Sunday Morning, August 20. 1916 THE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAE S2YEI I m WORLD'S Associated L Marines and United Fruit Lose Part of Friday's (Jains; Washington Con ference Holds Hails Xew York. Aug. Wall Streets keen interest ill the railroad labor sit -nation subordinated ah other consid erations and developments during to da's sfssmii. Trading was light and exceedingly narrow. Kails were slight ly reactionary, and I'nited States Steel ruse and fell within fractional limits. Marines hist more of yesterday's early advance, the preferred demiting constant pressure on its extreme de cline of 2 points. I'nited Fruit also yielded a part of its spectacular gain, but the backwardness of murine and fruit was more than offset by a new ish record for Atlantic tiulf and West Indies at 7'2 1-8 and nr. extreme gain of five points for pacific mail, the rise being coincident with that com pany's resumption of trans-l'acitic ser vice. Hails and investment stocks were at lowest prices Just before the close, When the financial district received word that the Washington conference us ye! has been without definite re sults. The bank statement was of interest chiefly because of the large actual cash gain --over $ 1! 7 , Mt, J tl tl . with an increase of Almost $25.0011,111111 in re serves. Mercantile agencies reported a con tinuance of activity, despite prevail ing uncertain factors. The day's bond dealings were ex tremely light, with a seady tone. To tal sales par value $l.8il,tino. i Jovei anient bonds were unchanged on call during the week. Allis-Chnlmers ...... American I'.eot Sugar American Can American Car & Foundry American Cotton Oil ... American Locomotive .. American Smelting ... American Sugar American Tel. & Tel . . . American Tobacco ... ., American Zinc , Anacuola Copper Atchison ... 'Atlantic Coast Line ... . Baldwin Locomotive ... . Baltimore it Ohio ....... lieililoheiii Steel Canadian Pacific ... . . . ( Villa I Leather Chesapeake & Ohio ; ; . Chicago. .Mil. .& St. 1'aiil . Chicago, It. I. & 1'ac. 1.1 y Conolldaied (las Corn Products Crucible Sled . . . . . . .. . : F.rie . , . , Ocneral Klcctric Great Northern 1'fd. ... (licit Northern Ore Ctl's fionclrieh ... Illinois Central Int. Mcr. Marin" pfd. ctf Kansas City Southern ... Lehigh Valley Louisville & Nashville . . Liggett & Miners ... ; , Lorlilard Co. .Maxwell Motors ; Missouri. Kansas V Texas Missouri t'acitio Mexican Petroleum ... . Nat ional Lead . . . Ni'W York Central N. V.. N. II. Ilarifiird .. . Norfolk iv Western ... . Northern I'acilic Pennsylvania , Heading Hep. Iron & Steel . . , Seaboard Air Line ... .. Seaboard Air Line Pfd . Sluss Shcf Steel & Iron . Si udeba ker Corporation . , Southern Pacitic ; . . . . : Southern Railway Tennessee Copper Texas Co Texas and Pacific ... Union Pacific United Fruit I'nited States Kubher . . Tinted States Steel . . . . . I'nited States Steel Pfd . I rta h Copper Virginia Cat-o. Cbem . . ; Va. Iron, Coal Coke . . Pfd. "li" West ei n I'liion ... .... Wcstinghouse Klcctric .. Kennecolt ... 22' 88 5'JVfj 61 72Vs its 110 i:ti 22" 32H X4 -fa io:c'4 lis Slli 177 fi 7 61 H4V4 1 i:tx it- - 7:t 1(1 !l 1 17 '4 :t!Oi 101 inn 24 V.I 12!l7i 2 til 2V4 84 ( pfd . . 10 100 4 io;i Va 1211 1 ' t 1 u.) .,s f.l 1 r. Vi :i7 v, 4 7 4 l :t l 4 !IK ., in:) -1 1 4 13H " ltiti V, rn -. i' i Vi lis . - 82 4'S 40 27V4 li H :' 4!t 215,000 Total sales fur the slid res. day (.kai.v axo proimtk Chicago, Aug. 19.- The volume of trade in wheat here today was said to have been the largest on record. New price records for the crop were attained. Top prices were five cents river yesterday. Heavy profit taking sales were absorbed on the floor. Corn advanced 1 1-8 to 2; oats 3-4 to 1c and provisions closed 2 1-2 to 65c up. . C.raln and provisions closing bid: W1IHAT- September 14.7 3-8 I leceniber 151 CORN .. September 86 7-8 Tecember 75 1-8 OATS September 45 1-8 1 leceniber 48 1-2 PORK September 27.45 I icc niber 23.50 I.ARH September , .... . , . . . 