Tuesday Morninjr, Augut 20, 1915 nirvEj ma Tn3T05-s.Lrn jctssrxa 1 SOCIETY i (irronnxiTV Thpy do me wi.in who say I come no more When oncp 1 knock ami fail to linJ you in; For every day I stand outside your door, An,i bid you wake and rise to tight and win. Wail not for precious chances passed away, t) not for golden bkcs on the wane;. Kach nicht I burn the records of the day. At sunrist. every soul is born :itain. LauEh like a boy at splendors that have sped. To vanished toys be blind and deaf dumb: My judgments seal the dead past with its dead. But never bin( " moment yet to come. Though deep in mire, wiius not your hands and weep, I lend niv arm to all whn say: "I can." No shamefaced outcast ever sank so deep But ho niiKht rise :ind he JiRuin a man. Walter Malone. Mrs, Undsay Patterson Hostess Tu Monday Afternoon Hook Cluh A very delightful meeting: of the Monday Afternoon Hook Club was held on yesterday, when Mrs. I.itul .8H Patterson was hostess, compli mentary to tlie president, Mrs. .Seal L. Anderson, who leaves in Septetn ber for Texas. lejore the meeting the KUests where as a Eatln iej on the porch fcru'up, a picture was made for the liojioree. . The subject fof the afternoon was "National Parks,'' and it was most skillfully and interestingly handled by Mesdames Charles Plunily, who .spoke f Crater Lake, Frank Kile. ;rand Oni.vo;;rj; "jn.-. N. Keynolds, Yellow Stiinc Parti K. II. Jones, Vosemite: W I jLwl-:?-l5WiiKl k. lilaeicr Park; 11. iif'lutt; Morsavarde; .Misses lelpliiili Oirtrr, ltot-ky Moun iiuil and Miss P.arhotir, Aft. Ilmjier. Afterwards an animated discussion of the program followed. 1 Mrs. Nea) Anderson then read a most touching note of farewell, to which M,rs. Patterson responded with a beautiful resolutions of regret Mt her departure, and appreciation tf her services to the club. These were signed by all the members. At the. conclusion of a pleasant afternoon, a delicious salad course was served. Those present were: Mesdames Henry Melver. K. H. .lones. It. M. McArthur, Frank Fries. Charles I'lumly. V, V. Sinoak, H. T. Kahn son, H. S. Lott, Cenrge Maslin, Misses Delphiiie Carter and Har bour. Welcome visitors were Mesdames .1. T. .Simpson of lleynolda, K. ,1 . Ilertwig of Waughtown, and J. A, Morris of Thoniasville. Ili'irliinors anil lYimary I'icnic The Beginners and Primary De partment of Centenary church will have a picnic at Maples Springs this afternoon at 4 o'clock. All who wish to attend, will 'pleas' meet at the Centenary clUireh. WIN wtvc Crwini Tonight ( Campus The Sixth Division of the Civic cake This ICagtie will serve i re;: ni and tonight on the Pa lent Campus, being the occasion of the band con- cert. The proceeds -of the evening will be ised fof the prizes, which have been offered for the most beautiful garden plots. The public is cordially invited to be present. . Ijiwm Party liv I be I, miles' Aid Society The Ladies' Aid Greenwood r.nptist Society of the church will give a lawn party ner (if Hast streets. this evening at the pur. Fourth and Greenwood A full patronage will, be appreciat- j ed . Society Personal? Mrs. .1. It. I'litrell ha returned Italeigh. from a visit, to relative in Mr. and JliiftW, S. spending somiji.ijn'.' at I Shepherd are Atlantic City. liillill, -who was oper Wvck; is doing nicely 1 lit glad to, learn. . Mr. and Mrs. C D. Prichard and children have arrived from a pleas ant visit to relatives in lialliinore mid Norfolk. - Mr, and Mrs. F. .1. .Ioics have re turned from a visit to Mrs. .lones' brother. Mr. Clliland in Charleston, West Va. . , ' ' Miss Clnpp of Creensboro was the w-eek-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. IM ward Clapp at Ccutenarv parsonage. i Miss Lucy Hishop of Dennis is visit ing Miss Dora Solomon of I'.rooks town avenue.. THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT THE LADIES ELECTRO THERAPY OF FICE What is wealth um! t llnilllt? Henitlt is the Key -rsote tn Wraith, Till! Henlth iif tin- l)il- is the n-.-nltli tlie mind. nf THE! LADIES' ELECTRO THERAPY OK FICE Sth Floor O'HjuIoo BMh Plien. 