EIX 1 T1TE WINST0N-SALE51 JOURJf AB Sunday Morninff, August 20, 1916 7 GAMDI TODAY , At Win-ton Sslein. s ; Chrlotte, 4. At listlficll U-1 . Di.rhutn. 7 2. At A-livi'ill,-. .1 II; Greensboro. 5 ;t. Twins Make Clean Sweep of Elongated Series With Hornets l.AMKS MONDAY TWINS t Tirl.iii , l!wvjllft HU 'iiriol' I,,,, Ruleifli at (fi?. n.-1frf,.' ' 1 GREENSBORO TAKES TWO; BULLS AND CAPITOLS SPLIT '.inline, p ' lla..n . . I COCHRAN BESTS aE PITCHERS; BATTLE "tStciimr" I'lttlics (iHi(l (iainc and (iits IImviit Willi Otic On; Nance find Mi'M;ili'ii Scurc Other ' Two Huns. TWINS PLAY T.rLLS FJKST TI1KKK DAYS ..In (I snappy and I' ml fourbt panic Manager Clancy mid his bunch nf Keptime hall )l;i'v f i ili'i'c '.tod yoster- day afternoon foi tit' f. until t nnsr CMtive time 1 1 1 i . ! 1 - t 'h.i t In! ii' Insects '' hy it r. to I .-mini. I'ullv ' i it- nusiaslte fans from tin Tw in - ' My anil adjoining towns witnessing' tin- aere monies. It ;is tin' locals lil'ili straight win, after having I r i )( i M i ! in a row I" tlir (Iteolisboro (ilia!;! on .Mon day a ml Tuesday. ; Yesterda 's colli est was made possi ble, through tin- t-viii'i usit of mir local shortstop, "Molly" M. Malum, who of fered hiuisi'll a w i 1 1 i i i tr n-t iti in the nliilh inning bv hitting a long drive tu Hen Paschal in li'ft. l- i . l.i tc Heck scoring .Trnui third where he hail reached in safety l iiii'.iMs ir a two huggcr by him.clt' aial -I' lilirial of fering by Johnny lining, lint it was a cJtue sliavi' at that for with tin' score standing '1 to'.- in tin' same ninth f,anie ill favor ol' the Insects, 1 1 1 had managed to show two across on H fiiuglo, a huso on halls ami an in field hit, tieing tlir ennui ami maUint: it, , neeossn ry lor the. lucls In. coiin buck as they ilkl in their half ami win -Us JjM I'll II Kllllie -ilK.-till. It was a fiiBf I'll mi' I I Mil, ley kept "Boh" Henry warming tip during practically the entire yam'. Bedding was lunched for three (louhles and a homer anil Ihree single. Hiiler leail ofl in the first frame with a single tit left. Builib was safe at second when Clancy, forced llilior anil threw wild to lir-e to i nt off Bund . Cray's In field out i : t r.nmh oi, third from w here he ;- ..red when Nteiiolsott drop ped Xiv.'it's high ll lost hi'liind sec ond Las.-. Tin-' si'"'!!..,; including a double and a homer, netied the loeals three mfire tuns ttoai .itnrte'i o:t with a single to rivr'lt and Went tn seeoml on Mr-M;tlii''t's 'arritiee. Naur" then donl.ii .i to J, it eeiiter. :,eorini: llonii;. I'llrh. l t'oi hr ill then hit over left held fem ' I'O III, f,nd omio ei'llt l f- S'lfefN. eot m' Nam i.' ahead of him. That :i. tl i lid "' lie ' oiini- hv the Iioiim, i ,i, 1 1 1 1 1 i I to rims hy Charlotte oi the I'l'illi liree, Mm in to shove j'ln 'he unMiuu: run m that half. Cliai loite srored a tain in the fotirth' irul tifih In ihe fourth T'aschal elfar- 1 h'H , lit,'' V,,',. ;iM, ,,, the tifth a walk, a silicic, ,i lielfler'a rhoiee ami an ,rror .etoid anothvt. The two in the ninth 1 1 . . I th" ronnt l:o seore and iniiiiinr ; I hnrt'elte A H. I,' It. I'O. A K ei'r-toH, ,if I II '' II II (1 ii'l i'hii, ';:i,. , . . ', n I I :. r iniii. 