Thursday Morning, June 13, 1916 r ' GAMES TODAY 'WuhuuiSjWb as Purham. - AslieTilln- at Charlotte. Rateifa At IrrttBsbare. RKCLTS YKSTERDAX WinMAn-Safet!!. 4 ; i har.o(i 5. h a i i : i . z I u r ;i rn. I . lo liming Ery's Homer In Ninth With Two On Beats Twins THE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL FAST AND EXCITING GAME r. GOES TO HORNETS IN NINTH llllllllk I Wll I I hill II.IIU in in AND HQBNETSWIN Re-lushed Hi true Fiifht, ' ITjjhill Winuinsr Out in 11 st liming; Hie Twins Make Desperate Effort in Ninth. GOATS TRIM TOUKISTS RAtETOII BEATS HULLS His Official Highness, President W (!. Hlrainhaiii. of the North Carolina Leagnue of Professional Kaxe Hall Clubs, .lent his official dignity to the game yesterday aftcnnon anil after introducing himself to the slave in the press box, for whirh we are duly thankful, the fen me which later events proved to tie hy far the most exciting game1 nf the season, started,' To tell the score in the first part of the story Is customary ami we do not wish to depart from the custom so will inform the few who do not know what it is, that the score whs .1 lo 4 in favor of Fry her f'unloM - i liarlotte Tha,t;n$yas a whale of a liall game from .sial't to finish. Hy far the fast est In time and one which wa one tiling After another to keep the fans on edge all (lin ing Die game. A light ning duublcplny by (lie locals In the first Inning which prevented a Char lotte "runner from scoring, started things off good. Following this in rapid succession wera nice catches and other'thlngs which go to making a game Interesting. i , The ,one play 'which gummed the works ro far as the locals was coh cerneifl was a home run over the left field fence with two Charlotte runners on the paths, by Huns Kry. That loon Rot one in his prove and crowned it for the circuit. The Charlotte club .overcame a two run lettd and fought one of the ganiest up-hill flints seen here in a loan time. For eight Innings Hamilton, the new Twin pitcher, held them to six hits and ofie run. In the ninth inning the first batsman up was an easy nut, Paschal started the tire works with a double to the left Held fence, Wofford duplicated, scoring l'aschal. High fouled- out to llillcr. (leary, batting for Doeppe r-pronouccd "dopy" hit to right for a base. With runners on first and second base the nut pitch er, afte'r chasing the squirrels off, lit onto the'ball and It was good night ball game. Singleton followed with an infield hit, the fifth of the Ipning. and Smith was tossed out at first by MoMnhon.' - - Twins Make KM The Twins made a desperate effort td overcome the two-run lead but fell on run shy of tying the count. Mc Mahon Blurted things off with a single to right Held. Humh forced hilli at second. Fry delivered a one bagger to rlpfht center, sending Humh to third. Olaxner was sent In to hit for llamil tdn and flew to (leary, playing right field, Humh scoring, llillcr drew a base on balls, the only one of the gflnie, and Rollings humpbacked one td High for the final out. Charlotte Mump Shifted ' The Charlotte club looked like a rdguhir ball team for the first time during the series. -Nicholson, the plucky little Char lotte second baseman, played his usual position until ninth inning, when he was sent In to catch. His left thumb is'ln splinters as a result of a broken b6he, Doeppe, apparently an old tinier, was behind the bat for the vis itor. He -cm ugM a nice- game but WB taken out in the first of the ninth inning to let (leary hit for him. The last of the ninth inning saw Nichol son catching, Singleton playing sec ond base and (leary right Held. The Mbuhitetl score: ' - ChtrlnttiV SiftKli'tou, rl, -li : . Smith, civ AlierKoUi..yfc . . . . . Nicholson, ii. c . ... P4.