t 3 Z2 V7IN3T0N-SAIX:i JOUHNAE Thursday Morning:, January 27, 1916, llll'lll CI -GASESIiEXTMOriTH Many Important Civil Cases HaveB?cfl Put on theL CALENDER WAS Hi BEEN ARRANGED I ytap- W jtkeodMMlr for the Ftbtwry tm ul Superior Court: ; TOt Wtfii Axirt fotlotrn! ' ;' ' Mtafoy, mnmy . ' f fioard of ttvtal' bkimw and Co. V Vorriok JUMn; l'roUi Port-' Jaavi C'. v Washington. Mills; Board of provincial ; Elder, ofl $ Southern i'Vniw" f he Moravian .Church va J. Jt. Smith r John tidenuin t al vs (Piftdea C'a.txma Bank' of RViiistou, ' 4.: A. .'. tfaaak tirorery Co. 'va.Wi. H. Blsyhx'k; J- L. Shnlta and Co va- A ; F. :M-iek iflrowry Co.; The Cudahy , Packing Ob,, vd A. I". Miessiek iSroeery Co.v Rnmingcr Furniture Co- va- Mr. and Mr. T- L.; Vejighn. Jr. t' WWhovia, Bank and , Trust Co. administrator of .T. ' .Wtit' taW-ri C1rlotte Wiit L; People National Bank v R. A. .Wonwdc .!. t Fannie Tetter v Tetter; Virjrinia'-Cilroliim thorn, C- Crow; Bro. ; Ague Sea ". 'y C'ity of 'AlnKori-KnItn anij 'Crawfordr Plumbing and Mill npply r::,iIrT Ml,Sp v Kiot Hpp W, L. Whit, et al vs J. 0. Busick, at al. ; J. P. Waddeft, et al. v Tl. W. MBateu, jat .t, .! A. and C K. Bennd-l v Winston-Salem, Southbound Railway Co.'s C. H" McDaniels v W. R. Flynir, T- D. Chatham v Press . Kiger and Rdbert Klger Wachovia Hank and Tnwt Co. v f). W' Kerner. et al.: ' May March. U al va Fannie 0(111, et al. Va.-Giir. Chemical Co va .1 . A . LingW Haitie Haulip,." FrenV Haix-lift-- Y. Xissen vij Western Union , Telc-srraph Co, ' Jerry Hyster va IT. . fl Wool , Mill: Heinlwek Rubber Tfert Cm- v , irailffy Electric , MmoJ IinpV! W. KMi. ct al v A. L Sthi"nn and wife: A h. Wcplu-n-urn v W. F. Sivi-M: A. C. .lovnea - va RVinsiton-4Satn Co4niiion Co. j iax JWivin and Co. v Carter Ynn ' H&TBmg t .T. A. Wnk va . F. Kimt': -'. VV. Kfnrwr and John 0. lZr . u a C ZliJ. K4rner, tnnHns" as American HonierT ',, ' Z. ., - A Mitt, v oitfiern Railwav o.t t . ? u c.i. v . ' Tt , .1- O. C.U... . V Sliar): Wutchina and " AV-ando vs fieo (VTnls'f and Marr Walaer: W. If. Havls va T. 'T. Ttelton; Will Tve va Vineene s llridira Co.; C. T. Krthfn-, aim v jQ.. F Jolirison. et ml-t F. M. Mcfiill va Crawford Plirmbinjr and . , v - MiH .Sunply Co. j,,H. IT. fw. K a , So'jthffrn Aliuninitm Co.i K. W, . AVemnor v The Mcrchantx Xntionn! ;i JJittiltz.7. R Miller v .T. I.. Mnteer . ajid A, I,. Payhe: Henry Poe v Kal ' auuer Cotton 1 Mill Co.: AwericHn ? nine Co. v Murpliv .Furniture and : Mfg. . f.Vt ('ItiriHi fioan , and Trust I C of XorMi Wilkeaboro. yn T. It. ... Joukina aiiid L. Jonkitia: Citiwn ' Tan nnd Tmt 'Co.' ofi Nitrth M'ilkea. boro va T. Hi and H. t. .Ienkln: Citf)ni Loan and. TriiHt Co.. of North ' i VilkeSotn v T- U. Jenkiii and S. f h, ; Jcukhiai. Thomavillc Chair. C- vs P. J.'.Tirdun and Co.; V. V llart- ,'nan adirinixtrator of ,1h. Crim. vs i ' - Cifii4- et al.: lliintley-Hill- StcVN-r . v ,T. M. A'rews: fsaar h (Tnhn and .lei Colin. tradins, as Jawlk l.tihn ami S'm x K. ( lauille: Tta MatrhaM XtMinl Bank vs C.en f.. KlMfiw. el ol i lhr. C. C. Sapp x Town of Keraersvile; MnFrie l.eh- mh iRoyal Fraternal ' Awiation: Atlas Pwrder Co.'