'I . . . n " :i it y Nil h 'I nil. at. . I II I I t I l';iK. h;il. If . . 4 t 1 :t (I i, M'ldliili', III 4 I t l;t 11 n ( lain'.v. ss a ) a ! .1 it Mniii-hrsifi, , ... :i ii ,i t I) n Ki Udim;, i . . . H 1 li n 0 Tntiils t ii !, I i 'l'w',1 nut wht'ii vviniiinii fun wns nutde T-itaU . .' . .",'.' :t 7 'J7 in r ' littttrlt fur (illtlll'ir III Itlllt'tll. St ore hv iiuiiiiirb: K. On'nslnirii ... nun ttlu 04O a AslipviUe 2an anl linn ;j Suinmaiy: 'I'wn ImiM ints. 1','r'itt. Iiirkumli ihim,, runs, llM'kman fji. Sarnfii-e hit. P,-rntt. liiisc on IihIIb. dtf MrWiiiirti-r 2, oiT Ijutkriv 2. trurk nut liv MiU'liiirtir li, by (lulhrii' 5. lilt by pit. hell lutll, Wirklinin. Stuli-D Iihsi'k, Cliinii'i'', l,val, Duulile iliiys. laoimrd t., 1,'niiun to l'upe. I,'ft on liases. tin-rnHtiuro 1. A sli,- i h nnt ttUsH ,ti t-rrm's, tirfenvhorn ;t, AIiotiIIp 2. Tim. I : t". I'mpirr, Bla, k litll II. . Attl'tlilllliri' ."illll. BOEHLIMG HANDS GAME TO RED SOX PHILS WIN FROM HATTY IN 14TH Twins llill'-r. Hie . . . Untiili, II, ... 'inn , i f . , Nisscr, ,( .'. . Ih'.-k. 'Jl, II ini'. If Mi-Mn I . . Nun,',', c... 1 'i, In ;i n. j, ... nft Tt. 17. PO. A. I . . :t o I I n . 4 1 a i : n a t a a a i . . i n u i n a i I I n a 1 J 1 ii i, ,'j o n 1 -, I it I I n 'J i . :t I ' n I i, .Ti . . . an lui- iiinn'iV jii I I I" finish and while mil a single ilonhle Ply was made. I',, si liel.linn Was I, evidence tliroiiLhoni. no,- rati lies he 111R made i, hoth I'asih.il and Smith U the outer aliens The miield Work of Hiiler, Heel; and. Jli'JI i him was nl the stellar variety. Harvey Hiiler handled seven eliamvs without the SiRll I if a liohhle a lid sullie of t lo'ii, w err hnl ones. too. In f.iet,. Harvey ha pltiyed woudcrfnl hall for Hie past tu. weeks and we fail to see why the bit ll'IK llll'll hilVe HOI I ;.'.l mi 1,, bit, i iifiain. i As Mlinoliiiei'il, "Steamer". I'oeluaii . worked IiIm seeoml tame anaiiist Clinr- Icitte for In- home team ami pitelie.l upleinlid hall, only in the ninth inuim. I were the visitors ahle to rettiMer as ninny as two hits off his d. liv. i v . am one of them was aiilTiii. ld blow, tun side nf the three iniiint;H in which the Insects .scored only one , man reached third and tw on third the thereby prevented a score. Cochran wa Kiven sensational support at times and only one error licnied in the HcoriiiK, He also scored Iwo runs ill' the second by ktiocliim; a homer ever; left wilh Nance on second. On the olhe hand I 1 1 1 1 i;. odint;. who Kid he ererilt fr losintr I ciday's f. fair, enileavured In come Itn k on , f-'atiirday litil frimi flt.. u rv hr: t 4 :, tlttiR If looked Ha if the Pirfitc put- j rhuse would li ne to be ;,.(,,., ei h--, lore the end. Itj tu t, M.tn;ii:ev laid- 1 iiilik'-; ''ii;ii-i..ii.' : . I ,e- SllltlHi'ir ; 'I'wn t.ie.e In!-., llulriL'. Ih I, Sl.t lltlr e tl'. funs. I .'lii'iii. I'.isrli;,! s.i- iili Mi'Mali Ilill.i'. ,M,',,'l,.'.,'r. "i luills. nil' Cm hi'iiii ;; su n,' ilini; '.'