-lial. If ,.. . ... ., :tn 111.. lb ... ... . Drtpppt1, r ... . . , . 0iy, rf Kr, p Totals ... ... ., Tim Hilkr. nh . : RollinKH, 2ti ... . , Nasser, rf Hnnijc, If ... ... Hwk, if McMahon, hn ... . Biltaih, lb ... ... . Fi, i" Hamilton, p filazntr -I t'ltnln ...... AM. It. II, I'd. A, H. :, ii, . i a i ii 4 ll 1 2 ll 11 . -I (I 2 :i 1 n I n o i :i n . 4 I 1 4 II c U: 1 i " 4 0 1 (l 1 " . :i o n 2 ii n ,11 l l n n 4 11 11 0 :i? r, n 2', ti a AH. R. II. Pf. A. R. .4 ll I I I Ii r. o n' 2 :i o i i 'j o n i i n I n t ii ,4 II l 2 n II .4 ii I :i 4 ll 4 1 II III 1 II . 4 2 4 ft 2 II . :t ii ii ii 2 (i 0 II (1 (I (I 11 III! 4 in 27 11 II BaHVd for Hunitltnn in iilnfh. ill Hn hv intiitirs: Charloiie . . . . Twina Pire hy inning C Irwrlwii1 , so 102 io: l'2 111 112 ni'i ii'fi in 14 . Hll U'O IMl 1 ba se hits llinh, I'aHrha), Jbniie riui- r.ry Nenser. -Smilh. Sarrirttp fly tila Twins Summary: Tn Woff.inl. 11,11,-r fry Na'-rihV tni tier. Hum mi ball It Krv I. Strnrk olil liy Krv 2 by Hamilnm Kry. 1 : i.ff Hamilton. fi. Kanuit rnna off Stitlen haMH Sin k. Hi.iiIiIp play tflfluii l 'J l, Amlt-rsim, If,-, MrMahun. Hum!, aiiil V Pruned ball InfP(H. Left nn TiaRfs TtKirlill rirst bane en emirs 4'harloHtt. 1:4. I tnnirp liuiimh. Alleiulam :l. Timi -c l.TiOO. IMTCHI US' HATTl.r 1T RAI.F-tf.II (Special Tilcphont Service.) Raleigh, June 14. McManus and Hcof t Ma ged a realhalt ln here J hia ttflernoou, Kah'lgh getting the ile cision in the tenth inning by a score of 2 in 1. Oiie clean hit and two in field scratches were all the visitors could get off Scott. Duncan's triple in the eighth inning was the first hit of the game so far as Italeigh was con cerned, j liutts paraded In the first and took second on a bad throw by Scott In an effort to catch him off the base. Hulls stole third and scored on, a bunt W'asem, who beat the throw to first. Imuran's triple and a ild throw past third by Schiller tied the score in the eigh. The winning run scored 111 the tenth when lmncuii singled and Btole second, Roberts was safe on an ernir. Inincaii scored when Welch singled to right. Score: liirliuii) Aft It. U I'll. A. K. Hints, If :i ii 'j o ii If iiffiiian. rf 4 o 11 o o Wasrin. of . . . . . . . . 4 o ti ' a 11 a ilrimi-s, II, 4 0 n in 1 0 lfiyti,n. i- ,4 o a :i 1 0 iliuL'imiiu ::li . 1 11 11 1 :: I u Ki-ll. ss . 11 11 0 -I 1 11 Srtjulcr, "j I , . :i i 11 I 'z MrManiis. :i u 1 I I 11 t.iibW :u 1 :i's 14 j iiiii nut lii-n hiiiiiiii run rtrnreil. Rali-'ieh AH. It. II. I'll. A. E. Hi-ni-lT, :ili I 11 I o I I .l.-i:uril. 'jti :i o 11 4 4 0 Vim lliirn, 1 U ....... 4 0 11 1:1 a 0 YelilMley, rf . . . ... ... 4 II . fl 2 II 0 Dunriin, rf 4 2 'J t o II Unln-rls, If 4 II 11 ' ll n Wrick. 