the 11111011111 was struck by the ngiiic mi 'o. :)S. the enr was fel- f T'l'iil. The men w ho w ere killed and ft'i.ise iniurri! were siMi.w, in Hi., ui.,,.'. . r ... i- l" 'ii, nf the coach when the aei-i lert It is Hiiid that the brakes i V". :is wen' applied so hard thai 'I1 lidL'e, were ,-uf in the rails. : nd n'lM (lie retioiilifl of the train tore f'.e ! "-"" and ears from their couplings. Il I' -aid that the accident occurred 11 cilice. j, siht 1,,t there im.kIv I'ly inn y have hern an error in -.lie IWL'lllll-. ,t H II V nite. n :t uu-iiM.r "'"'"l the nine and struck the renr 11,1 the hillmaii car in which seen "'" eight men -were smoking nt the. !'" mi the smoking room of the cn-i.'h. 1 lie injured men were given Attention '"rr- Anion., fho.-e 'who ai,ie,l in il,,. ''Ork of rest-trimr the noonln f.v. 41.. c-'k was Mi- J. H.imnt.... i;i,.l, ,1 M"iiist,)iKsa(.n, x' York. Xnv. 21 The inercasiiis '"""""'"'ice of the VniU'd States a "'" 'Hcr of t. World's, finance, has ';' Nil-tli,. national bank of South Af '7' a" ,,r"iHtion with resources w than $l(i.i)(i,(H) wiim-h here. to open a President Urges People to -Mane .Thanksgiving Offering w"hii,ton. Xov. 24. A Tlwuk-giv. I-' ' appeal fan- funds for the Auwr ' ."d Cross was issued tonight bv ,it i!on. , u, ilJ u,,,, '"!"'it lor the-orin..ization, the ls "t declare,, thnt' ortt of the 'war re " fund of ni.WMMKMi; onlv re- . i he imfm v,- he said, was used " '"'iiu.uuintf m surgeons, niimw ' 'narinii in tle war zones and ",r !'"n-,a mid -transportation. of w mmiih) ff niedi.-al Aiiimlivs. "'"t the mi tdemliil w.l- tJ- tl.ii. f"""''"" "dJould.l. permitted to ceae, ""' ' tin. nesinVi.t .i.lleluded RALEIGH PASSES IW o -. -ih-, l!oiv -u-Kce loiunnt nl'vsieiiin. ilied tins "ii-rn, "I. II.. ... I... ... .... f . " '"!" h,r n a.,m.iti. Death " ,,f vumidjuHuiji of '"' "'Hi inetiitritiK. He leaves s "'"I'lLn-e tliilJa-u.' Ols,. ILi Koss Fifty New Members Were Secured by the Com. mittecs Yesterday NO CANVASS TO HE MADE TODAY 10TAL OF 120 NEW MEMBERS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED THUS FAR MEANING AN INCOME OF !, loll GREAT REPORTS ARE EX PECTED ' FROM .THE C0M - ' ' MITJEES FRIDAY The Ikmrd of Trade committees in live hours' time have signed up 111) in dividuals and firms for l:!(i member-Hhi-ps. and the minimi income already e.vceeds tlmt of the past. Jt is also sijrned on a three-year Uisis. The com miltee which is looking niter the nii n Ik'I' of meinbei-ships ihe larger in' cr ests of the city will subscribe will re port Friday, and this promises to be the big day of the It was announced yesterday at the luncheon at the Zin.endorf Hotel. wlcr the Avorkers meet each day to mak.' their reports, that' every one of thes ii.tere.sts t. ill support the movement strongly and are considering how many iiieniberhips they will take. President l.mllow said that they would take mem berships in proiortion to their import ance. The committee had mostly uutlyUi districts yesterday, .mil the returns were not so lai;e as the day before, but Friday they return ujrnin tj the tuisincss district, and scores that ask ed the eiinunittees to return Friday ii.r their answer are. expected to take meni htrsliipg and run the membership mark to over 2110. Hifty-two iiieiii-tiersliips were rejiit ed yesterday on tlie three year !isis at i" a year. These .with the 71 re p. rted on the