. r Jame. ,. Dcnnii, ' H )1. 1 A. Opburn v Va -Car, OhemSrai Co-: -T- B- Bmlenlw me" v r.4frrTUk Co. S. F,- Hall, attorney vs 1. T. Marshall; T. H. Tl vs R. W. TW.'. p " t Trttl Dock6 Tbn; triol dmket follows! 1 ! : J Taesday, February 15 4 ; s .IV- II. ,Brnn vs TVira Barnes: 0. W-.j Kemei and Jolm O ' Kemer, trad 1 Infr ' Atmeryn ? .Tfoaiery 1 IlIs vs ' flmithenr Railway Coi ; aud Afiawnirl; Kansa and Texas Railway On. t Leon. attl.S.. Morgan vs. Royal Fraternal Association: A-'F; Mossiek ra T'. A. Neadhaili; Wnltey, Mason; Ya'fJraee fftson: E. Force liimn Co. vs J. f.T-. DIJ. ' C I Tt ir..ll....l ... 5Tj T T ihl .nA W. i Mutual lite Ina. Co.: Sylvia Alexan T, Wright ta Hanks- liroa- and to.; I . , . ... X !. r. '.- ;der and huabund, .T. O. Alexander, va niaa. A. Stone rs We-tern mon J, . p . T,,. V,. j '. 7 , '. 1 ami Alexander vs C. W. Biirhee: Har. Hnnollandv Anda Johnson v W.irr OranKhy l.is next friend ' Allrta r ' r)" "'''V'i'nt -V Xortoik and W'tern Rail - Wn,ff, Fra Maise . v Job,, Mmselj rn)1,,wv. .,. r JderrHt v, "v.u"J -IWie Utilities to.; Frank 4 I lathee Rtewartrys ttU Stertj I en - . . . ,,..Ml, . r.nuu. rVowsk vs Cok Lewis Foimdrr Crr-T R . S. Bow nnd Bro. v Wim. BrmJc "" f'Je Heti-w 'Foy a I I la V. v Vny: Agne U Morton va A. W Kil , wrda..-f4 .al..'. . , , , .,.,. t t . Wednesday, FebrMry if -!' Wirhm-ln, Bank and Trnst tV., ptiw--Batt Mary V. Oews vs f. A.- Mar J "bait; ft, al.-i TJnW flnano Oi. Vs -Tohn B, Bailey; C. W.-Atsno5V P; X- MataTtf' Auto Oarage; Wnr - ww-'rip 3tfinV Tais; C. r i Th itaern Coio TaJlorine; Cm. t Ham--"Inper Furniture Co. va R. J. Jordan s, JoJit KmV va Bin Pearl Cntnite fVj t FwrJ 'Ti?ioinwn-C- tp R It. . florerj. .S 1ectrlc Service Co. t , (RosxeU Vamrhn and A. V. Messick: Pike ftj Worka .-va A. F. 4 3foj G A-' Han y Da River Hr?kr Co('t ..Tolia . Viilone y Xntiuie Ma lone. - - - r, Tborsday Febrnarr iy ; r.. mute y it- 1 . r-vei-nartj T. A- Tmfnor y Rnssen Vanehfl r-nfi: ,,', . Voe4 C." .Tovner vs t r: T., PoBetaasn i4 jC, ,-Tvnee ys (. '-.Tt PVi'tn)itn Cnlnf nnd Clsrk va JW-7 Tx ml C-Wf Co.. t O. Bate , t V"it Sit-s-Ww---rvHidr id V Ht-biiN C. v; .T, rCiee-o Tie; Hone t J , ' onolil.n T"t Co : t J?.- F. Cj'erty y- C. tS IIollcnn; President Wilson Receives i r-. i c- r . rl i' i I .t .'SAW -4 T 7w cj-h'.r cicrE A' Waalrinfrton, Jan. 24. lteaident Wilson liaa toijmvmI from B. H. lliarthmirna, Belgium Hrlicf Coinium ioncr, a hnndtMmi wrull work picture frame, containing hi" "own 'liotojrrali J. A. McKinney vs Shore Transfer (V.; Southern .Mirror Co. v T., 11. Tine. Friday, February 18 The Peoples National Bunk vs 'E. 35. Force Pump Co.. and A- F. Men aick; T- W. Hntfines vs City of iWinton-K.lhn: Lewia Usy v. Th ' , ,, ..' T i . Swntfliern Kiulwav to.; Jettie done . , ., . .. , ,v . ' va Durham Ijfe in. Co. and Dixi The e ' ' " ' ' ' -' Fulton va Knight of lythin of N 0. : Kosennaehe'r and Bro. v C. C, Marshall and wife; B- R Wyiio vs Oeo. 