TWO THE WINSTON-SALEM JOI KNAE Thursday Morning, August 17, 1916 0 i eecia easonawe The Most Radical Reductions We Have Ever' Offered On This Class Of Goods i Sale (V of Toilet Articles BEGINNING Thursday morning, we will place on sale our entire line of High Grade Toilet" Articles at prices unhea . ' Winston-Salem! This sale will last for three days only and positively closes Saturday Night, August 19th. Every itei unheard of in .very item in our large and comprehensive stock is included in this sale. Every thrifty woman should take advantage of these extremely radical re ductions and purchase, freely of the necessities so, essential to the well appearing woman of today. The prices on all of this goods has been reduced to cost and in some cases less than actual cost. Compare, those prices with others and see for yourself the truth pf'this assertion. Read every item caiefully. Be Here for sure Thursday. . . v. ." . Tourist Cases TOVIUKT CAKITS tVe carry a i omplote lirrc of-thene articles, in plain and fine. listterM; all are lined with inl'l or a ti I are ry itinnHlo. They eels'. :u :i viiiVty i f fchnppH nii1 styes. QailMU...... ....... ... irr':'f 69c (.Vises . 1. .Mi' $1.2i .Casm ii. J 1 . 50 Cnsi-8 .$1.29 Traveling Sets TKWI I'V. Sl-T Mir Irnvclim: !..(. coii- hisUiik ft' eoinh and a pair nf military h:iir him-li'., snap hex ami mirror; rej;ulnr ahic SI 1-HMMilXi SI-:T This is in an all h-nilc-rr ease tin.l consists (if it pair of ln-irUn, fotrih, J.on 1 1 h".- and mirror; i '.i'.-'r fi mine ; ... . .,. $S.9H r Hand Mirrors iii mii:i:oi:s r,r mi-rrii Wjt, win nl frames in ;iiml shines ami different hiusiH's :,,. Mlll! lt.S I l.,t Ym,,'h ivmy ami chion mirrors, iiiiiiji- in novelty slmpes .1 nil 1 va ion r t" sizes !lHe lll MIKKOHS t ,,t .,,f chony, n.,k, ohotry :t ml while mirrors, tunil ''I :l . n itty nf shapes mi' .sizes .... " $l.3 Shaving Stick and Powder toll. MI'S SII.W IX; SiK K This is ,i ilolif lit.flli 11 1:1 1:1 1 ion fur sh:i v : 11 p : softens the In a ril ,'i tul srmlhrs tin' skin; regular 2' alne lfic's siivi(; itvim.k ijhis is one nf tin'1 in nst convenient us wll its the tuosC sanitary ways to. puri'hase shaving preparations. In it sifter top rail anil it has a. pleasing odor; i-OKUlar I!ao va.lue ... , IHc Manicure Sets M.W'HTRK NKTKAI1. of onr manicure sell! thut solil fur t'i'ii', in I'arisiiin ivory. special ... ... 7t- M .M( l SIT one silver manicure s t in a hcaitlirul ease; regular t I. '.IS vvli e, iit , ( 118 M. MCI It I ; Sl-rrl Clench ivory Mt of four piece in a4k'ltito ease; recnlar $3 M) Viiluo liSc Soaps of All Kinds LA, K 'SO A I'Th i s is- a very exrellttiifei tailt't poap ami comes in a Variety Af 'pltwinp; odors, :! fakes to ,h lxx ; ri'pukr i.