fust day make a total of I 'ill. This means S3,1.V( for each of the years, or .!i.4o(i in all. A feature of the eanipai(;n that i:, nit as ..ratifying as the excellent nieui bership re-nits is the work of the com mitters. F.verv team except one win vorking yeiterday. an I all will be on the job Friday. There an; no buie men in the city than most of the men doinc. this work. An example of the spirit of the men is -bown by Air. .1. Si. Rogers, one nf the oldest active merchant in the city. Mr- lingers weni out on committee work Tuesday and made so nvanv calls that Wednesrlav (Continued on Pago Four) TEACHERS MEET IN STATE CAPITAL Miss Mary O. Graham Calls Assembly to Order Wo , man Welcomes Kaleigh. Xov. 21. Miss Mai'y Graham, as president, convened thirty-seeoiid iinnual session , of Teachers' Assembly tonight. o. tho the The teachers -were -welcomed by Dr. H'X'in Carroll. The business of the assembly will be taken up tomorrow The n 1 1 : i a 1 address by JDs.s Graham will lOiiii' tomorrow night. Tonight's Session Tonight's .esion whs marked by the following program: Music - Raleigh Public Schools, Miss Clara Chapel, director. Address nf 'cleom'-Dr. l li:i Dev on Crroll, Kaleigh. HesHiise to the Address of Hel.inne -Supt. I. ('. Griffin. Ma.iion. The Coimtry School and the Cummu nity Mis dessie Field. Hural and s-mall Town Speiiili-t. National II. -f r . 1 Y. W. C- A.. New York. Nrnsie- llaleigh Public, Mis. ( lain ('.linnet, director. . Illiiwtrafed l-eHiirc- "The Agrinlitu-t.-fl lienrgiiuiatioii of Denmark as Ac complished. Through Ms Moleni I'.i'tal School"- SU; II. W. l'oglit. speciali-t hi Kural Kdiica'lioli, I'. Si. Uuna i of K.lueat ion. Thanksgiving Service . The 'Thank-giving "rue Thaitdiiy wilt If in the Auditorium. Hi-'i". Durst will preach, The inotfiaui lows. Antlieiii. '-I'mise t' e Lord. Willi Sells Ite.i.lil il't" Mel'.ll Pi-Hie llistit 'te ( b ar, .lalil. s IV Hrnulev. Il.r.'lur. I'iav.r. Ilyiiin. iliir ralheii G.mI. to Tin-;." Ij'ssi.n. Aiithein. "To til, s. Thy N'snie. 1 1 Lord;' - . . Siiiiit -la-iH Nferedith olb'ge. ( hoir. At.eit MildeilbelL'. DllC-Jar. Sel lltnll I'li-lliip ' ' '0 ' .... Willuuife'tuD. 1 Wi4te.n-1 fctr. iJaiNl '1 b E Debt of State Mission Board Is Reduced to Only $1,800 Raleigh, Nov. 'it Hi'v. Livingston lohiisoti. eoi responding snretiiiy of the North Carolina Haptist. State Conven tion, having jusl closed the coimntioii year, announces that the deuoiniiiat ion hiu raised the sum of .s?."."V,."-J 4 ,."i! for the eon rent inu causes. priit'eipaHy' niision. (his being $."i.Kl more than was raised hint year. The convention brought over a ..",0IO debt last contention and this year the dijht is .-sT,8i. Dr. .loliiison .says this has been a great year for (he denomination. He i perfeetint,' his final report for (be State Convention, which o.ens "in Charlotte IXfeiuber 7. He wtya the missionaries report more than 1,HHI baptisms and f00 additions to the mis sions through letters." He say the de nomination wa never in liner condi tion for aggressive work and that there is a splendid spirit, of unity and co operation rarely, if ever, equaled with in the bounds of the .Southern Haptist Convention. DIES IN MISSISSIPPI Meridian. IMis.. Nov. 24-Jl!cpiesc illa tive Samuel A. Witherspoon. of tin fifth Congres-imial cTisfriet. of Mississ ippi and member of the House Coin mittee on naval affairs died