'Doiithit-.fleo. Anthonf va R J, .lordan: K- H. Jones ta J. II. Fletch er; W..'S. Alexander ta .1. Pah iiii-i, j-niHiic jiiiiucit n ji'mul i linn- - F. . K. Lawrence vs V I .. 1) II .... i, ...... i i. .... t .. The Motor Co- I Saturday, February ig I .1. fi. Muniy. et al Vh TIic City of Wlnston-Saleni;' Tt. R. Tiichnrdsnn v 11. P. Brown; fiealtv Kxclmng,. vs II. If. IlHiker, et nl : s VV. A. Peerem and B If. Venilble vs i C. Shore; Alice : (iray vs Singer Sewing Mni-hine Co. : Steve .'hakvtt vs L. C- Cmnmings mid City Cafe anil I.limh Koom: Tike Sign Works vs Carolina Zee Zee Sales Co.; OriliiH-o Supply Co. v Clms. E, Ifolle man; R. II. Money. ndiiiiiii4rntor of Win-Nn1ninn .vs I! J. .lordan : Vn. Car, (liewjciil Co. v"Southniont Hard-,m-p Co.; H. C. rompton vs Thf Westorii Caion Tel. 0. ' ' Monoay, neoruary at1 :, . C Philip Williauis, reiver -of . liberty Aninscwunt (,,. vs A...K.. Moses mid i. v. iraver; runup uiuianm, re ceiver of Liberty Aimiseenint Co. B. L.i Sharp and T. 11. Tise: W. N. Bey nolds vs Adam Kx press Co.; K, R. Zlmiiierninn vs Faimif Udell, et al.; R. .T. .lordmi vs 'the 'ity of Win. i-toii-Salonii C. M. -Thomas and Co, vs X. and W. Railway Co.; Toscy Martin1 nnd. Co. Assignee of, A. II. Kller, trustee of Acme M'otor Co., vs If. Wi Benliow; f). VVr. Kcrner and .Inlhn O. Korner. trading as American Hosiery Mills, vs X- and W". Railway Co.t Rewsuut and Ziglar vs A. H, t'phiim; B. C Clinard nnd I). E, Clinard va the City of Winston-Salem, Tuesday, February 23 T, W". Chnndc'i .vs Tlie Western ''nhm Tel, Co; 5 ' T F, Westmoland Iva Ida and AW Peildiford; C. X. I Whitellcld vs .1. C Si.enion; Mary ; nn-L.. T u-:ii' D.....I,..,. -ir.,4..i.:...-. 1 """ " " .- lllliiniiw 1 Poster v Co.; Tii inn Saving Bank v WVsBeajl i .Tolmson: - WaiHivia lhink and T.nisf C. v i. K Wnk; fieo. 1'ell vs Rfiid V. Hinei trading as People SW Store, ili (Wedpesday, February 1 1 - j J. A , Stewart v C. ' F Sapp nnd fVVV Masteatv Sarah L- Chandler administrator of !R. Li 'Chnndh de ceased, v .Joseph S. Diiy and Lee W'; Ifaiicer; I-e Bates vs Lee W, Hanser nnd .Ins. R. llays Bettie Fulo vs Ijoo CFulp- E. F, Snangh v Kd. Pennj Wy.0.' Jones vs Philadclnhia Life Ins. Co.' Massachusetts Bonding and Ins. Co., AV. II. Harrell agent; Soufchern Express Co- va R. J. .Tordon, trading as R.J. Jorilan and Cov:,, Julia Pec tor vs E F. Stewart, administrator of Lanrette Spense, deceased; Charlie Brows, v 'The Southern Express Co. and Tli) ffoiithem Railway Company j F. Knouse and w ife. Bertha , vs K. B. .Toaes; 1). W. Har - et al.