Tuesday Morning, August 29, 1916 IE Provision in Shijjiiu; Hill (iivt-s Power to Kt lust- to Ships Ifci'iis- ljiwu'' hi'' to (aiTv AiiuTicau !!:. THE WINSTON-SALE.! JOURNAL m U IE ALLIES HCE1 Soda Crackers vith a Flavor Flavor is not expected of ordinary soda crackers. But Uneeda Biscuit are extraordinary soda crackers and have a distinctive appetizing flavor. Buy Uneeda Biscuit because they are "soda crackers with a flavor, but, above II, buy them for tneir crisp goodness. S cents everywhere NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY DKFKXSIVK WI:aP()X A(l A1X.ST BLACKLIST Accented liv Senate as An Amendment to Shipping Bill; House Kxpected to Accept ; no Protest by the Allies GROUND BREAKING RiEXT SUNDAY , FOR HEW COLORED CHURCH J 1 S 1 IHC . blocks. Or. find mid nth It is announced that Hie ground breaking fi'V" new churtda to be erected by Ihe colored Mctliodistij. in the Heynolds addition tvlll t.'iti place on Sunday, S pi-m bT al 3 p. in. Tliojlfoliw iiiij: uU'!'l!i!i's :i ri -pouncing tliufl-vvht IliiMtf !!(;) i prim ed: Sept. 3rd. at II a. m and :i p. in. in the day and hour fixed to break the ground, on which Iby nolds Temple Colored -Methodist Kpiscupal church in America, is tu he erected. A great time in store fur all. 1r. E. K, McLa'-tv. pastor uf Centen ary II . E. church Soul li, of Wlns-tun-Siilein will deliver Hie principal address. Additional remarks w. I be made hy several olher disliiiKiiNhod citi.ens. anions tliein are lion. i. II. Katun, .Mayor of Winston-Salem, If. K. Cover It. M. Courtney Col. y. II . Hanes. There will lie good singing music . furnished hy the Kiev Patriarch Ceginicnt Hand. Prof. Waller Thompson will break the ground. This church,' when completed, will he run on an Institutional plan,, to Rether with lecture rooms,- where in structions will he given on every line ' of Industry commonly followed hy our peoole. Hon. Leon Cash will introduce the ground breaker and pros-nt the pick. The ground breaking sermon will be preached at II. a. m. in Collin's Hall, (in Nth street. ' bctw'ini llidge and Highland avenues, hy Or, ,1. A. Hamlett of .lackson. Teiin., editor of the (liristian Index. Iion't forget the day and . date. Sunday, September 3rd. at I I a. m, and 3 p. m. at the above places. Reynolds addition is- a beautiful tract of land in the Kdslorn paef of i me city. nar .stater College, in which beautiful homes iH erect ed, with all tme'ern installation--and sold to the colored people of this city at a reasonable price, on ea-y terms. Mr. Ti. J. Reynolds conloiid.s that thp IkiIUP life of the pCL'rfi uhnel.l he Improved and that be '1 d-1 all in his tiower. to encourage Til ni . ThlM beautiful addillo.i 1... reached by t-ikini- the Ihmoilal street ci r, getting off two Mncl;s if the Hospitnl, at Tiimleaf street, going south three Mocks on Ontilenf, il on I Minlea f avenue, t wo ou will see at sign on the inter of Ounb'iif street and Ouu af avenue. v since this i .i a work for all. 1 heiiip auri doing and make this if the KTamlest days in the his nf U'itiston-Salem. rv pastor, Potli white and col and tiieir vtn.i: '-egat ains. in the v el a 1-1 v 1 1 I 'o Win 'lit ; one M. V. I .1. V. II. S. Church tou-SaleraVire, illiitoil.' I i ml grace, (lie' uft-asiiw '. Come ul. oster. Castur. lloberts. fr-siding Ktdei1. Stout, Ccniral Secretary Kxtension. WlfOT-SALEM AUDUBON SOCSETY HIGH SCHOOL TOM Th,. .f Sale Winston- the the , after be held to I auditorium, has been ;ir- Hrst DieetiiiL' Allillllloil Soclelv summer vacation, will llinlll ill the high seine The following program ranged: "The Invitation' by Mrs. ( 