7J JOHNSTON'S And HUYLER'S Always fresh here in our modern iceless refrigerator. Take a box with you tonight. O'HANLON'S IS THE PLACE : Misses J.mie Payne nd ilills spent the week end F.velyn h Mrs Whitfield Cobb in Thoniasville. Miss Frances Miller has returned from a vistt to friends in lavidsou county. Miss Gertrude P.rown has return- i ed to the city after a two weeks' visit to Hiddciiite. j Mrs. .1 S. Crogan and the Mtsses Crogan have returned from pleasant visit to Virginia lieacii. Miss Marion Moir has returned form Stuart. Va.. Patrick Springs and other points in Virginia. Miss Helm S'lillz of Va.. is the guest of Mrs. Martinsville. Henry Stultz on Church street. Miss ltuth Hay has returned to her home in Greensboro after visiting friends in this city. Mrs. N. II. Wright and son Forrest, returned home Saturday after spend ing the month in Durham. . Mrs. P.olton Lehman and daughter. Miss Evelyn, will leave tonight fo' a few das visit to Ocean View. Mrs. It. V. llaizlip of Dennis is vis iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dean, on Woodland avenue. . Miss Klizaheth Dallon oi Madison is the guest of Mrs. ,loe C.lenn on Spruce street. Miss Klnily l.itmbert of Ilih Point is spending several .days with Miss Grace Fletcher at her home on Pat terson avenue. .Mr. Carl Peddycord. driver for the Salem FirelK partiiient. wife and lit tle soil hi p spending a week in States- ill'. ''. f i ' . Miss . .Icaiinetle t 'ris) has retlirne.t, to the city 'after spending a very pleasant vacation at P.lack Mountain and Mt. Mitchell. Miss Kinjna V, Allison will leave this morning for Glade Valley where she will teach al the Clade Valley school the coming session. . Mr. jnid Mrs. W. W. Whitakei- and party, of Klkin, were in the city a short while yesterday, having made the trip from Klkin in Mr. Whilakcr's arilomobilo. Mrs. Frederick Fries linhnson and son, Frederic Fries, .li'.. who are visit ing Mrs. Hahnsoii's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward 10. Held of Charlotte will return home tndav. . Mrs. .). Daitiid lcesilBuir cord, who spent the wok Mrs. Charles K. Ader on st reel on her return from of Con end with Sprague I'hiladel- pliia, left last night' for her home. . e Dr. and Mrs. H. T. liahnson and daugh'er. Miss Pauline, returned yes terday afternoon from New York Ciy The trip was made in Dr. Hahn son's touring car. ' .ludge II. F. Long of Statesville passed through the city yesterday en route to Iiol'son, Surry -county, where he will preside at the county court to be held there this week. - Mr. W. A. Mlckle, -deputy Regis ter of Deeds, has returned Hi the city after spending a delightful vaca tion at Ocean View and Virginia Heach. - Miss Minnie tint )i Holcombe. who has been spending the past several .lays with friends and relatives in and around Yadkinfille! passed through the city yesterday en route, to her home in Mt. Aire f - Mrs. Norwood pa Hon of Atlanta, tin,, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. P. N. Pailey on Cherry street, leaves for her home In At lanta Thursday, accompanied, as far as Charlotte b, Mrs. Hailey, Mrs. Frank lietibow .who has been visiting relatives in Fast Mend, mo-to'-ed over . to the city yesterday. She was accompanied- by her niece, 'ss Penl.'ih liev Martin ami broth er.. Mrs. Toiu and Lester lietibow. - ,iss Madeline Charles of Yadkin College has returned home after a delightful visit to Miss Brone Far rell on Highland avenue. She was accompanied home by her cousin. Miss Hernice Farrell. who will be her guest for several iliivs.. Miss Kloanor Tto.ldiek '! Villon, South Carolina, is visiting Mrs.' J . P.. Fear,inglo,i on llollv avenue. Mrs. A. D. Croom -of Wilmington, V ho was before her marriage Miss Klizabeth Fearrington. is visiting her mothr.r. Mrs. .1? P. l-eai'rington. WILL SLOWS 1,1 1 A 10 i.i'iMi:.T PAIN? Klv Try it and see -one application will prove more than -a column of claims, .lames S. i'erguson, I'hil i., Pa., writes: "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after rill these years of 'paiti one application gave me relief. Many thanks for what your remedy has dime for me." Don't keep on suf fering, apply Slonn's Liniment where your jiain is and notice how quick you get relief. Penetrates without rubbing. Buv it at any Drug Store .Sc. i Advt.) Muggins ..