. I.y ( ,11'lnnn 1. Slnl.'ii I '-n ''t"H-i ...'j"u:'J-'j" t. 'Tii.i ii I. use mi . M'.irV CTliirfTifirr T: fltn. I tiiiii-. f.;iiii.n. AltiJiiliiii. . ' J.iinn. nun in t:ai ilini N -Iu.Im.ii. lbhiii,.ii ' lilts, 1 1 . .1 , 1 Si. I siinitr hi , h.ii Ullsi.ll I:1M I ;'H i.i:i i vsiioitu isi:rs t iiAMi's two ;Mi:s id and iwo to second: Willi a man third in the lirst fast w.rk eunhled locals to catch the niAner off and fSneeiil Tflenhnnp Si-rv;cl Ashevillo: Am;. Ill -The locals lost a double header to c Jreenshnrr here todn by tjie sciiierf df 5 In J find V, to n Costly errors on (he part of the Toiirisls enabled .the visitors to idle up a la rue some1 in the matinee af fair In the eielif inning a base on balls, two errors, a fielder's choice. 11111- hlli singles netted I llO ClVlts four runs. Hickman trot a single and Iwo homers out of four trials. Tabulated scof.'. First Gime ibi'.H-linr.i . Alt. K II. PO A. F.. I;.'..liiil'il. '.'li . . I II 'Jt I l.iunl. I'f . '.". I I '.i n I Mr I tune. If I I 'J I II I' I'li.u,, .-v. i-f ,1 ii ' I n I I . H oft n ss . . . . , I n n ,". 'J t Wells, i " "J ' i s '' I Pope. II, o I 7 I ( Inlluu. ;n. i . n ' I i i Mi'Vli,.ii.'i', p ...in a a '' f Asli.'Mll.' Hill ke. I'. ' Ml' ,. t. - Hi- 1,1.111.. 1 ni P.aiin. M..,:.. i'f . Pen, II e VVi.-l I, .111. "I, M..e. if A "7 Mi It. II ll A K . ,. p, o I I n a n i. I ?. ' 2 1 I ' ' s m I v i A PI n I i "mm WW Boys! Boys!" MiMia v W.L.U (i I'll Ml .1,.. !r ft 1 1 i I 1 I 1 1 s, Mi Tell your mot her and 'father that you will study your lessons lots better if they will come to our store and buy you a new suit of clothes to wear to school. Tell them that they can get a Rood suit for you 'for a low , price if they will ccrne to us. Tell them to come now. But you don't have to go to school to learn that it fays to buy here. . y. : r Just Follow The Arrow ' - follow Th Atticr" The Si-K-oiiil filiiiKi The niphtnip was seven iniunt's hy aereetnent and was a much tetter i;anie than the first, Hafcen and l'erritt were the opposing slahsmen Hid 'hch pitrhed Kreat hall, althmiKh l'erritt was unable to stem the tide ill the pinches and, eonseiuentty, his defeat, t'.reenshoro made one in the third on a single hy HaRen and a triple hy- Leonard. In the fourtl two sincles and an infield out netted another. A walk and Lotnan's single in the sixth (rave the visitors their last tally. The Ciiampn had several ! channes to seore hut fast fieldlnp and Knod pitching preventrtl & score throughout. Tabulated score: llr.en'hnr.. A R . II. Pfl A K b.'.nianl. L'l, '. n 'J :t (l I ,n at rf 4 ii ii 8 o (i Mi-Hiwie If , 4 1 1 1! a ll f'hiili.'.'y, t'f . , . . . . ... It .11.1 'I e i. I.otiiiitt ss ;l n 2 I 1 V. . Us, ... :t ii 3 n I) P..)..-. II. I ii n li n Hill.. n, ;:li ; n ti o n ' (i llnfii. . ... :i I I 1 I i 'funds . f 2T .3 -7"Jll ."j 1 ItHci.ti nut kit liy liatt.'.lj litill. F(UTiit'r Senator Foiros in Kim in 9th; White Sox Stop Yankees' Winning Streak Asliovitle H ll I ke. II) . nl-li.-lt, us . ill.klllilll. If I'.iitiin;. ;:i. . Murk. . . IViiitt, i . Wii-kman, '21, .:liilii.