13 .82 l(.,,ep r-w---.--, 1 3 . 8Q RIBS September .......... 14.42 October 14.12 . Cash grain wheat No. 2 red 151 iff 151 1-2; No. 3 red 149 fit' 149 1-2; No. 2 hard 148 Hi 151 1-2. Corn: No. 2 yellow 89 1-2 0 90 1-2: No. 4 yellow nominal; No. 4 whit., nominal. x.u'Ai, sTor.rc Savannah. On.. Aug. 19. Turpen tine. firm: 42 3-4 fi 43; sales 7.59; re ceipts 5 KM; shipments none: stock 17. i;m:. Rosin firm, sales 1.658; receipts,!!. shipments ' none; stocks 71. VI9. Quote; A. 11. 5.90; C. I). 5.95 K. .i.9fii S.Oll; F. 6.15: O. 6.20; H. i'. 5 r li 3 o I 6 ( 0 , fi 4H: K 6 'I r. ft-' 0 -M. 6.40 Si) 50; N. 6.50 i 60; Wg. 6.80 Ww. (19 5. MONKY Aug. 19. Mercantile sterling, fin dm- bills New York, paper 3 3-4; t . 7 1 1 5-S; demand 4.75. 3r4; cables SI. 76 1-2. Bar silver 6 5 3-4. Mexican dollars 50 5-8. Government bonds steady. Rail. road bonds steady. TRADING ISIIT Oil THE STOCK MARKET MARKETS Press Reports FEDERAL RESERVE Statement of the Federal l.eserve lioard of Condi tion of Keserve Banks at End of Business Aug. 18 . (By Goo. II. Manning.) New York, Aug, 19. The state ment of hanks condition August 18 issued today by the Federal Re. serve Board shows: Resources: (!old coin and certificates in vault, $26(1.926.0(10! Cold settlement fund, $110,001, 00(1. Gold redemption fund with U. S. treasurer, $1,991,000. Total gold reserve $372,918,000. Legal tender notes, silver, etc., $16,998,000. Total reserve. $389,918,000. . Five per cent redeption fund against Federal reserve ban'; notes, $500,000. Bills discounted and bought. , Maturities: Within ten days $8, 1 63,000; fifnn 11 to 30 days $29,267, 000; from 31 to 60 days $42,000, 000; from 61 to 90 days $24,584,000 ; over 90 days $2.4SH,ooo. Total $106. 8H4.000. Investments: I. S. bonds $47, 029,000. One year 17. . Treasury notes $7, 885,000. Municipal warrants $27,788,000. Total earning assets, $1S.58,000 . F'ederal reserve notes net 1 19, 887.000. Due from Federal reserve banks net, $21,068,0000 .- All other resources, $3,226,000. Total resources $624,193,000. Liabilities: Capital paid in, $55,1 10,000. Government deposits $49,717,000. Member banks deposits-net $505, 090,000. Federal Reserve notes net $12,295 000. . Federal reserve bank notes iu cir culation. $1,691,000. All other liabilities, $290,000,000. Total liabilities $624,193,000. Cash reserve against net deposits and note liabilities 71.4 per cent. Casfh reserve against net deposits liabilities after setting aside forty per cent gold reserve against aggre gate net liabilities on Federal Re serve, notes in circulation 72.1 per cent. ' PRVGOODS KKV1KW 1 New York, Aug. 19. Some convert ers and printers and buying gray clothes for delivery through the first quarter of next year and some of the Jobbers are buying, bleached and brown coltons. and some colored cot ton .lines for delivery to the end of this year and will carry their stocks into the spring trade. Prices of bleached and brown fabrics being a full half cent a yard. Print cloths are up,l-4c a yard in some of the finer counts, and 1-Kc a yard on the narrow goods. Heports of fall distribution are very optimistic, jobbers complain ing principally at the delays in de livery of goods lue from tin- mills, and not at all of the volume of business tendered. Reports from- mill centers shows that the staple scarcity is se rious and goes to restrict the output in many places. Nor does this seem to be offset by the increased opera tions at night in many southern cen ters where the help problem is less troublesome than In the. northeastern section. Prices quoted were as follows: 28 inch 64x04s 4 3-Se; 650 1 -2c 48 1-2 inch. 64x6-ls, 6 l-4c; brown sheetings Southern standards, 8 1-Uc; denims, 2.2 os, indigo, 18c; ticklings 8 os, .15 1 -2c prints 7c; staple giug