Friday Morning. November 2(1. 1913 THE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL SMALL GIRL HERE fit Me Theater$& Special on Today at the . Bit??; SI USES PROFANITY MARY FULLER STARS IN "1,1 L' NOR"WESrKK'' AY I'lLOT TOD W Mary Kullrr. who si-nnsl. sin-h a hit at th ilol Urn Wnduaaduv, will be ,n fxtt M thin theater in ilirvu Ymor Irataa, "LIT Nur'waiter," a ar mal dra ma.' ll In i tiicliHul titurjr frnmriiuc "Our Mary." with Paul Pansier nd "l-n While. - two iul AttafrapB. r"Th Helic'em." to awkaT wttli a Kmtor rumnlv, iw.ii ma: billie Kliadra, will ba uliuwn tmiuy i.l-u, uini-lcting jntrjj ptorttliyi program BIG AUDIENCES AT THE - AUDITORIUM YESTERDAY Ynur parkei! : huliA'a ' fft'lii) !b Newman AJtutit-al -C'tdv' I'owifauy it tlia A.iiliti.-ium rciierJay; it belnt one of the mm micc" fill d- m' Hte liHMrv if thin plav la" The fomiiany kbi a .apiritnl hill I tr'pf His, ami pferyWiilr ; -a-miil ti. he. tWijrhtwl with the entnrtainhieitl aff.cil 4. The I'W-mr tor.Hliff nay wni n nig ieainr.1, Willi lfJatirKe 'ftwivr in tlie Incline role hud this,' tiff t(rpd much attention.'' I ttfottt 'at t1S and twice t iti'.'iit after j xkpiit iHe urne-compane will rp tear ituh I ljlt,tlii lilac It another entirety mi .aierini:. If urnouws. to ho in piod an any thin week Htl the IllinitreilN of frtenttK of -.tie reirni.n Will he ura to want to sen it. Tim New; Ata t'-Diaiiaii liMnuule finO with hwnl pa frtina of tha Auditorium ttiul their eleHii l.ills iwid high rlaaa form of nlcrtuining hits an- lin-il them of a warm weleume whenever pier appear here. , ' I l.iiftirntrg of Durham. .1. II. Small. Ir., of Washiutuu, with lien Mue if fhirham, alternate. , .Mjch interest i liniiiil'i-l'il in iutcr-noviety Uetatte, fcinee the Ii-b:il.-. betide . beiii! a ftiendly combat bo twtwi Uie two societies for lost dc-bnt-injr Imiiovs, wrns nl-o as i-rt-li ! n n h r lor wlc-.tiinj? ic!iitt't h fni tin- ii'l:' teem. Tlii year Trinity is tu mot Yiliiitm ntul I.e.- InniiMly and Snarthinoro College 'n inlcr illi-i' i - Iwtl'H. Illkl till' oH'll tlllllOB on till' !'- i-ily ilibatm tt'ii m will I ' i "' ' It'"1 luiijr: i niitr-M ' foj- in jba vunnnt: in ti't'-Hix ii't y'ilclwIt'. 'Tlu Ui'3 ale ill Ililn vt'Ur ftlitmt j'pi'iiijii'r -I. Absolutely No Place o TaKe Dangerous Tuber cular Patients In City TIlHMi uim .III' ill rlilM tml.ll lt'l Hip UiifiiiHiiiiili' I enjili- ill Uie iitv ili -rliire that tin' tntif anr.i'l Ir.-n illhtlill Slllrlll III "I niill' ' D R1UH HEWS HEMS-COJiTHIHUTEO 'SHOULD A MOTHER TELL?" - AT THE AMUZU TODAY ('unit. Nuv. 2" liter tlnii 'iiii'1, hct ll I'lllllllli'l I'd. Kiinlt'il iiiiily Pcopli- me I'l'imi'iii rintd, wliiili lui ' It is jiunlnl mil iiinl ailils In o;r -wl- ' IMtv Nanen aptx-ara at In a Wot. Foi production. Tell f" prenelit to ' every uiaxterpiiM-e of Die itrreru the AinilKil tinlliy Sliuuld A Mother hehulller "f th prohleiii uhiib ii niili' uiniipiiM'iy. Tlifti, t. tin' 'ii'Ki'1'' "f "' i wry mili-l viiif.'