-. if ll.'.i-.ni, rf '. , Totals . . . An. ii. if. po. it a t 11 A. K ll 0 'J 11 1 1 a n r,,-l , 'Jli e li ci 1 1 ; lilies; Ti, . . mil ni a, :i sli.- ill.; IIIH1 llllll II--C -S.'.'.-ii itiiiiiit;s liv aen., .in.. m . . . Siiiiuiiaii ; Two I. as., hits, hfi.fiaiil, M. ".an,. He m Imlls. ,,ir lhiC..n t, K IVrritt a. sinirlc ut l.v Macti I. I.y I'.-rrin II. St..l.-ii .;,1 VU.' I'dtll'l pl.iys. ,,,,at) nl i,i b.uiiiin " l'"t--. I .vft en ,lnf. i;i-..i-nsl...u ;t, Ashe ilk 7. Til-si Imsc on emirs, (in-.-nsln.i-,. t, tdi.-Mlle 1. Yiiiw, , I rmiim.. Itliirklnu n. lll.-ll.l.'IIMl' fiilil. ' Philadelphia 6; C'liK'liiimtl I Cincinnati, Aug. 19 Philadelphia won from Cincinnati here today a halting rally in the Hth inning prov ing disastrous to the locals, who lost the Horond and final game of the .series, 6 to 1. Toney pitched remarkahle ball hut his error In the second Innfnit was responsible for Philadelphia's run. Score by Innings: R.H.E. I'hila. 010 (I'M 000 W0 OK 6 12 1 ( In. 000 000 001 000 on 1 12 3 Hlxey and Kllllftlr; Toney, Knetaer and VVingo, Clarke. ' - St. I.ouis T; Huston 4 St. Louis. Aug. 19 St. Louis over came n 3 run lead in the fifth In ning totjay, drove Tyler from the box with foim timely hits for 4 runs. Snodgrass and Evers were put off the field in the ninth for disputing a decisioji. ... . . Score hy innings R.H.E. Boston .. .. 020 01 1 H00 4 15 1 St. Louis .... 000 050 02k 7 8 2 Tyler, Hughes, Bailey and Blaek hurn, Tragesser; Meadows, Ames and Gonzales, Phils Make 5 Iiims in 14th Inning; Cubs Defeat The Giants; I?6bertson Gets Third Homer (AMERICAN) rhliiiijco S; New York 1 . . New York, Aug. 19. Chicago stop ped New York's winning streak here today, the visitors Winning the first game of the series 3 to 1 . Cirotte, usually effetclve against the Yankees, held New York to four hits. Score: R. H. E. Chloagrt . . . 000 9f)0 0003 8 2 New York . . ooo nno 10-M 4 2 Oicotte and Pchalk; ' Mogridge. Phawkey and Walters. Boston 2: Cleveland I ' Boston, Aug. 19. Joe Boehling, recently of the Senators, making his Inltfal appearance with the Cleveland ten handed a games to th Boston Amerlcents today, hy forcing a run In In the ninth Inning, Boston win ning, '2 to 1. I'p to the final session Hoehllng liafl allowed only six scat tered hits. Score: Tt. II. V. Cleveland . . 000 100 000 1 5 0 Boston .... 000 001 001 2 8 1 Boehling and fmltb: Ruth. Foster and Cafly. ' HM.i ii.il xn rt itnwi KPI.IT IMH P.l.i: lll'ADI It (Special TeUphone Service.) Ilnlelgh, Aug. lit. The locals and Durham divided honors Mi a double bill here today, Raleigh taking the Itrsl, ! to -7, and I'lirham the night cap. 2 to I. The matinee afTair Was "marked liv heavy 1 hitting hy both teams. Hur huin jumped nn Pitcher Pillion in the ninth Inning for five clean hits and scored four men. ('atelier Dayton, of he Hulls, was put out of the game and the lot for protesting against 1'mpire llrandnii's decisions. linger featured in stick wnt'k by securitfg a single, two triples and a double out of four trials. Duncan also got 3 out of 4. First Game Diiiliani All. It. II. P A. K. ''.litis. .1 ' t II 1 11 t Miiuiisii ai, ....;...; -2 i I n Wiiseiii. ''!. r. n 3 t t liiiin.s. Hi ,....") ll li 1J n 'I I Union, , .1 ll 1 4 2 ll I'aih . . ... I 0 II ll ii ll '..V, ss . ..'