Sunday Morning, August 20, 1916 ITER TfTNSTUN-SALKM J0URNA2 TIIRS3 High Pointers Are Marooned j Until Late Hour in Twin-City 0 C I ETY I.ITTI.1", THINGS A gooH-hye kiss is a little thing. With your hnd on the door to go, Hut it takos the Venom out of the stint; Of a thoughtless word of a cruel Hint That you made an hour ago. A kiss of greeting is sweet and raiv After the toil of the day. And it smooths the furrow ploughed hy care, The lines on the forehead you once railed fair. . In the years that have flown away. ,'Tis a little thing to say, "You are kind; I love you. my dear." earh night, Put it sends a thrill through the heart, I find-- , For love is tender, as 'love is blind As we climb life's; rugged height. We starve, earh other for love's ca- We tnke. hut we do not the: It see'.ns so easy some soul to loess. J'Ut we d(de the love grudgingly, less and less. , Till 'tis hitter and hard to live. Mr. I'aul Nhiiii lias Keooverud l-Yoni Illness Friends of .Mr, 1'aul .Vittin will be Clad to learn that he has recovered from his recent severe ilnoss. and will return to the city from his home in (luitford College to resume his work on Monday. - Mrs. W. C Hubbard and children left yesterday for Carthage to visit re latives. Mr. and Mis. Fred Hamilton, who have spent the past six months in Winston-Salem. left yesterday for Newport N'ews to spend several weeks, hefore going to their home In I'hil (idephia. While in tholcity thev made many friends, who regretted to see. them leave. Miss Kdith Adams laiterlniilH for Guest Very delightful proved the after noon yesterday, when in Junior of her house truest, and cousin. Miss Nellie Hird Wood of Knxboro, Miss Kdith Adams entertained at a most enjoyable party, I 'regressive ana grams vere- interestedly played al Several attraclively arranged tables on the hrond. inviting porcn. The home Has abloom with many heautiful Mowers, the bright color of Which was emphasize, I hy being in tersperse,! with potted "plants and ferns. After a number of pi-egi-os-sion, a tempting ice course was serv ed hy Mrs. S. II. Adams, assited by her daughter, Miss Thelma Adams and truest. Miss Margaret P.ra.lshoi of Koxohoro. To the honor guist. was prescutel u iovely gold liar pin, with .file 'While to Miss ID-den Henley, for mak ing the highest score, a beautiful pliir of silk hose were given. . iMdlowiog the ire course. the guests were invited into the parlor where they were delightfully enter tained with recitations bv Misses An nie Mary I'untrell and Helen Heniev, solos hy Misses I felon Henley ami Unvvona Cromer and instrumental se lections hy Miss Nellie Rlrd Woods, About twenly guests enjoyed Miss Kdlth's pretty party and' had the plleasure of meeting her guest. " Pleasant House 1'itrty Xt OvToid Mrs. M. I'. ChamLleo of Oxford en tertained on Wednesday afternoon from fi lo T o'clock, complimentary to her house guests. Misses Sara and Marion Kdvurds. of linleigh; Melissa and Nancy Hankins. of Winston-S.-i -lem. anil Virginia Joins, of l.ouis tnirg. The house presented a beau tiful scene with a profusion of lovelv flowers and electric lights and elec tric, fans created constant breezes. The guests were met at the door hy Miss Marv I!.. Willi.--pis' -ind ushered into the hall, where they were cor dially (fl eeted by Mrs; f humblec a no presented to the guests of honor. Misses Kthel Hancock and Martha Parker (trinklev dispensed uralige piinch after which scor-- cards were given out and the quests found (heir pai-fners. and fables for rook, which wrts very mii"h enjoyed nf seven ta llies. After several interr.