. Thin yi'iir IIiitc ll:lie tciii'lii'i'H mill u. full ImiNr. ti'iiiliriH,, itiiii Jiilli'litH lire j iniijr )ii- mi iiVMt'r Hiiiier iih-ii 'In 'jiwii at tin si'hoiil liiiuv' I' i' in "I A I I' III' hi"! iv it! ,..,V ferinin to mifl nn mho in tht heitr (f 'v-i' KpM'Uitir. TIip ItwUitif tuu flmriH ter h tuk en 4y Stimrt TTtHoirt. . tvurt Hulim'tt, wtiu piny the pjirt of Um lmnT, ttih tmtohlniithiif hnsUflnd tf MarW' Hwitttn-.- m . Willwm tttxl)M-titin. of tlif wnHtttioimt phofodiHinw, "MflonlH it Mother Tctll" in prhp tht mut metfnetir and vtv Mtttite wrtint plyi!ijr, heavy rult'n tutlny.-1 1 Hp it- ef ilvrman "TiRiO. 8ncl inherits hi active imnyinntinn fniin n distinxuiriliMi linv of Toiitmiio 1h-puinti, Hrtistir. tctn- lt'TnM'nt n nolircfthU- in vuvly ymilh; fit tf s Wiiilii'd wuljihtrfl imdrf " xhf trrm(ist lJTOpiiti iuiit,f'rn, TJf ftiM))i nutii'd, hn.wivetr. ik'ujptur' tho I'linKiinnnjir isirps.inii of nil llm arts, uml Hmt to tlif s-tndi-nt must hari' iH ointn nf vii'W flncli' d' vi'loncd. ajtMn th bifrh idfrd d..-t linn-"lf 1m lSn an nint ntudy f th hintrinnic prt, "In, thin, tsiuiitiit. lu 'in ft'imu; int.-rftitrd m tltf -irjiiM. t Hie m-d hi- vus niltt, Nov- 'JD. . TIm' profCfiU an- t' iff tf 'I t'ir tl!t ! ItiMtl. Mr. ilcnir l-'iM-tt i nnVv ltnc? Immi nc.-M in Ins m-u aturt-, w ha-li Ua.s jut hwn niiujtli'tc.l. Mr. .1. W. Kt'-liiott U "ivii'ijr a 1'uif DuriM- -liTscv n'tu U tin- hoy in Hit- r mt ilistri' I liutitiikcn tlif ninst wrn ip out' ;imv Tht yit'ltis mv not yt hi'i it titi'iinritl. M'v. itml Mr. Hoyve f'uin's Imv ylitt'f ," KKr.-li, wiio iuim bwit nirk whh i'iyMiM'hi is lit rt il v well. Tito mnimnnity in mu ifvr the ri'fpiif (icntliH nf Mr. . Hi":rv Ilulnutn uml n" 11 1 If ' uwv liit kn tt I Tlu-y urn hllrietl nt I'tiixii ( wyv. v. Ijolnntn K ntiilitv ntui littU' I'oiinio uti Men lav. ' ' Wffi'whjl frnrV 'Mm jtrvrT -'T.mIhv mutiou imtufV lit- mtml1 IUVt'l-K in mm DEBATE Trinity ('ulti'j'i'. liinlatti, Nuv. 2"l Thjt' preliminary vimteiN for t-lie pit t poxe f t'lmiiHlnjt tjieHkpr" tn ttpjt't!lil tlir llrnM'iv'ait and tlio Cu tiinVhinn' Utrrnry Nocit'lii-H in tlji'ir 'iin liuiil itiVr-HtK'ii'ly ilrlmtn havt-. nvt'j'tiy Hjceii lifld, vitli the ftillouing men hi'inr' eelectcd: fnmi tho Uiliiuiliiati, U. . -Mien of Am, K. ('. Kcw of (miii. iwtli ra"rtiliiiii, 'and A. IT. flwvn" i f 'ftiii'n1il('fcK',titti'l;v. nltcrttnti': from tin' iIfi?fi?ittn?lf:'lC: ji iMirHW- J I, ""' 1 . i". : ' 7 " 3'T' i,f t ,,,.T , -le s '.(! 1- III Ira I'iit l"i taking nil'' ii;hr jialii'iiU. il 'In' '' lllillllhi Its mi I n' lll'T' I i 1.. with Hill"; Imiati'-. Tin- r-i'uial'iin Inn' i il"''liii''l t'! mil imly lad 'hnl a-v a-it mime I'll iM- wli'i niiir in -ally nuilar! iTi'' in tin; la-t lajTi'i ol I tut t ilint-iiM' kti"W xtlii'i'i'iif Ha'.v an' v" inj;. Daily tlif.v ttttiH's I'"' lff' i'i!v I'liaiti'd In'ii' I's-f nt-tit A hlJty U lull! "i an i.l'l nil"H'd mavi hit i-aii'ii' li. ti.U city' n cully tV.i'it West hfiiiiia. In the last lac n (i,'mti.iiIii-. 