.. i i 2 i a r ;..i.. rts. if . . . 4 'J i - a n 1 'atutlt. rf ... 4 o n '1 n n ikins..ti, p . . .... a ii it it a i ' Paruhiirn . I I I fl e n '.iis . . ;'.!i 7 i:t ' Batn il for Atkiii.nii in niiitli. I I Kl Kalpigi. - - hi if. '.'h ' . ' i ri i lv r, lili ''in. an. rf "id... ", t l oi.l. , Y-iiledrv. If l.,.ii'., II. i I Mtfel-, f ; ', Trillion, p VMl "li. ' ' AB, Ii. H I'O. . a '-' 1 'J li 'J '2 l' .113 1 . -t fl 1 '-' . .1 1 ' ' 1 .11 I " i ' . e n ... 4 - I,.. 4' li . n n n li ...;t HO ') 1.1 J7 III li 'I'-tal- .si'iii lo-, imuiiKh I n rl'Mo. . . , fij.i fuiii nl t 7 'tili'l-l. , 111,1 ifin al-, , uminai'..' Tho bus bits, Wasfni. Ilaui'r, riiw lwe 'n!s. Huberts. Ma-cr i'Ji. IjuciifiM 'in. Mmnit.li. Irni ,. lier. Haker, Tnabslf v. Bum ui .luill-. i. It Alkni.sun' -2. ,fff i'lllten I. Slni' k .iil l.v Aikiii.toa II, I.y Pillion i tbl l.v pitch -I l.all. V.'.l.sl. v sj ,!.,, t,., Sniilli. Inn,.. H r S.-u-O. fj,.il,l.- j.lnys. If.oeird ' uniesi-od I , tkin-"ii If le. ton to Owns. Left on bus'i. Iiiirliiun 7. Halmfll I'l. FtTt lias, en "i'i"i. t.'al. icli Mils ..ft Pillion III in t .1, Kl.li irl'r o in '.'it. Time, 'J;fV I'mpirr, HrHiiilon. Altiui'lniir l.lillll. The Srrond rtamr The second game also went the reg illation length of nine innings. Pitch er Pillion, who had been relieved by Kldridge in the last Inning of the Hist game after he had allowed tive safeties, worked thrnuBhout the sec ond anil allowed only six hits and struck out six men. . Livingstone al lowed ten hits hut he kept his tietter scattered. Durham made the win ning run when Manush heat out tin Infield hit, was sacrificed to second and scored on ( Irimes' -triple, the final count being " to 1 . Tabulated score: Dnilism AR K 11. PO. A. K. Unit- ,f o a ti n Maniisii, 111. ... I I 'J II I n Was.'ln. 'T'l. II n ll i t ll lli'nii. -s, II. ; 4 ii l III ii fl I'alh r ... 4 n i' s o n K.'il'e s . '. III.! il H obw-t- h r 1 . ". n wy w H e Brooklyn 1-1; Plttshurg 2-0 Pittsburg, Aug. 1 9 HrooKlyn waf defeated hi' Pittsburgh to 1 in 1 innings in the first game of today's louble header, hut the Pirates lost the second gAme to Brooklyn 1 to 0. In the first game Pittsburg scored the winning run on singles by Schultz and ,'lscher coupled with; Cutshaw's wild throw. i ' First (inine , Score hy inning: R.H.E. Brooklyn .. 000 100 000 01 4 3 Pittsburgh . .001 000 OnO 12 6 0 Smith and Meyers, ('Mni-a, Cooper and Fischer. Scrum! (.nine Score hv innings: R.II.R. Brooklyn .. ..000 100 ooo 14 'o I'ittslilll'g .. . .000 (Hill OOO 0 fi li Mnniuard rind .Meyers; Kantlehner and Schmidt. Chicago !t; N' York 2 Chicago, Aug. til. New York er rows allowed the Cubs to make il three out of four today in an eleven inning, 3 to 2 game and offset some brilliant pitching by Tesreau. Tesreau held Chicago hitless. In the tlrst six innings. Robertson made his third home run of the series. Score: R. If. E. New York 200 000 000 002 4 Chicago . . 