4 II " I u 1 II Ii'Iiiikiiii. r ', 'd ll II ti 2 0 Sii.ii, i ..a 0 0 ll 'J 1 Tnliila Ill ' 4 :t 0 In Scure liy lliirhinil . , intmiKK li. . inn tinn nno ll 1 . nun iiiiii niu l 2 liil Iliincan. Shiti nu biillB eff Mi- Italeiijh Huimiiurv: Three base fie hit MeCnnl. Ilane Manns I, ulT Hcnlt 4. St ruck out liv Mu MliniiH :i, hy Si-mt Si-nil, . Stiili-n hiises ll it hy pili'lii'il bull Butts. Ilum-an. Iloiilile l!ayx Itnincsl iniaNsisicil ) ; Van I Inrti dm asMstt'il.) I ,i'fi ' mi Iihsi'K I In rliHui, I ; Kal i'ikIi. 4. I'il'xl hast' 1111 errors Durham, 1 ; Knii'iuh, I. Time :'.H. I ' in ii re -4 'olgntc. Al Icinlaiice 7MI. AT LAST (JRKi:Sll()lt() WINS (Special Teltphon Service.) Asheville. June 14. 1 lie Coats cele brated the acquirement of Doc Kenton by hammering out it n K to 6 victory over the locals this afternoon. The game was called in the last, half of the ninth Inning to allow the teams to catch trains. 1'erritt was"hit hard by the (inats 111 the first, third nnd sixth Innings when all their runs were scored. Hit ting's homer in the eight with two on gave Asheville three of lis six runs. Aaheville AH. H. II. PO. A. K. .leslller, III .1 1 ;t 7 1 1 Nlllue, :ih .1 T 2 II II II l.aml, if... ... :t I ii :i a a Mellane, If ... , .1 I :i I 11 II liurriiii. rf . :i :: i :t i ii .il.niftn, 2h f. ll 2 1 :i 2 ilanlin, as . . 4 ll n :i -ll lluitu'erty, r . . . 4 I 2 2 1 11 Mett'hiirler, i ....... :i I ll II 4 Ii Tnllils ... ... , ... !l,- H til 24 11. il flreeiiKlKim All. R. II. PO. A. ,E MnuUhnw, 2h- .-7 . . --. . -1 li X - r 2 - u 1'iirhett. hh ... r, 2 II - 2 I 11 llii'kmau, If :i 1 2 II 1 II HitllilK. ,'lh f 1 t 1 1 n Illniniiii;. rf. If . ,r, I 2 :i I' Ii llurl:e. Hi ... ' :l II 0 H :l ll Mnek. ef, e r, I 2 t II 1 Nnynek, e ... : 0 n a o il a Willi ney, if . o li n ii ii Kllisnn, c , .,. :i n a ,) 4 n I'ei ritl,. p. . .... 4 a ... 1 li 2 . 0 Tnlnls - -7 ll II 21 III . hy imiiiiu's : 1. (Ireeiishiirii ... .. :ni:l 11112 nu m AsheAille , , , ... llll (lull 1 :i ti Suniinary: Two huxe hils - Mi ll; , Ziu man, Nanee. Mniiie rims. Hiirion, llillintr. Ilnse nu halls oft MeWhnrler fi, nlT IVrriil Ti. .Slruel. nut ly MeWhorter 2, hy I'el'rill (i. Wihl nil. -lies MeW'horler (2K l'enilt (21. Ilnuhle plM.vs MeWhorter, llaeirerly unit .lesiner; iuniun ami .lesnier. l'nsseil hall lliu;jerly. l.efl nn hases llreenslinrn. 7; Asheville. II first hnse on errors she v ille; 2 Ttim t : .iil, : C nt,ire Miller, -4u leminnce l.iiinl. why KNDi ni: scmmi r coijis? It isn't necessary to have a stuffed head, running nose. To cough your head off as it were. All you need do is to use Dr. Hell's l'ine-Tar-1 loney. The soothing and healing balsams op en the clogged air passages and in a short time you get relief and start on the road to recovery, tour nose stops running, you cough less and you know you are getting better, (let a bottle use as directed. Keep what Is left as a cough and cold Insurance. (Advt.) Joiirnnl Wnt Ada brim? reB?ilf. Boys Khaki Suits For camping or work. Strong, durable, neat; $24and $2.95 a Suit Follow the Arrow H PAYS l"OLLOV NOR TH 3IOt Notes On the Game A personal jibe to the effect that we are sore over the four o'clock move ment , losing ? ? can be overlopked when the tender age of the author of the remark is considered. Nay. nay. Rddy, they can start The f ames; nr five o'Flocfe tiit far as we are personally concerned but when it was announced in good faith by The Journal that a vote would be taken on the matter and then get a "double crossing," it is time to holler. Thefour o'clock' movement wasn't beaten, as some are trying to lead people to