hanis 8c; dress ginghams 10 I -lie. XKW OJtl.lOANS rOTTOX New Orleans. Aug. 19, The hur. rlcaiie. In the western belt was the main inlluence in the cotton market today, but reports concerning its ef fects on the crop were so conflicting that traders were not able to get very far with prices one way or the other. The market oiienedwithselliiig.asthe the weather, niup indicated the cen ter of the storm had not passed over Texas. Later prices firmed tip on private reports that wind and rain had damaged cotton over a large area but the' market closed with selling again in evidence. The close was steady, unchanged to five points down compared to yesterday's close. Closing bid: October 14.07; December 14.24: .lanuarv 14.34; March 14.51; May 14.65. . Spot cotton steady'unchanged ; sales on the spot sixty, to arrive 1,270 . Middling 14.33. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK . Chicago. Aug. 19. Hogs strong; bulk 10.20 Cu, 10.80; light 10.30 if? 1050; Mixed 9.95 tfi 10.90; henvv 9.75 10.90; rough 9.75 W 9.95; pigs 8.00 if? 9.60, Cattle steady; native beef cattle 710 iff 11.10; stockers and feed ers 5.00 rfi 7.90: cows and heifers 3.70 'i 9.50; calves 9.25 li 12.75. Sheep weak: weathers B..50 W 8.00 ewes 3.40 (fji 7.50; lambs 7.25 t? 11.25. SI GAK AND COFFEE New York. Aug. 19. Haw sugar market closed today. Rutter and cheese firm.' Coffee spots quiet; Rio 7's 9 1-2; Santos 4's 10 5-8. . LIVERPtHJL COOTON Liverpool, Aug. 19. The cotton market was closed today. Winston Sfllem Produce&Gi ain Corrected Dnllj Produce by Trade Street Grocery Co. Grain by the Forsyth Boiler Mill. Prices paid for produce end grain on the Winston-Salem market: liens, lb ......... 1 3c Kg 1 18c to 20c Butter, lb ...... .. 17 to 2Bc Chickens, lb ... . 13e HuniB. lb . . ...... 1 6c to 18o Shoulders, lb 14o to 16c Middling, lb 16c Onions, bu 76c to $1 .00 Spring onions, doz. . 85c to 40c Clay Peas, bu $1.26 to $1.60 White peas, bu .. .. $1.76 to 12. on Wheat $1 .40 Corn, bu $1 .00 Gate, bu n n M fOo BANK STATEMENT Railroad Schedules SOUTHFaN AlLWA- PRKMIK8 R1E8 OF THJ SOVTH CAt (Schtd '. Sgurn publtilMO only u I If M oa nor nartntMd.) Dauy tor urcouaore Effective Ktt 7tk. So. Lt. 308 5:26 A. if. Dak,- tor Krecoaboro eonnaet uig lor Koitu, taat, South and Wwit. S7 6:80 A.M. bail? nr CharlotM, poiaU South and Weal. 210 8:00 A.M. Daily except Sunday tat Greeuaboro. 287 9:10 A.M. Daily (or Wo. Wilkuboro, oh-uiga Rural HaH for Muuat Airy. tit 11:80 A.M. Daily foi Orm.kara aaj ptiinta North aod South. 2S2 2:56 P.M. Daily except Sunday for Oremieouro, Raloign aad Ouldiboro. 207 8:20 P.M. Duily for Rural Hall. 238 4:80 P.M. Daily ex. cut Sunday foi North Wilaesboro, ohaag Rural Hall for Mount Airy. 26 6:00 P.M. Daily for MoorwTUl and Oharlctte. 284 6:10 P.M. Daily for Grecaaboro and pointa South. 288 8:50 P.M. Daily for Ureenabcro Raleh, WaahinKtoQ and New York Mo. Ait. Oreeniboro and North. 287 9:20 AM. Daily from (Jreeneboro and pointa North and South. 240 11:00 A.M. Daily eicipt Suuday from North Wilkoaboro and Mount Airr. 24 11:26 A.M. Daily from MooreaTilla and Charlotte. 291 11:62 A.M Daily except Sunday from Greensboro. 307 2:45 P.M. Daily from Oreeniboro an4 Booth. 28 8:30 P.M. Daily from Charlotu. 284 6:00 V.TJ. Daily from Rural Hall and Mount Airy. 209 5:50 P.M. Daily from Oreeniboro North South and Weat. 838 7:85 P.M. Daily from No. Wilketboro. 285 8:86 P.M. Daily tram Grmnaburo, North, South and Eaat. 288 11:45 P.M. Duily from Greenaboro and points South. Not. 209 and 298 handle Pullman aleep inf oar btftwwtin WiiiKtoa SaUin auu Buaufonl connecting it Ureeontuoro with Pullinau aerviot to all pointa North. Not. 27 and 28, through train batwaa Wiaaton Salem and ClmrloUa. . . W. P. LESTER. C. P. T. A. Winiton Salem, N. 0. . . H. DrUUTTS, a P.: A Oharlntte. N. 0 WINSTON-SALEM SOUTHBOUND KA1LWAT Train laaTt Wiaaton Saletn 1:25 a. at. lor Wadeaboro. Vloreuoa and intermediate pofnia. 