100 000 001 013- 5 I Tesreau and Kocher; Packard, Brown and "Elliott. Standings of Clubs North Ca.olina Ltague Cliarlofle Itnrliiim TWINS . fil't'.'flsll.il'U Ashrvilk lUk'igli , Hr-oHvn . . Philadelphia Hoston N.'V York National League 'tf-l.iii ' Lein., mcmiap W. 1.. Prt jh 15 nr. I j:. I s :,si 24 2' .".1.", JII 22 ..Mi 17 21 1 4 7 12 . ,207 Vs. I,. I'll (;r, :,(i ,fi';9 (ill 42 :.n 12 :.i ."ill all .;'."( all ill ,l.".l 17 5H 44- ci i'4 t;-u 411 72 .w:. Americin Leagitt Hoetoll .-.-.' -, flump. , . I'lmi.-oul " Hvtroil si. b-.ni-N. York, Wa-liiiiirton . Phi.id...hia Xaslp.ll. ... Oi lpau- l(HIll!.)elldl!l . blill. Uiuk Ctiffati'Mia tlantn ... . Memphis . . Mohil.- I'oliunl.in iieustll 'liall.'stoii .'olumliiis Iilksnnvtlli' Miii-nn . , . Virginia League XeWjHil-t News Km ky Mount . Pmtsuuuitli . . Pi.tut sliiuif , , Norfolk i. W. f,. P.-l ;f.r. IV .."M liS RI .Mo. S .VII f.;i : .'.a- 112 .iV' ,'ett ij'i .',,i ' I :, t - 2.1 :,ii ,2ii n v r,. p.a" ;ii tu lain :, -. r'.. .-. ; ".'I pit .Ml .-,;i ,M7 Ml '. 17.. 42 71 ,;i75 ue W. I, P.t 2M 2H ..',S)J 2H 22 .'.fin Vl.'i 211 .o2l 2 1 20 sn 2 1 SB . Mil 21 2 .120 W. I,. P.) 27 11 .711 211 Hi ..".llfl 21 to ..nn:t 211 21 .I" - 20 2 in ' Notes On the Game (L I 'm. rip llt'l , '- Smarll New Shape Four in a' row from the League Leaders sound pretty well to Char lie Clany and all of us. If reports are true, that must have been some sick crowd In Charlotte last night when the news of the fourth straight game reached the Hornet City. (Jreensboi'i) continues to pop int our minds. Had we only taken about :nree rroni tne i louts instead or ilro ping that many. s in Soft Hills Sec (he New "Maxims ', Thai ' Well- -7 Known Guaranteed $2.00 Hat First Showing For Fall All Straws Now 45c and 90c , See Window Henry Rose Company ( ;-r eensboro M.,M signed a new iu lielder by the name of Pope, who joined the team at Asheville and tilayjdMhree games against the Champs. . - - It was announced from Raleigh last night that tlrst baseman Howard and Pitcher Brantley had been given 'heir relase by Manager Kelly. How ard never did make much or a show ing and Brantley is just a youngster without, any baseball head and much experience. .liitiiiiie llicknian continues to swat he pill. . He secured two homers and t single out of four trials in the first rntne at Asheville yesterday. The Twins are now only three games behind Durham and nine be hind Charlotte, and if they can, get 'he big end of two series next week and Durham drops both series, AVin-ston-Salptn will he . in second place next Sunday morning. Three straight from Durham will itif the (T.'incyites in second place. Charlotte plays C.reenshoro at home and then goes to Raleigh for a series with th" Tailenders. Both of these "lltlis are much stronger than th'ev were a few days hack and should give 'he Insects some- hard struggles. Every man on the local squad Is do ing good work now. Ililhr. lltinib