believe. It lost because the voice of the people was thrown to the winds after they had so decisively de feated the late hour. I'nless it was at a double header, there was never such a crowd at the hall park on Tuesday. Unite a few of the people went there P-7Vote-fl gal list-4be-4ii itii -i;a.HeM That was a tough one to lose but the Twins can't win them all. Kit's blow certainly was a lucky drive. Had it been a Winston-Salem player who hit the ball, we might be tempted to call It n timely one. The way the Coats mistreated Ashe ville yesterday was a shame. It goes to show that a whipped animal will turn sometime and tight its torment ors. , Miller; we're on you for life. Kv erything was tine and dandv until you hand us that reminder of the past. Reports from Asheville are to the ef fect thai Miller gave absolute satis faction diirine the entire series. l.ay on. you punsters and alleged poets. The Charlotte club injected this I luVppe fellow in the league and while he isn't what his name signifies; he tsn'i the best receiver in the league, lie lias too much nrm, if anything. The Creensboro ulub has Feoured Doc Kenton, for the past two seasons with the Asheville club, and will have him in the outer defenses. Kenton should materially strengthen the Coats as he is one of the hardest hit ters in the league. Krom pretty reliable sources comes the information that Morpeth, former Durham first baseman, would report to Creensboro within the next few weeks. The return of Ruck I'resslev to the Norfolk club as manager 'neces sitates the release of Morpeth a9 the manager will play first himself. HucU Howard will report to Kelly sometime this week. Ruck has been in college this spring. He may not have, improved as a player, hut he will have a lot of new words in his vocab ulary witli which In pun.le the um pires. Howard is one of the niftiest fielders in the league and while hn has always been a weak hitter, his de fensive work will make him worth while to any club. The play which Manchester made on Nesser in the fifth inning of Tues day's game was an unusual one. Nes ser was caught off second base anil when he tried to get away with the delayed steal. Manchester ran into the diamond and tagged him out just as he was going into third base. This is not the first time the play has been made, not by a long shot, but it goes to show that the game is full of pos sibilities. Results Yesterday , National League i r.M t i, i .i i'iM i r, ii t New York, At ; At HoRton. 4 : At I'hiljiilelphin: iiing. ) Chimco. 4. St. Liniis, n. Cincinnati, 3. -X: I'illsbimr; '-'.-I'J American League At' ChicJiK't, I : Wiiliimrtoi). ! At, -f: New Y.irk, Nn ntheTN Kcheilliled. t Son! hern Association At Atlanta, 7 ; Mnutliis, 6, . .. hirmiiiirlinin 1; LittW' K'iek, t Muhiio Chnftninrn, rain. -Nu itthers Kclledlileil. Virginia League At I'uiiMHuiith, u; Newport Ncwh, H. At Unckv Mnnnt, fl 'A ; VpttTsbnre, 0 Al Hopewell, ; Norfolk, 1. South Atlantic League At Mfieon-Alli.-mv. nun. At XllU'tlsla. 1 ; Clil.reiton. 0. A I MoniKuiiicry. il ; ( 'ittunihun, 0, At ( il ti m liia. Ii ; JackHiHiYiMf, U. International League At KirhtnniMi, I; Bnltinion . At linlValo. 1 : KocheMer. 5, At Toronto. 1 ; Mont mil, 3. At Newark I'rovidetieo. imstpoiieil, American Associatioq At St. T'jiul. I; Inilinnapiilis. 