ftiJ! W 1'S10M-SALM JOLUNAB Sunday Morning. August 20, 1916 1 MT TO E beg to announce to the public the opening of our new Electrical Store, 431 Trade Street, and after this date we will be ready for business. TWO AHHWHCEME n Fir rm o 431 Germany Issues White Bmk lufontiiur Rvw-listag f' Pkns to Avenge Killing d? Crew (Corrtneondtstc l Aucc:atl Prtsi.V HrHn, Aur. (By WlreleHM to Bayvtlle). The government has tcancinittted to the lUichutiiK a White Book in regard to the cant of tint Hrlttah patrol bout Haralong, inem her of whom erw are ri"Tiortel tn have k I Hurt tier (nans from h nnbniu rtne uk bf lhe Hrltlah h year hh. The White Book conlaiiiH official Uer nut aiMt British document The ti ns! report, according to a statement I"vn nt today by the Overseas News Agency, nals: "Th Hernutn government, reply inn to the declarations of the British revwnnmit in rnarl to the Herman mamarandum of Jan. to. in IS. on the BamUtng cane (in which (lermany rnjected tbe British proposal to hiiI mlt the ease to a neutral hoard I. said U had ieoieWd, on-accoiint of the ltrU b jovernmenl's attituds, thnt it wan Impossible to continue ncgotiatlona At the same time the government announced it would take reprisals of Mture corresponding with the provocation Addiiifr 'Of course, the government has declined to respond to the crimes committed by the ftrit ish seamen by carrying out similar reprisal, for instance, tlo shooting of British prisoners of war. But derma n airships will convince the 0ngllnh people that Uermany haw the meaiis of preventing from going unatoiinl the cruelties of the olnocrH and crew at the Heralom:.' " T tlennan reply points out that tarmwly partiimhu- consideration wan given. In employing Zeppelins for mil itary purposes, to the civilian popu lation, although (here was unavoid able danger to civilians, but said that tn view of the Puralunt; Incident, a different attitude would he adopted . The- government's purpose Is iiuoted as follows by the news agency "Airships will be used against Fait', land within the lllntts of the law of ,rat(ons, without any other regard. Bvery all-shin which throw clestruc. live bombs on London or other de fended towns or on towns which con tain establishments of a military cl.sracter shall cause Knglapd lo re. member the Uaralong case.'' Webster once asked his nartv, "Vhat is ttt become of inn?" Knt it a not the Vrogresslve leader who was asking that intention t Indiana noils ytjkterday. -New York Evening P0t We hav Marly 200 Styles la. prity folders. .IDEAL PHOTO COMPANY Phone 1092 WILL AVENGE THE m IB ATTACK We will carry a complete line of electrical and heating supplies and do a gen eral electrical contracting business. Our supplies will include dynamos, motors and fans, bell batteries, annunciators, fire and burglar alarm systems, isolated plants, lamps, etc. dL We will be glad to have you call and inspect our stock, or if you have any electrical work of any kind, at any time, we will be pleased to furnish estimates NOTHING TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL y Every job entrusted to us will have our careful attention and we guarantee our work to be satisfactory in every way. Ql) o TRADE STREET ODDS IN FAVOR OF HUGHES NOW SHOW BIG DECREASE New York, Aug. HI. Willi Street hetting on Uic Presidential election woke up yesterday, when small wat ers were made on Hughes at il to a. The Hist actual betting in the district was at H to I . The Wilson backers, 'according to Kdward McQuaile. on the curb are still holding off in the hope of obtain ing the, odds of 1! to 1 that w re pre viously offered against their candi date, but yesterday's indications were that If any large -money cann- from )(UKhtK circles they would he willing to accept . shorter odds.. Hettlng on the luhernutni-lnl prob abilities hns not yet become