-tlng games delicious refreshments consist inc. of crearo, cake sniffed eherrles ami p-p-ft were served hv Misses M "v V- Wil liams. Kthel Hancock. Marl ha Pa'ket Brinkley ami Mrs. !, 15. Coble, A col- Ar scheme of vellow and green wa e:ir-rjei out in die rci'i limi nts and decorations ' The following vnong tallies ettioved Mrs. I'hamblee's delightful hnspit.ilty. ' Misses Lucy l.aridls. Hexle White Kstellr While. Sulllo Webb. I.oulso Worth of 'Wilmington: Miss i;,iriln nf (lustonia, Louise Currin. of liich niond, Va.; Dorothy Itoystcr. Martha l'arker I'.rinkley. .Mary llovul Han cock. Ml hid Hancock. Marv fisher Hunt, .lulia Council, Marie Meadows .Mary and Ituth Shaw, Marie Medfnrd. Melissa Hopkin, Alm-y K, Williams (ieorghi Winston, lloltiians, and Frith Howell. EloetH'.TTinipf KleetrolyBln. L!E3 ELECTRO THE THERAPHY OFFICE Bth Floor O'Hanlmi Bnlldlnc Phone 877 She -Will-Expect Johnston's The Appreciated CHOCOLATES 0' HANLON' S "is we place:' I '.njoxuhlc l'irnio At Yiidkln Uivor Friday evening the younger social set spent a delightful outing at the Yadkin river where they had a picnic supper. Leaving t lie city in automo biles, thev arrived at (he river about fi o'clock. , , The holioivrs of (he .'lolly party were Miss Klizaheth Clary of (lreen luiro. t-rucsis oA Miss Mary Shepherd, Misse Mary Alice (ialliiiK. of ban enster. S. C.. Sciiti h ami Klcanor ftev nolds of Ilristol, Tenn., I lei aliline h'leshman of Kernersville. who com pose Miss Mary l.ybrook I.asaler's house-party, and Miss Julia Mae Southerlanit f ( ioldshoro, q uests of MissMftrparet Stockton. In addition to these rliarniiiiK younp irirls and their hostesses, the following were also present: Misses, Abigail Itoan, l.ucia Wilkinson, Sara Jeffries. Maria in VauKhn. Frances Hitchcock, Messie Ainhler, and Messrs. Hohblns l.owe. Donald Tatiim. James Conrad. Jules Spach. Kerr Speiicer. Robert !. amber. son, Warren Wix. Roh Mailer. Kalph Mailer. Hill Thoina.s, Hustacc WhaliiiK, Carland Terry. .Mar tin (ioodnian, Sam Collier. Jr., Charles Hancock: Chapcrones. Mrs. M. IV Stockton., Mrs. li. M. Hitchcock, Mrs. K. 10. I.asatei-, Mr. and Mrs. K. ( ), Leak.. ' I). (.'. Kankln Missionary StM'lety Will Meet Tomorrow The D. C. Hankin .Missionary So ciety iwill meet at lirainlette, the home of Mrs. .Lindsay 1'atterson. to morrow at 4: SO o'clock. It is hoped that every member of the iiitanlza tion will he present. Automobiles will meet the cars at White street from 4:10 to 4 , :iu o'ciorr;. - ' Fiiirview I'liilalhoas Klort Otlics'rs The fhilathea Class of the Fair view Moravian church met Friday evenini; at the church and the fol lowing officers were elected: President. Miss Kthel . Mctialliard: vice-president. .Miss Alia Mickey, sec retary. Miss Trula Snyder; treasurer, Miss Fssie Whiiliehl. The next meeliiiK will be held with' Miss Kthel McCalliard, on North Liberty street. Keuuiil'ul Kirilnlay Party Is (ilven The home ,,f Mrs. It. I'. Mosei on North Liberty street was the scene Frukiy nit,'ht of a very enjoyable af fair In honor of the daughter. Miss Kthel .loser, who was eelehrntiiiK her 1 n b,i ih.l . The home was beautifully decorat ed for Hie occasion and the color scheme of pink and while was car ried mil throimh the entire house. . Punch was. served by Misses Min nie I'liiiu and Kllie Punier. while Miss llosa Pliillips iresided over (lie vilest hook. A Ulliuue conlcsl was rallied out and HlOse winniliu prizes Vrre Misses Ha 'Sprinkle and Wyatt Lamb. The consolation fell to Misses Phil lips mid 1 ra Kenerly. 