'I'ala !i..crc.l abnic Inni. 'Hint VMis tint . I lie imly si' i ! tcalicc u' tin- ciiM', fi.r in i iiivr '' ll"-- ''ily "i' i -.1 . it S I.M.I the. Ir i.tliel. And ! valth e.lMK -li'vl.-.l il. lie riiilali;.ivi"l III.' Iir- GIVE A MOMENTS THOT TO THE ( AST IN "Pippa Passes" :' iii i) Only Three Years Old Curses Like a Sailor Wife Desertioa But (iii. n elllilliillt- t'nis city i -ert:ji t. leave tjip the orente-st prtililfina that I lie A-iH-itti'd t.'liarities iu tli,. proliU'in of hil-littiiil de ir mim'k. Tit'' itivti inn litv lUIll L'U fl-1'Vvll.Tt' illld cai Mi'' Direct ed by W. Kn -TTJI lie eiidae;:i is 11, c Iin en atui at lit i h.i.iiiics, i't every tmc hn jiej;r to liini. lie l,a lic"n i'l' M'veie.l time-, heic, mid he s i-r. 1 ElfROlEINT IT CUMINS F J4LL THIS AVEEK NEWMAN'S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Speciiil atajre settings, Ek'iui tiful new eoHtumes, all tli latest sonif hits. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK Matinees at 3:15 5c anil 10c NiRhts 7:150-9 10c and 20c Each entertainment in cludes motion pictures. - En tire rtrojjraiTi changed Wed nesday ami, Vrjday. Thanksgiving Day Special holiday matinees .2:3a,nd 4 oVfKwk..... Kight prices prevail at all holiday matinees. t'leiiiiiiini!. Nov. ' - The hall' l nn :ied inai'li is iiimiIv leaila'ii in .'iin.ll nielli at i!ie f Tii'inii- I'anii Life and Ifiuh . Seliut.l. H id il is i'';n-. t 'I nnvv to nish that, murk dining t'u' scssmii. l'oily-si liuw eiiiullcd in. tin- ri'nlar i-Ih-m'h mid u iniinher of others, are lakini; siecial work- In ail'l'imi In Hie unlive, the public school has 1111 enrollment of seven! i -live. Itml all the chisH-rooniH are kn,ed to their full en -pneity. The uysti mtpper piven ul: the selw .1 Irvl I'ridav tii-jhl was a consnlcnililc si.cccss, altlioii!:h i 1 1 ni'-itt wcalhci was ul had. Some $ln.'l h.ih el.-arcl for the liliiarv and to hay a V S; Han- ftir I he s. houl. Miss l.ill'iin llov'er of I lie S'huol nlty visited rehit iv L'.-. in tate Sini'lny. I't in. M. !e I'ial L'le is nil the fen dcr of Hie week at IcihImi',' the ' Tciii'heit' AsM'iiiMy uiei-t lhlleivh. .. Cnimiy SupL-of Selio-ils W i.- anoinpaiiii d by 'My, iicas. ien.t Tiicsdav nl tlie school. Sunt. ' line day ill I'oli'i' still loll, in way In dial vi '.til the nb mil he pntiinlied.. . 1 1 In' the nils ill the illy ja,!. result ill the' .!" dialh penalty on sonic u as in the eel The eitv. it-; to . eiidnnei" the lives , is 'by put t i 11 a liilK'iciilar the (i lls, ll eunnot 'I'l it. I.nt no ul her I'ciiie.'ly is said. T.'ie lailici ill thi t..r ni-iiiv veal's hiive ' been Mi. iinims i lVort lo serine '.' Iin r 1 1 .! n'i cihir put it'iit ' , t'ur. have t!,n far fail riiri.