7. At Kansas City. 4: Columbus, 0. College Games At Newark. N. Jj rrinceton, I; rnh fl. It is almost n certainty thut the sea son will he splitT tho first hitlf rlosintA June L'X. There are two ami one-half weeks of play and any of the first five clubs have a chance at the top po sition. TMC ARROW" C9URT HOUSt it: MATHEWSON LOSES- WALTER JOHNSON GAME TO CHICAGO - P,r....klyn Still After Pirates -kistoijBeat- CSiic i n na t i in Twelfth; First' National League Flag Kaised. (NATIOWI.) Maihcwson luau-ii Nw Turk, June 14 Jinifiiie IVr ender. former Virginia l.eagner. liitrhed a one hit game against Malhemson today ami t'hieago heat New York 4 to u, making it three out of four. KaufTM inlield, which took a bad hop in front of Lavender in the seventh, kept Lavender from duplicating his no-hit game against -the t rmttts lust -sea:"iih Matty -was given wretched support. Only three of the hits off him were clean and none of the runs were carried. .Score: It. II. K. Chicago . . . nun iiiu 1121 4 K . 1 New York . . mill linn 0iil It 1 5 1 vender and Archer; Maihewson and Rariden. Three out of Tour . iWooklyn. .lune 1 4. Brooklyn made it three out of four from St. Louis today, winning H to S by hit -tine 'he hall for long drives while the Cardinals were making errors. Six of the seven Brooklyn hits were for two bases and live of the seven errors of the visitors counted in the scoring. Score: li. II. R. St. Louis . . IIU2 nu inn fi 7 7 liiooklyii . . Jin 11411 lOx X 11 1 Latteries: Ames, ,laper and Sny tier. Combs, Marqiinnl and O'Miller, -Meyers. Hraies Win in Li Iniilnus j liosloii, .lune 14. The HraveA de feated t'inciiiniili 4 lo 3 In a 12 in ning contest today. A triple by Moll wilz during the seventh inning drove in two runs and tieil the score. In Huston's half of the twelfth with two out. Magee doubled over first base scoring Snodgrnss, who had singled. Score: i. H. R. Cincinnati HUH 010 2H0 000 a ti 0 Huston .. 001 101 IIIIII (101 4 13 0 Mitchell and Wlngn; Ragan and Tragesser. l'cnnant liaised Lhiladeljihia. .lune 14. Niehoff's home run with two men out in the twelfth ended a pitcher's due) and fave Philadelphia the victory over 'ittsburgh today 3 to 2. The Nation al League Pennant, the. first ever won by the Philadelphia club, was un furled after a parade of the players across the Held. Score: It. If. LV Pittsburg 1110 (100 lilil liOO 2 5 1 T'hila. . . 000 000 llll OOIS X 2 Latteries: .Iticulm mid Schmidt'; tlx ey and Kiffifer. McMahon's three errors yesterday are excusable, due to the fact that he has been out of tin- game for the past week. The chances, which he did handle were well taken care of. Standings of Clubs North Carolina League W. Ii. Ill III 18 '-'I 'J 1 1 111 Pet Hill . ; 1 .r.:iH .fjflll .rmn .sit AKllI'Villn I ' till I'l ( it I I ' I , TWINS .. Iiill'liliiii . . Ituli'iL'h . , I ir.-.-ii sIm.i-.. 2 1 -'1 Ntionjl League W. I'll 23 Pet. .(i:il ,r7s .saa .50(1 .-IKK . 1 r. k .4:1.1 .11)0 Brooklyn . . I'hilaili'lplna N'rw York . ('Iiicaiio . . Most 1 n . , CilH'iiinali . . I'lltvltiiif; - St. .uilix American League W. Pet .n:r, .nil 2 ..1:11 ..121 ..'.nu .tso .t:!H ::i:i:i rievelnml . New York , WllNllillKlllll Host O II . . . IVll'oil . . . rhicniro . si. bonis Philadelphia ' :i:ii 27) 2ii 2i JH 'J I 1,-, Ameriuii Association Ii. IS IB Put. .lie, 7 .lilil 1-f i I rill .4:111 .:ei:i .'MM Naslmlle , . N.