1 At III o'clock the quests were in viled iulo the iliniiiK room where the lame birthday cake was cut. Delicious ice .cream, cake and minis were served 'by Misses Kthel flute, Matlie and Inez Moscr. The honoree was the recipient of manv pretty t-'tCts. . Anient: tluise present were: fissew Clara Thornton,. Clara Armfield. Mar :ueri'c Kllison, Hi Sprinkle, lOstelle Slope, Tn va Sprinkle, Lena Muiidy, Katherine Thompson, Lena iledee- ock. A I; a Pelle llowar.l. Minnie Hlnm.' Kllie Hiitner, . Kosa Phillips, Lilian Lamh, .Martratet Casper. Mol he Davis. P.ertha Fereuson; Messrs: Walter P.ierson. Clyde P.ennett. Dal las Kirby. li'a Kcncrl'. Virttie An drews. Wiiifred Thornton, ,1. W. Hes ter, Jr. Amos CumminL's. ;;. W. and T. W. Lambe, 11. X. Tyler. John l.imbe, Jr.. C. C. Sprinkle, ,,. s. Moser. W. L. Moser and Mesdames lla'iies, Mtiser. Crahatn and Heck-ard.- i ' Miss Mini L. Anel liiiti'i'lains i Snrcial To Th .Jnto-nil) Moonville. An?. 19. Miss N'ttui L. Anpel most deliirh! fully entertained this afternoon at her home. . from four to six. In honor of her - little neohew and niece, ( Uohetd. Jr.. and Klizabeih Dodson, of Winston-Salein. The little folks played a number of interrstine, tranics on the hotel lawn after which a delicious ire course Mi set ved them bv Miss Alltrel as-' sisted hy Mrs. t'has. P.. Dodson. Those present were: Little Misses (Irace Ha-yes. flay S'horf'. Kale and Helen Spcas. l.ois Steelman. Mabel Norman, clailys Jones. Mildred Am htirn. Mari;uarel Ppeas. Cliiie Mic;k, Carmen Fry. ftosa Woodruff. Vera and Arless f'oraio, Martha , Pearl Shore, Klizabeth Dodson, and F.van celiiie Pardue Maslers Sleuart ami Thad Shore. . lames 'Franklin Alnburn, 'Iroyer-. and -.f dlmer P.rown. ITiKon Jones, and .Holier! Doilsnri, Jr. , "" Prof. W. P.. Sieas '))' oo III" acallon 1 Prof. W. T5. Spen.o, Mrs. Ppeas ami children have fiinp to the rounlry to MANICURING PARLORS Room 115, Gilmer Bldg. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Catering to ladies especially If you would keep in the fcooil unices of the girls, bi's, hy all means learn to drive a motor truck, before yon throw out your chest and pro claim that ytii are ready to face the world ami all us Joys and sorrows. Tn this case, il is the latter that we have lo ,eal wilh. Fifteen of llprh Point's prettiest and most winsome .vomit; debutantes stood' on the corner of Main And Second streets last nitiht and sobbed- had a real Rood cry as "it were, while a like number of yonni; men stood close I y witli sheepish looks on their sturdy faces and swore tV'i'Ceh - -under their breath of course at one of their n-.imner who was missimr, hail cess to him. These, thirty voiinc '.joy seekers" came to Winston-Salem last nipht on a hay ride. They lanchored their larce truck in front of the Cadillac traraee. Then the majority of them strolled around to see the "white way," tin', (I'llanlon huildintr, the thronged streets' and the many other features connected with "the city." Like the rest, the chauffeur left to see "the sights." He was to meet the rest of the party at the corner at n tiiven time. II was lovely. The merry, makers stratit-'lcd hack to the truck in small' groups, after feasting on (he sights- for an hour and mil) be imhibine, a glass of "soda water," uinil all had answered pres ent except the aforeinentioiijed chauf feur. Inasmuch as this young gen tleman was the only one in the party possessing (he knowledge of how to drive ii motor truck, consternation reigned supreme. i "He'll be here in n . minute, I know." .sobbed one pretty young lass wilh raven Mack locks and sparkling eyes that twinkled brightly in the glow of the arc light. "I know he won't keep us wailing here long." The clock in (he town hali tolled II:. 