-"It's a. good plan io leave footprints in the sands of tine";. Muggins "Yes. either that, or rovn pp-your tracks. CANDY WIDEKIH3 OF THE m WL 1 CAUSES E!S DROP IN WHEAT ! (By The Assoc. a Pre- 1 j Chicago. Aug. - At. nipt loell- today almost ottolu . ine f (.e Fiiioi can .r r.oi: s,Mn nheat ililes t'.iliibllllg as if the mat k i had no I The extreme iali m pi ,ce was i 11 1-4 parallel cents, ttn amount irutaiiy to the extra, 'nr.n. ity rise witnessed j l two years ago on the day that hosit- j hiies began. Transactions measur- ' I ed in millions of bushels. it was the view that the end of the j war had perhaps been greatly has- j tened which probably brought about j today's drop, li is believed liussi.iu i wheat will i-e.n h westiru Kurfpe through Humama. Word late in the session that ac tual lighting already had begun on the Kumaman frontier set the wheat pit here nearly frantic ami was fol. lowed by a wild close at the lowest prices of the day. $1.4n 1-2 to 1.40 3-4 for. September and $1.43 3-4 to 1.44 S-S for December as against ijatunlay's tinish of respectively tl .51 3-4 and $1 .03 3-4 to 1 .54. YI.STI KD W IN -o.Ki:.xs (Ity llie AssimHuIihI Pix'ss.) S ATK: Met at noon. ItiNunicd ilclule on llie cni i'ignc ii'M'biie bit). Tolwm'o growers piotcslcil to Southern Sciiaini-'. ami Kcpris. tatives again! the Itritisli lo K'lcco elllbaiuo. liissii the bill lo rc(.c Su preme Court proii'diirc and change the dale of meeting. President Wilson coiiUTi-'.il with the Democratic ste'iing I'onimiuec rcg.iriliug legislation to prcciit llie ilireiiicncil rail road si l ike. . Adjoin ncd at 1:10 until Ida. ill. toda. IIOl SI": ol ill M'ioil mccls toda. Lin:ii: .Immik.mw is - ip.i)i i in smv vhr (By Chicago loeriuan. II by tie- I'll:, tonight, to Larry I o , team: Ihtnn .lacol.seii. : ic As: Aug. i'ti.Ur.1 1 leinie ;a'li ; Xalhouit I.. ague bib for ot l ..tu I i N't w 'oi i- i lianl ai':iill ot' the .New SerOlnl I'.i sent, I ti 'tu jelilcr. IT IS U ausiial that is t ho best f-vitieiire rllAUt MAHrt 1 RHEUMATISM POWDERS are guaranteed to give relief from rheu.natism. The are unusiiallv large sellers.- Sold only by Us. .r.Oe and $ I .(n. : Jlntchiiis Drug Store. FRESH IBP SEED 5c an Ounce 50c a Pound PLANT NOW l'lIONi; 49 RANKIN - BUINEft'S Profit-Sli;iiin; Drugstore sale of a I of its merit m ma m tf ri j m wk mr ADVANCE OF NORTH FRONTIER IS MAKING CHICAGO "SOUTHERN CITY' S The. W L J I k1 1 1 i t- I a V t The shift on this continent of Chi :aR0 to the soulhwan! as the north ern frontier is pushed north and further north amounts now to live JeRrees of latitude, according to eco nomists' data, and the road builHn: program iti notthcrn Ot.taria' rapidly is adding- to the 'mileage. The more northland is added, the rtparer rela tively is Chicago to the Gulf of Mexico. This year armies of men in a hun Jred summer ramps lire slashing jpen new roads tliroueh the timhr-r hy which the. lumher rrews, nnd at Cieir heels the settlers, ure nushine f ijq ?,l$ f r ; tC V- : : hiit'i O i '4lhl i itt vl NEGRO A SSAULTS Mr. 5iii,( Fatiilly n: Rol Ni'ij'h. I !urlcii I'liilialilv Injured h Nfo Imtv the Mottvp; iscaj't's (Sprcial To The Journal Uoi ky Mount. Aug. Victimize. I b a iieero. ho akeil emploi ment. but N lutse real purpose was that oi robbery . Hruce Carden. a farmer of the illack Creek section of Wi'son leunty. is seriousl-. if not l'at.illv. i.i .uired ami $137. en, repres-ntn.g tin proceeds fi-,,;n his da'"s sales o-' tebacio. ari1 missing. In the meant line, there is a large posse siouring that section ,,f the county in search of the mmo ami there have been' expressed fears of -unimary punishment if he is laughi. Mr t 'm ilea was accosted at Wilson by a negro, who asked him f,.r a job "puiling r, elder." ami the negro was ieliunint with the planter io his honm. lie asked to stop at a coun try rtore and buy a soda, and when reaching "a secluded spot along the read, he seized the soda bottle ami dealt the farmer a severe blow, ami then beating him into insen-ibiluj, tilled his pockets ami tied. The injured' man was found in his wagon in an insensible state, J.hnur: later, and for some time it as he lievi.l that he would not ialf. ow ing to the heavy loss of blood ind the fact that a fractured skull Was 'feared. The man regained consciousne a;er sevetal hours, however, and it is now thou .ht that he has an ciiial chance al recovery. STRONG PROTEST AGAINST THE OYSTER Mi QUARANTINE , (By Tlie Associated Press ) ' - oyster Hay. N. Y.i Aug.. 