(; vivlue, 3 cakes lie CASHMERE ItOQl'ET SOAP This popular snap we will place on :,alo at th following prices: Regular 2.r)( cako . . .. lfic Regular 10c Cake .... 7c GLYCERINE SOAP 2-oimce cakes of this high grade soap put up three to a hox; regular 5c value; cakes 7c SOAP I lot of ililfcafi odorn, la rfie ea Ue, t "r en kP . . . , . . . BITTMSWMi Mt mil;; Soap 1ft a "-on in ekm soft ami whlfp. t takeft ... . 4 (JUCHilM; SOAP Col ilto'! Clyrerinl lioap' in a- 3 (Ulrica r'lk-e: cr r;oft arnl hoal ine tn thn .'kin. rffnfar 2 . v,ilne. cilie Idc t'AS'l'ILI.; 3 iniiit'i, e nf fHji.o vir. Bin olive, oil caslll'? r.eap, niaife. in Spain, JjitJj,eti,JiJy. niKl !natw-ire Rkm-srrft rrr smooth, reKiiliir. I'le value .,. .... He Hfll Ihl' !;lr 'y ,fp" J a Ijtfs for I0o liiit It so i p in ooil Mr f.c .i.ilt'e, a 1 . , . ... ; . Sc Tvie i oil BtiKcr- ell.e -.lalfOi; l.n Tiiln 'ii- ii lue ; '! Ill Face and Tooth Powders l.KRM AIM; r AC E POWDER We have the exclusive cont-ol of I his high grade powder H is made m France ami comes in a 1-ounee box in all colors; the odor is indeed pleas ing; regular 50c value ... . .. . . 2(c N IN ETTA FACE POWDER hi;, is a high grade powder and has a deli cate odor in a neat convenient hox; all colors; regular 10c value .. ..(ic E STM AN S TOOTH POWDER This is a very pleasant tai'ling prep aration and one that thoroughly cleanses as well as .makes Hie breath pure and sweet ; regular 25c value 7c IvOYAl, TOOTH POWDER- 2-mincr sifter '(of) can, very pleasant to taste, ctcanses well and a 'good all round pietjaK.dioii; regular 10c value, (ic Colgate's Preparations Greatly Reduced for This Sale ( OM.ATE'S DENTAL 'REAM This is too well knov, n to need any further comment. ,Tlns is ill-,1 regular t --value . . . .5. .. ... ... .7c OPIATE'S TOILET WATER We have itiis line'of pi.:n!s in all the pop ular odors in a three-ounce sprinkler top bottle; regular 25c value-.. Kit 0,.VIIS m:Tlj Mil M rniiitiL; thl ! ale.we will sell jle- r. i. nlar I He t.i tm- ...... . 7e COLGATE'S ETRA('TS-Ve have only a few odors in this class of goods but they are all good arid lasting; regular 25c value . Kic COLGATE'S SOAP We have this fine -toilet soap in all odors, three caki'S to a box; regular 10c cake now a box ' lfic COLGATE'S SACHET - We have this in a variety of odors, all plcasing. and the fragrance i.s lasting. . . .11c Mary Garden Preparations MM!V '; lIM-: I'ltKP VIt TIOS These preparations are Hie reeoni'eH staml i.-l in I. he jierfunii! worlil. 'Hieir ileliea.te o('i,r3 ainl last fr.ip'unre tna lies tlimii the aeiipi ci pei I'eetion. We curry, the t'tlnwliiK, ,,, j , Talcum I'nwilvt' , l'"a,ee I 'oMler . .Toilet Waler MiiHriiiKo Cream , Shiellinr Sails . . Vanishing Cream S.'urhet l'owiler . Colli Cream . . . . tin any ami ali of tin- . . ,...V(i,. . . . . .