- i- !ii,r. He can Here placed to it vvo. ld pi' 'i i inllictiiiL; lln prisoner vyio r n ni.nor olleii lointcil' out, has pn ol irisoiicr oIl'l'IC'l. ll cily. vv't' IIIIKt I',' I a .httildiii; an, be car ',1 in thee a id tha' Diret lttr of "THE 1 1'IKTH ( T A NA TION". IIEIUrS THE CAST AKllint V. JOJ1NSON MARION LE NORD MACK SE.NXETT, (JERTUl'DE ItOKINSOX CWEN MOORE IF YOU FAIL. TO SEE AND ENJOY. IT'S VOI R OWN FAULT. lot- !a v iin v ii ed tlie i lass-room s'0itcd the bnihliiis Al iliinier (hey uere. Domestic Science 't o(t;i The s'liiell of oini.1 I nil her iniiiino'i on I he ' .iiss (inucrod and luir ii.y uie iicpai iujr mid ;'niii". iliiiiiei s as t I t'll' b 'Mi' Members "of n jew oalsidi-iM have 'lib I'ciil iniails. .e,i- Mol'k lllhl in ami c.p ipmciil yuesl.s at I!,. liiie's lo cat o Hill' litis week classes in cook sci ;ir Thaul- - spei ial cookiii: l!ic r.i 'iiltv' aii- heell ''ilesl s :i .; t to net lire :t. I! is .oiil.l vo-t very lilt It', and it won, ! linlv relieve the siL atiou. 1 I .Mil Id pioterl tin people of (lie eitv . The 1'ity llosmtil oil'ds no .i.-i.iy I'm the tu'a'l'.-llhil' Ji.ll iclll-. The dan r of having tiihi'iciilaraticnts 'in 1 1 1 i i, topic there t too vvell known by tin .f v Lil ians allow it. lint those v!ni the cases of mis fort line a! fieipient in! i'I v ills are a; palli d hv I heir in" '"1 III y lo do kni t! nw for the unfortunates; They icsile a home of -nine kirn1 vv line they can l-c ou'ed lor. The i ha', liable instil n! inns nf the loo'v ; I Icr, the wants of the nil tint uiitite . '.i it is a. ilill'i "' It proposil ion jo do lien iilaie is lain Hied whore ll'.ev, nriv 5c- -All For5c A RIPE OLD AGE FOR THE BINDER "The averaue lib about live years, .otiial wjiikiiitr il.iv iiiiiaeeini n! wo1 Id inert' a Lira n binder i 'i, lcs i,.i 1 1 Lrlter care am! this tune iinle'inilelc." vvri'e.s 1'. ' l Nnlth lial.ii:,! eiic! t. in I he issjup of Tarni and Kireside. no reiinim "vv 1 1 limit iicni"; u entire -i mi in (ill it y. A'ld the v;rcatcsl pih sa v t ho-e who know . is iilVliito.l with tah, I hey slrio'i li.'iiinl are di . Tl'c ..I,... i w a , i hi Inaiii- mciiaie to tin of il all is that the pooi ': rlllosis. arc in l he line- UC'IC I'd hv the seilcl. ol I stale way and aits i I' li know led.'?' their al t v t!mt now last lllli'tst lb.vle. current "lieic ale cvit.v:. "When iisiic" el a i mt o;Un. "lielore plltiill' ii a hit mid old L'reasc. als "lleilil 1111:1' irie.isc ; especially the kuultci-' "Make nccdiil repairs thcV lire lle-h ill Willi' "1 f ol her w "i k is too in t ininiedriti' repairs, hi iulit , loth- near l; e p; repair. "filially keep the hind tri-linht roof and elo-i so that chicken tniM ri his rales tor binder l"ii: hiiuler. oil a litlli w-hv rcuiovi ill bright bilk s al olleO mind. aii pa. vvhih Ih Os( So per 'iiicr n mi e plaec 'i; t-N.'vv here." h- relieved "f the evtmise ei for their ivinit and. chihlreii. I '.ut the deserted women, their hearts loin;.' nut to their children, vv ' they love more thin IllPiitsilt, Haw; to f.v n main here and m-iHe a lerriblc lihl want, anil in nniliv eases bat lie inell'ectiialiy with Ihe .lobh-m thrust upon tlicii by wortlilcss Imstiainl. i 11 , . .l. ..liii,'.,t I 'd iliuerl inn bv hll- I bands of tlcir wives is resiniiisililc lor tnaiiv eases of want in this1 ci'y, Many in,, tic tragedies, it is said, en ncted tnie every day thai have their iin i ;,t ion in 1 he ilesritioll of the lius band, j The women have lo work 1'! ' e trte toiies in md'T to sustain I he lives ol their children, and while thi'V are a! work, Ih.'ir tluldreti lim-l in- forceil to U- left to work out their own dc veliiiimcnt iu n lur"f iiiou'stirv, This pjuseius a new and daiiL'rious isj eet to d ."s.'i'tion. The i-'iiliben in auiiiy .in sf: i"-cs eri.w up in life wit li mit anv . !;-in. (.-. u( levilopinent alm't! 'tilit linis. It u declared to ! one of Ihe most uathetic thinu's seen in the eitv, h those w ho conn1 in con tact with tin! phtlsp of li:?. It. sec i'lilldriri "Vow up w iHiuiit m.'v hope,. And the eau-i' in matiy eases, rests, upon the lal'i. r c, ho deserts his wife. A trneic incident Is (old by a lady ill this cily ol' a little, jrit'l three yearn old who Was lit Ihe Cily Hospital, illld vas aih i ted hv a vvoimiii ill this city Later, her healtii bec'in to brea. down and sic had to I urn the child over to the A-su. iai"d I'hariliis aicain. su inad, this si hi nit nl ; "I am sui rv lo "ive no Ibis i hilil hut my is ret ...n-lt lo tit iilde me lo tike riiie of her. 'she is pretty, hri'di'. but ml '. it t- ! a inlinii Ihe fa.-t thai s.',,. t.ulv ihreo years old. she riii'scs - a jailor." This is ; i i ii la-il o'.'l : i the in st-tliei-s lie i.'ie:tt lllil'stiee i-llilM'i! to l a- iiiiioieiit bv husbands dcsei ', in I heir wives. Am! hii- i ir.l- ale rcsp it -i':lt- for I Ihe ipporl i.l their 'hildn n. And "i- i,i eilor! wiil be made lo bine: thi- rko-S ol oll'llders to illstilC. COaRLOTTE MAN MAKES STATEM'I J. D. Lonr Among Lat est. to Endorse Tanlai Coat Suits, Coats and 1 Dresses TODAY D. G. Craven Go. 17 Hours from Broadway. Cash Store .in i 'd d man lelcrrcd pnlirc si. il ii n i h . Ihe , mil ,, pp.. the only s call lilld f (m l iiiiate el losis, w a v i .1 Ml- i and lUC-t I -1 1 1 . ' 1 ll' people I ll.i-l lie o:j ' id I.l 1 1 ol ll is ask that the -I 'viuiM bi blow In- Ills -loo I lief fed I ii thai ' I Ollll'lll'llt . In ihe il Willi I 'I I I 1 1 i 4 nr All no CUR JITNEY OKFER-TIIIS AND r.c IXfVT MISS THIS. Oil mil (hi slip, rni'losc with tive centu tn .Foley Hid 1M: niieaeo, III., vviilin ymir name and adilress clearly. Von will receive in re turn a trial tmekajo emtlainitiR Folev'? Honey mid Tnr romound, for mitjrlii and crotip, Foley Kidney I'illt. and Foley C'Mtliartie Tubiets. li. U'. U'llail Inn. An Unkind Retort "Vou made a fool of incl" csiclainied the iitijiry hiisband, "Call ymirsrli a fool if ymt wish, my ilt'iir.'