and Heck ' are in the leading roles, with Orny, Hontg and Nance playing principal parts. " CatcrtVr Nance In doing some splen did. work behind the hat 'as well as with the willow. His double yester lay scored Hoiiir from second' base. Chick Hamilton has been recalled hy 'Newport News and li ft yesterdnv for that city. Hamilton was one of Ihe best pitchers In 'the 'North Caro lina League and we regret to see him o It is true that he has suffered defaa' for the last eight games but the hisses were, not due to his pitching hut rather to Ihe lack of-. support- in Ihe way of runs. oTnuager Dudley announced yester day the purchase, for his club of Steve (laston. a spit hall arlist from the Newport News team, of the Virginia League. si.l 111 I'f l.h iii2-t.ni. p lialr-ieh S IT. 21, . l ll.'l. 'tl. Iiuhran. if linker. 21. . ".I'or.l Y sl.-i. If !'U'n.'.l. Ill 1 1 r. , .. Pillion. )( All R II PO. A. r 11 I To'ah p..- 1 in 27 :i n S.'or,- l.v .iimiinr-: ' , K 'tin I.aui llllll iiiiii ntj Kill.'ih . I '""' """ t SiiTUui.'ii , : Tln'i'i- h.-tse Int. fli iinf s. Srfn't ii-1' lii, Wa-.'iu. linn. ii. PiPi.ui, lias., on I. alls, "IV. I.ivine-tnn I, ..ff Pillion I. Htnu-k out In l.iviiis-ton 2, hy Pillion ft, Hit hf pit.-li.'d Imll, O.tn.-tiv Sinl.-ii Has,-. Ilowprii Left' oti Las. s. lenhmii .", Kaleiuli 11 f'ilsl huso on i i'ioi-. Ii,.,.iiili t. Time. 1 ,;t.l. j nipiri', Tlrati 'Ion. Aft.'ii'lnii.-i' 1,1.0(1. " We deliver our work, as near ly as ptweiiblf, every three days. wr U, PHOTO C OMPANY Phoiw 1092 Results Yesterday American League At PiU.-l.iiit 2 .).. Ihooklyn 1 1. l l itu'intiHli. I philaalplmi. o. Vr T 'ti fm L'rr;"" Tiir - Y nrlr."" ; I 1 1 Htnotg- At St bonis 7 I!,, -ton. I i Ainrrican Association At I'luliiil.'li.liia. 2; Di'lioit, H. At U'lialimirton. o : St. l.oriii. I. Al New Vorl.. t ; ChirntfO. .1. At Hoston. 2; t l,.lHnU, 1. Suiuhein Association t ('iialt:ino..i;,i, a- I ; New Oihauis. In i Km tit iiii.l -s.'v.-ii iimincs resperllvt-li niircu m.'iil .1 At Memphis, m Mrrminflriim. I. Al Little lio.k. ii; Alliinta. At Nielnill, . 12 : Ml,il... .'.. South Atlantic League t .lloksollMll,. Collllllllill. S. At Mn, .ui. II inriisln. il Several ehahges have taken place during the week the Major leagues Today Brooklyn is leading Phlladel "hia by only 29 points in the National League. Consistent winning has placed the Phillies in serond place during the week with Hi points to the good. The Chicago White Sox have ousted Cleveland from second place in the American League. Boston still leads with 2 1 points. Detroit. St. Louis and New York have been sow-sawing on fourth place nil the week, Detroit resting on top this "morning by 4 points. 1GNER IIEST lS MAJOR LEAGUE SLUGGERS Virginia League t lie, ky Mount, III; P.'ti'isl.tii ir. 2(1. ..'. .11.1 earn,, ,; nniiinjs. I international League l Pi,, i. I, ii, ... n. IliitV.do, I. Ai Newark I 2; Toronto, n I. ,At ItHltiiuoi... it,-; Montreal. HI. American Association At Militi,'Ki,i-. I-.",- Cnlninlius. 