-w Orleans Milium . . . ClialliinooL'ii Itinnintrhiiin l.illle Hurt . Memphis , . Mobile . . . j:i South Atlantic League W. ...... . .. . ... . . Ill r,-t. .fold M ..12S ttll .111:1 .420 Augusta , . , I :liiirleslon . (."'illiniliia , , iHcksonville Montgomery Mni'on , . . . I'lihinilitis Albany . . . . . an . t!0 . .. . . 'J I'l 2: is :il :t:i Virginia League w. Ml 2t 2) illl 10 10 L. ti 10 jo '.'7 27 Pet, .liSII ..ITS .US .122 .4i:i .4LI Port smoti 1 b Newport N'i Itoeky Mount Hopewell Norfolk .; Block Party Thursday Night Nissen Park Skating Rink Cash Prize for the Winning Couple Friday Night With Each 25c Paid Admission Ladies Skate Free. Come Out and Enjoy Yourself IS OUTPITGHED Washington Star Loses to White Sox ; I ktroiOYiiis From Yankees; Eighth Inning Rally Heats Boston AMFRH'AX lolmson bilfillcliiil Chicago. June 14 Jim HeoTt out pitched Walter, Johnson today and made a fluke single which scored two runners in the fourth, giving the locals a lead that Washington could not ov ercome. The tinal score was 4 to I. Score: Ii. H K. Washington .. 0011 mil 11(111 1 H 2 UhkiUKu .. nun 2"" 2"X.. I ! 0 Johnson and Scott ami Schalk. Ainsmilh; Henry Covclcskie Wins Detroit, June 14. Harry Covelskie. who defeated New York on Monday, held the Yankees to six hits today. Detroit winning fi to 2. The game was delayed twice by rain. Veach, Detroit, lefttlelder. got two triples and two singles in four times up. Score: li. II. K. New York . . ( (ml 001 2 ii 1 Detroit . . . 1 1 1 010 02x 6 1 1 I Mogridge. Fisher. Hussell and Wal ters; Coveleskie and f tan tge. Pig hill Inning ilo One St.. Louis, Mo., June H.After Weilman weakened in the se.vent h permitting Hoston to score four runs, St. Louis rallied in the eighth, forced .Mays and Shore to retire and by making rix runs won 8 to fi Score: H H Boston . . . 100 000 400-- Fi S Ht. Ijoills . . OOil 010 Dix 8 12 l 0 Mays, Shore, Foster nnd Cinly Weilman, McCabe, tlrooin and Sever eid. ... I'll ARM'S I'. - COl'RTNKV has not ki:sh; II) (By The Associated Presa.) Poughkecpsie, N. Y June 14. Charles K. Courtney has not resign ed as coach of the Cornell crews and does not intend to resign. In a state ment to the Associated Press tonight Coach Courtney said that the Cornell Athletic Association and himself hud a perfect understanding In the mat ter. It would not surprise Mr. Court ney's intimate friends if he remained with Cornell as coach, but In an ad visory capacity only. MOM.A IUPRSTF.HT HAS TO RTSTI.F. (By The Associated Press.) Richmond, Va., June 14. In the third day or play in the Old Do minion Tennis Tournament at the Country Club of Virginia. Eli II Whit ney of New York, defeated, Fitzhugh Liberty of Richmond In two straight sets. In the semi-tinnla he won from A. J. (lore of Washington in straight sets. Playing with W. V. McMillan of Atlanta, Whitney defeated John Coke and ICrskine P.uforil, of Rich mond. Misi Molla Hjui'steitr. the natlntial champion, won easily from Miss Adele Hull of New York, in the third round of the woman's singles. In the seini llnals, however. Miss Dent, of Rich mond and South Carolina, made the Norwegian star extend herself. In the doubles Miss lijiirttedt and Miss Florence liallin. of New York played brilliantly. defeating the Misses llawes of Richmond. TIIKOI'OII SLFFI'I MTV TO Till'. Si: US FROM THIS A FOR SUM M Fit I he Southern Hallway