$1.00 . '. sa.t'o. '. ... $1,011. , ... ,Mc .!: i . , . ,. . . . .$1.00 r.oc alio'e nameil arVielen ue will true a. iliii.oiint (f Ti: Pi;i C-;XT Robinson's Mouth Wash 1tlntNSOVS MOI'TII ' WSfl This is a Jlfjtiiil il'lillfiice. that I:; ple;irlni; ft 'hp ta..o as well as eleansinr; io the iinmth. It C"l"8 hi a. I! tiii nee i-.piini.1ei tni imtlle; rcetilitr "5n value ...... .9c Dressing Combs lKi:SS!.; (IIMBS-Wf (any n eonuilete V1" Of tin e iirtiilf- in 'I'i - lfvo-.i, i1i,-i aii l i i.:' ..: 1 1 t;iil,'.i r 10c . 1 1 'i " 0c :( ISS(; COMliS tllll entire line of riiml'S in hlaeU, whf'e atel amle'r. nil c 1 values at special . . .....Ik: Palmolivc Specials JVYIiMnMVI SI'M I.Mi DutiiiiT fffis we will ofTer 1 hex of KAi'K I'nWIiRl 8 onk'a of F"nliviolie soup for ... .. Or riTit" .iar of Vanishing Cream ami of snap for , . ... Separately .we will sell I'almolive ,ft)lJLi.Witu; ipwoutm.. - 6 tic Shauipoo ... ... b0,o, VfliHMnt CM . V: 50c J-'ucc I'owilet 3 e at sale aiel . I Ic :ikes . I le Ihe .8"c Xlc . S Id Luxtone TjT'NTOM-" Thin r. nno of tVp hrt inrinr nti"us Ii'i" lan ctm 1 iMiiihinn, nlso for ihM tltc fjM'f, th;it v h.ivt -r r;i ri'''l ; l.niuiir jn?', rcKtilnr I'Uc v:ihic Me Absorbent Cotton ABSOIUllNT COTTOV We cany this in 1-4 ainl I " pmttul pnekarres. Thurmi,:hly ft ft i 1 i .-."! ami petfctly imre. t - 4 jMimirl . , ... . , 7e -' puuiel ... - ' Hair Brushes 1IAIK r.i;rsUI:S-Yoii emnot fin.1 a lat'L-i-r in finer pne nf tb'-. rvel:-' in tlie f iiy thin is in l.e t.illti'l tn-re. We make a speilaHy of mile tie- t ami hu:h'-st Ki,n.. hre tle j:ooip;. lUre mii i.ih fniil liny rtle nr si.h lirnsh thai oii may - ile.are. I: Kl 'd TIi iN. ?Rr TT; If m'urhe.3 -. . .' . "c Hail Hi ii ihes ... . Vac Mail (iruohes J I tm Hair I'.ni-hes . . . J 1 2,'. Hair Thushrs . . . 1 Hair I!rualic8 . . . $.'in Hair m iisle-s . . . NOTI-: Tl . . 1 Be . . ";ie . . ti:c . .81c ,-.11 le .SI. 81 1.IS Miscellaneous Specials tKKt-M' SI'iT I i1r'e(ser r.ol, C'lteii .tint: of 1 J pieces ni f'reneh Ivory. This Is' a hntiittlfu'l net anil must ic nceii In he ap preelateil; regular $7. nil value . . ;.. MOIKiK' KIN This Is put up in m at eoii, vrftirtlt; tiox; ref-nbr' ih- va;hp' . ... . .. jr.V.MI-'.li-tfyr; jn-llt place, this on sale alf.i bi h neat .-IVnloirt liuN, convenient ItiVtiiiiiK': re,:,i(l( 'fcr.c v nine I t'c ll)l"S 1HWXI'. Tliin is the cenii- . Irifirtlinil cOloctie; it eemes in fancy eon tHh)('rs rem 1 1 a r value . ..-7c ( K H (,' ll Tli' futllrt'Kt .HdllKI- I'ifVII line of triple pttaeti aie now on sale; reg ular li'ic ounce .... ... . ...U7o Four illfferenr Mors. " Talcum Poivders ! SIMX S TI,('IM I'llWlH 11 This ii hit'li traile ioil"r anil emiies' in -I mince sifter mp jars: the nitiira are; in- elPeir; reitnlar :!.'ie value !lc IlllVM, 'I I I M This laipeni,,- , ,u,,., ciinii'M in one ponml ml'ter top cans ami has a ilchehifnl mlm , r.'imlai; ' .a- alm- I Ic Carbolated Vaseline 'l:ltoli 1 1 I) SI l,li; This is llmr iiiiKhly nnliseplie ami heals easily; I lie a I ll e ... ... , ' , . 