- va The Mayor and Board Ceo Knouse. nam. of Commissioners of the town of KeT' tiersvillet ( W. Uith v M. R. Cm, et al.j B, h. Harper t M- R. Oasa, et al- .' ,-..' : 1 Thursday. February 94 ; Atlaa Ponder Cb, ya James Denton t if. : Frank Bull by bin Hex t flfiend Tl. Ball vs It I . I'mlk.rm.r niul iCainbcU CUnoj p. -Jlaey ; yi Millie it ' Present From Belgian Chili 4 , ( s f - pikI that of King Alhert of Belgium and Ouen Elizabeth, made by a Bel-' Shin child In recognition of the relief work by Amerkana. HnlUick; Annie Merritt vs Southern Huihlic I'tilities Co.; R. ,1. Bowen and llio- vs l'red Allen Tise and Ldlloy Tise; V. M. Knight vs The mceness Brid's Co.; ' B. Be'kh'V va The Vincciines Bridge Co : L. V. Chnnilier ; vs Vinston-Slein Pepsi Cola Buttling Works; II. Montague truste for Mrs. Fttella X. jlontague, va It., (i. Foster, Jrimntiiin of Krs. Adelta. AMirtlield; Winston-Salem f!ns Co. vs R. AV. mid- T. H. Tise. Friday, February as Mary Fen-ell va American National Ins. Co-; Jauiea S. Dunn, agent, vs Thonina 11. Hooper;' Barnes Mfg. Co. of .. High Point vs K. ,1. Jordan, trad ing lis U- ! Jordan and Co.; Masonic Temple Co, v W- Biwle Jolmson; Ilnd Williams ys Imperial. Mutuat Life nnd ilenllfi Ins. Co. of Astheville; Lec IViwell va The Western. I'nion Tel. Co.; Snioak and MeCrenrk vs (i. ft". W'mII'oi.I: Briggs-ShalTner Co- vs T. V- Ten-ell; IV-Car. Chemical Co. vs A. .. Jones, Liiselie Kxtensiott Cni- versitv vs 11. M. fkflmrn; fleo- W.. Hill vs Thomas Caldwell. Saturday, February as Wachovia Hank and Trust Co. vs if. F Johnsirfi; A F. Messiek Cro ceryH'o. v H. L. Ixmrey; R. J. loidnii vs t 'bailie Sauce; K, .1- Rob-e-tso vH S. C. (Ro'witsoit i-t al. II i. Mot-ktoii, trustee is W. K: Pike: I', lliuitcr ami Co, vs K. I. ,lirUin and Co ; Hols-rt Portner Brewing JCo v Dr. W ('., Supp. , DEVICES HERE SUNDRY i Rev. R. A. ' Forrest of Toecna, (ia., Mr.U).T '.I." Faurf 'Atlantw and Rev W, R. MeDiiirie,': jiastor of the (iospcl Tabernacle in Dunham, are all ex pected to arrive in this city Saturday and will 'apeak ' at several places 611 Sunday. Mr. Fant will apeak to men only Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the V. M. C. A. He is one of the oldest engineer on the Southern svsteoi, running between Atlanta and (.reenville. lie iH an excellent speak er.. - Mr. Forrest will preach at the Fourfold (os)iel ' church, as will Mr. Fant, who will be assisted by Mr. Mc. DulTie, who has been a missionary in Afrkia nuder the Board of Christian and Missionary Alliance. Mr. Fitrrest is district superinten dent of the A llin nc Missionary move ment for the entire Srt'Jth and is an able aoeaker, a. well as a tine singer. -Conplct Bniimeem'iit of the times and places at which tdicse men will apeak will be given later. The Poteats fits -lot t Observer. - Thii Observer has alwinya rather, difTicidt to make iip n hi.h of the Poteats Dr. found it its mind WiUiun Louis, president of Wake Forest Coi- I ge, and Dr., Edwin M., president of riirman Lniversity it is moat fond of. ft hr.s been 'like making a choice be tween the mountains and the sea, hut v.e have finally struck a compromise, end one to which we believe the public will Kive endorsement. 