10 by striking one time. "One o'clock." gasped a quick thinking young gentleman. "Holy smoke. I wonder where that guv can be?" . - The n i i n ii I os passed until another JSociety Personals Miss Ksther Pain of Charlotte- Is visiting Miss Lola Doub on Holly uve. line,: .Miss Mary lieid left last week tor l'.altimore nntl New l'nrk to pur chase fall goods for the Winston Mil linery ( 'ompanv. S Mr. and Mrs, K. F. Harher, Miss Klla May liurher. Miss Nancy Pres ton and Mr. Charles Fordhnin went to Italeigh in Mr. Harbor's car yes terdav to spend Sunday. .Miss Sarah Itooc of Winston-Salem is (he guest of Miss Myrtle Clldger at her home on .Moutl'ord avenue. Ashevillo Times. Mrs. Dick Manchester - of Char lotte, wlio has been visiting Mrs. X . P.. Williams on Highland avenue and unending ihe ball games here, re turned hoin.i yesterday. Mrs. Williams accom pa uieil her and Will attend Ihe panics in charlotte t h is week. Mis.s Klizabelh Conrad of Wlnston Salein arrives ill' the city today to he guest of Mrs. (ieorge VV I'.ryan, her aunt. Miss Conrad and Miss Loss Durham leave in a few days, for Tuxedo, to visil Miss Durham's aunt, Mrs. J n. Hell --Charlotte News. Miss Km i ly Critnth of. Cleunnons. who has been visiting Mrs. Will Vmr ler and .Mrs. T. L. Cliiigman of Ihis city, will leave tomorrow for Thom asvillo. where she will spend a few days with her uncle. Mr. ('has. Grif lith. spend a week or (en days wilh rela tives, They will spend a part of the time with Mr. Speas' father. Mr. .1. S. Spens. at Pafllown and .will later visit Mrs. Speas' lather, Mr. W. 11. Long, at Tohaecoville; llnr-W llliniihiim Vinounceinenl ' The fnllnwinc annminrement. for warded lo friends in Winston-Salem will he of great Interest to the ac quaintances of the parties who are referred lo in the fuMowitiu message 1 roio Macon ( leorpia : "Mrs. ('aider Haynrird Willinghair HtmiMices tlJe encigeuient of her daughter Camille Barnard, to Dr. Henry l.el:,,y Izl.ii- of Wimtou-Sn-lem. North Carolina. The wedding to take (dace in the eyrly fall." i ; " " ' " GIRL GOULD JOT WORK How She Was Relieved from Pain by Lydia E.Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. Taunton, Maw. " I had pains in both siiles and when my periods came 1 had U 3 tay Ht homo from work and suf Or a lone; time. One day u woman cunu' to otir housn an u il a b.c a..,m y mother why I was ufferinir. Mother told her that 1 suf fcreil every tnontli afifi she: said, ' Why don't you buy a bottle of Lydiu ft. Fin-khain's Vcj;etalde (.oinpound? ' My mother boupht it ami the net month I wa m well that I worked all the month without staying at home u day. I cr in good health now nrd hsve told M ?; iriris almtit it.' Mis Cl.tcin: Mitiy 22 RuhhcII .street, T.umtoi!, M, .-. Thousands of girl-i snircr in r'tlepc every month rather tbarf coiis-n!' a rh jician. !f pirH who are troubled :! painful or irrcgukr pevii ''!.-, b!n!.;n'!i headache, 'rfi?i;inrr-do'.'n 'oinn fainting spells or indigestion won: I ta' Lydia E. Pinkham's VsgefAWe for pound, a safe and pure remedy ma from roots and herbs, much :t'T -n, tnif'bt tic iivoidei'. i Write to l.yiliu K. Pinlilutm Ni.-o'i.