- cnlmlv reioined hi tanlnliinilv I n'.ii id w il'. "but lenieiiiber that you lliavc always chiiiued to he a aoll'-nutde KCi.embliiii -c J)C!.'lruyi'il Mr. I'li'dinsc hnl. '' Ymt will marry me'.' "SWcet: tlir! Inipossrble. - Mis I'lUiiiosn-T' Hut inn -wcined . In licvr-4iie olico, , Viuii eves brmhl elicil n' my approach; and oll.n when I sat sj lent Iv ;;H me; al yii. I am sure u: v pr" frrcatly iif.italed. S'.w e! llirl '. I knoit ; but sine vou have cut ..IT your side wii-.e-vou don't look sii much like puor. dear ilead and jwiV Fiilo. New York Wcekh ic Hex eater (For Colored People) Master Mediclne"Eten efltcd Both Himself and Wife Other COSTS MILLIONS and Fin kinds . i Farm "Si Cl'otiml sil'irrels a :a use the fa .mi"-' loss of a million d. when the season much 'neater. Pr. vu- rc FEED sa v- , 1. ii riv RODTCN ' in iiicip nl prnirtc do' of North Dakol Her ei oil year. i.i dry t'ais In- i rhaiil.V; the ah join in d ! jTv;,;T-.; . V i'; V '' Z " "Xr t " 'm''urmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmfmmmmr t ., ., - ::.e . '.loi!. and m ELKS ;, Nov; 29 and30 BIG MINSTRELS 100 Local Stars in the Cast 100 $5,000.00 Worth of Scenery, Costumes, Etc. ' Positively the Biggest, Best, Funniest, Jolliest Local Production Ever StagedBar None '9 Two solid hours of mirth, melody and song. 'fT V New songa. . Local jokes. Barrels of fun. . Admission, Balcony 50c, 75c; Lower Floor $100 -.V'aifV'iljU''.'v$P,.i', V h -A Tickets on sale now by members 'cf the lodge. Get choice :,;' ...seats, on and after 10 a. m. Monday at the box office. Sfc.inTiHrfiuinw states of Memesiiln, Xlnntana. S,imh Dakota, ' nnd the Cntiadian province, suiter ipiite a sewrcly." GAS, HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION OR A SICK STOMACH 'Tape's Diapepnin" ends al! stomach distress in five minutes Time it! Piih" Pinpeiwin will di gest nnylhiiiir you ciit und overcome a soivr. fussy or out-of-order stomach nurvly within five tninute. If yotir niciilit don't tit eomfortably. or -What vou eat lies like a lump of lead in your stotnneh, or if yn'i have lienrthiini, that is n sipi of itidiees 1 ion. ' Ctf-i from your .pharmacist u fitly, cent cnsn-oS Tape's Diapepsin and take a dose soon its ymi ran.- TIktc w ill be no sour riwipr, tin Iwlehin); of nudij'sted food mixed .with acid, no stomneh pns w liearthtirn, fnllnci8 or heavy feeling in the stomach, tuiu se. dehilita.tinsr Iteadaehc. diwiness or intestinul jrriping. This will all pn. mid. besides, Khpre will lie no four ' food left over in the stoinaeth to poison yotir hretifh with nauseous odorn. I pHtie'a Oiapepsin, is . eertain cure for out-of-order stonmehea. heenup it takes hold of yotir food and digests it jti!, the satrm as if vohit stomach wasn't j there. fielief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is waiting tor you at any drug store. ' " Theso larpe fiMy-cent eases etMitjiin enough "PafHt't Ditupepsin" to