'raigen. r Troicci' the Kirds,' war-l Ctosli.nd. : "The Song Spa n ow I. on i, hv Mr "The. Song P'va Jackson. "Th- lilrds and the State,' K. Stewart. . . "I'.irds, the I 'rot-i'tors of ,Mr '. II. Conrad. "Audubon. I liH Life a ml Worl. . II. !:. Mil-tin. rnliiiished business, liejioits of ohservers, field work Mi--- V. by Mr. IM- fpro.se selec- Hscar. Kllrd. I'arrow," la poem) bv by Mr. Trees,' bv ti- N'-w l'lisiiiess. .! the men in- tonight it is ex--ct-d that plrnis will he discussed r th- winter's work, find attention dl also I'- given to organization of i- bird work in the schools, of both ie city rind comity. voru now Kl.N tlM'K SIIOIM) A 1)Y MOVI A flee easy movement of the bow Is every day is a sign of good health I'r, Kmg'- New Life Pills will give on a gentle laxative effect without ripoig and free vour system of blood I'ojsi us, purify your hoo.. overcome "s'lpa ' "oi and- have a: M'liie i ,-t .oi the fiit if M.ik-s j on feel Ilk- living, at druggists. excellent duly -:r t, A i i v t- 1 (I'.y (ico. If; .Manning.) Washington, Aug. ZH. Korcign ambassadors and consuls, especially those representing the allied Nations of Kurope, are exhibiting much con corn over the so-called anti-blacklist provision in the Administration sh:p- piiii; lull which gives the Treasury I iM'pari meiit ttiroagh customs olhcers anihoiity to witlihold clearance pa llets fi-oni any ship not fully laden that refuse an American cargo. This provision, of which Senator Thomas of Colorado is the, author, was acctpted unanimously by the, Senate as an amendment In the ship imin lull. J t is intended as a defen sive weapon against the order of the allied Nations blacklisting a lar iminbej- mL concerns in the X'oited IvHt1."' lilUfh'cted of having Oermaii connections.; It is tilso aimed' 'OTIinfl against the efforts of the ai-llt-tl .VStionn to give goods of their o,wn exporters advantage ov.r those of Tinted States exporters by e.x leiidiag to them greater facility for lori ign shipment. There is very lit rio doubt that tho House will accept the Senate amend-. meiit, it was said today by Chairman Alexander of the House Marine Com mittee who has the shipping bill.i,-. charge, .It is expected the House v. ill accept the Senate bill in its entirety at its next meeting on Tucsd'y. Secretary of State Lansing stated today Unit up to this time no protest! have been mad,, by the Allied gov ernments to the passage of thixj pro vision that is expected to iirhig the govei ninents enforcing '.he. b.'-ickjist to time. It iH improbable, lie said, that even if protests arc C'liitemplat ed by the allied governments, a:: th' y probably are. they will not be made until the la w is passed. The foreign . Nat ions are expected to has, their protests on the ginuial that ti provision is a violation of treaty agreements. Senator Tlmmas in - nrpiv 'he adoption of his amendment aid that immediately alter the liritish h'ack- hst was announced masters of Kng lish vessels, vessels owncWl by alliei concerns and Hutch, Scandinavian and other neutral vesads visiting American .ports refused to accept cargoes tendered by the hl.ick'u.-ted (Inns either for points of d-stiuatiou or points of call, giving a, i reason that by doing so tiny .might olfen me i.i'iusn aiiinofit ies. iiu! thereby bring serious injury, if not ruin, tipm themselves or the owners of their -essels. lie , statiiej, would of tlip blacklist 1 iiiu tuid, however, that dur'iig the civil War, on the 2 Ut of .May I Mi:.'