-o Co , Lynn, Miiks. (ciHHidcril'Hi' I i. I advice which will pruvei helfful. l!PPPi hour had rolled aroun.l. At 12:Si sad scene greeted the kite passer by. Numerous young women were lyine in the truck face downward on Ihe hay. sobbing their pretty hearts out; two husky patrolmen were try ing to offer words of encouragement and at the same time keep u sharp watch for any person that might look like Ihe delinquent chauffeur. A! last one young lady became possessed of a horrible (nought. She raised her tear-stained face from the hay and sobbed: "Just supposing he's drunk," meaning the chauffeur, of course. . Alias, this causeiU'resh Out bursts of tears. The young men were taken severely to (ask lor their inability to run a "simple thing like n motor truck" as one of the dames put It, and it was while this was in progress fin unsteady step was hen rd coming down (he pavenwnt half a block away. "There i is" came a chorus, "and he's drunk, too. l-'ull lo the brim." lint they were mistaken. It was only a resident of Happy Hill slowly wending his drunken way homeward. He passed the sorrowful crowd, his whiskeythickened hrain unable to grasp the predicament in which his white brethren and sisters were expe riencing. Another step was heard. Like (he thst, it wns unsteady. The High Polluters held their breaths. Would thisjl he the chaulTern. tilled wilh spir tnous strength? . Would he want lo .piish Ihe truck bmue instead , of drive It ? .- 1 - l( was the chauffeur hut he was not drunk. He was us sober as a lodge; H, had n hard time convinc ing the numerous female members of Ihe parly that he was not under the influence of whiskey, but . soon all was settled satisfactory and wilh the re turned "prodigal son " al the helm, the ood ship "Hiph Point" started on her return .tourney. Moral: He sure to learn how to drive a motor truck. Jmys. PflSTB.T.PJ. I T Kiilly fur MpVhImts IMiumed Km' Xcxf Saturday, AYIipii tit' tlic Stiitc Dt.anl Will be llcif. The regular inonlhlv meeting of ihe Post I!, North Carolina liivision Travelers Association "f America was held at Hie .inzenibu T, and new faces were noticed as being present. President Marsh commented on it in a few well chosen retiiar! and the officers of the local post in-, 'el oilier member?' who have not ' v in habit of attending these moi.'hh meetings to come mil and mingle witli Ihe "Knights of Hie Crip" as something of Interest is discussed concerning business "f every char acter. After reports were received from special and standing committees,- It was the sense of the Post (hat a ral ly for members he held In the cltv next Saturday, -when members of the State llonrd of Ihrcctors will assist, as they come here lo attend regular board mcetnir. which Will be hd I next Saturday iiitlu al the olllee of Secretary Crntchliclil The membership chairman wob i local committee will loo'. iC'cr few lapses the count'g weel- A com mittee was appointed-In miine ah 'ar rangements for n li estnif ids M be served at the regular monthly ruei : lug the third Saturday nvbt in. S-e(.-leinber which will be known a a "gel logelher Hireling." Short talks for Hi- go i I of Ihe as sociation was niaib' by !! I il l i bers and the niceton," wrpi ad.iovtn- Ncmitnr, AVIih ';intp(l the judgeship, it is Said, lii uorod in the Wiwain's Se lortii ills l'nl' Offices New Vl.l'k. Aug. I ' In sclccling il: favorlli's for judical ., lilies lo he tili ;il the election ihi.