tit his borne here tonight. Withcspoon was strick en with acute indigestion while address ing the high school students last -week and his heart was affected, the physi cians sniil. He was born in Ijiwndc county. Mississippi, in 1S.V. He was elected last year to his third term in f Vimxress. ' " REV. DR. CLARK IS PIT OFFOF TRAIN Well Known Presbyterian Minister of Greensboro Yields to Conductor Ul-iTnl.or... Nov. 1 Met. Ilr. Mellon Clark, pastor of tiie first l'iesvteriaii church beic. and ..lie of the State' most prominent, tiiiiii-lers. was pnt ,,1 the otithelli UjhIwhv passenger tntili bv the rondii' l"f at .nnii'l..wn tonight, over the minister'-, protest Utiii-e the ticket agent i.l V. Ii-i",i t bad pun. bod I'.Ls ticket t buni -t.iw il instead of lirecii-boro. III. I link le.l lieen -in Sahshurv alteiidniir SuimI;iv k'eb.Hil C.,u ventimi. b..ii'.'ht a tr- kef that he thought Mil, to I. eenslM-ro. yiid til.' price to I oeiinsltor". '"l " le-o the e..ndu-f"i told him il Mas to .lii iii -tinvn. he ie ftisi'd (o pay antiliint.' nioie. The led the iniiii-tec triii. i the tiain w hife a Sl'a.t'i illl-' e-ilie otei the passenger-. lb. I link.- .hiiii? the . nufc to Gierueboro later, " 1 . BAPTISTS RAIS OVER !iS010 IN EUROPE "i; E AGAIN FIGURES He Had Room on Broad way and Dispensed 'Money for supplies GERMAN WARSHIPS RECEIVED RELIEF! Nc.M York. Nov. 24. -Twice iiL'iiin to I BOY-ED S NAM IN THE BIG TIL day the name of Captain Hov cd. Ger Mentally th" fluid upp'Hirs to be nor iiiim iiaviil ntlii.-lie. as ibro'iight into "'! ,",t- is ' below the waist, the testiuioiiv at the If, ill of the Ham has cub feet, distorted knee joint and biirg Aiii.i-ie.-tii line oH'iciiiU licensed t i 11 kl''""' Bilment which, physicians y, iniispiiiiev bv di-pl.-hins relief to tier- ! "ll prove fatal if nn operation is nol man wiuvliips in the Atlantic and iV cilic at the beginning of the war. Tint witnesses nfeind to room mini her S(J 1 ttt. 1 1 . Di.M.UtMV s. Ctiptam Koy-Kd's New V.nk InMiil.piartcrs w te-re the iHouey was fninishcd foi' Hiipplie. lo tin: (V.sta 1,'ieaii steamer (Jucada, charged as ln-ine; ne of the ships' in the relief traffic Testimony was also heard about the lii.iiancc ot the sle.iu. er Tlior from The government cstabiili..l the fact tlat the defendants suererded in lodg ing coal and supplies o1oard tw o' tin fleet of live Gcruimi tvarsbips from the steamer Ilciwind Hying an Amer iel.ll flag lit -SsepteniHer,- Wit Wil l'' the defeiidants ailuillted that tlier .'h.'il te.nsl twelve sdsiiicrs for relief pur poses, thev denied having iinytliing to do with the Vuesada. LANSINC SAYS BOY-ED IS Washington, Nov. 21 -sSeeietary Lan sing made it pliii. thst the piestm alTiiting the statin of the diplomatic representatives would be determined iy the fctnte f e.rtnieiit on ffie broad irrmmds of jsiliiy Me snid that Cnp tain Hoy E.I. the GVrni.m Rfloehe, h not, only' immune from rrimirifll action, but that, nofliing the Pppartmriit of Justice did in the H.imbnrg-Aniuri. an casen binds the State Dcpartmeiit, - P.imie, Nov tlni' Page lias it Anmrliail n - j ic,iic-ted the Italian government t him of (be r.-u't j . .... ,i ,. i'l Ifietr IP V ' en i i. nt inn. ine c.rcilll-i stames afteooing C.e Mlikiliir of Hw . Aiieonii. 'J'lie Aiueiiiin nnrn atfa. b-i is getltng .,,.,, stiifement from the siirt Ivors of 111" Aii. 