'We li(e l)r Willinm Louis best for hia oratory end we like Dr. Edwin M. best for his sitting. Th.v, who have heard the orator away his hearers and those wlio ) fcv '.e"r ,he -"'"ging the con- F?,r""m 'T in w'ninff harmony Ul" n'"ffltc the distinction made by The Observer. Each is. a master in the re-pectire arts. Splendid of voice, at tractive in personnel, the Orator Potent cud the Singer Poteat is the one match for the other, and a pair that hat fey eoenlf, in the country. As a matter Of fact. The Observer cannot recad a qjnteh for the pair anywhere- Jpurnaj Wu) Adf griug Result V JFI3ST LOT OF DRESSES 10 BEJISTRiBUTEO Capt. G. 11. Austin, of Salvation Army Headquarters, Will -Assist in ThiMost -' Worthy Work r Three to Four O'clock Saturday Afternoon Selected As Time for Distribution . BIG , CROWD EXPECTED Tanlae Man ViIl Help Poor and Needy Women of Winston Salem - Tile Tantac tuaii has ' made ,1 nil :r micniciil to dixtribnte j tl linit -,on liimdred . of th live hiuiilred drease oi'ipn' dresi patterns of splendid ma tenal of full .TO-invbi pmU at The (i'llHiilon Druy Co'a tire. Saturday f lemoon from three to fmir o'cliH"k. ;. If: a lar)fi a crowd of nwdy wm cii of U'iiistoii-Salciti Hsni'mble at thia tore to recrive a lre8 a afwmbled At the iitore of th .Tordan Drujt Co. at C'.imlotte, recMitly, it will only ta'v a few WiinutcR for all of them to be .lintributad. " 2 In an hiterview. Tliuraday, . Mr. t'im aid, '.My company give a large Income each year to the jMmt cf tlic citiea that wo vtnil and we think that the giving away of thexo dre to the needy women of Winaton-Safc m is Hie iniwt dire4 ai t of charity that te enn enjtge in at the present time." The dresea were pnrchaaed from I ha well 'known Eflrd' Department Store of thia city. and are ure to glad ilcii the heart of all who receive tliem. Capt. Austin, of the Salvatioii Army, will personally present : these di-eaix-a at the O'Haniou otore and will nee that the moat destitute, cae in the ctiy arc taken care of. Tbia is the 11 rat -.of the aerie of free Pren Line in Wintdnn-Saleui a the statement baa been made by Mr. t)riun, tlrat 100 dreaa iattern will, be v w7 7 k until further "'''"' Air. K. IT. Drum, Winston-Salem, X. C. Dear .Sir: ., W received notification that the fife hi'iitired dresses have been 'purchased Ly on for distribtion to the needy and poor of our city. In the nmiie of those, von have so "erouly remembered, we tlmnk yon lor una minill illness ol them, We hope we will see more of t hi rent work. Vcrv respectfully, ... i:. B. ACST1X. Cant. Winston-Salem Salvation Army. Tnnliic, the Master Medicine, caa be (-"rchascd at the O'll'anlon Prn t'o.'s Store, Winaton-Salem. and the n crits of this wonderful preparation are fully fx plained ly the Tanhie lVinon sti'iiinr, who will lie (.dud to enliglitii you i pon tlie trentment of various di eaea upon which Tanlae has worked londcrs. fAdvt.i ABSOLUTELY ' FIREPROOF HOTEL CHELSEA WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET At' Seventh Avenne XEW YORK CITY EUROPEAN PLAN 500 Rooms ' . 