active, although some small wagers were made yesterday. Seahury was still a to R favorite, while the followers of Whithman were demandins to a, at which a few bets were placed. ;nTS KOIU.I K I'MtllDN TO SI K DMNt; VV. New York. Auk. l!. Italph Un born, serving, a sentence for forgery in Sing Sing, which had only twelve days to run, feared his wife, who is very ill. Would die before he could get OUt. . When his brother I'haries, advised by Ucputy Warden Miller, told linv crnor Whitman the sil nation, the 'lovcrnor gave Kalph a full pardon, The brothers left the prison together to go to the dying wife in Kiclinmiul Hill, Queens. 12 of New York's 13 National Guard Infantry Regiments Were Ordered for Federal Services 4 ' - . : , : . . r 4 4 -tT- Wvr- S Li a T vt. Jf i' ' i"l Abovo picture shown Major General jD ""hj" "L Nj GREENSBORO COLLEGE FOR WOMEN - FACULTY VOICED The faculty for ( 1 i-eenshuro Col lege for Women hu-i ho, u aunouticed as follous: lii'v. S. II. Tiirrentine, I). !.. 'pnsl 1 . 1 1 1 . . i li;. i i- of liiblc: M ' l-'rank Siler. dean, ri'litrious pi-darorv : l'''", W. M. Cui'tis, I'll. It., assitant in f.ible; .Miss Annie McKiniiw l.Wriii.i. A.. I!.. A. A I .. uial heinaties and srleaee: .Miss .It'tmie rbor'nlcy ''larke, H. S. A. M.. l...-.t..ry, poiil a al i oiiuii: ; 1 i. I-' "N i h !- 1 1 . A. II, A M.. .cieme and euiieation. Con rad Uileer. llernian: Miss flora 11. 1 1 . 1 1 1 , A . I!.. I'reneh and lOngl.sli. Spidal I'acully M-iss 1'.;. I. I'nrt'T ,art;- Miss ,V;UU. 1 1 i 'a Id we! 1, business . llr pa i t U' ill.. Miss .iiiMi(- W. Hopper. Iiome vro'io . mio; Crinnirt l.hhwr. director wnnl of . in ll.-ie. lia rlnou . roll lite fpoi Lt and '-on; poyil ion ; M ort i n icr I'-Mwuil.. oi -l'iih a nd tvia 'o - VI iss Vtai'lorie ' 'irts'k ms, luatio: M Maw W'iiiie .laioes. (liano, koberl 1 llii,1,, violin am'i siringjd insi ru Mieni', Preparatory Deparlmcul The ineuii'ors ot' lhe preparalorLr ile )irtnient iai' ilu iirf Miss l.inuie M. Ward, A. II. . ,liss .leanrin M, I'earce. A. I'... and Miss l-.'lg.'iicl Krankbn, A. II. rni:TY with Hiiinix TO s I. I SKI IT, ItlltUS Va.sliiuglou. Aug lit. A Irenly be tween' flreat I'.i'itaii. and the rnileil Stales for the prt t' e.v i, ai of i ns'',-t -d , -stro ing birds oti boihe sides of tlie - y , 1 v, w( ""., 'f it' i 3. V t 1 t i If" K. I, l New ork la-ginicnts to go oulv 1 to stav. , U'Hyan (standing in automobile) conferring with hid btalt. (.Conic Service Co., JC. Y. City.; il hicl ilea r was ;!H'd i i-'aiv Lansing niul Ainb.i : in: - i 1 i e. i, 'I'be ! i ;) 1 i ov, i s pra'-t ii a 1 1 v all kinds of bird life. Us ailiiuii! it laliaii V i 1 1 be- ,.- I ,, !,(r., a in horit i. So far as U iaini, ibis is the it i ----1 'i-eaty of i he kin. I ever simie,. I.KW i- S Sfl'l.mMI TO ( V KO Y I i II !K lli'I.OY II! : New -Virk; Aug. 1 lb I. ir;. Mat l.er, it' ttairked ati a domestic in tie- luce, or lr., Ki.mlimd i'.ai'ueli, o. ,'j ." Kasi I S"venty-se i ni b slrei't. for lliirly c,ns .and yavod n-lccn iiu.iinu, Sa u-'; 1 Will., tiled ye.;,i.ln i the Sn I" i : e i' Conn, naluiuf t'.e phesictau us iier :-ole ic I Son anxious was iliis mtil.i'ul ser v.i ot to'. have the money a Inch came ' from her einpiu. i,f jt o buck ''" hiia thai she wiote a ni eiuora in ! it i a. ' a !:U aUii. lcjii it , t c.i . t. iit.: will .in. v h nai .s.hc said lie wanted the proper tiuthori- i tb"1 -;ee rhitr ttu par': or he: v,:;,t, went tu am ,, tier relatives, if they ; tried lo' bici K ';,,.,. 