'J V Strin gent iiiiuratiline. rules against infan tile paralysis enforced in this village wi-tf denounce today at a meeting ef the town board. Angry residents protested with such, vehemence that the .members .of the board b ft the nieiting, which was continue, by'tho vHli'tiera desolations were adopted placed tin' blame for the i "on .lohn D. Rockefeller. Which otlll it iOll A ml row Cnrnegie and other medical pirates." The villagers demanded of tin town board that "the piedleo mania cs be discharged anil, the olllcials re. tarn to a common hrrse of the situation." View I'OltMF.K llODY M'ATID or .n i r iavis in i (Hv Tt-i Assei-i.tte .r. C'tlfport. Miss., Aim L'S 1:-,, Wil liams, oner body guar,! for .li rterson Davis, president on .the Confederacy, died here today. HutcMns' Great Trade Campaign Closes Friday Night at Midnight Do what you can for y'olir favorite before then Open Day and Jsijjht Phone 111 or ti(!S HUTCHINS' DRUG STORE "Oft THEMWlilE SERVICE" Ue Our Profit Sharing Certificates 4 - M J ' ?" H it 4i 'northward in the .Temiel.amiiijj. -an.i Northern Ontario country, tlie re--mutest, outposts of settlement in earl em iNorih America. In tl.e pro): a:u of road building in;i lurina ( cd ly the province of Ontario in l'.'l:.' as mat-y Us seven thousand men have been em ployed. 1 Nowhere has the direct value to a region of good road- more, plainly been shown than in tn i - north coun try since the road l.mhlhif: proe-oni was inatisrurated; tin. ' ' ':' -J to social life lui.l e; .n.o'i.i- t'.ia - oi the settlers und to she I'tic.ut n ).m- ; ment of act Ucmi-nt. WILSOH PLANTER PROBABLY AVERTED 1 1 il .""W-:'.- 1 L! Moli Soii.n'ht Xt'urn 'liu Miirdfi'Diisly AssaulTtvl Xali County IM.nitors; lv liKivt'd tu Kaleiiih A Special to The Journal) Rocky .Mount. Aug. I'S. Prompt1 action by the authorities and a spee.lv removal of Larry Hooks, a young negro, from Nashville jail at an earl., hour Sunday afternoon to I.ouishurg and thence to KaltMgh later, probably averted serious trouble, for the negro was being sought b a mob ami posse oi several hundred citizens for the set ions cl inic of murderous assault on Clarence Short and tor entering! his home and making himself ob jectionable to Mr. Short's wife ami IColllt'l Mr. Short, who is a prosperous planter of the .ash illiy section, had trouble with Hooks af the tobacco ham tiliotit '' o'cloi k Sunday morning and the negro went off, but a short t i tin later went to Short's house, and deiuandttig entrance on a plea that he wanted to know about his account, aroused .Mrs. Short and her mother1 and hi' was talking very boisterously and disrespi cf ul w hen -Mr. Short ar rived. A light followed, the negro declining to l,-ae the house when told to do so by Mr. Short and the negro dirotiglit a knife and razor into play, giving Mr. Short a number of stabs about the body, two entering his lungs and otherwise giving him injuries which, it is now believed, are fatal. The injured man was brought to the Pocky Mount Sanltoiium and a report of his condition today in dicates that is is extreme. Following the iiltereation, the negro lied mill was making his way towards iKoii coiintv , vv hen bloodhounds vv ere placed on his trail and he was found within a few miles of the city of Wilson. lie was Q returned to Nashville about the noon hour yes terday and hy (hat time great nnin: ber of citizens from the vicinity in which the trouble had occurred had gathered about tlie Jail and it was thought best to remove him to tlie Franklin coiintv jail. This was done, but ill v elopmeiits during the aflel -tioon, as the report of the injured man's condition was received, indi cated that ft was advisable that the prisoner he removed to Italeigh, and this was done. GERON RESERVES HELD ALONG THE DANUBE CALLED 10 ACTION (By Th" Asionateq cresa ) Athens. Friday, Aug. . Via Lon don. Ami. UX, - A report is current 'tore that heavy Herman ntinforcc e .ts held in reserve along the lan , - - have been called into action. i tie Wreck army sta'i docs no! rec oeni;.e anv neat danger in grovv'ng roli.'