. Congress passed a law d 'signed lo meet a somewhat analogous situa lion,' said Senator Thomas, "At that lime, much trade was in -num' be tworn citizens o.l the raited States and cilizens of the Com'eder.ioy aid that after seaivliing the be could li ml no law' Miat. place a weapon in the hands goveninie.nl to counteract' tin Facts That Show When and Where Progress Has Been Made in Developing U. S. Navy . t Increase in Officers. r Sfieufyg Ay comparison 1he number ofmid t hpme7ppontecf at ftie Naval Academ ij un 4&rft8 fiwsevcit, Taft and Wikon administrations. '(KrseveJrmmmmmmmm 4rs. 978 p&, HMMMMM 4" 945 Wjhot 'mmmmmmmmmmmmm I 'J lJ3 " Increase in Enlisted Men. i Showing the enlisted personnel of fhe) Navy, as authorised by Idiv. fluth. 1905 37,000 I908 44-.500 1903 44,500 1912 51.500 IS6 79.064 Showing increase under eacn administration, Roosevelt mmmmm J5QQ Taft immmm y,000 , The actio 1916 permits the President, athis discretion in an emergency, tq increase the Navyfo8J,000 which mould be an increase of; "35.500 over the Tuff adninisfration,',-. Enlisted Men Promoted . Showing the number ot 'rVqcrad Officers r fffi& Navy, djcfcoinfccfifnsignjp, wtifer A ' ffooseirefyTaftand 'Witsor iadrtiinisdrafiont,. 4 tt 3 Wilson Showing the number offlsst. fbymasfers appointed from amonq unlisted men, under the ffooseietlaft and IVilson adminisfratons. " Rooseiclt tVifson 'mmhhmmmi m ffooseoett 'Toft Wdson ft- yrs. 4- Prior to the act of March 3. 19 15. fbu CerJfs were seectedh'y individctaf Pay masfero from any source, within or wfi out the nauy. Under the new laur, oft Cerho arc appointed by Me Vary? Peportment from the . enlisted personnel Nooy Yard Increase'. Number of Men,- Showing the tofat num ber of employees in the principal nau y uards, in the United States as of data? June t,i9l3 and July 1,1916. 1913 1 ' i ii 16.898 1916 24,583 Incrcasewmmmm 785 Daily Pay, Showing the total daily pa y of. Mjh employees jn 9Z and in 191 19G mmmmmmmmm 73,09UZ tnereasemmmmmmm ZJOf&l, Comparison of Payr Showing fhcaoeraqe (toifypay of such employees in 192 and in 1916. 2.7Z3 kM6 ' , Z997 Jncreasewm 0.Z74- Increase iriReronaulics Showing the expenditures for Cterb- ' no ut'c purposes under the ftooseireti; 7a ff and tYilson administrations ftoosevelf raftt tf, 7S7 ,'02rV Wilson 4 an) Wilson V Wilson . m Wilson) m Will ;w a ficl.yr.y- noexpdfr. SZJ.MS3ZS ,66,03190 ' --y I94,4914B ' V ',5 2I9.4Z9.Z0 '6 894,6928 p'n 3,900,000 JOO H,SOO,OOOforaviofion Wi nsn . ' " tuu, UUU tor oeronauTic sTcifion rtnsacola tla. , -S. i.i -t-i .-I l-:--3. m -i WiM jilm cr.iy way lu 7 JtrtW ktwo;4j. Out today 1 NewMctdr Records 11 for September ';i i Calve sings the stirring "Marseillaise" The newest addition to the Victor list of patriotic songs of all nations. The FienJi national anthem thnllingly smw hy the oitHt Chive. aliy assisted by the Metropolitan Opera Chorus. Homer gives two ' beautiful ballads De Coven's pop.ilar "Oh, Promise Me" from Robin Hood, 'and the dainty love lyric, "Last Niy,ht" rendered by the famous coritraho in that rich and colorfui voice which it is ever a delight to hear. Vicior Tlr; -.1 sr.,-9. The "Barcarolle by McCorma'ck.and Kreisler The dreamy and iany;iioious "harcarolle" from the Tales of Hoffmann is here presented in a new and unique form. The admirable blending of voice and instrument-retails in a record of exquisite beauty. ViUur UJ !U KrcorJ Twdvcincb. V The gmnd oia "LeacJ, Kindly Ugh" by Farrar. More of the favorite of -.tho. P&st.f. 69 olher ii.ilii'iiog 2 brtuftl pipe orjron records "- 2 rpttvitt! l:;ilal;.ika rc!.ctru numbers 10 iip-lii'l'itii dam t.M'lc-. tioii-i 1 Du.ki-11!.'- fliaiat'tcr it:ii:::.-.c:ant:ons 7 uiJiuii.i)!c i:itrtinu;t!tal Cue in ami trio:, sujicrb oricrat'c arias J. i;-i;:i; i.iarunii bapil rcroiih lfj vficcico j ..