TflE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAE r five Gl fully demonstrated in our own State and county. Immunity lasts from three to four years, perhaps longer Jackson Sprin gs Hotel Jackson Springs, North Carolina Open June lOlli, 191G LEONARD TUFTS, Lessee, MRS. E. C. BLISS, Manager. "As three treatments are neces sary, do not fail to meet me on the first date named for your dispensary "The State furnishes the vaccine BE WAGE and the county the services, free of j charge. "All physicians arc cordially Invlt- : cd to attend the dispensaries." Anti-typliuid and Hook worm Campaigns "Worked Jointly; Announcements of Dispensaries. CLEMMONS CANNING CLUB ENTERTAINED LAST SATURDAY it isn't an Eastman; it isn't a Kodak Thursday Morning, June 13, 1U16 J(l CAMPAIGN The County Board of Health at its meeting Tuesday afternoon decid ed to recommend to the county com misionera an appropriation for the conducting of a hookworm campaign in. connection with the anti-typhoid campaign in the county this summer. The county board of education ap propriated the other day J 100 to wards a campaign of this character, this money to be used in the employ ment of a specialist to assist the couny health officer, provided the county commissioners would increase the amount to $300, covering the cost of the , entire campaign. The commissioners left the matttr In the hands of the county board of health with the assurance that they would be bound by the recommendation of the health board. The action of the health board, therefore, makes the campaign pos sible and it will be begun Mondav, June -19. Dr. E. F. Strickland is making plans for the joint campaign. The services of Pr. C. S. Norburn, of , Asheville. have been secured it is stated. Doctor Norburn will attend all anti-typhoid dispensaries and make the hookworm investigation. A similar campaign was provided by the county two years ago and groat good was derived therefrom, great good was deserved there from. W. B. Kpeas stated that there were many children who should take this treatment and parents are urged to take advantage of this opportunity. The campaign will continue through June, July and August. l ocation of Dlsponsaries Dr.-Strickland announces the fol lowing schedule for th anti-typhoid and hookworm dispensaries: LewiRvillei June 19, 2. Jjulv 3, from 2 to 5 p. m. I . 1 f Belews Crock, June 20, 27, July 4. from 9 to 12 a. m. Ooodwill, S. H., June 20, 27, July - 4, from 2 to 5 p. m. Rural Hall. June 21, 28, July 6, from 2 to 5 p. m. Hosier, Mune 22, 29, July 6, from 9 to 12 am. Donnaha, June 23, 30, July 7, from 2 to 5 p. ni. Clommons, July 10, 17, 24, from 2 to 5 p. m. Dennis, July 11, 18, 24, from 9 to 12 a. m. Wnlkortown, July 11, IS, 24, from 2 to 6 p. m. Spanish Orovo, S. If., July 12 19 25. from 2 to E p. m. Rathania, July 13, 20, 26, from 9 to 12 a. m. Tobaocoville, July 13, 20, 26, from 2 to 5 p. m. Kernersville, July 14, 21, 27, from 2 to 6 p. m. Centerville, 8. H., July 15, 22, 28, from 2 to 5 p. m. Inverness Mills, July 31, August 7. 14. from 2 to 5 p. m. llanos Mills, August 1, 8, 15, from 2 to 5 p. m. Southsido Mills. Alienist 2 Q ifi from 2 to 5 p. m . Office courthouse, June 24 July 1 -8r- 23,. 2,-August 5, 12, 19 from 2 to 5 n. m. Statement by Dr. Strickland In making this announcement Dr Strickland says: e "At each appointment, on the first named date, 1 will make a talk to the citizens on sanitation and preventive medicine, with special reference to typhoid fever and hookworm disease "Parents of the county are urged to conic out and bring thoir family to tho nearest dispensary and hear these important mattorR discussed. Anti-typhoid Immunization has eradil en ted typhoid fever from the United States army and navy, and saved the armies of Europe from this danger ous and deadly disease. "The results are no less encourag ing in civic practice, and have been (Special To The Journil.) Clemmons, June 14. Saturday af ternoon at theirMovely country home, Mrs. W. H. Davis and daughter. Miss Jessie Davis, very delightfully enter tained the members of the Clemmons Canning Club. The sitting room and parlor had been decorated for this occasion with lovely pink roseg. The following program was render ed: Club song. Size and condition of Tomato plant when set, by Miss Ethel Shore. What kind of beans to plant; how many it takes for 1-1-0 of an acre; and kind of soil, by Miss Nettie Brew er. Recitation The Little Half -Grown Shoe, by Miss Mary Wat kins. Which Is best To wait for a season or make one, by Miss Stella Ellis. Another splendid recitation, "Jennie McNeil," was given by Mrs. T. W. Griffith. Miss Lizzie Roddick of Winstoo gave interesting instructions on "can ning." The following program was arrang ed for the next meeting, which will be held with Misses Nettie and Ethel Brewer Saturday July 8th at 3 p. m.: Song. - Author Shakespeare. Cultivation of pimentoes. by Miss Emily Orlfllth. Report from each member as to work done. Duct Misses I.essie Brewer and Grace Nelson. Tho club has etended an invitation to Mrs. Lindsay Patterson of Winston Salem to be present at this meeting and make a short talk. Following the business session, de licious