400 Baths Room with adjoining bnth $1. and $1.50 Room with private bath .... . . $2.00 Suites parlor, beilroom and bath $1.00 ' and Upward Club Breakfast .... .. .. 25c. up Special Liinclkeon SOc Table d'Hote Dinner . . . . 75c. Cafe Attached To Reach Hotel Chelsea: From Pennsylvania Station, 7th Ave nue south to 3rd Street; (fraud Central, 4th Ave. car south to 34rd St-s - y"-- , ,:, Laekawana, FJrie, Reading, Baltimore and Ohio, Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley R. R. ; Stations, take 23rd Street, crosstown ear east to Hotel Chelsea . Principal Steamship llors. root West 2Hrd Street, take S.lrd Street cross town car. Write for Colored Map of New Yori A BROOKLYN DRUGGIST PRAISES THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY 1 have handled Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Foot, kidney, liver aadMdadder -emedy for twenty years aud have heard plenty of favorable reports concerning it from my customers. They are. satrslied with tiie results obtained from its us. I know of niauy cases where .Swamp-Root has cured M one in the Bladder, (Jutl Stmes. (iravel. Catarrh or Intlamm-ition of Bladder.. Liver trouble uud Rh'T. nuitisn;. hnve used it in my wa family with good resiils: and I hea'iily crdorsf lr. Kilmer's Swamp-R(iot and brbevc tt -baa gotut. -hj alive value.. Very truly vours, ALEX. LlPstTllfZ, Drtiffl-iat," HI North (ith Street, .Brooklyn, S. V. . Letter t " - - Dr. Kilmer and Co., BiaghamtOn-, N Y. l.ct'er to . . Dr. Kilmer and Co., Binghamton, K. Y. Prove What Swamp-Soot Will Do For :'- Yoit V Scinl ten cents to 1r. Kilmer and Co- Riuchamton, X. Y-, for a 'ample si liottle. It will convince anyone. Y011 will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder , WJien writinir. be auro and mention the Vinston-alctu .lovr nalsal. , 1 Regular -fifty cent and one dollar aize bottles for sale at all drug stores. The Democratic jwrty kod just 59 candles oa its birthday cake. Indiana folis Star. : During an open debate, the United" Mutes .senate reminds one of the Toiv Toiv- j cr ; wueu y all Strcc JournuJ, IF ITS GROCERIES YOU WANT, COME TO THE STORE OF QUALITY PRICE AND SERVICE. : H!essick4Iock Co. PHONES 113-114 - "Where Cash Buys it for - Less" . GOOD ADVICE A Winston-Salem Citizen Gives Infor. mation Of Priceless Value Wlien yon -uHer from backache, .headache, dizziness, nervousneaa, feel weak, lanquid, depressed, have annoying urinary disorder. Do you know what ta do! Borne Winston-Salem people do. Head the statement that follows. It'a from a VinxtonKalem testimony that ran be investigated. Mr. C. F. Holobqugh, 8. Main street, VVjnstonJSalem, aayss "I suffered from rlieumatie pain through my limbs. For ecveral years my system aeemed to ba filled with urid acid. At timet I felt, quite miserable. began uaing Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at , OUan Ion's Drug Store and they made me feel very much better.' (Statement given De cember !4, 1907,) Over aix years later Mrs. Holobough aid: "Wheu my back gets lame and causes me so much misery