711.) A I St. Paul. ''l,',lo. I. At Kansas l ity. : bnnisrille. In. At Mihvfmlo'f-, 2: lndianniolis. II. li" Ivini io uii'irr'tanil i.i' t why we lost UiGse in the Gate City when tho Gnats were filaylng !t ptteher at first find a nieru youngster t short, (Hv The Amoeiaied Press.) Wiishington, Aug. 19 - Mnjor league sluggers' did not hit well t day, - the score of Hans Wagner . It. getting two singles In six times at bat being Hie best performance of the day. Dave Uobertson got one out of Ave a-nd lost 2 points from his hatting average. Tris Speaker fail ed in two attempts and lost 2 points: Ty Cohh held iiis own with 1 ,out of il, while ,loo Jackson lost a fraction with the record. ' Jake Dauhert is still out -of th game. The standings: American League. Player AB H PC Speaker . . 402 13T .331 Cobb ;tfi7 111 .3Ba Jackson 4,r,0 139 .3.M1 National league. Dauhert . . 374 122 a24 Bobell'oli '19.'. I "7 .""I Wngner . . :!3-l ldti .Hid !. PAUL LOSES GOLF TITLE OF THE CAROLINA TO YOUTH (By The Associated Press.) Asheville, V. ('.. I ;t ---Whit'iey Bowden. the '.-1 .,...lr old goir mar ,.t New ' irleans. lef l'ed ' AValte" " ,M. Pfittl of fiat lotto in a IIH polo m'eii in the finais of the annual .siitnmrr toiiriiament to.'a.". fhus witiii'.'.g the ch.'impionsh;;i ": th' Caroiii.as. p.ow I'eii won ;' ' , o up and four to play. 'Ihe youngs'.i 1 easily out'dnssed hi. opponent ,vho ha I battled his way into the finals tiy capturing.' three sensational u e!.. li" i .-n the pi eecilu g djiys of the I n.rney. Paul was th-'ei down w hen ;nc firsi is Hole i-unn (I'd"1! in the morning. In 'lie a'.'ier- noon the playing of Bowden was again far surperior to the champion's i nd Bowden was six up on the 27th hole. Paul's best effort was to cut down this lead by one hole in the next fIVP, yljespifo his defeat T'mii) ea;;:e,' off, the honors for an .mlivl dual stroke. , On the eighth hole in the afternoon Buwden's fourth left Paul a stymie. Paul proceeded to jump- the ha-H-HJael it landed square in the cup. (liter winners of flights anil cups were:' II. -V. .inlands. Knoxville; Dr. A. Ii. Harris. Birmingham: H. B. Hayes, unattached; .1. - A." Simmxinst, -Jr.. Charleston; Kugono Beach, Ashe ville; Major K. S. Walker, unattach ed; C. V. Moss, Lock-port, N. Y. . iI:ti:oit ai piiii adi i.piii (ii:T POHTSMOITIl PLAYFKS (By The Associated Press.) Norfolk. a,. Aug. 19. President Stanley, of the Portsmouth. Virginia League Club, tonight a n flounced the sale of pitcher Alton,' a righthander, to ihe Detroit American League Club,.' ami outliehler Candy to the Philadel phia National League club. The price for each of the players was $".-.ii. They are tii report at'the close rtf the Virginia League season on September. ' grtfttP-rvaWiewwaisaji 'l .wmii. ji iii) tin IMi' jL :.-. M TO GET lanhattan Shirts cAITheO!(IPricesa When Gone The Prices Will Advance $1.50 2.00 2.50 4.00 5.00 Tne wetrh of the transgressor is short weight, ijit.15 -. .. .... ... 1.55 . ...... 2.83 . 3.85 li. & K. Straws, Choice of $3, $5,. ., ,$1.)0 Palm Reach Suits. Choice of $8.50 to $10 Suits, now . , , $5.00 Sold For Cash Only IV I )