8:60 a. m. tor Wadeiboro and mteremdiaw pointa. I Traina trrrfa WiMtoa Balem: 1:10 . av loeal (torn Wadeabaro. 4:00 n. m, krva floraaea, I. 0, aa tatarax diet poista. Oity tfeiet t Mala Itraal I. P. OOLLUt, JB. NORFOLK AND WXSTIRJS RAILWAY LEAVE WfarsTON-BAXlrikt ehadsle EffeatlTt Oot. 11. lfll :I0 a. m.; daily for koimoke and.t wrmadiato tiationa, connecting 1th through teel traina North, Eaat aad Watt witk Pullman aleepere and dining c.a. - 2:10 p.- m.r -daily.througlr train " Mopping only at Martioaville and Hocky Mount, sarry ing Bleeping car to ' Harriiburg, Pbiladelpbu nd New iork, dining car north ol fioanoke 4:15 p. m. ; daily, for Roanoke aad Intar mediate atationa, Fullnian alceper. Train arrive Wkiilon Sahm: local 11:10 a. at. ; 1:10 p. m., tLrough train (.jpplna only at Rocky Mouat and Martinarilki; loaa :86 p. m. 0. r, BAUSERMAN, 0. P. and T. A. Winatoa Salem tr D. W. B. BEVILL, W 0. ACNDlka DltY (iOODS New York. Aug. I ! . Additional advances were innniinced (oday on lendiiiK lines of bleached' muslins. Musi newt on finished cotton Koods for home consumption and export ciin tiniied steady, l.lnens were in better demand for prompt delivery. I'.urlaps were firm. (orr)si:i:i) oiii Xew 1'ork, Aue. lit. The cotton seed oil market was firm on more general buying, especially of the late months on the strenKtb in lard and less favorable reports on the cotton crop situation. Closiiu; prices were 2 points net lower to il points higher. Sales 1 1.400 barrels. The market closed firm. August 0.18 b 0.21: September 0 . 3n ( 9.32: October 9. Oil 'v .10; November 8 . 70 1 8.72: December 8.72 it 8.74; January 8.73 fi 8.75: February 8.76 M' 8.82; March 8.87 rfr 8.84. , ELGIN IUTTi:i Klirin. III.. Auk. 19. Butter, tubs sold at 1-2 cents. Ni:V YORK LIVESTOCK New York, Aug. 19. Heeves, no trading: calves steady; Virginia calves ".HO U 10.20: sheep and lambs Ir regular. Sheep,- ewes 5.00 i 7.00; yearlings S.dO; lambs 8. (15 If 11.73. Hogs no trading. XI'AV YORK CTTV New York. Aug. I 9 . Uncertainty as to her anil crop conditions caused general business in the mar ket today to have fluctuations and be nervously irregular. It eased off la ter to closing at a general list steady at of 4 to 5 jiointH net lower. The map, however, failed to show the desired rains in droughty sec tions of the western belt while there Wiis nervousness over reports that another tropical disturbance hail appeared near the Bahamas, during the middle of the morning prices showed considerable firmness. Octo ber sold uo to 14.38 or 13 points above last night's close while January sold at 14.55 and March 14.69 or about 4 points net higher. Buying did not be come at all general, however. and prices turned easier in the late trad ing under a renewal of realizing or scattering liquidation. Iite weather advices indicated rainfall of over two inches at points in South Texas and 'lie western belt forecast called for showers in Texas and unsettled weather in Oklahoma. Cotton tahlp: 1 .Open High Low Close Ooen Hitrh Low Close Oct 14.35 14.3H 14.23 1 1.28 Dec 1 4.43 1 4 . 50 1 4 . 39 1 4.01 .bin. . . . . 14.5(1 14.55 15. 13 I I, H! March . . 1-1.0! 1 I . il'l 1 4 . 59 14. 02 Mac ... 14.72 11.77 14.70 14.70 Middling uplands 14.45; no sales. Seashore Norfolk or Richmond The special popular fare train ser vice operated by the Norfolk & West ern Railway Is recognized as the ideal outing, and on Tuesday, August 22nd, lalfl. train will leave Winston Salem 6:30 aj in. Round-trip fo Norfolk $4. to Richmond $3..i0. Correspondingly low farea from sta tions where stops will be made. See N, & W. Railway agent h for Ulna of trains and low round-trip fares. W. C. SAFNDF.RH, General Passenger Agent itoanoke, Va, 1 NEW YORK COPS FAGE GRAND JURY Questit'iit'd hVgardino- Al lowed Intimidation nf Wit nesses and Stool Pigeons; draft Investigation (By The Asaociated Press.) New York, Aug. 19. Five policemen were taken before the Crand .lury yesterday in connection with the in vest iaratiun of graft in the Police De partment. They were questioned, the District Attorney said. repardniK their alleged intimidation of witness and stool pigeons. Uiniour. Winter, Controy and Con way, plain clothes men. attached to the Third Inspection District. and Patrolman Neville of the East Sixty seventh Street Station wen. t In. men subpoenaed. Laniour, Winter and Controy, according to Assistant Dis trict Attorney Smith, were wanted to explain an alleged attack upon Leo Halpern, an Informer, now under in dictment, whose, tes'timony led to the indictment of two of the patrolmen new awaiting trial. Halpern, said Mr. Smith, went to the West Thirtieth Street Station last Saturday to get a knife which was taken from him some time ago when he pleaded gulltv in Police Court to a charge of extortion. Trailed by frIU'mau When he left the station house, Mr. Smith said, Halpern went toward Sixth Avenue. He was 'approached by Patrolmen Winter and Confroy. Patrolman Laniour, who was in the rear, is said to have ordered Halpern to throw up hi-T hands. saying "You've got a blackjack on you." Halpern said he was searched and allowed to proceed when the otllcers found nothing on him. iialpern was present to tell the. Grand Jury his story. Mr. Smith said he; untied Com missioner Woods, and Lieut. Costigan was detailed to Invention le. Costi gitn told the District Attorney that the patrolmen said they followed llalpen from the station house be cause one of the policemen on duty there told them llalpen was carry ing :i blackjack. Patrolman Conway, nccm-ding to Mr. Smith, was ipiestloned as to why-he-loitered about the Criminal Courts P.uilding and pointed out stool pi geons to his fellow policemen as the informers left the building Patrol man. Neville, suid Mr. Smith. was ciuestioned about .alleged threats against stool pigeons and witnesses. Mr. Smith told reporters that one of the policemen is alleged to have .met a stool pigeon recently an asked I him if he did not think his kind had I done enough "siiuer, ling," adding that the police never forgot a 'siiueiil er." Mr. Smith said that the Dis trict Attorney , believes that a few UfulkaUnen are still engaged in try ing to frighten witnesKoK who desire to testify before the Crand .lury. WmnninrWUiM'i Another witness before the Crand .Inly was Annie Wiener, alias Dora lllack. who, according to tile District Attorney, has operated disorderly houses for the last ten y'ur and has never been convicted, although ar rested many times. She was commit ted to-the House of Detention earlv this week, hg,t was released on $2,51111 ball. According to Mr. Smith, the man who gave the ball is a i;o-betvveen for several policemen. The Wiener woman hits been subpoenaed to tes tify again. District Attorney Swann says that the white slave inyesiigul ion prosecuted to the finish. Mr. Smith said he Would present witnesses to the Crand Jury acaiu today. anil that he was confident several white slavery indict nienis would result. Holwin. who confessed a week ago, probably, will not be sentenced, it is said, until the District Attorney has obtained further iuformufion from him. Sam Kirsh. known as "Sam the Peddler," who will he arraigned to day, has made no statement so far. but it is expected that he too will tell the District Attorney a story as harrowing as Hotwin's. The men. who were competitors. are on the. same tier in the Tombs The District Attorney's office con tinueds to receive appeals from parent of lost daughters. Several girls al ready have been found in disorderly houses in this cilv. Grover Cleveland Alexander of the Philadelphia Nationals one of the greatest pitchers in the game today. Last year leading pitcher of the National League, pitch ing 49 full games. There's stamina as well as ability. 