7c Vaseline SI I ; - miner, hottle t,f va. aline. I ecillar r.e - Viilm- lie I in' value . . . . , . 7c Miscellaneous Special s SI I'lCI I, Tliis preparation is one nf real mi ril'. It cleanses ami heautifies the hail'. .;: mime hn. n i-'nlar .'.c value 8c WHISK lilCOOMS I lot of these hrontMs, all mmle K"oil and heavy, will war wi II. rei,' -fie value I le 1,11' ISOl'tir: We have, laeeil this eniint line of nooils ini sale at a t;reat SM.Mm;; i i t'n !ar I ac va lye He I VI! l'.':X'll. We have these in a I col. ors in neat lin tuhes ri inly fur use; er,nlir 1 n v alue ... .... 'ic I'OW II-:K PI ITS We will, pi ice en sil- all nf these I', mils. TIllV ale fnim J 'o I inch uml very snl'l yet ilnrahle; L'f.e .value. ilt ...... IC Talcum Powders HAUCOt'Iv'S TAL(TIM We will placo on sale our eittiro line of this popular talcum ; we have it in violet aiid cut roses in -bounce sifter top cans; regular 15c value .. ...... 8c COLGATE'S TALCUM Wo will placo all of this goods on sale at the lowest possible price; all odors in sifter top can; regular 25c value 11c TALCUM POWDER :,-our.ce sifter top can of talcum, good finality and j.leasing odor; regular 10c value fie HANCOCK'S ( OUYLOPSIS TAL CU.M Just for this sale, this popular talcum in 3-ouncp sifter top can ; reg ular 25c value ... .11c U. & (J. TALC CM POWDER This is one of the best and highest grade talcums - on the markete Absolutely no grit or impure properties: regular 25c value .1 Ic Ivory Soap 5c Cake D 3 lor 10c 122-26-W. 4-TH-ST WiNSTON-SALEM, N. C, Ml ' F'i fllliP U iMr.nDnnRATPnll '&m.Z DEPARTMENT -STORK Colgate's .Talcum j Powder lie Brushes of All Kinds TOOTH IWM'MIMK inn- line ,,f these tiomls is nieairpasseil in ihe city. All are Jiutile. VMi.h, Kenuine hriKi-lix, and they can't come lilit. ! All "tie Tnotii' Urnslp's . . . j. !lc All I '.e .Tooth finishes I Ic SIIWIM. I!l;l sHI i.s V will place on "'if ' i ! i (. hue of :.ha-iii(;,1ini:;hes. all si 'I in III I t.i i ami Ihe Plasties can't emim . . 12c to MTV Vomali iiipv k'tll) P ileliiale ami healthy . in tin. skin; rutiifnr L'.x: value ni . . . I le MIIU lilt I Slli:sAl f ntir shavini: hrushea, thai, sol.) for, 1 Oc now ... , Be .mt , re Knh i r 2 a in- . y. ... ... I I I I SII lid lll S Tiny .11 essential cm TV Vimian Thcv CO.J jl" ileliiale al E XPENDITURE FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Fir Capita RxjiriiKr Klmwn in:31r. fjath.niiV. Ifcpoi't: How the City (Spends ji -SVbool Dollar Itlferest . . ,la niter . . l"iiMpinent I' ll. I . . . . Uniliimr.s . : !ii I ipTien . . Hi pairs . . I.ichl ami 1 