( li 1 ui r.OiiK1 'it eiit-rtaitp.'iji wliisiling solos 5 sj.'cmlal (.tmcctr sooj-.s iouilar i: jsival cuititdy "hit': will vliulv give you a euuiultu n( styli i (mm $10 to $i(MJ. js:.g ft:achtn la, Uamoii, IM. J. :!k! hwtii.iav.ti-.rily 'ayfr'! r:ily wttb mm ' !j -ijij 5ttraclivi- iiiMruir-Kfttal quanrts iiid itvwi'- 2 ("vJ?.! lieiit tlarst i v , Vktur llcct'i i:- touav a! any Victor draler's. M II .7 pj-7;.vj dcMiif'tive in. I I lay any musk ju wish to heat ". -..SA '1 lieu are Vicwu .id V::"rv!at in - vsrir'v !':.ur. '7 .-"i"; I import anr w.rivng. Yi.'wr r-':'.nv' :-. : , tn -.w '.T Kn Victor -'; or V ui'y t'c-'i Sutj:i 'n.iu' . t.'i r "'-Ic --!;' ...t ...j v . i t f 4 ji-.-icJ . mm j -i ? ;71;7'!7f W e&Jt, jjgfir- . Zm3 ' K0 7 ' - ttV i:C7,f v"iV;-(3 KWill, Wkf irMifli.Nl' 'HW '''Wtt f MHom mmm smmm :;Li.,74 i,:t25a ;sfi mm i:S!&t ism MM ::-r7 VH sonA Showing the total expenditures' under I the Taft and rYifsonadminstrati'ons Tuff Y " 6l,d8dM Wilson) wmmmm-mmmmmmmm 5,217,27 rtbT'AZT?r T cn th. admiration niiii'li t-.atlic in contraband, munl liohs of war and suforth, was car ried on; t suppress which Congress liassed what is now section 5320 of the ttevised statues. "That act became immediately op erative, and armed President Lincoln with power to refuse clearance pa- tiers to vessels suspected of engaging this trade, and to conHvate tho vessel if the charge was proved." In urging his provision " Senator Thomas further said: "There can 1 no question but that a government may resort to any means, which in its opinion. is necessary -to self-preservation, how ever great the resulting injury to private interests and business. There no question the liritish govern ment has the right to forbid its 11b.le.ets from creating or continuing omincivial relations with subjects of other Nations. .Tliu X'uitcd. States resorted to that means during the Civil War by singling' out and blacklisting certain firms, suspected of engaging In com merce with the Confederates. Cireat luitain protested, but tho govern ment sought to maUe its embargo as ffective 11s possible. "I can conceive of no better meth od for meeting the present situation than by saying to the skippers who efused our cargoes'. 'You can not sail at all, but must remain here without your proper clearance rlnpers or other papers of identification un til this cargo is accepted.' "I believe that if this amendment is adopted, and we clothe the gov eriimiiei of the T'nited States with this authority, i! will not be exer cised more than onco before the whole subject will be swiftly -and-.' satisfactorily disponed of. and the present cause of controversy between the two government.) brought to an end "Many people apprehend dire conseiuienees to our trade and indus tries sifter the close of the war. There will be commercial competition and commercial war all over the face of the earth for years after peace Is declared. If we are to maintain nr commercial position and extend It we shall be compelled to meet these op ioHinK forces in any quarter we find them." MISS GRACE HUTCHISON SINGS "THE ROADWAY ULUES" AGAIN How To Reduce Your Weight 1'lMf .l.fiusmi iirls uji.-iiMtt ih ''till iiinl whilrr mill rVr I 'in ; 1 niitii '1 (UStitl "SI It'tinll Con! !..'! th... t'l l-iinM!.. f.r f). I' Simple, Kfir RHi.iMc Wny nvcr-lHjrdt'nutl with t'itt, know only too wtlll . IIU ti.! u ml in a itioiiilis ,-!n liitiL'. t-iuy .l!:;i iiu in 'ds. fiiniiliiir r!i;i rju-tcr f f . t k " tt.rtiishrii tun and -with .j or s.-m h k.i.y sr.m'l v.uiMi'VilO nuMilffr, tli.