0 course he Drirhs The Coca-Cola Atlanta, C. tS " i I Ww f H " l Demand tKo gen ulna, by full name k i "" lucanmtiea encourage iubatitution. WELL kll LADY No Reason Why Anyone: In Wlnston Saleiii Should Suffer V Tills Lady Did When relief can be so easily and cheaply obtained. A dollar bottle of NKKVON coubuns 4ti doses or about two w eek's treatment, w hich in a good many cases is all t hat is required to demonstrate us renuirkaole power over nervousness, slepplcssness disordered digestion, and the ills aris ing therefrom. Head what Mrs. Dan iel has to sav: NEK VON CO. : Gentlemen: 1 have been suffering with indigestion and nervousness. couldu't sleep at night on account of being so restless, mv appetite was poor and none of the medicine I took seemed to do me any good. There were many things I .dared not eat at all, my system was all run down from overwork, and 1 was so nervous at times I would have to give up and take to mv bed for :i dav or two at a I Maw NKKVON recommended so highly by so many pepole and my hus band advised me to get a bottle, which I did. and since taking this medicine I feel so much better in every way. I am not nearly so ner vous, my appetite ii good, I am eating everything now I can get my hands on, sleep better at night, and I know that NERVON has reached the spot where doctors failed. My general health is much better now and all my friends tell me I look better than 1 have for four or five years. i am so glad I have found health and strength through this great medicine. (Signed) MRS. W. L. DANIEL. 1U7 East Lee St.. Greensboro. N. C. Remember, NKKVON is not just an ordinary patent medicine. Stop in at Thompson's Drug Store and let Mr. Greenwell, of,lhe Neryo.ii Co.. explain the difference between this and other remedies.. He will give you a free sample dose, and many a sufferer has been started on the road to health by getting this information. The above storey has the exclusive agency for Wlnston-Saleni and vicinity. Phone and mail orders delivered promptly. tAdvt. ) T FURIES OF THE SEA Flotsam and Jetsam Cast Up by tlie Sea Auctioned Each Year at Dieppe; a Varied Assortment t Correspondence of Associated Press.) - Dieppe, Aug. Ill -Flotsam ami jet. sum cast up by eiiuiuovial tides alio - I'd by ''or. .limb r marltme regu lations that date from the time of Colbert, reflect each year the destruc tive force of nature in fury at sea. In ordinary years it is small wreck age that predominates --minute salv. age from sailing and fishing vessels such as pieces of figging, fishing nets. broUe.n rudders, barrels of tar and so forth, but the wreckage washed ashore on the coast of Nor mandy has lately gone beyond ill) previous records. .lagged wounds in pieces of ships' hulls Hhowing the traces of torpe. does, barrels, casks, cases, more or less chipped, dented or crushed by contact with the sharp reefs, with cordage and smashed cabin furni ture, lifcisnving belts, bales of rub ber and cotton, .barrels of oil and moliises; casks of fallow, with a con irlomeration of apparatus and para phernalia such as none but a mariner could identify or connect with any national use. were collected in one lot along with a baby's cradle and a hi headed doll. The cradle was al most intact, (he body of the beheaded doll was blackened as if by powder. There are regular buyers of the flotsam and jetsam of this coast, who come here every year to speculate upon the season' disasters. The mls- Co. Hi AUCTION REFLECTS fi,V' Vk i How to Make Example No. 3 - 2 You Should Always Be Positive! A Want Ad U lik a whip. Some whip have "crack- Er era" on them; and tome are to tame, nobody hears or jj feels them. To illustrate this point, here are two Want S Ada written by two stenographers looking for positions: E a THE MKKli AD WANTED POSITION BT 8TE noarapher of aonir experience. Willing to start at