'itiH to e-tablisli j the, iialmieilit v of t'. auiiiiiuiinc wlii.l forpedoed the mi. I HANS SCHMiDT MUST DIE VFf.K OF JAN Albany, N "i of AptM'al toda Uiiiuilig .lariuiij y the eleetr.siiiii.ii Net .4 "IV ,'tmrt the week t o .I lliii. lie fine for con. viett-d o( bi v ;i:g ' A una Aui:,iillr ih e .f riuit f TS 1 LET THE BAB! DIE Prefer to See Child Die Rather Than Live In Misery for Years New Ynik, Nov. ''( A case rescue ' bblig that of the liollinger In.l.y of j Chicago, dcveloiei here today when a New York pliviemii oiifronte. the ; iiiistinn whether the life of a defer- , ..... ul....,).t I... uiAil t.t' h Bitri,ii.,.t .it. eralion, deiife the wl-b.s of the pm The Uibv. it giH. was bnrn last night . )on penormen. Ir Jiiliu (ioldsmith. tint- tta(idin physician, no) died the sirents lbt th child's life could be saved oulv bv a prompt .'peiation. He said a f tern u rds . I "The parents nbsoliitely n-fitse per-! mission for the iirre.iry nintiition P could prolmbly save the child's life, ul though it. would hIwuvh remain help lessly .rippled. There l ho s'tlnn that f enn'tiike without " (be prmili.n of tie- piirenti.1' Ihe father of the habv ai.: "I ts' liete the Gbi. agii pht sn tun WRs fight For tlm sak of hiimnnity T had rather see the child die now than time to live seven, of ri;ht years, in niiscrv and sull.'liiip I think it w.Hild be befl.r for all concerned. The doctors tell eie an operation would only pmlonj.' its life mid that it. would never be well Kten though the operation were performed hey sjiv it. would always be nnritlyed j holow the waist. If 4he boby's hnper fectn.ns were a nnll thine It would he n different matter. X wiuld not want to HiiiTifire its life under sic!i rir'iini Itnt what would be the n-.-to let it Hve It would nlwar ) a .-ripple and .i charge to its parent and society. It is it hard thing to " bill it would ! better dfnd ;e McAdoo Will Make Re serve Banks the Deposit aries of IJ. S. " ' " t.l I Sc. i .-turf M.--timt he bad L.scr.e i !i-. ai .ij'Wlf ,!,f. .-i tr. .' 4....M.H..V.-.. i..iie..i. ,.p, . IHii,. tB. ( ,, , , , ,U"t '"' 'l"l""""' " '- ''" of the Kiiwrinm't t 1 1 ,laeiiirv I. Mr v., II lie plan tee : o-rtf iwnk ill In- r : t. sr ,1 I,, li.e i ...rtn the erv j. es l)iafi"iiiil Uiuk d.-posifa.i ! I .. tlie bei! lining ?l -.dui. t i- trne-ter to t.i.e reserve W.ks the got- eminent luiidi on l.'tisi' with tho national bant in thv nties wlwre the reserve Fk re 1mpi, n.oi '.i' " iu aU, to 7.,000. ...M-mi TAKEMONEYOUT OF N T ONAL BANKS STEPHENSON NEW PRES DENTOF S.S. Very Effective Sessions Closed in Salisbury Yes. terday Afternoon OTHER OFFICERS WERE RE-ELECTED THE MOTTO OF THE CONVENTION HAS BEEN "A SCHOOL RATHER THAN A C0NVENTI0N"-SAllS-BURY SCHOOLS GIVE PA GEANT, SHOWtNO EVERY STEP OF THE GROWTH The North Carolina fstinday Svliout Convention, which lii 'x-en in wsslon il Ntlibury lor tho ' M -t tluw day. -lo'.l last night with givitt. Sunday school histnru-al pgetint. This n pr.'s'iited by the Munlay (1'IhmiIs of Salisbtu v It was a pt muiess and was attende.1 hv a very large crowd. It was an educational pngeal.l Mittrw V injt the ofgui, arowtli Ulld develnpinelit ni religiniis eilucatliMl tnm pittaianhal times to the present day m.slcrn Hundnv ulusil with alt il division und department 'Ihe periial im-MMtte.! were an follow i I Hebrew, (Utrisl.ait Km, Modern, ami the gradisl Niiubw h1)hiI. litis wua not