sugar cake and coffee, cuke and lemonade were served by the hostesses, assisted by Misses Mary Watkins. and Nettie Brewer. Those present at this meeting were: Misses Eliia and Nan Douthit, Susie Jarvis, Nettie, Ethel and Lessie Brew er, Ethel Shore, Lucy and Hattie Cornish, Grace Nelson Cilia Brewer and Flossie Brewer, Mrs. M. L. Eargle and little daughter, Carolyn, Mrs. T. W. Griffith, Miss Lizzie Roddick and mother, Mrs. J. J. Roddick of Winston-Salem, and Rev. Mrs. James E. Hall of Clemmons. WLLPROBABLY SELEpLLES Hilles May be the Chairman of the Republican Nation al Sub-committee .anOr ganization. ' DR. KINYOUN TO ENFORCE DRY CLOSET REGULATIONS RETURNED MISSIONARIES FROM CHINA VISITING AT BOONE (Special To The Journal.) Boone, June 14. Hon. J. F. Spain hour and his daughter, Miss Willie, of Morganton and his daughter and her husband, the Reverend and Mrs. W. P. Hamlett, returned missionaries of the Baptist church from China, are visiting in the elegant home of Hon. E. S. Coffey of Boone. On Sunday evening, Mr. Hamlott lectured In the courthouse on "What China Was, Is, and Is to Be under the Influence of Christianity." A very large crowd was present and wore wonderfully impressed by the words of the speaker. On Monday after noon at 3 o'clock lira, Hamlott, who first went as a missionary as Miss Lot tie Spainhour, lectured to the ladies in a most interesting and impressive manner. -Vestryman "Sometimes 1 fear that Christianity is a failure," Daugh ter "What's th matter, dud'.' oh, don't say the nr curate has left!" Life. No, Maude, dearrii geneologistis not a gardener called in by people whose family trees need pruning. (By The Associated Presi.) Now York, June 14. Charles D. Hilles, chairman of the Republican national committee, will be selected, in all likelihood, in conference here next' Monday afternoon between Charles K. Hughes, the presidential nominees; and W. Murray 1'rane. of Mass., as chairman of the national sub-committee on organization and as many other of the seven members as a sub-committee as can be present, Alvah H. Martin, of Virginia, is a member of the sub-committee. Arrangements for the conference wore made late Joday by Mr. Crane. It also was annomicea that the man ager of the Hughes campaign proba bly will bo selected then and thut the personnel of the executive committee will be discussed. The sub-committee is empowered to name the chairman and executive committee. No announcement rnnccrning tho nominee's choice for national chair man or campaign luntlnger has been made and Mr. Hughes declined to night to say whether ho had made'u tentative choice. Mr. Hughes hold a long conference today with llenrge W. Wickcr.sliani. former attorney general, who will take an active part in the campaign management. A report that Mr. Wick orsham might lie chosen campaign manager was denied. The nominee wont to the theater to night. It was the first evening since his arrival hero that he had not de voted to work. His present plans provide for his departure from the city over Sunday, his return here Mon day to confer with the National sub committee and his departure Monday night for providence, R. I., where ho will remain probably until Thursday. It is thought probably he will select a summer residence in the mountains in this State, not too remote from New York City. Among the nominee's callers this afternoon was George Haven Putnam, a New York Democrat, who worked for the election of Wnodrow Wilson at the Baltimore Convention. He came in response to an invitation from Mr. Hughes after having had written the nominee a letter tolling him that the paramount Ihsiio of the eantpalgn was Americanism. Dr. J. J. Kinyoun is preparing for a rigid enforcement of that city or dinances which require a dry, standard type of surface closet. To this end a number of copies of this ordinance have been printed and will I be distributed today. "With this ord- Iinance. Dr. Kinyoun is having printed a specification of the closet I desired. This closet is one of the j cheapest of its kind, but is thorough ly up to the standard of efficiency re quired. A number of diseases can be traced directly to the old unsanitary open privy, says Dr. Kinyuun. Not only does typhoid fever start this way but a number of other ills which can only lie remedied by the dry and sanitary closed closet. It will be easier to got the wells under sanitary conditions after the foregoing problem is solved. In the meantime, however. Dr. Kinyoun. with his characteristic energy, is in vestigating the wells of the city and also the source of the city's water supply. He has secured special ap paratus for tho well work. Dr. Kinyoun is sure that he will meet witb the same hearty co-operation in this matter that lie has had heretofore. While the typo of closet desired is inexpensive, the amount would necessarily bo increased to no small figure where a largo number have to be secured. Dr. Kinyoun sug gests that by purchasing them in lots k considerable reduction might be had. APPALACHIAN SUMMER SCHOOL . MARK (Special To The Journal.) Boone, June 14. The first term of the summer school of the Appalachian Training School is now in its third