that I can hardly get about to do my housework, A. fow rtitaoa nf TVia n TTMtiAw PiITa.' nl waya relieves me of the trouble. They 're the .only kidney medicine that has ever done me any good." , I - Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ' ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pilla the same that Mrs Holo. bongh had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y, , GGNFIBM IIEPWOFKILllNC 0FIIUSB7 El Paao, Jan. 20. Three, Amori cans arriving jliere-today from Chihua hua' City confirmed previous rt- porta (that. " Keiiry -: Acklin,'. !Thomas .Tiohnson, IV! eV Keane, Bart Kramer nnd iWlalter Maiburii, Americans, were killed by Mexican bandits. "so, after till, that big-named disease the Kaiser was first reported' to he. '.iilb'iing from is nothing more than a .plain, everyday Democratic boil on the neek. -Tacoma Ledger. As un American first and a Socialist afterward. Representative Meyer Lon don is headed for mighty good compnny. Washington Post- More than a Million People have seen Douglas Fairbanks and Seena Owen in Triangles splendid production of "The Lamb" When Broadway goes crazy about a mov ing picture it's time for .you "to see it. If you the seen "The Lamb," be fair to' your friends. Tell them to see it, too. li you haven't get ho'd of the manager of the Moving Picture Theatre you go-to and ask. hjm to get the film and run it. ''v if it oes cost him a little more than -usual pictures, he will be glad to get it for - he will make money on it. ,. The speed of the story, the big scenes with hundreds of people and hundreds of - horses; the tightness you have in the throat when The Lamb," all by himself, makes a stolen Catling spit hell-fire and death at a howling mob, all these help But when lovely Seena Owen crawls up into Douglas Fairbanks' arms and -smiles Well you are so glad you went that you go again; and take your friends. Which is why more than a million people have seer-"The Lamb." , . Everj - TRIANGLE tvictur may not be , as good as "The Lamb. But every TRI 'ANGLE picture is so far nut rr rhi ncinl moving picture going miles bee 1 he Lamb." Or see it again. Any Moving Picture Theatre can get "The Lamb"; if it has already been shown nearby the , crowd will be so much the bigger. TIME FILII Hi uit Bmincal - -, . . Uornitir nwt .4 . . a ' i " Mae'Marjh V Lillian Ci.1i Jam llrer . , H.ii,1 MuVty IVartiia latmatle . f4V I tlirhrf MaeHnstli oiouikf 1 alnuile Iiuim Glaum 'ruly ; Ladies' Coat Suits, Half Price "i Good-plain tailored models suitable for spring wear. MissesCoat Suits, Half Price These suits were purchased just before Xmas and are hiade of winter materials on spring models, see them today. , ; , "V:' '-v-;:;::a Silk Dresses, New Novelty Silk Hose D. G. CRA 17 Hours from Broadway i ixi $ iM CASH WKuN Now FROM B 0YLES TradeStreet class that it is worth CORP' Seetu Owen '. Mi , X i ! Slutnck 'S. 8? i aH,,. -Ttr.u. .,,,;.; tc-,'- I """'"' - r aS Caa Half Price tr.i STORE ! 'olBuy a--' , .