kep tho entire family free from stomach dis order and indigestion for ninny mioiiths. telong3 in your vhome, tMtiMi s - " , ' CT' . SJ 1, . Si iv . t V Prepantions Had Failed Prove Successful To Thousand of people and vicinity are teslilyin; lie I imi ,' il h 'l aid ic the I hat is In ini!' .so w nl l.v distnbiiletl in Mr. .1 I). Lmio ol I his ii'litly: "t ii'ii-iihr I was in !i and (he I rouble has for iiiol" "Hutu live yca.'i sick iu bed e-actlv, Imel in I harlot tc : daily in con i.evv medicine diseits.,ed and and vicinity i ily said re et-n shape, and . ;!ilij J ,'IOV: II Today "Diamond froni The Sly" Special Feature TOMORROW "Uncle Ws Cabin" pi. tllll''. "My princ'pa I I ro'ible w as I bin" like dv si,e,isi;t and Midi boi my 'iver and ki.'ncys to be ai'ecti'il. a ml I un- jhly lmti with uie I was 'not was nil oul lull a'l 'ic. .OUH Ll 11 IV to il llllllll. t st'iinai li I I i U'L s and t in v I lull seemed nl.-.n ei 1 ic veif.-' "I' the pa -I has " i. ml lu't en tlllllj;- ll all lik- the o. II. I ami nb i'ell "( a 'ii'l'VOll Viionth m- (ii i so wistk and cnvtiiii; bill ' that "and ha t I i lie . "I ji icil ai Iv eievvl hiu. could think of hi tr.vinu t" id, i rot sn I eouidn't lee.p at nijl I would feel I tied and worn out t'iroii'di' (hi- tlav; ill loi t. I just i.wiiiI and was tired nil t ho itjic. "Weil. j'ol lo readine about tins Tanhie and decided to try it. My v. ib is lakiiin' it., too, and we are now on our liftii iiolt' ' I "li('--s I have take- '. a tittle over hitlf of it and have actu ally jiiiii'cd in wciel'l-. I am feelui" lielter and in. .re like work than I ever did in my lib1 "I can eat imvlhiiig now. 1 .an eveii eat hard boil d eyx or anv tliiiii I wai.l. It is really a sliiine tlie way 1 .10 i-l.i. Veen j -it d' W II li. ihe i table i .an I'e t av; v will, aioi'e Ihun ,j-Ji-JllfX4.l,-'iSi;!!l'J ;CJ'Lil.s'e;i!s to amee witii me and do me ood, lor I never hill'.' all ache or nnin of anv l.iml- Tanlnc. The l'r inii r I'leparation, i nth! iu W'iiiilon-Saicni extliisivt'ly by tin' trilaul'.ii ihv Store. Trice si. 00 c Imltl", 2 f'.r -vJ.''ii or ii lor ifa oil ,' (dv.i MARY FULLER The Universal Screen Idol, in T - A Three Pail Viclot .Comedy Dram At Pilot Today Also BILLIS RHODES In a Nestor Comedy Act "ALcosey LovcAnair Also Two Act Bioraph The R ehe Sdl Featuring VERA S18S0N $S-iM&3. 2BKEZ3SEM3! Caldwell b..vs by 1 1 1 1 1 v . bv ol Miss lllancli.. Sinn ill ol coinily. and Ihe one for lit Ilrvan Dickson op ,sie c ,t ry dose margins. At the ,,f tl . '.is... Mi ll. I.. Drown, in a beautiful pif 1.1 cse.lltl-,1 to tile S.'liool. in l.ehali the Mei.. ( -.I, of !H:.. a hu-t : Heel lioven. ll was accepted hv Supt . II. II. Dougherty in cue o' Ins chaiac teristically Ihoiiehll'il specin's. joint Meeting I hi Satuiihiy cveniiii. al. 7 o'i lock iin laiirbv nnd l!ii-li"s ni tlie T i ri il ! i . i j.; 'hii! ii i . I in jo ul session. I lie urn p se of the licet illcr wa.s lo .lis-ll-. i nnni'ier "I Im w a i -I iii'iieniciit s i-ir the Sejiool. by which Ihe s,.ii,., may Ih' prcpnicil. iu a Jnonticr and a iielJ, sCJsc, lo uic., .