.irian penetration ; of Thessaly. The Serbian army is reported engaged tin a heav. a.Jtua ill Sorovich. . The battle at K a rail. 'ova, reports say, con tinues lint -, , -. You tn v"r can tell. It Isn't always the brightest people who cast reflec tions. Boys Wanted Three boys wanted to deliver The Morning Jour nal. Apply today to Circu lation Manager, Journal Office. 'MI ST O.M-". MOKK" will he a futile resolution If It refers to our perfect- candies. The only time it can be, carried out is when there is only one more in the box. 1 or llie flavor Is so enticing that the "Pitt one more" resolves Itself Into a continuous performance. Disprove it if you can. Owens' Drug: Co TiiK nuAt tmcGGisf.' I'hone 2S Slop scratching! Resinol relieves itching instantly That itching, burning skin-trouble which keeps you scratching and digging, is a source of disgust to , tbers, as well as of torment to you. Why don't you get rid of it by usin Resinol Ointment ? Physicians have prescribed it for over 2d years. In most rases, it stops itching instantly and heals eruptions promptly.- his very easy and economical to use. Peoinil O.ntnieat anJ Ucsiuel Soap C'rtiin netiiinif hart.h er injiirinit a: d can be uxed burly lor all sorts fit skin-trouMpsevrn en the i, litltiet or nn.st irriutrrt nirt.ut;. blcal fur toliieH1 eruptions anil iImIuik. Kvitv UniK Kist sell!! tlim., s OSTHOUBL Quiil Ity I Meel Me st New Fall Goods ARRIVING DAILY Wc Invite You To Inspect Them All Summer Goods r . , . GREATLY To Close Them WEATHER: We Do All THE IDEA! "'Jim 1 WINSTON SALEMS SL .... Fair rMiwk-eesTTORc-fsMa Pidillhfl NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSO. ' MEETS IN GREENSBORO TODAY (Special To Thp .li'iirn.-iM ("reensliiiro. Auk. L'S.---There will h(, ;i nieetitiK here tniiinrrow of nieni-her.- of the North Carolina Press As sociation ,ca.llel hy Kilwaril K. lirit 1 1 1 it, of the. News ntnl uhserver, who is iiresiilent of the Association. The airiose of this KutheriiiK is to dis cuss the inereasini; cost of 'hit(. pii per, iiuil see if there Is mil some wjiy in which tlit cost can lie reiluceil. It is iirolmhle that the daily papers of the State will deride to cut down, the size of their papers until paper is cheaper. At n recent meeting of nl'tcrnoon newspapers, the mutter was ilisctissed, hut mi iletinite iiction taUen. OPENING OF Today at COMt DINE AT THE w Three Meals Served Daily Home Cooking A Specially i W. Fourth St., I 1 I fiuii-MHiiHMMiiMrrM4t!niu:iMMiMi!npjniMHnMinMiiiTtMrttHMi.Mr?niMirMft(:ifintitriMMMiifMt-i:irijiiMM Mrrr -1 1 8 GET IT AT WATK1SS" Mew :ecors Out Today Conic in and ilear Them Wains Book Store 416 Liberty Street 1 he Ideal I fcJconomv i REDUCED Out This Week JOINT rOMMISSION WILL MEET AT PORTSMOUTH, N. H. (By The Associ.e 1 Press.) Washington. Auk. JiS, - The American-Mexican joint commission to seek n snlution of honler dilllcnltles will meet .'it Portsmouth, M. H.. pro halily jWedneHilay. or Thnrsihiy of next week. The day will lie set by the coiiiinissloners ttirinsclveH lit a prelimiiiary cenference to lie hold in New York Monday. MHS. McAllOO IMI'KOVlVfi . Spline, l.tilie. X. J., AUK. 28. Mrs. .Win. (i. McAdoo, dannliter of Presi dent WIlHon, who wns stricken with typhoid fever at her summer home i.e. e. is improvinc. It v as iiiinonticpd. She passed n comforliiDie day und her temperature has dropped. J THE in-Sal" 11:30 A. M. NEW LUNCH ROOM onn. k Trade St l 1 Victor

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