botlum. Sal ary tut ubjuel. In u.'tu! neaJ of ,ork. IMt'uae reply at once. Ad dress il Which On Secured a Potition Worth WhU ? .You Must "Sell" Yourself Thar ia aajch a thing aa oTar-aibmatUf jrourtalf. But it la bettar to koaaf 4 httim than to ba too modett. The world nttdt aggreaaiva people; ia them; Jmmantk them. The thrinking beggar evolcea only ridicule and ecora. The aucceaaful perion arouaea applauae and commendatjoii. The people who can help you are roHtlern of these Want Ad columns. You musl maka them pay attention to you! When you write a Want Ad looking for a position, write it as thoueh von meant busiucas. and not aa though you could hear the grey wolf of hunger howling outside the door S Do not ba flippant, or humorous. Be. earnrtt, Sell yourself. To sell 5 your services is just as much salesmanship as selling goods. S If yon answer a Want Ad, write, on one side of clean writing ZZ paper. Say just what you can do, and tell who you are. Iave put afl g personal hist ry, or disappointments, or ambitious. Be ra;tjfc aud Aonesf, and tkterm- mi to land the position. -j Thewe Want, Ads are open -market vhieen where abilitv and aooda S are bought and sold. In the old daya, people were obliged to tramp S around, looking for an opening. You are privileged to have this gateway S of communication open to you. 1 5 When ycu use it properly, g I Tho Want Ad is 1 1 Your Best Friend nillllllllllUIIIIIIUIMIIIII'lllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIlMlllllltllllllllllllllllR classified"! FOR SALE POH SALE S UORHKPOWKR Mo tor In excellent condition. Can be seen any time by calling at Tbt Journal Office. Will sell at a bar gain. 6-17-tfi NKCONI) WSV TYIi:WKITi:itS tti to $r,0. New iiiiirliines $IiO to $1011. MachincH renteil from $2 to $3 per month. "Hurber'H". S li tfc. REAL SSTATI KOK SAI.i: KOlll 4-RMM. ON P. 5-roorn and one 6-roiiin cuttiiK'' on easy terms ami reasomiMo in price. Why pay rent when you can buy almoKt like rent? Knit. HpniiKh. 8 18 file. roil H.r,K ii amisomi: m;w home in Southsiile. 8 roiiius, 'i liaths, all conveniences. See 10. F. Kaiher. 8 12 ffc. FOK NAIK I.AIKiK LOT ON VVIIST 2nd Ktreet", closn In anil In xpleniliil residential section. Foltn A HpaiiRh, 8 18 fitc. (H,Oltr l ikii-:kty ion sai.i: 3 four room cottages deslriilile for homes on easy payments. Two on 7 1-2 street, with sewerage anil water connections; one on cornea of Highland and 13th streets, lieas onable In price. Foltz Ac Kpuugh. 8 18 6tc. FOR FINT NKWI.Y Ft HMSIIKI) ROOMS with hath for gentleman, 602 Holly ave. 8 fi to 9 !ip.. FOR HFNT THRF.F. ROOMS. up stairs and front room stairs. Call 114 W. th st. 8 2(llitp. TWO (town STORK ROOMS FOR RF.NT ON Main, Second and Fourth slreets. i iJeslrablp Dwellings in West Knd. j -lumen H. Dunn, o'llanlon Hldg. 8 13 61c. ' r- i-'or ri:xt o.Ni-: n rmsiifii ; room. All modern conveniences. 6; minute walk from coiythwuse, 113 i S. Chestnut street. Ph"nP KI34-W. j 8 17 tfc. 1 I cellaneoua ileLlis of an average year has acquired a certain value that, noi hut tlieHi experts would ever "venture to get out of It. This year. In harmony with the general move ment, nearly everything brought war prices. There wifre some rare com modities In the salvage and there was sentiment. The Industrial alcohol, rubber, tal- Vw atid uil went to unprecedented pricfia, other miscellany that would have been comparatively ucglecjeil In ordinary years was readily turned Into money. Th-biiyer"Pini . iiiostly. from Havre, but this yenr many came from as fur as I'nris. The industrial alcohol went to a merchant from Armentierea who is still trading with soldii'rs there under continual bum. bardments. Aloohol is rare alone the front . With the cask bought liv the mini from Armentieres the sol diers in that section will be able to heat their rations. Life belts and buoys as a rub go hegginir with buyers from the Inter