(lie tjeittamU Uial, il .aipiillv broad -nuii; liehl place-', upon il .ltd to M'-vt' uv.'e eliieiclitly it il -re"t m n na t roil a T' : " - 'Y i ! k 3 vr' n ' a ( " .n v a ii Us i,at:l, i, i;' the. vuHs hv 1 Li member of I tie (acuity and some ol I tile trusters. An "U 1 ; usi;i e iuier- ; I wis !iewii by all picsriil. W illi I ile improvements !ieL"''lei! iu I'm-I .ei-et ino I he - ss-Mibifif e- tor- I lie 'o' - -ii growth and ilcM'l'iiniei,t of the S. I 1 1TF1ESHK HK ITEMS BEPOITEDJIH mm I'm me, N.ov. il.- The Third Ant n ti Debaters' Contest. ,ir the jnr'die I school-, n! thi. and siirroiiudiii i-oiiu-i 1 !'. was jjivcu on Saturday, Nnvenibci -ft. Ill (he t ditornm ef t1!.' .ppnl-.l-'i hiati Trainine; - School, e This ,-ootest Ivias uf unusual interest and will be a i cleat Miintik'K to the piiblie sehiu l ; ptlpMs ol these ro.:iitlcs to yient'T if ' b. 'cnc.v iu public spcukin. It lias b. e;i itii.vvbio ill interest and jh nniii'i, r of . coiitesuuits from year u Jcar. but tin- was iijy far the best nt the serie. The : contestant til! llnplitlrl ibemelves in a most ctedilabh' maniu'i, until for their ifraehi'i and tlicmseiu. Two -prize wt-re olfered by the Training School, j one lor the pills an ', one for the bov these piifl's licitm tite-dollar j;old coins. 1 The ifrize for the Kills was won bv Don't forget v,' ha Big Cheese I.IVCU t ntitt. II V.i'l order, h feskMock Co. 113 Phone 114 'Where cash buys it for less' , e .ilaio f ll II I i ill - Boy Killed 1 Hi Satiii'd.iy i.ipht at n . li.'V -s, v. a bov 0. 1.. j Ili'! Dllb -s Vi on lil.-w.iii Holder but alum! l.r . el .1 1 1 , ' '.' h ' 1 1 1 1 " 11,' oiled ! It,-! I Hlo.V 'I lia lulling -'il ' aim- (oiiii,ov. " jury' ys.v i' ' of '. -,i.i. .!., '. ru elde-ita have v rl hi -ii ir. oh'- -' Ih""f 'I 1 " ' '', 1 . I -i " : I I Gowans Penetrates 0cer Don't teke clnnces w'uh cougK. colds, rmup thrv 'it'"'' J, develop into lata! diseases. Ordinary salves and jenoj ":ilW pcnetrale. There'a one ttvatmeol that it more powerful l H' ftrates quicker to the teat'of tkctronhle tW anv t'10' :raf , That's why thousaads who ha'.eotivc asedjt mew; W m praise ol 00 Doesn't this convince you : ' , , I t I ,l. -u 1 ... 1 .. ,. ,.,.f... mart, . eu-t. u. i i. ii, llllllAlti U lusiaoy I l lr.n I. which lime 1 r.ave solij. as well as used, ciau." a lot ot in. cines. 1 mucUay, however, that Gowans Drt-patalion is the (""-1 ' 1 have ever used or sold (or the ue for which iti. retomnienJ-d. it my duly as well as, my pleasure ro r?commend il. E. A. MORIUSG.N. Diuist. Peleribuij. x I X. I - - .rni in-" THE (iOWAN MF.DICAIJCOMPANY, ft - ;'(!'" v 11 n m tH9 mom 11 A I a a 1 Teif m ler Betty Nansen and Stuart Holmes Coming .fa- Monday mm Sec Betty Nan-sen AB0Z0- T0DAV . : - -