the laricst Cimvention erer l'ld in iiiim()er, but in reault itissouip lis Led it ha never ta-rn niirpaaa ed. The theme of the Contention wa a Hclnsil ratlx-r than n convention. A gr.,at srt of tie- tune ws given over to conferences on the different phaars of the Sunday school work. iK'st. si'ssion of the Convention, Tu ihanv' H 'ligiuu Kdtirmtiuu. Wil liam A llrown, riuld Secretary of title IiiU'rmiUoiil .Suii.fciy Kelu4 Aj.itt turn, was the first apeaktT on this theme. lie dtscinvd the cs.rehttion of the Hun.lay huol Hwl the public m Ii.h.I. Like the other addicse that lie made ul this urn, it wim manU'r jdece. V. 0. Smith, of the State Normal College, on the Itiblo Teacher This ndiea enjoved so llait tit, is.aveiitiort toted t Late It printed and distributed to the Sundty school workers of the State at actual cost. ". C. Jackson, alw of the State Nor nutl College, spoke on the training iho. .Mi's Minnie K, Kennedy made one of Hie bet talk of th sjon on tha Kiruiuiglisati Sohool of Mel lux! Tho iiKaiiing session . lus.-d with the ebstion of ofTiceiH for the next yiai-r. Mr i Gilh-rt T- Steple n.n of 'tin , (Coiitintie.i on tmge .our OfFIRSTEMPEfiOR New Ruler of Japan Visits Mausoleum of Ancicnf Ruler of Japan Viis, .hipiiu. Not -'a t'mpeior Voa Inliito airiM'd today to puy bom age belnre the iiiiiuioletmi of Lniierol liiiiiuu, first. Kitiperor and founder of the l,ttnee Kmpire, which is built on Mount Cnehi in Vnuiato province, Kiiifwror .liiiimu, sivk lapunew' hi torv. vias a ..ii ol I 'gavaf nk tayen .t tuikolo. a grandson af'.er tite genera- tion. of ,he glea1 llti g.ldes A r.ia I ... H ,n Olllikiillil. lie tll-t reigll.-d i'l Ky imIih, nuking hi lies .bjuarf at Ml Tekli'liih.., which Is supposed (to it t,.. pr.-u.iitK i id A.. This i the .; N'liiili no Inik.ito. guild juii. .of. ili'- .g"d'.i ..Je.t-n.)!iii I tlx- .elestiul d'tiain. as tradition hold 11.' I iniaTi.r Jrnimii . oii.eint n id.n to .iil.jtigato the atM.nglllfll natives in 1ln- mail, tsbiti.l and bring the wliob- island emnire ohder better .mitrol. He I fittcl nut an ej-liiioii to ihe ea-tern re;ioii, i'1'n-.-lf '-"leneindiog iirTm V't-r a'fiM'" -(niggle .ltb the efM-itiv und vari'tui-fiiitg bun, be estitb Imlod iiiM'ct i.! heai..i,t U-r, at Ka'-4il uxhur.i. t,ii,,ti protinee. and holding le-ltval ii Imiior of (lie iuip.'riul iincea Into. .ts. f inled to tie- t hrone de- htriit!? hmiselt Ii'-t so' '-ei;'i. f the -i hi ml einpiie. Ifie defe 'd 101 esi..n wil fllill I;, C I i. an thai d y txg.iit llii' nn I lod.i I c! of .la.t.itn and a... dates lite hi.t. rt ' f old .lamll wlm II Ino-t .lui rtli.s, .jiieflt as Bill ll-l.t ie. '. - the day rnaiLs the toni,Ieion of tie- 1". it work of n ittoncl foundation it i- '.t'se'rve.i as a national hotidav. tti. o .Hiintig 7H y.-ars. Kint-eiftr Jim n. i. He'd at the age of I It Ida fleams "M- inliireil at li no. 1 1. eastern foot of tdiimt I'tlebi. w h.-f the present iii.iiioi.Miiit stands The aliol.. e.mtt followed tlu- Kniper or Kioto to Nam, and after rciting .1 iiip imperial lode preceded to tbe u.ui.solriuu. j'ireat nowj of mnc ASSOC AT DN WORSHIPS ATTOWIB .