- f ill. the lCxccut i i.'oiiiniidee of T:u any Hall gave a Hint of its plans I'd' licit venr. for the supi '"ic Court' beiu b places now ocenpit n lo John C: Clork and (ienrge V: Malum, both ap- poiulees of Cm ' Wl'ii 'nan, lamnianv chose lioherl I., f.ncc of lt own Low Coiumillee, ami Pichard II Mitchell, Asslslaid Instiic! Aiioiiiev of l.r.oii.s county. Justice ei non ,f. liavis is selected lo sun-cod himself John I-' Mel - , .. erillilnnl I'lW- ver ami formei A-1-lornev, is picked no llell.'ial Sessions bi vni r by I nsl i o i A 1 1 Illicit for Ihe lime ll.ln!, who is an 1 1 'Lint District At Ihe place on Ho l , b :n nleil hi-'! ,rnc Sw.inii and b .llulge lee- !), i ndent iichio- ci al . Il was Mini a " k'oiirteenth .-'ii-c' erf .1'. Warner h laliou foi oie o So pl'i'tiir I 'on I I In ! I le- itieel ini: U n; a m I ha' hc !: nl declined a ib-u f :hc places on ll ni b This gives hii 'on! of 1 1 1 1 i b clinations -(few rrrnmhs -W -Ine refnwf- 4ve Posi mastership a lor liovernor. The (ruth is; m Wagner is being I the nomiiia ' ion l.clieve, i Inn ooiued for Mr, (he .Vlavorally ilomiii H ion next year. He lioiniiiatioii. t! wanted i he' Judc'shii is sa id, a nd t bn I he i ennstih-reil significant 'id not get it is le has been niierlv tallied ol im several weeks as 'In- probable iioioii . c for Mayor. Frank !.. liowlor. Illling an unex pired term as Prulm! of the hoard of Alderiiien is 'be the organiza tion candidate for iluii place If elected, he 'will ' "'t' one year His designation nolo. re- 'hat he will also be (he candidate n. ' n-.'it. The re poit is thai. She .selected for the Presidency, and John J. Filiter Ihe Tammany i Iroller. HI M Smith will be .Manhaitan p.orough that Congressman Id probiibly will be iniince for i 'omp- Ta ri lu'ei-'i' h to renoni .iigresKioen c.- nale ;i cept ( teenth II ils inestni leorgi W Lop, in (he Christopher Ii. g-t ihe nomination in In the nineteenth, now by Walter Chandler, a Slal Sullivan will that disfriet. represented I 'roe res'iive the iH'inocrais (irobabh will get togothoi Michael Scliaaps, Progressive. ftnrney Jiowutng. Iiepnty und once Coiiiliilssiyiier of Sheriff i'ublic IT LAS : il . -I, ' - I , ,"4 .., I 'i :a ' : m i v"' t'.:-i'' , . - ' ) : 1 ' , S The aboe is a likem-ss of K. V. Crist, who will deliver a free lecture today at the Paramount theater at 3 o'clock p. in., under the auspices of the International llitile Students' i Association. His subject, "The Out come of the War." treated from a scriptural (standpoint, should prove prolidihle to those interested in what- ' ever the Bible has to reveal regarding: the limes In which we are living. It MI.MOIK )l' CAHOLYX l CWITT i Nl.WTI.U 1'lie darling little child, Carolyn De- Will Sin v lor, who1 sleeps so sweetly ju lier little white casket, surrounded by he lloweis (hat she loveii sJo well, was ihe only child of our liro. John D. mil Si. Carrie Linvillc Sluwler. She ,vas born "on March Jilih, 1HI4. and vas spared lo be the joy of (he par 'tits' hearts and Ihe sunshine of their lome for ' ears. lays. I .months ami She was a child .of unusual beauty ihl pi lose olilise. I 'hysica ll , she measured ii Ihe perfect standard .md al-j Has giving evidence of a strmiK! d ind ijleri mind. Full of overilnw lug ; leg. inlercsled ill tile (hilll.'S h;lp-j ..cuing .iboiil her. wilh happy disposl- ! lion and loving heart she was thci eider of an ev er widening circle of I idmiring and devoted friends whose ioy il was to have her near.. She wa fond of the out-of-doors mil happy in praying ami riding in lie air and 1 lie sunshine. I'.ul. per haps, her greatest delight was lo lu ll I lie garden w iih the flowers where lie