'I lilt lilt , . PROCflUNI OF BANS CONCERT OH COURT SQUARE TONIGHT Our of the, fntetrstlnn thltifs In cluded In Ihe report of Snpt, H . H. Lsthaiu of the city kcIiooIh fur -.he year UUi l(t is the explanation of tile per capita ixMinilitni e lot Win Htoil-Kliieili wliool ehihlreli. I'hc I" port, fcjjoivs I hat tolal of JIS.lo U. tr anjonnf .spent on each elohl the division of tint) , expemlitaix lrlto the vjrtotis items of tspene is nar! as f ,-n. .---: . leactiint atel S-'uper islott . . . , $ 1 3 . T ' win fti; m mv 11 11 mti " xv mi', r.xiMMoi m mondw Where At e en 2 '. the j ititieh tallied el photn. d 1 a ma. vi 1 i t -i ti n l I. ni:;. Wi lier, will have il-" I 111. I t.hoWillK hi I 1 al. Ill' I'. l.llimlltlt "j-1 ti en t ertrn"nrTrM rmrtrrrTi rnrtr ft fry I he ilistiniiiit. In ii .Him-. Mi . T rmi.' ' Cower.. This picini,, m lm.hi' en I ilm -soil hv (iress. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - ami rlercv an'' h'-a ilv in 1 m ;-.i.'l u:lit. Tie m i;l imi ' he. 11 ilc:,t..,cd. 1 ee, tit Mood, . lie a I Ihe til t $fi"lt ottmi crop in i 1 1 i nn rt.i, is illnio.-l . -CaUy I" IfifFiP't on H'oids JMtftr h-ftjlpment ftifl HtiliTirirA' f!itlles '. lOpaifK Lllfht I'ower. ias . . , . J'rintiiiK fltifl St.itiotiery l'hohe InBurance i ''4 . '''7 . :.i .:it . OS . 117 .07 .art Totti( for nil purposes ... $ IK. 1 3 Another iniereKtiiis report is on "fiow vVinHton-fri.iWm dpemlH a school dollar." Thi.s report in made hy mtan of a diagram in the form of a circte, with the various ileum marked off in the rinht propnrtionH. The (livlsioitM of the ilollar are civen on the iliitilam its, follows: Teaching and BuperviHion ...75 l-'.'c is 10 iitiminccd hnmaliii s 1 erful v, e.ipnn ai'.nm f t aee suicide. ! licv. ('. II. rail.hnrsi. Hie imti-d ' eh rirvina 11. Iia.s tlm follmvini: lo say 1 ol it ' - ..Ve An' My 1 luhli en "' i a jeiv in' a fnl end ci'tMnm: tmtine IraoiM 1 urn Had t'i tnli upn.'ss 1 ' d 't I'nrl am pi'iinpt t mil U I ' ill U U'lh .1 om t d'd'e 11H m ' t 1 'in h manm 1 of nf.m...t .iii:iiii- It I the i.e(.al li.i ..f itionitv whirl, it ''laMfT is nil v lii i " near as .n vn h ut as is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Ho. pnhlie should live (hi. o mntiiiuly to wilnrss I In pres"nfation." The- fo!lot Ifitr tlem Is taken from lh t v Yarlt Americati: "A smalnntr, daring wav. best ilescritieM 'Where Are My Children '." th new notion pictnr,. with Tyro ill I'ower in Ihe Icadim; p;;it. The. t'nl vernal I'omtiaiiy has inrtureil a won-iti-rfulh- dramatic s((iirv amid siir rounilimrs of Inxnrv and wealth. The representative amliinee that saw it yeHterdfiy proTionnced it a ureal picture." 