(CoatiuUv( o Pa fojjr SERBS PREPARE TO MAKE LAST STAflO unsTifi They Have Been Forced to Flee From Latest Capital RUSSIA MASSING ' ARMY FOR BALKANS OVER THREE HUlfDKID TMOUAllOl SOLDIERS BEIMQ Wl W SXADI HESS FOR ATTACK BT CZAI, ; BUT POINT Writt ASXT , WILL STRIKE HAR HOT J BEEN INDICATED London, ' Xov. 3 Vm AIM pre. wtilation ot t collectlta nut to Grvu ha a brought Unptwvaoieat in U rla. tion between (rc ami tit KaUaU power. Ttu Ontek fnanivr ia ouoteit a sayintf Uiat ltluHjgh Ore Uteotre lically objeetwl to the Allied troora enUtuijf virwe.-', im&utf ttw wwiid not f.)ssM tiam- The wlliUry iituition la the Baikxi ha grown grair for th . Scrbuuu ITw Ausaro-Certuait and JJuigarvin troopa .jta-ratinn In tbM noluWM have enter, d the Koovo plain, wher tlw tserbutn ax) poe4 to um their last aland, and bate wrMinKtl Mitrovitw, th Uteat Serbta cafsUL Th Serb hava been drtvm from' i'n turn and neniM tli Hitnlea nrver, wnat it ts tliounht tla Herbiana Wllf make a ktaiid at tu Artauiian nnd UontcM grin trontiora, but U-y Ul tin at a dnedvairtage. I h 8rtiaiiit on the Katctmnik front and in the nouthwest eornvr of tWt iXiuntry roiittnue to check th InvmtUf aa d tlu A(tli-l'roeh fthmtn The Ku.Aiana nri portvd to liava massed 3.H),iKai men fof' Baikal) op nratmn. tout tW point tbnrt tbf will atrtlta ta Aot Indicated. .. (iorim, on tho Aiu4iv-Raluui htmi. In Iksco retMl. rerf netcnuLle. . fU vhi.)i likewise' appear to ba await iu Kita in lrentino. pitatwn nt Hit ut In range of the Ititlhan gun, art-ntd-ing to the Viennn official reporta, tliU lending color to the report that (U Attnuiiia hav t evacuated flnbereto, 'Except for the ranewal of operations in falltpHi, (hero w no Important, happening on the .other front. Con riita of til.' elaaa of lfj!7, mchldin(( youth of 1 and 19, wiff be- eallcd bf I'm nee on IWrnW H( addlnf V,0M to the army. - - The Ilrlti.h force operating tu Mesopotamia report tfie eaptwa ot Ctesiphon, IS itillea from Bagdad, with a lo of 2,ii but er forced to re tire fmir mile to obtain wafer. f r - Situation 14 Not Hopelaa, r Atlmtia, Nov it Tb Herbian war minister, aceordirifl to an interview piiWilie.t heie, declare'" that 2OO.0nn Serbian trni are still ml -t and tbat the ait un i ion ih by no ro.'an, bopeleaa. Hie minl.t.r. alio I In honiki, tuimted Serb-la, raiialtirt at more than M,rio inc the Anitn-OWmai dnva began. It mid thai th biiina are hopettil of hold Injt the pmtaew nd of wearing down the enemy onlll the Anjtb-I,'mieh and Rnaiai foret. are tioi.g iiouth to reaumo tba offen lte. , -,. Put Isue Vp To Grate Pari. N'or. - ?4 The minMr of (he Allie, at Athena railed upon Mi Creek government in m body nt auoa HViiiliniied on pde four) New Naval Post Will Cob serve Nation's Invtntive Genius Wasteitfton, Nov. W fwrreUrw Tttnieia' plan to wak u of tlm ta veiitive geiiiiia. of the Nation for tn benefit of th Narv Hefstrtnont took lia kalay, hen 'Caplaio William B. Snath, eegiiiKcrii.jr officer nt tim PUUa d'-lpbia navy yard, wu p))Uitl at a lwt in WashlngtoM derribid a, li'aritiK boiiM fw sustioB. C--tiln Smith will receive all eomtaiuu. tn.u d-almg with nvw devloa tad ult out the r.ronii.iiig vart to b UUiO itp by the civilian advisurv bfrd, of wbj.-h TlKniui Ku'viu U tluurauad SUE 0F RtO CROSS SEALS 111 Ml MM IS IEI9 WiisUit-eB, Ko- 2-Tb ptes-aed of the n of fce4 Croaa Chtiti et!, which ar Revolted to tb atndy and pietenttoii of tnberOow in tlie ' I'mted State, promt- to exeaMl all ; reiord. Thl yar aopplv of tii,-. ' luXiOUO mil- it m per nt (mttfV than last tear ami khuuld net &' JoO. AGAINST I0BD CLEARING FOR SUGGESTIONS I - - - w f V' Jati .na lVlUasa . . A.