could pll'lcli Hie choicest ones for iiose whiiiil she lovoil best, N'ol oulv In her own home was- her iresencc a constani delight, (ml in he In I grandparents and other clalivCs Will, her due to lii .1 Is she was juf't begin wav (o ihe church in. would have been with others froui i' which she was a iriiinerv I lejiii i l no-lit, ,ni' taken iu-r regu aaks of the Soui1a- be l mil s , I r mi l':l tlsl'eri I'd a!o be I'laill' Poll uelnbef I'o I he I lfl'1 she would ill' place in ihe In.,.! Iimg liciiis ware beginning to .tan ni.tnc lliings for her earthly fu iirc, of which ihcy felt reasonably ,ure, La- she had alwass en. lovcl such i i . 1 health ' (b i twelve davs ago she a;is taken sn k. and before manv days lad passed, her condition . hecauu i la tin ira: AnMous davs and uighls' .veic sii. ai l.v Ihe watchers at her bed si.!.. i In- I'u 1 1 .1 ri n.' i i ha I . I' ill .',i I ae r. si, A wi ll horw'i: -ri-iiitijr loving s .an ser'vice was given lo nl -ol' lis a bilil and divine as sough in earnest prayer, I ' ll lu-r .willed it so. her lite .light lie prolonged and she il hi heallli and .strength, and loving Lord w illed il and at eight o'clock on Ihe I' A uriis! istii.. If I ii. the tour 'mil: her in IDs arms md i -a -1 1 1 1 : lion, vheie father icr' wait ii;;: 1. her fo (he oilier home ml Ib.r will lin. I vvelce ihein. Safe 'II ' he al ius of Jesus. Saf I lis gentle breast. There bv His lov-e o'el -shaded. Sweeilv her soul doth rest I lark, 'list he voice of a ore's (ionic in a song to no. iv ei ihe fields of gloi ., Over Ihe -crystal sea. Safe In t he nrms- of ,(;.. us, ' Sale on J I is gen! le breast, There bv Ills love o'. r -shaded Sweetlv her son I ..doi ' t-w. DEATHS Si l l, I, M XV Nl Mr K .Mr and Sir;-, Pobah , T. .Snunder o ti Li I .Mulberry street have Ihe deep chi svnipalhy of their host of friend. 'iiclay in the sail . .death . ... of their bright hub- two vear-obl daughter. Slell.-i May. whieli occurred at (he home Salui'day afternoon at 1! o'clock, following an illness, that heg.-in onlv the night before. The little girl was unusually bright lor one of her age, possessing many Hails (ha! had caused her lo be dear ly loved by every one in Ihe eonimuu ity. Ier slliilllig little face Will be SHdly missed "not only in the home circle, hut in Ihe entire neighbor hood. Surviving, in addition to the parents, 'lid one hi other. Thurmond, .ire one itraiidinolher. Mis', I'hoelx Snimilorn ..r Wliistoii-Siilem. aiid a grandfalher Mr. Iv L. Kverhart of Davidson eoun 1 v The (uncial services will he held ibis u.1 leroooii al the resilience of (In parents, conducted by Lev. .). K I Tnli I. pa-lor of the llmne Moravian church a -.sped by pev . Krtiest stock Ion, pii-aor of ihe Christ Moravian .hiii'li. The Iterineiit will follow in Midway cravev.ud. .12 miles south of : hocitv. Well, under Porougll President Mi eari. is 'laic.i for Sullivan's place ill I he Stale Sen, tie and Senator Wag- uer i-' to he sent back for another vein- vT tv n iir IT rrm rrf eem T1S(T e e r o r' ga ion ic.ill.v hose .Mr. Mitchell for the I Iron x .liidgsblp. the Itronx I'olllllv I 'olrl ti i il I ee went through the (oraia in ' of designating him. At the same lime H.-nrv li'riirkui'r was desigllllted lo succeed himself as Ttcp rescnialive ol the Twenty -second Con gressional. Dilll'lcl. ami .laloes Maii: ilion, Slal.- Senator, vvas ' boson as Ihe ol ion candiilafe for Congress Ironi the rw'-uic fo.irib 'I'hr- present Asseniblvuien w.