announces that a through Pullman sleeping car service-, will lie started June 24 anil lasting about two months between Winston-Salem and Morehead City and Heaufort. ill addition to the ser vice from Oreensboro to Raleigh. Announcement is also made that a through Pullman parlor car will be put on from (Ireensboro to Wilming ton during .the summer months. Mr. W. P. Lester, city passenger and triif tlc agent, is malting an effort io get this parlor car service from finston Salein to Wilmington and hopes that he will he able to succeed. " The ser vice starts June 111, leaving (ireens boro sit 12:45 p. in. Journal Want Ads bring results. You Will Notice a Change Io the Weather JUST ABOUT THE TIME YOU SLIP INTO A BOYLES BROS.' PALM BEACH Oil COOL CLOTH SUIT COOL SUMMER SHIRT COOL STRAW OR PANAMA HAT SUMMER HOSE, FOOTWEAR SUMMER UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR Get fitted out this week and it won't seem near so liard to keep cool. We have everything a man wears in sum mer clothing. Boyles Bros, BRYAN SATS THE PRES1DENFS (By The Associated Press) , St. Louis. June 14 While the reso-1 lotions committee was In Besison Samuel A. king of I'tah. arose andj made tne statement: l canea on u li.ill J. Bryan today and asked if he .would submit any pla4iks lierepliiid. " l'have no flanks to offer but one. and that is the President's. Deter mine what he wants and his plank will be mine. I evpect to go before the people in his behalf on your report ' " Pitcher Pope drew his release fol-lowlug- the Terurrr of McMahim ttr i he g:uue. pope was secured from Rocky Mount a short time ago but has bailed to deliver in North Carolina league tyle. lie has the stuff but a very sore arm has hurt his effectiveness Moorefield. who was supposed to nail-1 i for ch iirltitte yehlerila y. alters. noon, did not leave lialeigh until last night. He has been sold to the Char lotte club, the ileal beingmaile yes terday. The Hornets leave the city this morning for a three game series with Asheville on the grounds of the for mer. These clubs are tied for first place and some real games may be exr pected as the winner of the series will have undisputed possession of first place. The Twills leave this morning for Durham where a three leg series will be staged. Clancy has a club now which does not have to bow to a thing in this league and if the Mulls are lucky, they may get one game of the series Munoz probably will pitch for the Twins with lireen or Forbes- furnir.hing the opposition. No Cause For Alarm "Please, iniiin, nurse says would you conic al once, as baby's been an' swallowed near a 'oh- packet of pins, an' she says don't be hunduly alarm ed, as liiekly -they're safely pins. London ( I i 1 1 i 1 1 ti Tommy "Pop. what do we mean by the Millennium?" Tommy's Pop "The Millennium, my son, is a sort of fabled time of the future when men will be as perfect lis their wives ex pect them to be." Wi2PW -COCA-COLA- . Cool Suits FOR THE Hot Days SEE OUR DIXIE WEAVE AND Palm Beach Suits $5,$7.50,$8.50 to $15.00 HENRY ROSE CO. Il.inly Tasls (iiiesl - llcie waiter; I thought I ordered a spring chicken. Waiter--- Yasssah, tin' (lat am jis what I dune brought yo.- sah. (luest H ell. if , it is, it must have, been hutched from a hard boiled egg. Indianapolis Star. ill

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