'Let's jday house." suggested five year old Alice to her twin bro ther, X...I. "All right," he agreed, "von get ihe broom and lie the mo ther, and I'll gtit t,he newspaper anil be the father." - Manhattan .Mercury. j- We shall ioer vviu ;i victory oui ' side us until we are masters, with ' Iomis Chris) in our house, -Chai-ie-! Hi-own. The manner in which Captain I Koeiug limed his departure to strike j a fug just when he needed if gives ; him some stains as a weather pro i pliel. Washington Slar. j w in in im: my t ,'iii.Diti x ."' AT I'tllAMhlAT TIIKI II lYS I- ' Twice rejected by the Itimrd of ! Censor; us highlv iinproicr, but i'ii ! j ,r- ad by I -!' . I'ankhnrsi and Itcv . ! ,lcl,o J. .HitKlies. I'. enlist Superior. I " Wic re A re My chibaren '.'" was :;.e'l Without t'tc a 1 1 p I'' i a ! Iv Vecog i ni.cd oiu-o.rs, at lb.- Oloi-c Theater. :.ew Y oi !;. w here it rail for two ' li et U s t't I :-i-k. d la'i,.-'es. It is '. ru'l.llll lo ilev'clop 1VVO distinct sets of . oniniotis and to provoke no end of i i1 isciia:-ion. for tin- lesson it is ex ! pecta.d in t.-ach. and il is worth see ! 'l!ir ' for lhe story into which . lhe t homo, .ciea i !v and ii" I'iii ionallv an j l-'luea t loiia I olic. is 'o'cu. I This vim's is a- delicately drawn as 1 po'-.-ild ' in tl'.e cifcr nisi aiices, if the j uiiguiiiept aigaiiisl the iiremeditateil ! di.'st ruct ion 'of Hie unborn is to carry l'ar,.u!' there are. eo veiled in' fur tive suggestions, Tie nlllllor ihas ' tccttfeip ;t "niii!,, rts a spade. If the 'purpose of tin, drama is realized it ; I,, a I,,, l ei'ause the door is open : to 'ir r,tt'nd t'ldienc'1. i ' ' - '-- 'Phi : lacore will bp shown Monday Tuesday n.l Wednesday at. the I'ara n:oti nl. . , V - '.1 ' TO UK SHOWN Y 1 11 i: I'll.OT TOMOItllOW i The cis'tieiss of the thrills that nut the punch in the motion picture ! plnv.s is vividly portrayed - in -'I'iis-' uuab-," the Oliver Mm-osco Photopluy t-eieused On th,, Paramount program. ' In this production one example is the complete destruction of an ex j in lisive and ' iierfcctl.v good motor j.c.ar. - I The atl'oluobile is used lo stag. a on the American Border r 1 ' PHONE "joy-ride" that ends tragically. Coin ing at reckless speed around a curve on a slippery road, the car actually turns turtle and pins Myrtle Stodinnn, I da, sing Airs. M art i nel li. underneath, throws another with terrilie force against a barn and lays out the third. Then follows tip, xj'losion of lhe gasoline tank and what is left of the big white car slowly burns to a heap of twisted steel. Il seems extrava gant, but the t liriMiue sensation pro., d n Rod pays for the expenditure us all who see this very unusual picture play will agree. This production is coming to the 7'ilot theater tomorrow.- ! tiikii: m i.i s ox v r.sT I HUNT XT NAtli: TIM!-: Paris. Aug. IH, I'resideut poiucaiie :'-tad jn long c; -undent in I conference i villi K itig" fieo'rge during the prltish liKHlil I'ch's -recent visit to lilt Sonime Bibles and Two large shipments of Bibles an (I -Testaments just received. Quality the best, prices low. Come in and look them over. vHonem BARBER'S Rilot Theater MONDAY Cnrgp DeB;in in a Paramttunt Feature, "Pasquale," in 5 act.s. TUESDAY Doulilc P,iU TriaiiBlf with Jant- Givy in "Tl)(- Waifs," Kpysioiif conieily with Fatty Arbinkl,', "His WitV's Mis take." " WEDNESDAY Mine Potrova Metro, Eternal Question." 711 front. The visit of the King and i President to the fighting lino was I coincident w ith the arrival of the j (lt',riiiuii lCmperbr 'on. the Herman ! front. j An order for a military review he . fore the Kaiser directed that ex hausted soldiers be sent to the rear and lh.it those who fought at Verdun should occupy the lirst ranks. We bear our i easily when we I .heirs. Mary A. vn burdens more hoi p others to bear Liveruiore, 0HiCHSTER S PILU 1 'I UK (M A1(M UUAMi - l.nilifHt Ak your Hrugjrlnt fr A kl.i,k.,.J,.r l)lniJ IIi-bbUAV I'llU l li, J in,l UIU lujAJ i"; mill uiuc R.i.1.,,; v lake ii.i oilier, liny oryour V VMM L'.nrvn ae Hr effect i... V .tt.i l. SOID BY :.tLG0ISTS fVERYWHERf Testaments Gt ay Block Quality Photo Drama, "The i N f

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