-re redesignated, and John Iinniiigaii was i e-.b-signa t ed for the Sta'e Senate from the Tweniv first John V. Sheridan was selected to make Ihe run tor ipe Senate ill the Twen iv - -eccml Tin i niv .-nonni'iee passed res- oluiions y es(-f.ia v. indorsing Ct csl den( Wll'on and praising his "wise states. ia nsh i p" in (eeping ((,,. eoun trv out of war P also ratified the action of the Saratoga Conference in epprnving the nomination of .fiidife Seahuiy for liovernor. 8it postcards and one extra photo in a. pretty folder for fiOc. ITKAIi PHOTO COMPANY Phone 1092 Quality Meet Me al The ideal l Economy Summer Dresses Half Price i - . . f , .'At, White Skirts 1-4 Off Parasols Half Price Coat Suits At Give i Away Prices To Clean Up At Once New Fall Goods Arriving Daily TKATHKR: TTfiE IDEAI ' I WINSTON SALEM L f0' hcW -eCSTSTOClC-fHc am Peptomher SPI,Knil MI'KTIXfJ .VT I fUAYT M(t NTAI.V ( I.OSlaS Pev. J. S. lliall. pastor of Hie (irace M. 1", cbiircb. has refiirned from Pit ,t Mountain and will (ill his pulpit (it both services tomorrow. Mr. llinlt has been assisting in eou d'leting n very successful meetlne? nt the .Viet Ho.lisl church there. The meeling does not close until tonight, hut Mr. Hialt rclurned to fill Ins charge here, Th' loeetlm: vviis one of the best held in Pilot M mi n I a i n for some (line. The attendance whs very gnpa. HANKS AM C MEOI.IN Diviix: doi ni l'. noNoits Carolina -Mills and Mnnestown. di vided a doitblf- header yesterday, C.'ir olina. winning (he flrsf to 1. anil I fanes Ihe second. ! to . S. The Mill boys won the matlm-e affair hy bunching hils- o'T penplew;" Jn the third inning, tills bv fiobson, Pinks Ion, f'lilllam and Self scored five runs. Self pitched ii wonderful ga'me for Carolina. . holding Ihe strong .Ilanes leam' lo (Wo tuts. He also secured four hits out of five trials. Pulllan and f ti.inillon plavcd star bull In the field. Heavy hitting lri the fifth In ning forced Peoples from the mound in favor of Adams. Willi Miller . itching inihe, liable I. ati r, it- llaneslown in the soonii.1 affair, fhe visitors , easily won by h :i to :i count. Miller allowed "the fair olina l.ovs only three seatH-red hils. MAN lll lti: VI STI ItnW TOOK m.i i,i: Hon roit anotiicii If is tepfirlo.l as an acliia! ..fact that a man delivered some guilds at the Phoenix Cal'e yesterday morning and' sfaried out. He stopped and began bilking to what he thought was the man in charge. After Ivvo or Ihr-i-e lein.'irks. seeing no move, on the part ( of the siiposeil man to give him the) money foi l Ills . induce,, he tail. I l..,: his rcllcel ion in (be mirror: Well.: ifii't you gom' to pa.v me','" Fresh Shipment:of r "Made "Last Nigh r She Will Appreciate This Exquisite Candy Phone 49 RANKIN -BUTNER'S "PROFIT- SHARING DRUG STORE" FOR ALL AC'IIL'S AND I'AINS -' we have a remedy or n relief. Wheth er It ho the stinging paltl of a corn r the mHdrlenlnr agony of a splitting headache, you dun find relief at thU pharmacy. But why wait till your sufferings are acute and prolonged. Wise people keep these remedle at hand for Immediate use, . 8ha.ll We make you a list of "those you ought to have? Owens Drug Co. THK Rli'.AIi lKnJilsrH Prescriptions, Carefully Compounded At Any Hour Open lliy and Kigtrt , I'lione 111 or tfr,' , i HUT CHINS' DRUG STORE "On The Minute Service" Our guarafltee Is back of all our work. IDEAL L'HOTO COMPANY -Phone 1092 Over production simply ihmhh that ! Ihe supply exceeds the demand, and j yet the world keeps oh' making mis I lakes.

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