ior. This year there was a taker for everv one offered A belt that re sembled one of these white wreaths sold In Paris for the decoration of graves, with the Inscrition "a s. I.,n tnaa. London" upon it, a belt to which some be had clung to the last mo. rnent of physical resistance, no doiitit, bmntrht the unheard of price of ten francs. fl;!!' nlanks. ship's bouts, nlid lad ders nbine with cnhln furniture and bunl; elothlng, brought only the av erage auction price but the1 ?,nn;!cr debt is things no In r can 1 1 ptct ever tu find usefvil, wore anap. bimmiiiinnm Want Ads Pay I TUG POHITIYK AD WANTED I'OWITION BV Ex perienced Htenographer, who can t&lt notes rapidly and 'tran b Tibe accurtntly. Nut a raid lo wnk; nut tvtrned by the clock. Can bring li'St rnfer'noi'S. Left last posiilon vutui.tu.rlly. Expect to bt- given rood salary, and can earn ail I ask for. Try me one day. Address - 3 s MISCELLANEOUS 11 A 10 YOl'H OLl hEWINO HA chlnea made aa good aa new. Qrovaa. Phone 1171. 610 N. Lib erty itrset. 4-11-tfo. 11' WANTF.ll INTIOKYIKW WITH Anehnr Stolen Co,, apply at the new W'linilile, huililliiK, West 4th St., on or after Mmidiiv, Aug. 21st. Hugh 'I'iirkx, Maiingi-r. 8 20 3tc. ti;d sfconi hand wick- er eiirriiitte. I'luine 8311. It. FEMALE HELP WANTEP WWTK.I) (ilHf, FOIt HorsK- worlc. l'hnirr 152 3-.!, or call at 215 lioiileviint. .12 6tc.' . AN'n:i) t.Mti,- ion iiorwK. Work. Phone lfiL'3-.l or call at 2 1 'i lioulevard. 8 17 (itc. ROOMS WANTED v Ti;n itv yoino coiplk without h i lil rp ri 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms with conveniences. Addresn I, Mux 712., City 8 2(1 lite. fhioss fi:f,di:s wantioiwap. lily lo Winston I'rlnling Co., Wins. ton-Salem, X . C. 8. 20 2tC. SALESMEN WANTED SAIiFSMA.V FXI'FRHrNClCD any Hue to sell , general trade In - Xort h .. C;l i-oUuii.. - L'm.xe.elled naw s I ! n 1 1 V proposition, f'omiiilsslon conl met. $3T, wi'kly for expenses. Vaeanry AuKUst 2llth. ContlneiUul Jewelry Co., r,H-34 Continental Hldg Ccvcliuul, Ohio ' 8 20 Up, AGENTS WANTED WA.N'TF.I) I.I IF. IVRCRAVCK iiKents for North Carolina. ... Won ilerfiil opportunity open for ambi tious men with clean record who c;in produce mid wi ire Noti-I'arti-r-ipiillng hiisinesti. Ijhural contracts lieiul co-operation. Write quick If you can deliver the koikIh. AddreRs A. (1. Hlotcky, tleneral Agent, ' Hpartanliurg, S. (;. 8 20 ltc. ,ied up by tho buyers from the Inter ior if they showed th" slightest evi dence of having go, iv t'n-oi'gh one ol' the sea dramas oi' the Rreat war. -Ml tliis wreckage gathe.ied aKpg the coast by customs olllciala. inveji ti ried and .classified, ia snl.l a''l.ei' the legal lapse' of time, if biiuj'tim? I Ue I'ore. 'i'lie proceeds. les f import duty"- are held for thirty yeara in the treasury of the M uin i InvallJs, and definitely acipiir - d b ihai ( hari ty only if no one os' a claim upon it in the meantime. IUSNKV TO CUMMVV1) LISA R'S. ARMY . IN .NORTH I'etrograd, Aug. 1 (leneral Nutio. las '. KusMky lias been aipuinted com niundf r-in-chiei" n the nortiiern iii'iiueH of Russia. tienerul Kussky was in command of the northern Russia army at tin- out break of the war. lie was credited with the series of brilliant operations' which culminated in (lie capture of Li'inherg. Afterward. it was an nounced that he. was. in ill health and In May, l!M3, he retired. In July 1 0 1 5 . kii.ssky resumed ciimmaud of the northern armies hut six months later was relieved i'toiu his post on account of Ins health. 71 .41,1.1 F.l Ml I PS SI N K. I1Y TCI TONS IN .Il LY Berlin, Aug. 111. All ultciul state- ....... I I uu.,u !, .Inrln July ueveiily-four Inercllilitiiieu be longing 'to the l-Jeiiiente allies were sunk by (ieriuan and Austrian sub- tiia fines and mines. The ships had a total tonnage ot in,'!, lion tons. . (Journal Want Ads Bring Result. ,

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