1 ne Huiim in,.: is tin1 ptoLiain 01 the ('mint I In he piirti at ,S.3" o'clni'l; I (nnii'.hi on Ihe cmnt sipiaiv hy 't oil -c's Panil ; I'KI I I Man h. Oh.ri.i. I,.. ,v.. . .Match, the )lc-' iii:'i li it nliome, ivi'l tun' racial - Mn tmm II" - j li-lilliiann. . 1 I''W l.'iamt Sclpi'ttiin . l'Vni-1 - llnniiiirl. W.i nv.r T Tii"i a nP 7. T ""1 fm f'.i 1 ii .lohlison. l-.ul II March Ihmm 1 ;.,.,. 1 - .1 .; v r 1 1. Hefc-ct inn 1 1 ippmli mne - I . h't n. I .Tllll e Til,, i.ll h l,le- . Hays, Sl -Ii Mru-naile I .a I 'a Ionia - . Yriii,,,- Mcill, v law 1 tin..- I ; ia 4" A a'ier. 1'hfi pien'iim will hi iiOi , 1 a 1 el v nil late m .11 and in .ti nniental hit r obla ined and t In- hal the State ln-.l'i!",, -I appeal of 1 a, va mo- pi '. td 1 in: ' -a jini; i s ',, I 'll-- I lie 1 01:1 t of ,lp- Tlie slinrv man hates tn ret i-'en- iek for fear he won't l.e al.le o keep ilow hist eietises. MISS SIDDAir MAY BE IHE ORCIST AT HOME CHURCH . Ilev. .1 . Kmnii.ih I'I'ohl returned Tin-'(i:'.v fi-ma a trip to. Sumter. S. I1.. ivltfip he has heeti tn enter with Miss Louise Si, I. hill In an effort to Kd her si rvii'i'S as oriranist of Ihe Home Chinch , 1 , , , 1 , . u- 'rf, . . Shlt'le's. .,'o nf Ht.sence. Miss Snl.lall was a resiilenl nf Sa lem until ciiiht or nine ears auo and LEGISLATURE 0 GEORGIA CLOSES U .if MnlV 'rii.ui T 7i7- Fi 1 Tiilrriv.1 1 Vi 1 1";' 111'.' lit (iivcil tu W'olllell 111 Practice Law in !etii';;ia l 'I hp A.i ' '.itnl Pic .s I Allnnta, ia . Am: .Id.- The an 1 1 1 1 n I em "f i lie C.coina I.'-ri la- tine, which .!.! o. Ml d.i .. noil, d'.i -jt'iT an ae'i.'. .-ali"! na i iriat i-im- ..!i;:n, cedi ,1 t ! hi w'lth f. w hill'- of lonl c than Id- i ! n, ti i 1 1 pa .. 'I. 'I h" . n.irl I nf a I ot m t nl I sn V cdiiea- ti.. ii hill hi- tin- snlilcd nf Hint,- ei,",i. l i Hi, in ail other Ili'li oral measure del, ale, I al this session. The riulii to maetiee law in Hem- Mahiinoy City. I 'it., Amr l Oa cia was i'l"eii to women, after a lone "'I'l arner. lor yea IK a mm!'-v ol lielit. hut Ihe o'i.ia! Kiitfmw ouestion him V. uncial Oimr.l. lireil a haliet mio i 1 1 1 1 ( t in a lioijee eomm 1 1 I ee a mi f n , ' '- ,.i i 'eo , re i o i . ,. , , , r oe , , , n Ihe Senate was set for iwivnilliill "a Mini, ami eannoi r.'ce i- -irner hearim; in 1 '.' I 7 one day after the k, as riacci'-.l lo the ri-crniiiiK o'Tieer at Mount tireiua lv.n inouths t Hi,, i an ii.'llh. a Inl 1 1 1 . . 1 1 ail ni Ho p. -sis was pas e,. The com pa !sm y education lull pro Miles thai rhiMion shall alleml hoof at h as: four, mm, lie; in a jte.r ml II:; del l is were so worked out , io a'iei.'ile,. eoilnilion, winch ap to tic nv li'ntiic pi cnnpnlsiu y dlic.iliou lulls 111 I ll" Soilill lal'.ir hill . i -e. su e , : ate Ci . aid in r i - . the to I u ' I ia te ii- i',)i 'Ii i i OM IV I e ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' i ll III lin' , C .ill ; 1 UUHUI' III , i - f i le ,,e I ill i NlliV t h it t 'A C. ",lire-tr ,l at I ' .1 l,,! c ill. I !l lit I , . j . , " A Sen. -ue lull lii aimuul I lie i. I.lifutioii lii iiilirri?p Hie Issuance of $ I ri.iuui.iuiii unci , nf linnile to pay for "n i tcn'.iiul of Hie Wi-liTI' riivt t l.i ht ir lailroa.r from .'