week and the enrollment has gone , far beyond tho 200 mark. Many in (Uiries are coming in for the second term which begins July 11. This-offers a fine chance to the teachers I from the central and eastern sections of the State to spend the hot parts of Jiiiy and August in a delightful mountain climate at a cheap rate and at the same time better prepare them selves for their work. "Work here is better and more enjoyable than play in the low country during the hot months." And now Dr. Wiley, the food ex pert, assorts that mother love and its mistaken kindness 1 -responsible for the death of more Inrants than any other single cause, Considering all the cause of infant mortality against which warnings are constantly being issued, it's a wonder there are any people ill the world at all. Washing ton Herald. -In blending whisky, you should try To eke improve itR excellence. Though made of corn or made Tf 7 rye, - . .. : Just add a grain of common sense. In Municipal Court Clarence 1 lodge was lined J!). and the costs yesterday morning in Mu nicipal Court for nuisance. lallio Nwil, charged with an assault, was fined $5 and the costs. Fannie Temple, charged with as sault, also received a tine of and the costs. Richard Manchester was lined $40 and the costs for an assault with a deadly weapon. j "I am following In my father's footsteps," said the doctor's son. "liul I thought you had not taste for med icine." replied his friend. "I haven't," exclaimed the doctor's -son. "I'm fm U n d ertii k e r, " ' KODAK means photography with the bother left out. You can make good pic tures by the simple Kodak system, and it's less expensive I than you think Ask your Heater. EASTMAN KODAK CO., ROCHESTER. N. Y. . . . . mm J Journal Wnnt Ana bring rer.dt Here Are the Prize Winners In Our Recent Offer of $50 InTasTT for the Best Reasons As To Why It Pays To Pay II I noH rrA I rAtee 11 en. -t j I II r mm iui uuia .ironing upm Kodak Supply Headquarters We handle a complete line of the celebrated Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Our devel oping and printing is the best to be obtained Pl""e 234 TR HfotPIT9, Gray Block Report of Committee June 14, HUB D. a. Craven Co., City. We, the Judges requested to consider the answers to your offer of $50 in cash for the best reasons as to why it pays, to pay cash for ladies' wearing apparel, beg leave to submit for your approval the following report: The committee was surprised and astonished at the large num ber of replios which you received to your offer and to the general ex cellence of the majority of the answeru submitted and the careful thought which must have been given to them. Our task was a most difficult one. First we weeded the list down to one hundred; then to CO; then to 30 and finally selected the following 13 as the ones we considered the best from the standpoint of originality of Idea and neatness. The committee wishes to state that in no case did they know the author of uny idea submitted, tho anwei-b4fis-Juow(e to the com -mittee only by number. Here are the prize winners selected- by the-committee; $10 IN CASH No. 36 Miss Virginia Wiggins. $5.00 IN CASH No. 84 Mrs. J.' R. Simpson. No. 102 Mrs, H. E. Frazier. No. 72 Mrs. A. C. Glenn. No. 4 Mrs. J. M. Chatham. $2.50 IN CASH No.' 89 Miss Claude Z. Poln dexter. No. 16 Miss Edna Baker ficringer. No. 51 Mrs. D.'C. Barber. No. 11, Mrs. R. L. Harrell. No. 30 Mrs. II. T. Cocke. No. 37 Miss Emily Vaughn. No. 83 Mrs. C. H. Sebring. No. 100 Miss Alma Hauser. Respectfully submitted, H. F. AITCHISON, . " E. F. BARBER. Some Examples of Cash Purchas ing Opportunities For Today's Selling Spring and Summer Coal Suits Half Price $1.50 WHITE WASH SKIRTS, $1.00 $2.25 AND $2.50 LINGERIE WAISTS, $1.95 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL SILK AND WOOL WALKING SKIRTS 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL MOURNING DRESSES ALL SILK DRESSES REDUCED "Is lillggins a patriot"" "Yes. Tut he'p ilio kind' that would be more use- I fill in a school of elocution i.i;i, i:, .1 training camp." Wn-diing'oi, Sin . 1 Most of us have our ri-s :iu! dowiiM, (Hid some- o us. iu-ver--p:iytf--till we are run down. .... 1 A Blue Bird Photo I 'lay "Tangle Hearts" With clever little Louise PARAMOUNT IVt'iv A story of friendship told in a different light Pilot ALL TIIFS WEEK lil) I) IK COLLINS ' AND The Follies 01 Broadway A' Classy Musical and Vaudeville Attraction The Best Show We've Had Yet -Kvoi-y 111:1 n h.-is ii i.'iiny corner of hN life (mt d which ("mil wemher iriM'fnls Jllld f'olleWM :il'ter hilll. llirhlir. We might to consider Hie end In everything.- I.h Fontaine. . While Our leading Itopnlillcrins are lllHllHlltledly vineere ;ntr patriotic in their opposition to the Administration 1111I their advocacy of :) eliangc, we uis'iriiio it is pretty . hiird fur I ham 1 .11... I I . ..Ml . I I I ,1 - 11(111 ' a .little worse. --Ohio Stale Journal P $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 The best line of pencil sharpeners ever made Let us put one on your desk. You will never do without one again. Phone for our salesman. 17 HOURS FROM BROADWAY D. G. CRAVEN CO. May CASH STORE BARBER'S pm-