- slim- was . ntv will 1 1 Hirer - Jung in t)() imm's ui'. ttio wit!n.si'tl it. If thr fii.-tlicHliiim; ;ir;n luriiMirt' up tu Ih.- JiiJinsun xLnl. "lumh. .Muniivi' Sio'in is nsnr-cL uf 'ity business ui! tlit 'all uitil wini.-r lif it, knhwn tilsl iliHt this in u n. .UUil' itlti itMuvHuji. Ti ii.'. tlirrii is ti ; N l, 1 nut-. Uirt takf "tit tin- .iot and i.-v..ti- t.)ni cut in ciiflity iiiiimri's to inn- vml i villi, and 1 1 clVc.-t. and itiMiictio't u.iiilil main the same. 'I'll.' iiiiml.--:-- m-c ;-il -M1 irond. i Tif-w 11 rid wi tnn:inil if,;a . ,s- trie I ly with tin sanif rantt'i'ial ai.d act s ind iTi-t jiwny with it us ' K n h " umductioM-v Klly trcnrjf W-Ht ami Marry 'dt-vcis. sltl In sc cral turns loircthcr, nr- :'r.itii the Keiiii irciiit-. Their wurk altitic is u n ft h tin- i trice of adinisiun. It is hardly fair tn the rest tu iii'l; ma imy pnrticnliir mmhIi'viIIi' ihiiiiIkt tli:itr, 1,,-t tf'r thmi the rest. Guy .1'itiMs.ni, ni roievo in lis irooil us evi'i-. His lU'rn ihidi-rt . unit negro roinfily is n.-aiiruily finni- nnd lie ih'iiw'N the liniijlis in lultiil sin ei'ssnin. (ln lliili'llisiin fjonreil tin1 iiuilifiiii' wirh imi.lli,r iim id tin' ltt-niul ,vi! v l!lui. ' uiiiili kIic lins miwli' fainiao in this sectiim, 'I'lifi-Mv person visiting these purls Duit liin-eil thp Till!!'-," arluvM like (illii-e. 3IISS .VfUl'lr .lulllJ'lll. t'UI VniUiriil It f die .iiii.jinv, stmm nx.-epiimiid ndi.e tl.n (hiiBhiiT ,,f (div ,l,,laisn:i ; HIV te eitud him in simiIIki-ii yiuplilio it; . I'.lauiiti is Ibe same rtever :i, -tress uf pie who art ! siipcrlluou.s. I tin.! dis-cuinliirt and ndkade that over taouii people nave to bear If you are eanyiug around five or 'en pouiid.of un'nealthy fat you are uiinoceHsaiily wakeniiiK your vllal organs and are carrying a burden which destroys the beauty oi your figure. There is no need of anyone suf fering from superfluous fat. If you w ait to reduce your weight in a sim ple, safe a yd reliable way, without starvation diet or tiresome exercise hoie is a test worth trying. Spend as..inuc!i.,tini'.ns iou .-an In the open air, breathe deeply and get from Kank.in-Hutr.er inug Store or any good druggist a box of nil of ko- rein capsules: take one after each meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week so an to know Just how fast you are los ing weight and don't leave off the treat un lit or even skip a single dose until you are down to normal. (lil of Unrein is absolutely harmless, is pleasaii- to take, and helps diges tion, liven a few days treatment' has been reported to show a noticeable reduction in weight, footsteps be come lighter and more buoyant feel ing takes possession of your wlole being. Kvery person who suffers froiji !:uperlh:ous fat should give this treat ment a trial. .Advt.) Don't put so far that vuui pace wiih it. your le other st foot forward foot can't keep tlll.ev . She 1.;.! -la.-. hi in BOSTOH PEdCIL SHARPENEBS $1.00 $1150 $2.50 Hip leading r.de. btunsc rilii, ( he memler ot' the lollv itnife nnnr!eti an insiiimarieuus rnt while the fiiiavtve it etf wa s fureed tu rcspund to liiniu i"iis en "re, Alice Hnd t.rnrtre SIin made n hit with their hpeeialty whde Hmry. JMiillips t-arrict? the "KindiiM"' narl sph.'iMlidiy. All in all it a show well vi.rh while ir.d tu nee it is tn hmf n. fctmioi - lnirlc -r--V(Mi 'can never lull.' Even tltt man who is satisflcri t take things i thoy comrt dotsn't always know a-hen to let go. The best line of pencil sharpeners ever made. Let us put one on your desk You will never do without one again. Phone for our sal&hrfan. nonem BARBER'S Giau Block