.tlaala ',, Hi" I o.l I. w e; lo: t. to Ml .. v. Ii lli.f.l'. Ilill mt it nf the .-iitiie .,, c ,,, Voles heU'l- e,lli,.l t."t- p,l .- I a e i. iri t ioii aut iMiihitir the . -ten . ion ha ,' In on i tiHctl d. I'hc V (ni ri and AManlic is nwtiei! hv th' ntiie of fieniiua i The fisvi . Spline Hotel' record -: : to , ee froni thiety to filly in th" pool. ! 1 .1 a 'P. mi S 1 1 1 1 1 1 t:;; I t i i w!m:i the--. It. ' no i i.tuu'd " i r i hi ..,, iiundre i nie is , I'") s sl,o s I IMMIM nr.l,P The hold Ice I,, ,-,, Ullei i . - I. Ill 1 l. I 1-11 Ml Hljt-'l lo '"II' I''! A-k Mi" man who uses ii, ),,. knows. i:cim."i :,:iy.., p,o , s them in ii p" It imi to '"1 1 e 1 or .-. tl w ll" wi a i - l lull some o Hie IT ' 1 1 ' - I !i:i:-' coin Ihtcd l v.'.a'ioii and arc i d in n --' "T" l''1'1' '' --"h'-ied all these years ; lo llui, I, n im,:. A:nch the' , ,,, . 1 '"'M n;,- ., c,,, hniHenf Slna n's Un- 'iu'-im e!!.'"'t. .:e. wiile:, one tiritefcl "' " ' ' ho ' " H ii' ii mat i ai or .qnf- .,' ad t..m,-e,. . ,a- ,.,vT..l. ., ,',,'" , , ' V. v,,..,.o.. ,.,:..,-.-, i... f,,o.,, ,. , ," ' V, ;' o-i t pot ,.lf Kf'MUK , ( j , 1 ''"' ' ' . "' ' o n v. 1 1 1 (t i .' on taieii ' ,v ,.f '"''" "' ,!' r v" y"" : '" " ,, , , , ', , 1 ,! l! Witt n,., and .smithea leilm," for Ho : ..,,,,:,,. ,f i. wcl- no. - ' " I", tec " urriuio.l'u l,,lh and sc.- -y ! V.'ip n a ,.,:, is ,iV "own worst i'"l" tnini, I 1 1 1 s. a sea: ate re- emoae. Hi. l,,.-t thilir he ran .to lo it 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll I h nm Im i", i he ha ('diet . rt. It In I Oil' Ol' I.I llllt, Sill l I IS Sill Lcciskii lire w as forced to ndimirn hy law. The Senate anii-H a, ch" law prn vidinu'' thai slmi iiTs ( rminlii's where in lynehli'KS took place could In' im - lately removed hv the (.overimr. ami n st im: in to 'M'.sr mi;ii:ks is except m na I !y t Henteil. Her return vv .s ml. led in (m Hons,, hy a veto of lo the llmne i'iuii: recat imi will he j j m '."i . A f i r much imminent sniiree of much pleasure to her inaiiy the liouor lav l u-isure passed. Kv- I'mmls. , shi, annul u in he tnve.l ten eenli'in tislitie eleclrie no Mr. I'fohl say; the di vnsted fieldq i f t ,,, i ,o nm i, ns the lull, 'Mm' - - of Motitli Carolyia, which suffered so ordinarv 0f 'caol'i. conntv, is to ' keen (Journnt Want A-.U Hrini? KeitiUs) llarrisluni;. Autr. 1 fi. Tim State In. desire,! Itnard of The 1 a na I I I ,'ient of l.ahnr and Tniliisttw' lias sntmunoiMl Hie a. 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